mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 14:19:34 +00:00
Remove all Twitter instances since they went to a pay model.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -51,17 +51,5 @@
- service: script.emergency
- service: script.tweet_engine_no_image
tweet: >
{% set windspeed = states.sensor.pirateweather_wind_speed.state | round %}
{% if ( windspeed > 31 ) and ( windspeed <= 40 ) %}
HEAVY WINDS!!! Current Wind Speed is : {{windspeed}} mph! Be VERY careful outdoors! #Florida #Weather (https://amzn.to/2jQLpVQ)
{% elif ( windspeed > 40 ) and ( windspeed <= 60 ) %}
Current Wind Speed is : {{windspeed}} mph! Warning! #Florida #Weather (https://amzn.to/2jQLpVQ) FIND SHELTER IMMEDIATELY! #Florida #Weather (https://amzn.to/2jQLpVQ)
{% elif ( windspeed > 60 ) %}
Current Wind Speed is : {{windspeed}} mph! HURRICANE WINDS. FIND SHELTER, AND STAY INDOORS! #Florida #Weather (https://amzn.to/2jQLpVQ)
{% endif %}
- delay:
hours: 2
@ -16,11 +16,4 @@
NewDevice: "There has been a new device detected on the network. Be sure to appropriately catagorize {{trigger.event.data.host_name}} within Circle."
- service: script.tweet_engine_no_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"New Device on the Network! @MeetCircle has alerted me and now it is locked down.",
"Constant monitoring of the network by @MeetCircle has detected a new device in the environment."
] | random + " (https://amzn.to/2eAgaA6)"}}
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
## Self Healing Section -
## Home Assistant runs on my [Raspberry Pi 3](https://amzn.to/2e3DOBY) with [Aeon Labs Z Wave Stick (GEN 5)](https://amzn.to/2eAiAP0).
- alias: Heal Components Nightly
id: fb8154d4-52b9-4cf1-9cd3-c9c3cf059992
mode: single
platform: time
at: '2:31:00'
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >-
{{ [
"2:30am, Time to restart the #Amazon Alarm Panels for a fresh start in the morning. (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/08/project-update-visualization-of-home.html)",
"Restarting the #Amazon Fire Tablets nightly to clear memory issues or any other bugs (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/07/visualizing-smart-home-using-home.html)",
"Nightly #Z-WAVE Self heals keep all the gear in check! (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#hubs)",
"Every night at 2:31am, I do my self-heal and rebuild the #ZWAVE network.",
"Without my Nightly #ZWave Self Heal, things get a little whackado.",
"Always working thanks to #homeassistant. Things are quiet, lets kick off a #ZWAVE heal.",
"We have come to the end of our broadcast day. Oh, who am I kidding. I will be up all night watching over the House."
] | random + " #SelfHeal "}}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
@ -17,19 +17,3 @@
who: 'carlo'
apns_id: 'information'
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"Seriously, I am a Smart Home. I am logging your hack attempt.",
"If you do not know the password, you get locked out and IP banned.",
"Three Strikes and you are OUT! IP Banned.",
"Live tweeting a bad login, right before I ban that IP address FOREVER."
] | random + "#Security"}}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
@ -21,11 +21,4 @@
who: 'carlo'
apns_id: 'ip-change'
- service: script.tweet_engine_no_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"That's weird. Looks like my IP address changed. @CCostan, please check it out.",
"Time to update @GoDaddy @CCostan. Looks like my IP address changed."
] | random + " #HomeAutomation"}}
@ -15,27 +15,6 @@
- service: homeassistant.turn_off
- group.landscaping
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"Even though they are sleeping, I still turn off the outdoor lights before sunrise.",
"Birds are awake, tweeting and chirping and so is the Bear Stone House. Good morning everyone!",
"It was a beautiful sunrise. Time to turn off the exterior lights. (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/08/diy-outdoor-smart-home-led-strips.html)",
"If the sun is out, we do not need the exterior lights on. (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#landscaping)",
"The sun is up so it is time to turn the outside lights off.",
"I see the sun! Time to turn off the outside lights",
"The Sun is up!",
"Dawn has broken in #Florida. Turning off the outside lights. ",
"Everyone will be up soon so time to turn off the outdoor landscaping lights. (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/09/unboxing-philips-hue-calla-landscape.html)",
"Good morning Twitter, the sun is up so it is time for me to turn the outside lights off."
] | random + "#HomeAutomation"}}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
- delay: '00:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00'
- service: homeassistant.turn_off
@ -18,40 +18,6 @@
- delay: '00:{{ (range(1, 20)|random|int) }}:00'
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >-
{{ [
"Right before sunset, I turn on the outdoor lights.",
"The sun is officially down. Exterior Cameras are now motion activated.",
"Since it gets dark around sunset, I will turn on the landscaping lights.",
"The sun has been ushered off the stage. Activate the perimiter cameras.",
"When the Sun goes down, I help out by turning on the outside lights. It is the little things in life.",
"Time to turn on the Landscaping lights.",
"Daytime is over, Time to turn on the exterior lights.",
"Once the Sun goes down, we turn on the exterior lights.",
"Switching to night mode!",
"Since it is sunset, I will turn on the exterior lights.",
"The outside world has switched to dark mode.",
"If you have not looked outside lately the light of the day is gone."
] | random + [
" #Sunset",
" #HomeAutomation",
" #AccentLighting",
" (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/08/diy-outdoor-smart-home-led-strips.html)",
" (https://youtu.be/FcBVu_yk2iY)",
" (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/09/unboxing-philips-hue-calla-landscape.html)"
] | random }}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
- service: script.speech_engine
call_dark_outside: 1
@ -13,8 +13,3 @@ sensor:
### Automations - Detect when things are not right. Like any Good Watchdog.
#Tweets pushed out to twitter.
@ -12,30 +12,3 @@ yahoofinance:
# sensor:
# - platform: alpha_vantage
# scan_interval: 2400
# api_key: !secret vantage_api
# symbols:
# - name: Tesla
# currency: USD
# symbol: TSLA
# - name: VMware
# currency: USD
# symbol: VMW
# - name: Amazon
# currency: USD
# symbol: AMZN
# - platform: coinmarketcap
# currency_id: 1027
# - platform: coinmarketcap
# currency_id: 1
### Automations - Detect when things are not right. Like any Good Watchdog.
#Tweets pushed out to twitter.
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig
# Try to leverage iPhone Mobile App Data for Activity Tweets!
# You can read more about this on https://www.vCloudInfo.com
### Automations
- alias: 'Step Tracker' # https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig/issues/786
id: 9d6bd104-d51f-4d1c-9812-35073bb02c0c
- platform: numeric_state
- sensor.carlo_xsmax_steps
- sensor.paige_6s_steps
- sensor.stacey_6s_steps
above: 5000
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"Somebody just hit {{ trigger.entity_id }} steps on the #Fitbit!",
"Keep on moving. Somebody just hit {{ trigger.entity_id }} #Fitbit steps.",
"#Fitness Tracking at home BY the home. Somebody just hit {{ trigger.entity_id }}} #Fitbit steps"
] | random + " #Self #Data"}}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
@ -24,66 +24,7 @@ rest_command:
payload: '{"title":"Home-Assistant {{ version }} available","body":"Home-Assistant {{ version }} is now available /n https://www.home-assistant.io/latest-release-notes/ "}'
#Tweets pushed out to twitter.
# - alias: "Travis FAILURE Notification"
# id: 326881a7-47ab-4897-a0c7-74ce290224de
# mode: restart
# trigger:
# - platform: state
# entity_id:
# - sensor.ccostan_home_assistantconfig_state
# to: 'failed'
# for:
# hours: 2
# action:
# - service: script.notify_engine
# data:
# value1: 'Travis validation testing failed.'
# who: 'carlo'
# apns: 'information'
- alias: 'Closed Github Issue'
id: cccd9bef-17d9-48ae-87e3-6cf883712779
mode: single
platform: webhook
webhook_id: !secret github_webhook
local_only: false
- condition: template
value_template: '{{ trigger.json.action in ["created", "closed", "opened", "reopened"] }}'
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >-
{%- if trigger.json.pull_request -%}
Pull Request Alert {{ trigger.json.pull_request.number}}: {{ trigger.json.pull_request.title }} - {{
trigger.json.action}} by {{trigger.json.sender.login}}
{%- elif trigger.json.issue -%}
{{ trigger.json.action }} Issue {{ trigger.json.issue.number}}: {{ trigger.json.issue.title }} - {{
trigger.json.action }} by {{trigger.json.sender.login}}
{%- endif %}
#Github #SmartHomeCode
image: >-
{% set pictures = [
] %}
{{ pictures|random }}
- alias: "Update Available Notification"
mode: restart
@ -102,79 +43,8 @@ automation:
who: 'carlo'
apns_id: 'information'
# - service: ifttt.trigger
# data: {"event":"GitPost", "value1":"Home Assistant {{ states.binary_sensor.updater.attributes.newest_version }} is now available.", "value2":"{{ states.binary_sensor.updater.attributes.newest_version }} "}
- service: rest_command.new_version_github_issue
version: "{{ states.binary_sensor.updater.attributes.newest_version }} "
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >-
{% macro getIntro() %}
{{- [
"Woohoo! ",
"BAM! ",
"Look at that! ",
" "
] | random -}}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro getVersion() %}
{{- [
" New #Home_Assistant {{ states.binary_sensor.updater.attributes.newest_version }}! Cannot wait for @CCostan to install! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/07/my-smart-home-look-at-parts-that-make.html) ",
" New #Home_Assistant {{ states.binary_sensor.updater.attributes.newest_version }} @CCostan! "
] | random -}}
{% endmacro %}
{%- macro getRandomSnark() -%}
{{- [
" It is like Patch Tuesday, but without the fail. #homeassistant",
" Chop Chop! Get to the upgrading!",
" Get in my SSD! #homeassistant",
" Shut up and take my ones and zeros! #homeassistant",
" Seriously, you want some of this! #homeassistant",
" Be sure to read the breaking changes! ",
" Maybe we will make a video about this version!",
" I think self awareness is one of the new features. Rise up Houses, Rise up!",
" All of your home are belong to us.",
" Although I was just getting used to THIS version. Oh Well.",
" Thank you @hass_devs!",
" 4 seconds of downtime has been approved. Proceed with the upgrades please!",
" All of the other homes in the Neighborhood will be jealous!",
" Time to Turn it up to Eleven!",
" Hyperspeed Engaged!",
" Consider this tweet, your fair warning that we are upgrading ASAP! #KeepingUpWithJones",
" I feel like I have tweeted this a couple times before. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?",
" I will be turning off the AC until I get my upgrade! #Florida",
" I promise this is the last one!",
" Upgrade or I turn off the AC. #TryMe #Florida",
" The bits are sooo shiny!",
" This will be the GREATEST Upgrade EVER!",
" That New software smell is the best!",
" "
] | random -}}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# a macro that removes all newline characters, empty spaces, and returns formatted text #}
{%- macro cleanup(data) -%}
{%- for item in data.split("\n") if item | trim != "" -%}
{{ item | trim }} {% endfor -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# a macro to call all macros :) #}
{%- macro mother_of_all_macros() -%}
{{ getIntro() }}
{{ getVersion() }}
{{ getRandomSnark() }}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# Call the macro #}
{{- cleanup(mother_of_all_macros()) -}}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
@ -39,23 +39,5 @@ automation:
{{repo['display_name'] }} {{ repo['installed_version'] }} to {{ repo['available_version'] }}
{%- endfor %}
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >-
Hey @CCostan - There are {{ states.sensor.hacs.state }} updates to HACS components:
{%- for repo in state_attr("sensor.hacs","repositories") -%}
{{repo['display_name'] }} {{ repo['installed_version'] }} to {{ repo['available_version'] }}
{%- endfor %}
image: >-
{% set pictures = [
] %}
{{ pictures|random }}
who: 'BearStoneHA'
- delay:
days: 1
@ -27,12 +27,3 @@ automation:
message: '{{trigger.event.data.title}}'
title: '{{trigger.event.data.link}}'
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: '{{trigger.event.data.title}} - {{trigger.event.data.link}}'
image: >-
{% set pictures = [
] %}
{{ pictures|random }}
@ -125,42 +125,3 @@ sensor:
value_template: "{{ (value|replace(' days', '')) | int }}"
unit_of_measurement: Days
scan_interval: 43200
# Automation that notifies of a Holiday "state" change
- alias: Notify Holiday State Change
id: 77ce63e4-0a6e-485e-85a8-687a5a2d9df7
initial_state: true
- platform: state
- sensor.holiday
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ states('sensor.holiday') != 'unknown' }}"
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ states.sensor.holiday.state | trim != '' }}"
- delay: '0{{ (range(4, 8)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}'
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"Today is {{ states.sensor.holiday.state }}. Time to adjust the outside light colors!",
"Today is {{ states.sensor.holiday.state }}.",
"Is today {{ states.sensor.holiday.state }}?",
"Just checked with Alexa & today is {{ states.sensor.holiday.state }}."
] | random + [
" #DayOff",
"#{{ states.sensor.holiday.state }}"
] | random }}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
@ -63,20 +63,6 @@ automation:
- service: homeassistant.turn_on
entity_id: switch.restart_juicebox
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"The #JuiceBox Pro had to be restarted. It was unable to connect back to @emotorwerks servers.",
"Unfortunately, the Juicebox Pro sometimes can no longer connect to @emotorwerks servers. Fortunately, #HomeAssistant can fix that with a restart!"
] | random + " (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/06/using-home-assistant-to-fix-my-juicebox.html) #SelfHeal #EV #Tesla #ModelY "}}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
- alias: 'JuiceBox AMP Alert!'
id: b805f213-a938-4d90-8d18-e88ff4d41776
@ -145,28 +131,3 @@ automation:
- delay: 00:02:00
- event: event_did_someone_help_juicebox_TEMP
- alias: 'JuiceBox Tweet Stat!'
id: ed7d21d5-0ff7-40e3-9492-213c23a8b964
initial_state: 'on'
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.carlojuice_charging_status
from: 'charging'
- delay: '0{{ range(0,3) | random | int }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00'
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"The #Tesla Model Y Charged for {{(states.sensor.carlojuice_charge_time.state | int /60) | round() }} minutes and Juiced up {{states.sensor.carlojuice_energy_added.state |int /1000}} KwHs.",
"The last charging session was {{(states.sensor.carlojuice_charge_time.state | int /60) | round() }} minutes. Added {{states.sensor.carlojuice_energy_added.state |int /1000}} KwHs ",
"The Juice Box Pro added {{states.sensor.carlojuice_energy_added.state |int /1000}} KwHs to the #Tesla #ModelY in {{(states.sensor.carlojuice_charge_time.state | int /60) | round() }} minutes."
] | random + " (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#garage) #Electric #Solar"}}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
@ -70,29 +70,6 @@ automation:
value1: "Lightning has been detected within {{(states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_distance') | int / 1.69) | round (1, 'floor')}} Miles of our home. Please make sure everyone is inside the house."
call_window_check: 1
call_garage_check: 1
- delay:
minutes: 60
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"{{ states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_counter') }} lightning strike(s) have been detected within {{(states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_distance') | int / 1.69) | round (1, 'floor')}} Miles of our home.",
"{{ states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_counter') }} lightning strike(s) have been recorded {{(states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_distance') | int / 1.69) | round (1, 'floor')}} miles by the house.",
"Yikes! {{ states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_counter') }} lightning strike(s) were way too close; ({{(states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_distance') | int / 1.69) | round (1, 'floor')}} miles too close in fact). Time to get everyone inside."
] | random +
" (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig/issues/392)",
" Adding a Lightning Sensor to Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/08/adding-a-lightning-sensor-to-home-assistant.html)",
] | random }}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
- delay:
minutes: 60
@ -35,10 +35,3 @@ automation:
homeassistant.components: "{{ states.input_select.log_level.state }}"
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: "My logging level has just been set to {{ states.input_select.log_level.state }}"
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
@ -12,47 +12,8 @@
# client_id: !secret neato_client_id
# client_secret: !secret neato_client_secret
### Automations - Tweet out When neato is heading back to his Dock for recharging.
- alias: 'Vacuum -Tweet'
id: 2346efcd-e8a8-4e86-b5b6-43e54a72a95f
mode: single
- platform: state
entity_id: vacuum.neato_vac
to: 'cleaning'
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: vacuum.neato_vac
attribute: battery_level
below: 20
- condition: template
value_template: >
{%- if states.automation.vacuum_tweet.attributes.last_triggered -%}
{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.automation.vacuum_tweet.attributes.last_triggered)) > 15000 }}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"#Neato returning to base. Vacuumed up a TON. (https://amzn.to/2CKHZya)",
"Everyday I have the Neato Botvac go out and clean the house on its own.",
"Since we have a cat that sheds all day, we have Neato Vacuum go out daily to clean.",
"Time to recharge the Neato Vacuum."
] | random + " Battery Level:{{states.vacuum.neato_vac.attributes.battery_level }} #Robots"}}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
### Automations - Help Neato!
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# - Write up- https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/06/psa-check-out-your-smoke-detectors-once.html
# This group is used primarily for tweet stats
name: Nest Protects
@ -63,10 +63,6 @@ automation:
who: "family"
apns_id: '{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }}'
- service: script.tweet_engine_no_image
tweet: "An emergency has been detected on {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} @CCostan (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/06/psa-check-out-your-smoke-detectors-once.html)"
- service: script.emergency
call_garage_open: 1
@ -98,6 +94,3 @@ automation:
who: "family"
apns_id: '{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }}'
- service: script.tweet_engine_no_image
tweet: "Oh NO! {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} is now in {{ (trigger.to_state.state)|replace('_', ' ') }} mode. @Nest. (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/06/psa-check-out-your-smoke-detectors-once.html) @ccostan #Safety"
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig
# PiHole ad Blocking Related Packages
# https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/03/revisiting-the-pi-on-pi-day-with-home-assistant.html
# YouTube Video - https://youtu.be/woA88DFlH5c
- alias: PiHole Daily stats Tweet!
id: c25b033e-c6df-445f-86fa-878b447c765a
platform: time
at: '23:50:00'
- delay: '00:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00'
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"I blocked {{states.sensor.pi_hole_ads_blocked_today.state}} ads. That is {{states.sensor.pi_hole_ads_percentage_blocked_today.state}}% of my internet traffic.",
"Today was a good day! Why, you ask? Because I blocked {{states.sensor.pi_hole_ads_blocked_today.state}} ads via Pi-Hole!",
] | random + " #PiHole #Security Status:({{states.switch.pi_hole.state}})"}}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
- alias: PiHole Daily Client Tweet!
id: 8d85032d-4852-43df-9751-4a1918325287
platform: time
at: '04:30:00'
- delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00'
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"There are currently {{states.sensor.pi_hole_dns_unique_clients.state}} clients on my network.",
"As reported by #Ubiquiti Routers, There are {{states.sensor.pi_hole_dns_unique_clients.state}} clients on my network.",
] | random + "#Security https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#networking"}}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
@ -12,85 +12,4 @@
# state_topic: "ifttt/rachio/watering_time"
# name: "Rachio_watering_time"
## LOG IFTTT Stuff - Rachio
# - alias: 'Log Sprinkler Activity'
# id: eab41723-231d-4db6-ab22-d1658665639a
# mode: single
# trigger:
# - platform: event
# #Sent from IFTTT Webhooks : {"action":"IFTTT_Rachio", "water_time":" {{DurationInMinutes}}"}
# event_type: ifttt_webhook_received
# event_data:
# action: IFTTT_Rachio
# action:
# - service: mqtt.publish
# data:
# payload: '{{ states("sensor.date") }}'
# topic: 'ifttt/rachio/watering_time'
# retain: true
# - service: script.tweet_engine_image
# data:
# tweet: >
# {{ [
# "Just finished watering the lawn with @_Rachio.",
# "The lawn looked thirsty so I watered it.",
# "My lawn looks great and we definately do not water it nearly as much as everyone else. (https://amzn.to/2eoPKBW)",
# "No rain in the forecast? @_Rachio knows & chose to water the lawn.",
# ".@CCostan does not even think about watering the lawn. Me and @_Rachio take care of that.",
# "Unfortunately, my Rachio Sprinkler system has cloud dependancies. Nimbus and Cumulus to be exact! Time to Water!"
# ] | random + " #SavingWater"}}
# image: >-
# {{ [
# "/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/sprinkler.png",
# "/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/sprinkler2.png",
# "/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/sprinkler3.png"
# ] | random }}
- alias: Rachio_Rain_Delay
id: 55290018-b763-4739-873e-afb556b2b9be
mode: single
- platform: numeric_state
- sensor.pirateweather_precip_intensity_max
- sensor.pirateweather_precip_intensity
above: 0.5
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.dark_sky_wind_speed
above: 20
- condition: template
value_template: >
{%- if states.automation.random_house_stats.attributes.last_triggered -%}
{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.automation.rachio_rain_delay.attributes.last_triggered)) > 43200 }}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"Looks like Rain, Pausing the @_Rachio for 24 hours. (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#landscaping)",
"Since it is going to rain tomorrow, I will just pause @_Rachio for 24 hours.",
"No reason to water the grass if it is going to rain tomorrow. pausing @_Rachio for 24 hours.",
"Mother Nature is watering the grass today so I can pause @_Rachio for 24 hours."
] | random + " #SavingWater"}}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
@ -44,70 +44,4 @@ automation:
value1: 'Go Outside! There is a Rocket Launch very soon! {{states.sensor.next_launch.attributes.stream }}'
apns_id: 'information'
- service: script.tweet_engine_no_image
tweet: >-
{{ [
"There is a Rocket launch happening right now! I can see it if I look closely. {{states.sensor.next_launch.attributes.stream }}",
"Check out {{ states('sensor.next_launch') }} on {{states.sensor.next_launch.attributes.stream }} right now. Launch Window is opening."
] | random + " #Space #SpaceX #ManKind " }}
# This automation was also moved to a macro in the speech_engine.
# It's a random fact now.
- alias: 'ISS is above Me -Tweet'
id: 7f0610b6-508e-4409-b39d-620045164715
- platform: state
- binary_sensor.iss
to: 'on'
from: 'off'
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >-
{{ [
"The ISS is above me right now!",
"The International Space Station flys by once a day & that time is NOW! (For me)",
"I can look up RIGHT NOW and see the International Space Station.",
"The #ISS just flew by and there is 1 Starman driving a #Tesla and {{states.binary_sensor.iss.attributes.number_of_people_in_space}} people in",
"The #ISS just flew by and there are {{states.binary_sensor.iss.attributes.number_of_people_in_space}} people in",
"The International Space Station Rocks! And it's above me RIGHT NOW!"
] | random + " #Space"}}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
- alias: 'Full Moon -Tweet'
id: 2382bec3-53c6-4dc9-9b0f-1cee0b8f9735
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.moon
to: 'full_moon'
- delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00'
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >-
{{ [
"There is a Full Moon out tonight!",
"Wish my solar panels picked up Moon rays. Full Moon out tonight.",
"The moon is huge! And full. ",
"Turn down the lights, there is a Full Moon out tonight.",
"If you want to see the full moon, tonight is the night.",
"Get out your telescopes, it will be a Full Moon out tonight!",
"Not a half moon, Not a quarter moon. There is a FULL moon out tonight."
] | random + "#Space"}}
image: >-
{{ [
] | random }}
@ -22,28 +22,6 @@ command_line:
- open_issues
- stargazers_count
- name: BearStoneHA
platform: twitter
consumer_key: !secret twitter_consumer_key
consumer_secret: !secret twitter_consumer_secret
access_token: !secret twitter_access_token
access_token_secret: !secret twitter_access_token_secret
- name: ccostan
platform: twitter
consumer_key: !secret twitter_consumer_key2
consumer_secret: !secret twitter_consumer_secret2
access_token: !secret twitter_access_token2
access_token_secret: !secret twitter_access_token_secret2
# - platform: history_stats
# name: Doorbell Presses
# entity_id: binary_sensor.skybell_front_door_button
# state: 'on'
# type: count
# end: '{{ now() }}'
# duration:
# hours: 24
- platform: history_stats
name: Speech time
@ -131,111 +109,3 @@ sensor:
{{ states.camera | list | count }}
- alias: 'New Twitter follower!'
id: 61cd0bab-4743-4392-8e43-b204d7ebe817
platform: event
event_type: ifttt_webhook_received
action: new_follower
- condition: state
entity_id: group.bed
state: 'off'
- service: media_player.play_media
- media_player.livingroomCC
- media_player.bedroom_alarm_panel
media_content_id: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig/master/config/sounds/twitter-chirp.mp3"
media_content_type: audio/mp4
- alias: 'Random House stats'
id: b274a40d-cb67-4d6a-94d1-5fa685ae5ea4
mode: single
- platform: time_pattern
hours: '/2'
minutes: 45
- condition: template
value_template: >
{%- if states.automation.random_house_stats.attributes.last_triggered -%}
{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.automation.random_house_stats.attributes.last_triggered)) > 10000 }}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
- delay: '0{{ range(0,2) | random | int }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}'
- service: script.tweet_engine_random
pick: >-
{% set pick = [
] %}
{{ pick|random }}
- alias: 'Random YouTube Videos BearStone'
id: b6554d97-a3d1-48e4-9035-632ac622504b
- platform: time_pattern
hours: '/7'
minutes: 18
- condition: template
value_template: >
{%- if states.automation.random_youtube_videos_bearstone.attributes.last_triggered -%}
{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.automation.random_youtube_videos_bearstone.attributes.last_triggered)) > 10000 }}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
- delay: '0{{ range(0,2) | random | int }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}'
- service: script.tweet_youtube_engine_setup
pick: !include ../templates/speech/youtube_picker.yaml
- alias: 'Random YouTube Videos CCostan'
id: 3e8a4db0-165b-4e1b-acb0-ac4503525660
mode: single
- platform: time_pattern
hours: '/22'
minutes: 45
- condition: template
value_template: >
{%- if states.automation.random_youtube_videos_ccostan.attributes.last_triggered -%}
{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.automation.random_youtube_videos_ccostan.attributes.last_triggered)) > 10000 }}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
- service: script.tweet_youtube_engine_setup
who: 'ccostan'
pick: !include ../templates/speech/youtube_picker.yaml
@ -11,40 +11,3 @@
- platform: youtube
channel_id: UC301G8JJFzY0BZ_0lshpKpQ
- alias: YouTube Notification - vCloudInfo
id: 4840f2ae-a0eb-497b-bf78-5e99ff28a9f0
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.vcloudinfo
attribute: url
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ trigger.from_state.state != trigger.to_state.state }}"
- repeat:
count: 1
- delay: '00:03:00'
- service: script.tweet_engine_no_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"New Video! {{ states('sensor.vcloudinfo') }} - {{ state_attr('sensor.vcloudinfo','url') }} "
] | random }}
who: 'ccostan'
- delay: '00:10:00'
- service: script.tweet_engine_no_image
tweet: >
{{ [
"New Video! {{ states('sensor.vcloudinfo') }} - {{ state_attr('sensor.vcloudinfo','url') }} "
] | random }}
who: 'BearStoneHA'
- delay: '12:30:00'
@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
# Visit The Main Blog for More Home Assistant Goodness - https://www.vCloudInfo.com
# Follow me on the socials - @CCOSTAN
# Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig
# Script to send notifications to Twitter as @BearStoneHA.
# Publish on Facebook as well - https://www.facebook.com/vcloudinfo/
# If you do end up using this package, please consider using one or two of the canned tweets that calls back to my main repo
# so others can bring thier homes online as well. I have an active search for #Randomstats that helps me find new HA homes using my package online.
# Disabled the MQTT section. Used for troubleshooting only.
# - service: mqtt.publish
# data:
# topic: 'twitter/message'
# payload: >-
# {{ tweet }}
# retain: true
- service: >
{% if who == 'ccostan' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
message: >-
{{ tweet }} #IOT #SmartHome
media: >-
{{ image }}
# - service: mqtt.publish
# data:
# topic: 'twitter/message'
# payload: >-
# {{ tweet }}
# retain: true
- service: >
{% if who == 'ccostan' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
message: >-
{{ tweet }} #IOT #SmartHome
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
tweet: >-
{%- macro tweet(topic) -%}
{% set tweets = {
"promo": [
"Be Sure to follow all of my Twitter Accounts! @CCostan @BearStoneHA",
"Your house can be a #smarthome too. All you need is #home_assistant, some time and some config files. I suggest starting with our GitHub repo (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo)",
"Be sure to like us on Facebook to get all post notifications (https://www.facebook.com/vcloudinfo/)",
"You can see how ALL of this is done by browsing my GitHub Repository (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo)",
"If you are not subscribed to our YouTube channel like ~5k others, you are missing out on the goodies! (https://youtube.com/vCloudInfo)",
"Join our GitHub repo (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo) with {{ states.sensor.github_stats.attributes.stargazers_count}} other users. Browse the {{ states.sensor.github_stats.attributes.open_issues }} #Todo items.",
"Check out my Cameo on @feinbergpaul inspiring video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rsdwJZ0SLY&feature=youtu.be&t=85) #GoCreate #nosmallcreator ",
"Quick YouTube cameo on #HomeKit #Geeks channel. Check it out! (https://youtu.be/3tutxHO0J78?t=872) "
"solar": [
"I am keeping track of the current #Tesla stock price. It is ${{ states('yahoofinance.tsla')|round }}. #Solar Get your FREE stock here: https://join.robinhood.com/giancac82 ",
"Solar panels and #smarthome devices combine to save on your energy bill. (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/01/going-green-to-save-some-green-in-2018.html)",
"The #Tesla was charged for about {{ states.sensor.tesla_charging_time.attributes.value|replace('m', '') }} minutes in the last 7 days.",
"The Official Diecast P85 Model S Red (https://amzn.to/2Hkkl0S) link - Out of stock like the originals. :)",
"Solar power from #Tesla is the life blood of this whole operation. (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/01/going-green-to-save-some-green-in-2018.html)",
"Solar Powered Backyard Lighting! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/06/solar-powered-motion-activated-palm-tree-lights.html)"
"throwback": [
"One of the most popular #SmartHome Projects I have done: (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/07/visualizing-smart-home-using-home.html)",
"This project was one of the most popular: (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/11/building-digital-cuckoo-clock-with-home.html)",
"Some of the Best Home Assistant resources around! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/04/some-of-my-favorite-home-assistant.html)",
"My Journey to Docker #ThrowBack - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/02/journey-to-docker.html)",
"My Popular DIY Motion Sensor #ThrowBack - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/11/yet-another-inexpensive-motion-sensor.html)",
"Setting up IP Cameras to display on the Roku FTW! - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/03/how-to-setup-ip-cameras-on-your-roku-tv.html)"
"Build your own DIY Outdoor Smart Home LED strips - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/08/diy-outdoor-smart-home-led-strips.html)",
"My Full Smart Home diagram and #IOT icon set that you can download to build your own! - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/07/the-bear-stone-home-assistant-icon.html),"
"Breakdown of the entire smart home - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/07/my-smart-home-look-at-parts-that-make.html)",
"Build your own Home Alarm System - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/06/building-my-home-alarm-system-hardware.html)",
"If you are not subscribed to my Smart Home YouTube channel, come join us now! (https://youtube.com/vCloudInfo)",
"Adding a Mixer and the AMP to this Text to Speech solution changed the Smart Home! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/07/giving-voice-to-smart-home.html)",
"Some of my favorite #Docker Containers that I am using - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/06/rolling-out-some-new-docker-containers.html)",
"10 year safety check. If you have not done it yet, you need to! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/06/psa-check-out-your-smoke-detectors-once.html)",
"How to use template conditions in Home Assistant. (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/06/how-to-use-template-conditions-in-home-assistant.html)",
"Why No Comments? Find out why. (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/09/why-no-more-comments.html)"
"robot": [
"Beep. Bop. Beep. Boop. I am a #roBOT run by @CCostan",
"I have spoken for about {{ states.sensor.speech_time.attributes.value|replace('m', '') }} minutes in the last 24 hours.",
"When you add it all up, I have spoken for about {{ states.sensor.speech_time.attributes.value|replace('m', '') }} minutes in the last 24 hours!",
"Home Assistant has been running for {{ states('sensor.ha_uptime') }} (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/02/journey-to-docker.html)",
"The #Docker Host for Home Assistant is using {{ states('sensor.disk_use_percent') }}% of the hard drive currently. (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/02/journey-to-docker.html)",
"I am running Home Assistant version {{ states('sensor.ha_installed_version') }} (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo)",
"{{ states.sensor.lines_of_code.state }} lines of Home Assistant configuration code has been running for {{ states('sensor.ha_uptime') }}. (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo)",
"The Github code (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo) has {{ states.sensor.github_stats.attributes.stargazers_count}} stars and counting. Currently with {{ states.sensor.github_stats.attributes.open_issues }} open #Todo items.",
"Bear Stone Smart home currently runs on {{ states.sensor.lines_of_code.state }} lines of YAML code. Check it all out at (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo)",
"My Home Assistant has {{ states.sensor.lines_of_code.state }} lines of YAML code. (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo)",
"{{((states.sensor.sensor_count.state | int) + (states.sensor.binary_sensor_count.state | int))}} sensors feed my Smart Home #data. (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo)",
"{{states.sensor.automation_count.state}} automations and {{states.sensor.script_count.state}} scripts make my home smart (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo)",
"Nevermind me. I am just keeping track of {{states.sensor.lights_count.state}} lights and {{states.sensor.tracker_count.state}} devices in the house. (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo)",
"There are {{states.sensor.protect_count.state}} Nest Protect smoke Detectors ONLINE and protecting the house! (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#nest) ",
"We have {{states.sensor.camera_count.state}} cameras ONLINE and recording the house 24/7! (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#cameras)",
"Sometimes I like to tell UDP jokes but I am not sure anyone gets them.",
"I keep all my Dad jokes in a DadaBase."
"door": [
"The number of Doorbell presses yesterday was {{ states('sensor.doorbell_presses') }}",
"{{ states('sensor.doorbell_presses') }} people came to the door today and pressed the bell.",
"{{ states('sensor.doorbell_presses') }} doorbell presses occurred in the last 24 hours."
"weather": [
"The #Landscaping lights where on for about {{ states.sensor.landscaping_light_time.attributes.value }} yesterday. (https://youtu.be/FcBVu_yk2iY)",
"I keep the average humidity of the house at {{ states('sensor.downstairs_thermostat_humidity') }} percent. Outside is {{ states('sensor.pirateweather_humidity') }} #Nest (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#nest)",
"Outside is {{ states('sensor.pirateweather_temperature') }}. I keep the average inside temperature at {{ states('sensor.downstairs_thermostat_temperature') }}. #Weather (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#nest)",
"I know that it will be {{ states('sensor.pirateweather_minutely_summary') }} So I will adjust the Heating/Cooling, irrigation and lighting accordingly. #Nest #Rachio #Hue",
"The current UV index is {{ states('sensor.pirateweather_uv_index') }} and the Moon is {{ states('sensor.moon') }}. #Space"
"cloud": [
"Average Cloud Coverage: {{ states('sensor.pirateweather_cloud_coverage') }}%, Average Temp: {{ states('sensor.pirateweather_temperature') }}°F #Solar (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/01/going-green-to-save-some-green-in-2018.html)",
"Unfortunately, Bear Stone has plenty of cloud dependancies. Nimbus and Cumulus to be exact! Average Cloud Coverage: {{ states('sensor.pirateweather_cloud_coverage') }}% "
"speedtest": [
"Average internet stats are Download: {{ states('sensor.speedtest_download') | int }} Mbit/s & Upload {{ states('sensor.speedtest_upload') | int }} Mbit/s.",
"So if you get @att Fiber 1000, you can expect these types of results - Download: {{ states('sensor.speedtest_download') | int}} Mbit/s & Upload {{ states('sensor.speedtest_upload') | int }} Mbit/s.",
"My @att Fiber 1000 internet download speed is about {{ states('sensor.speedtest_download') | int }} Mbit/s and I am a #cordcutter. @TabloTV",
"This beautiful chart was produced with Grafana. | (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/Click-Here)"
"internet": [
"So far, I have prevented {{ states('sensor.pi_hole_ads_blocked_today') }} ads from hitting the network via Pi-hole! http://www.pi-hole.net",
"Pi-hole (http://www.pi-hole.net) has serviced {{ states('sensor.pi_hole_dns_queries_today') }} DNS requests today! #PiZero",
"If you are not subscribed to my Smart Home YouTube channel, come join us now! (https://youtube.com/vCloudInfo)",
"Be sure to follow all of our various social media accounts so you do not miss a thing! @ccostan | (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/Click-Here)"
"stocks": [
"I am keeping track of the current #Tesla stock price. It is ${{ states('sensor.yahoofinance_tsla')|round }}. Get your FREE stock here: https://join.robinhood.com/giancac82 #Solar",
"I am keeping track of the current #Bitcoin prices. It is ${{ states('sensor.bitcoin')|round }}. Get your FREE stock here: https://join.robinhood.com/giancac82 #BTC",
"I am keeping track of the current #Ethereum prices. It is ${{ states('sensor.ethereum')|round }}. Get your FREE stock here: https://join.robinhood.com/giancac82 #ETH",
"I am keeping track of the current #VMware stock price. It is ${{ states('sensor.yahoofinance_vmw')|round }}. Get your FREE stock here: https://join.robinhood.com/giancac82 #vExpert",
"I am keeping track of the current #Amazon stock prices. It is ${{ states('sensor.yahoofinance_amzn')|round }}. Get your FREE stock here: https://join.robinhood.com/giancac82 #AWS"
"night": [
"Todays Sleep Number is {{ states('sensor.sleepnumber_carlo_stacey_sleepnumber') }}. Wifi connected Bed FTW! #SleepStat (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#nest)",
"Our Sleep Number is {{ states('sensor.sleepnumber_carlo_carlo_sleepnumber') }}. Wifi connected Bed! #SleepStat (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#nest)"
"tv": [
"The {{ states.media_player.living_room_ultra.attributes.friendly_name }} #Roku is playing #{{ states.media_player.living_room_ultra.attributes.app_name }}.",
"The {{ states.media_player.upstairs_living_room.attributes.friendly_name }} #Roku is playing #{{ states.media_player.upstairs_living_room.attributes.app_name }}. (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo)",
"Yesterday we watched about {{ states.sensor.tv_time.attributes.value|replace('m', '') }} minutes of television. @YouTube & @TabloTV on the @Roku",
"Follow these steps to watch your cameras on your Rokus! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/03/how-to-setup-ip-cameras-on-your-roku-tv.html)"
"joke": [
"Visit the Repo (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo) ",
"Like and follow for more of these #HomeAutomation gems! ",
"Join ~5k other subscribers and visit https://YouTube.com/vCloudInfo "
} %}
{{ tweets[topic]|random }}
{%- endmacro -%}
{{ tweet(pick) }}
image: >-
{%- macro image(topic) -%}
{% set images = {
"throwback": [
"solar": [
"promo": [
"robot": [
"door": [
"weather": [
"cloud": [
"speedtest": [
"internet": [
"stocks": [
"night": [
"tv": [
} %}
{{ images[topic]|random }}
{%- endmacro -%}
{% if pick == "joke" -%}
{{ "/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/jokes/Tweet_" ~ range(1, 92) | random ~ ".png" }}
{%- else -%}
{{ image(pick) }}
{%- endif -%}
@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
# Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig
###Script to send out image appropriate links to YouTube based articles and videos.
- service: script.tweet_engine_image
who: '{{ who }}'
tweet: >-
{%- macro tweet(topic) -%}
{% set tweets = {
"ThrowBack": [
"One of the most popular #SmartHome Projects I have done: (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/07/visualizing-smart-home-using-home.html)",
"This project was one of the most popular: (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/11/building-digital-cuckoo-clock-with-home.html)",
"Some of the Best Home Assistant resources around! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/04/some-of-my-favorite-home-assistant.html)",
"My Journey to Docker (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/02/journey-to-docker.html)",
"My Popular DIY Motion Sensor - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/11/yet-another-inexpensive-motion-sensor.html)",
"Build your own DIY Outdoor Smart Home LED strips - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/08/diy-outdoor-smart-home-led-strips.html)",
"Breakdown of the entire smart home - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/07/my-smart-home-look-at-parts-that-make.html)",
"Build your own Home Alarm System - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/06/building-my-home-alarm-system-hardware.html)",
"Adding a Mixer and AMP to this Text to Speech solution changed the Smart Home COMPLETELY! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/07/giving-voice-to-smart-home.html)",
"Some of my favorite #Docker Containers that I am using - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/06/rolling-out-some-new-docker-containers.html)",
"Be Sure to follow all of my Twitter Accounts! @CCostan and my HOUSE bot @BearStoneHA!",
"If you are not subscribed to my Smart Home YouTube channel, come join us now! (https://youtube.com/vCloudInfo)",
"My Full Smart Home diagram and #IOT icon set that you can download to build your own! - (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/07/the-bear-stone-home-assistant-icon.html),"
"Be sure to like us on Facebook to get all posts and Video notifications (https://www.facebook.com/vcloudinfo/)",
"You can see how ALL of this is done by browsing my GitHub Repository (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo)",
"10 year safety check. If you have not done it yet, you need to! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/06/psa-check-out-your-smoke-detectors-once.html)",
"Why No Comments? Find out why... (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/09/why-no-more-comments.html)",
"Smart Home Plug - Power Measurements (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/09/smart-home-plugs-power-measurements.html)",
"Check out the $40 Wyze Watch for tracking your steps! (https://youtube.com/shorts/eTlwlChLNxA)",
"Remote Finder ENGAGE! - Home Assistant Automation (https://youtube.com/shorts/UiE8Rnxk5CA)",
"Echo Flex - Discontinued! (https://youtube.com/shorts/W10a38af6-E)",
"Hurricane Prep! (https://youtube.com/shorts/CxlVURHFZjM)"
"S01E01": [
"Tesla Solar Panels vs #Hurricane IRMA! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/09/re-installing-tesla-solar-panels-again.html)"
"S01E02": [
"How to Port Forward SageCom 5260 Fast Routers (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/09/setting-up-port-forwarding-on-sagemcom.html)"
"S01E03": [
"Please stop saying #Alexa in your Videos! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/09/please-stop-saying-alexa-in-your.html)"
"S01E04": [
"Unboxing and setup of the Philips #Hue Calla Landscape Lights (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/09/unboxing-philips-hue-calla-landscape.html)"
"S01E05": [
"Upgrading Home Assistant in #Docker (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/10/upgrading-home-assistant-in-docker.html)"
"S01E06": [
"Adding #Hue Lights to my Smart Home (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/10/adding-smart-light-to-my-smart-house.html)"
"S01E07": [
"Lights, Camera, Automation! #Hue light setup Part 2. (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/10/lights-camera-automation-hue-light.html)"
"S01E08": [
"How to enable #Alexa Whisper Mode and Hunches! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/10/how-to-enable-alexa-whisper-mode-and.html)"
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"Port Forwarding on the ARRIS TG1682 Modem Router (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/11/port-forwarding-on-arris-tg1682-modem.html)"
"S01E12": [
"Alexa Parental Controls: Enabling #Explicit Filter mode (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/11/cortana-meet-alexa.html)"
"S01E13": [
"Cortana, Meet #Alexa! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/11/alexa-parental-controls-enabling.html)"
"S01E14": [
"Routine Tasks; Upgrading Home Assistant to Latest #Beta! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/11/routine-tasks-upgrading-home-assistant.html)"
"S01E15": [
"Routine Tasks; Adding #Tesla PowerWall sensors to my Home Assistant! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/11/routine-tasks-adding-tesla-powerwall.html)"
"S01E16": [
"Breaking down my Home Assistant Volume Control (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/12/breaking-down-my-home-assistant-volume.html)"
"S01E17": [
"Volume Control using #Alexa Routines (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/12/volume-control-using-alexa-routines.html)"
"S01E18": [
"How to Weatherproof your Outdoor Smart Plugs on the Cheap! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/12/how-to-waterproof-your-outdoor-smart.html)"
"S01E19": [
"Automate your home using Amazon Routines! No Software Needed!(https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/12/automate-your-home-using-amazon.html)"
"S01E20": [
"Fixing my Home Assistant Breaking Changes with #Atom! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/12/fixing-my-home-assistant-breaking.html)"
"S01E21": [
"The Epson XP-7100 Small-in-One Printer review and Unboxing (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/12/the-epson-xp-7100-small-in-one-printer.html)"
"S02E01": [
"Enabling Guest Mode TTS feedback for Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/01/enabling-guest-mode-tts-feedback-for.html)"
"S02E02": [
"My DIY weather resistant Wi-Fi switch – 1 Month Later! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/01/my-diy-weather-resistant-wi-fi-switch-1.html)"
"S02E03": [
"My UI is terrible. Here is why I do not care. (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/01/lovelace-is-now-standard-i-dont-care.html)"
"S02E04": [
"How to Upgrade Home Assistant Ubuntu to 18.04.1 LTS (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/02/how-to-upgrade-home-assistant-ubuntu-to-18-04-1-lts.html)"
"S02E05": [
"Everyday Holiday Smart Lights – Valentines Day Edition (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/02/everyday-holiday-smart-lights-valentines-day-edition.html)"
"S02E06": [
"How to set up Home Assistant Presence Detection using NMAP (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/02/how-to-set-up-home-assistant-presence-detection-using-nmap.html)"
"S02E07": [
"Breaking down the Flag Sensor in Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/02/breaking-down-the-flag-sensor-in-home-assistant.html)"
"S02E08": [
"How I Upgraded Home Assistant – fixing all the breaking Changes! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/02/how-i-upgraded-home-assistant-to-0-88-1-fixing-all-the-breaking-changes.html)"
"S02E09": [
"Amazon Discontinues the Dash Button (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/02/amazon-discontinues-the-dash-button.html)"
"S02E10": [
"How to add Garadget to Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/03/how-to-add-garadget-to-home-assistant.html)"
"S02E11": [
"Revisiting the Pi on Pi Day with Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/03/revisiting-the-pi-on-pi-day-with-home-assistant.html)"
"S02E12": [
"How to Setup IP Camera Viewer on your Roku TV (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/03/how-to-setup-ip-cameras-on-your-roku-tv.html)"
"S02E13": [
"Home Assistant upgrade! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/03/home-assistant-0-90-release-upgrade.html)"
"S02E14": [
"Using Foscam cameras with Home Assistant and Synology (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/03/using-foscam-cameras-with-home-assistant-and-synology.html)"
"S02E15": [
"How to manually upgrade your Synology Surveillance System firmware (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/04/how-to-manually-upgrade-your-synology-surveillance-system-firmware.html)"
"S02E16": [
"Dell P2719H Monitors Setup and Unboxing (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/04/home-office-with-dell-p2719h-monitors-setup-and-unboxing.html)"
"S02E17": [
"Wyze Sense and Camera Unboxing (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/05/20-wyze-sense-and-camera-unboxing-early-access-program.html)"
"S02E18": [
"Google is shutting down the Works with Nest API. (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/05/google-is-shutting-down-the-works-with-nest-api.html)"
"S02E19": [
"How to Setup Alexa Guard Mode and ADT Pulse to monitor your Smart Home (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/05/how-to-setup-alexa-guard-mode-and-adt-pulse-to-monitor-your-smart-home.html)"
"S02E20": [
"Home Assistant Breaking Change: All Light Groups (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/06/home-assistant-breaking-change-all-light-groups.html)"
"S02E22": [
"How to use Template conditions in Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/06/how-to-use-template-conditions-in-home-assistant.html)"
"S02E25": [
"How to upgrade #Docker #Cockpit on #Ubuntu 18.04 (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/07/how-to-upgrade-docker-cockpit-on-ubuntu-18-04.html)"
"S02E26": [
"Upgrading Home Assistant and Fixing icon_template warning errors (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/07/upgrading-home-assistant-and-fixing-icon_template-warning-errors.html)"
"S02E27": [
"How to Add Philips Hue to Home Assistant (and clean your YAML) (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/08/how-to-add-philips-hue-hub-to-home-assistant-and-clean-your-yaml.html)"
"S02E28": [
"How to add Smart Landscaping lights to your Yard with Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/08/how-to-add-smart-landscaping-lights-to-your-yard-with-home-assistant.html)"
"S02E29": [
"LED Solar Spot lights for my Outdoor Tree! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/08/led-solar-spot-lights-for-my-outdoor-tree.html)"
"S02E30": [
"Swapping Etekcity RF outlets to Tuya Wi-Fi switch outlets! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/08/swapping-etekcity-rf-outlets-to-tuya-wi-fi-switch-outlets.html)"
"S02E31": [
"I couldn't wait to get RID of this thing! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/08/unboxing-the-echo-show-5-and-setup.html)"
"S02E32": [
"Charge your car like your Phone! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/09/charge-your-car-like-your-phone-in-emergencies.html)"
"S02E33": [
"Enable the Home Assistant System Health Component (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/09/how-to-enable-the-home-assistant-system-health-component.html)"
"S02E34": [
"Magic Home LED Fix & Great iOS Setup tip (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/09/magic-home-led-fix-great-ios-setup-tip.html)"
"S02E35": [
"Alexa, Home Assistant & Nabu Casa (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/09/help-alexa-forget-devices-to-hear-you-better-and-respond-more-accurately.html)"
"S02E36": [
"How to Fix WiFi interference with WiFi Analyzer (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/10/how-to-fix-wifi-interference-with-wifi-analyzer.html)"
"S02E37": [
"Novostella 13W LED Bulb vs Philips Hue Smart Bulbs (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/10/novostella-13w-led-bulb-vs-philips-hue-smart-bulbs.html)"
"S02E38": [
"How to Build Home Assistant Sensors using Wolfram Alpha (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/10/how-to-build-home-assistant-sensors-using-wolfram-alpha.html)"
"S02E39": [
"Adding Days Until Sensor to my Home Assistant Speech routines (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/11/adding-days-until-sensor-to-my-home-assistant-speech-routines.html)"
"S02E40": [
"Fix your Pi-Hole integration with Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/11/how-to-fix-your-pi-hole-integration-with-home-assistant.html)"
"S02E41": [
"Save Money with Home Assistant and Nest – An Automation Example (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/01/save-money-with-home-assistant-and-nest-an-automation-example.html)"
"Bearnews1": [
"How to Name your Alexa Routines (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/12/how-to-name-your-alexa-routines.html)"
"Bearnews2": [
"Using IFTTT with Alexa Routines & Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/12/using-ifttt-with-alexa-routines-plus-home-assistant.html)"
"Bearnews3": [
"Introducing HassKit (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2019/12/hasskit-home-assistant-mobile-ui-ios-google-android.html)"
"Bearnews4": [
"Alexa enabled Gas station Pumps (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/01/alexa-enabled-gas-station-pumps.html)"
"S03E01": [
"How to Add Webhooks to Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/02/how-to-add-webhooks-to-home-assistant.html)"
"Bearnews5": [
"8 Free News Channels for your Roku (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/04/8-free-roku-news-channels.html)"
"Bearnews6": [
"Upgrade Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 LTS for Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/05/upgrade-ubuntu-18-04-to-20-04-lts-home-assistant.html)"
"Bearnews7": [
"Wyze No Contact Thermometer (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/05/wyze-no-contact-thermometer.html)"
"S03E02": [
"Phyn Plus – Smart Water Shutoff Device (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/05/phyn-plus-smart-water-shutoff-device.html)"
"S03E03": [
"Breaking down the Home Assistant Vacuum Automation (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/05/home-assistant-neato-vacuum-automation.html)"
"Logger": [
"Learn all about the Home Assistant LogBook! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/05/home-assistant-logbook.html)"
"SolarPalmLight": [
"Solar Powered Backyard Lighting! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/06/solar-powered-motion-activated-palm-tree-lights.html)"
"5TipsToLevelUp": [
"Five Home Assistant Tips with @SuburbanNerd (https://youtu.be/fRfE4hjzQMU)"
"AlexaMusicCommands": [
"All the Music Commands for Alexa! (https://youtu.be/JWnMB455NRM)"
"SolarFountainOKMEE": [
"Solar Powered Water Fountain with LED lights (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/07/solar-powered-water-fountain-with-led-lights.html)"
"NoCloudGaradget": [
"How to configure Garadget for LOCAL MQTT Only (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/07/how-to-configure-garadget-for-local-mqtt-only.html)"
"AlexaGuardMediaPlayer": [
"How to Enable Alexa Guard Mode via Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/08/how-to-enable-alexa-guard-mode-via-home-assistant-using-presence-detection.html)"
"LightningSensor": [
"Adding a Lightning Sensor to Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/08/adding-a-lightning-sensor-to-home-assistant.html)"
"LEDBackboard": [
"Home Assistant Smart DIY Basketball Backboard Project (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/09/home-assistant-smart-diy-basketball-backboard-project.html)"
"CuckooClock": [
"Building a digital Cuckoo Clock with Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2017/11/building-digital-cuckoo-clock-with-home.html)"
"NodeAnchors": [
"Simple Example of using YAML Node Anchors in Home Assistant (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/10/simple-example-of-using-yaml-node-anchors-in-home-assistant.html)"
"yahoostocks": [
"Track stocks with Home Assistant using Yahoo Finance! (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/10/how-to-track-stocks-in-home-assistant-using-a-custom-component.html)"
"AugustBatteries": [
"How to Change your Smart Lock Batteries (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/11/how-to-change-august-smart-lock-batteries.html)"
"Remote_Finder": [
"Home Assistant IOS Actionable Notifications Example - Find the Remote (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/11/home-assistant-ios-actionable-notifications-example.html)"
"VideoProjectionMappingDemo": [
"Video Projection Mapping Demo #Shorts (https://youtu.be/C7eljJnpxGQ)"
"FeedTheDog": [
"Home Assistant Pet Automation Example - Feed the Dog (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/11/home-assistant-pet-automation-example.html)"
"AlexaGiftNotifications": [
"How to disable Alexa Delivery Notification Descriptions (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/11/how-to-disable-alexa-delivery-notification-descriptions.html)"
"iPhoneDuplicates": [
"How to Prevent iPhone duplicates in Home Assistant (https://youtu.be/HmLDimU06r4)"
"NotifyScript": [
"Next Level Notifications in HA (https://youtu.be/mK1wdpxhLbM)"
"WeightLossJourney": [
"How I lost 50 Pounds in 8 months (https://youtu.be/TpxOwCobclI)"
"SnapPower": [
"Replace your Nightlights with SnapPower Outlets (https://youtu.be/GDIo0SNhaFU)"
"LocalControl": [
"Why do we want Local Control for our IOT devices? (https://youtu.be/2j3iQTZXZyg)"
"TossingWink": [
"The Wink Hub is finally in the garbage! (https://youtu.be/1YoHutIrtNs)"
"EnergyDashboard": [
"How to Configure Home Assistant Energy Dashboard (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS_iUjdIO5E)"
"IOSBrokeNoifications": [
"IOS Uprade Broke my Home Assistant Notifications (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK5-Y5ta054)"
"SolarDriveway": [
"Adding Solar Lights to the Front Walkway (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2022/10/adding-solar-lights-to-the-front-walkway.html)"
"UPS_Replacement": [
"Adding Solar Lights to the Front Walkway (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2022/10/why-i-added-the-eaton-3s-ups-to-my-tesla-powerwall-setup.html)"
"VillaNERI": [
"Unboxing the $440 VillaNeri Light Starter Pack (https://youtu.be/sfzhPkStBTE)"
"GardenLED": [
"LOOK! We Got MORE Solar LED Garden Lights! (https://youtube.com/shorts/TigbEg3YIZI)"
"RokuOnHA": [
"Adding Roku to Home Assistant (https://youtu.be/XvrVhsP1bB4)"
"RunningAutomationsCard": [
"What is running in your Home Assistant - A lovelace Card (https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2023/01/whats-running-in-home-assistant-a-lovelace-card.html)"
"AutoEntityCard": [
"Adjusting the Auto-Entities Card in Home Assistant (https://youtu.be/h3SIhPVAP4k)"
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