#------------------------------------------- # @CCOSTAN # Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig # Read more about the house at https://vCloudInfo.com # https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig/issues/813 #------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------- sensor: - platform: travisci api_key: !secret travisci_api scan_interval: 2400 monitored_conditions: - state #------------------------------------------- #automation: #Tweets pushed out to twitter. automation: - alias: "Travis FAILURE Notification" id: 326881a7-47ab-4897-a0c7-74ce290224de mode: restart trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - sensor.ccostan_home_assistantconfig_state to: 'failed' for: hours: 2 action: - service: script.notify_engine data: value1: 'Travis validation testing failed.' who: 'carlo' apns: 'information' - service: persistent_notification.create data: title: "Travis-CI FAILURE" message: "Travis validation testing failed." notification_id: "travis_failed" - alias: 'Closed Github Issue' id: cccd9bef-17d9-48ae-87e3-6cf883712779 mode: queued trigger: platform: webhook webhook_id: !secret github_webhook condition: - condition: template value_template: >- {%- if trigger.json.action == "created" or "closed" or "opened" or "reopened" or trigger.json.ref %} True {%- else -%} False {%- endif -%} action: - service: script.tweet_engine_image data: tweet: >- New Code Alert! {%- if trigger.json.pull_request -%} {{ trigger.json.pull_request.title }} - Pull Request #{{ trigger.json.pull_request.number}} {{ trigger.json.action}} by {{trigger.json.sender.login}} {{trigger.json.pull_request.html_url}} {%- elif trigger.json.issue -%} {{ trigger.json.issue.title }} - Issue #{{ trigger.json.issue.number}} {{ trigger.json.action }} by {{trigger.json.sender.login}} {{trigger.json.issue.html_url}} {%- endif %} {% set hashtags = [ " #Github", " #SmartHomeCode" ] %} {{ phrases|random ~ " " ~ hashtags|random }} image: >- {% set pictures = [ "/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/repo_ad.png", "/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/repo_ad2.png", "/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/repo_ad3.png", "/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/bearstoneflow.png", "/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/repo_ad4.png" ] %} {{ pictures|random }}