###################################################################### ## Some home facts when we get back home from being away. ###################################################################### - alias: 'Home Stats' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - group.family from: 'not_home' to: 'home' for: '00:03:00' - platform: state entity_id: input_boolean.home_news state: 'on' from: 'off' action: - service: input_boolean.turn_off entity_id: input_boolean.home_news - service: script.Voice_notify data_template: value1: > "Welcome Home Costanzo Family. Here is what's going on around the house right now: {%- macro chore_schedule() -%} {%if now().strftime("%a") == 'Wed' or now().strftime("%a") == 'Sun'%} Today is {{now().strftime("%A")}} and {{now().strftime("%A")}} is garbage day. {%endif%} {% if now().strftime("%j")|int % 2 != 0 %} Today is Justin's day to do the chores. {% else %} Today is Paige's day to do the chores. {%endif%} {%- endmacro -%} {{chore_schedule()}} Inside the house, it is {{ states.climate.downstairs.attributes["current_temperature"]}} degrees with around {{states('sensor.downstairs_thermostat_humidity')}} percent humidity. Outside, it is going to be {{states('sensor.dark_sky_minutely_summary')}} {% if is_state('cover.garadget_large', 'open') -%} Also, The Large Garage Door is still open {% endif -%} {% if is_state('cover.garadget_small', 'open') -%} {% if is_state('cover.garadget_large', 'open') -%}and {%- endif %} The small Garage Door is still open. {% endif %} . There are {% for state in states.light if state.state == 'on' -%} {%- if loop.last -%} {{ loop.index }} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor %} lights on right now." {% set comma = joiner(', ') %} The {% for group in states.group|groupby('state') -%} {%- for entity in group.list if entity.state == 'on' and entity.name.split(' ')[1]|lower == 'lights' and entity.name.split(' ')[0]|lower != 'all' and entity.name.split(' ')[0]|lower != 'interior' -%} {{ ' and' if loop.last and not loop.first else comma() }} {{ entity.name }} {%- endfor -%} {%- endfor %}