diff --git a/config/automation/Timed_Triggers/README.md b/config/automation/Timed_Triggers/README.md
index e63f688d..51792280 100755
--- a/config/automation/Timed_Triggers/README.md
+++ b/config/automation/Timed_Triggers/README.md
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     <a href="https://youtube.com/vCloudInfo">
@@ -52,36 +52,11 @@
 This directory is primarily used for automations that are triggered via time.  Daily, monthly, seasonally or on the hour.
-**Time Based Automation TimeLine**
-Checks to see if we are away.
-Cuckoo Clock goes off each hour and on the half.
-SUNRISE minus 1 hour
-     Turn off ALL SWITCHES
-     Turn off ALL LIGHTS
-05:00 AM ** Light Brightness helper 50 Brightness **
-06:00 AM ( on school days) : Turn on Dining Room lights, Kitchen Accents and start Kid's bedroom [Hue Go](http://amzn.to/2iB36Ii) wake up lights.
-06:51 AM Turn on Dinette lights, Turn off Dining Room Lights and Kitchen Accents
-07:51 AM Turn on Kitchen Lights
-08:00 AM ** Light Brightness helper FULL 255 Brightness **
-08:31 AM (on school days) Turn off ALL interior lights.
-09:00 AM Speech Notifications are enabled for the house.
-     Turn on Den Outlet, Living Room Outlet, Dining Room Outlet, Outdoor Bathroom light, TV lights
-     Activate Monthly Front Lighting Scene
-     Check if Garage Door is open (Every 60 minutes)
-     ** Kitchen Light/Accent Helper Activated **
-08:00 PM ** Late Night Helper is active **
-08:00 PM ** Light Brightness helper 35 Brightness **
-08:00 PM TV time Scene triggered if the TV is on.
-09:00 PM Turn on [Hue Go](http://amzn.to/2iB36Ii) lights for the kid's rooms and start fading down.
-10:00 PM Speech Notifications are disabled for the house. (except under ALERT mode) and AMP is shut.
-02:00 AM ** Late Night Help Deactivated **
-02:31 AM Heal ZWave Network
+ <details>
+   <summary>How To Use Condition templates with Jinja</summary><p align="center">
+   <a href=https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/06/how-to-use-template-conditions-in-home-assistant.html>
+   Write Up and YouTube Video</a><br>
+   <p></details>
 <a name="bottom" href="https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo"><img align="right" border="0" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig/master/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/up_arrow.png" width="25" ></a>
 **Still have questions on my Config?**