#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2009, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Linux specific tests.""" import contextlib import errno import io import os import pprint import re import shutil import socket import struct import tempfile import textwrap import time import warnings import psutil from psutil import LINUX from psutil._compat import PY3 from psutil._compat import u from psutil.tests import call_until from psutil.tests import get_kernel_version from psutil.tests import importlib from psutil.tests import MEMORY_TOLERANCE from psutil.tests import mock from psutil.tests import PYPY from psutil.tests import pyrun from psutil.tests import reap_children from psutil.tests import retry_before_failing from psutil.tests import run_test_module_by_name from psutil.tests import safe_remove from psutil.tests import sh from psutil.tests import skip_on_not_implemented from psutil.tests import TESTFN from psutil.tests import TRAVIS from psutil.tests import unittest from psutil.tests import which HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) SIOCGIFADDR = 0x8915 SIOCGIFCONF = 0x8912 SIOCGIFHWADDR = 0x8927 if LINUX: SECTOR_SIZE = psutil._psplatform.SECTOR_SIZE # ===================================================================== # utils # ===================================================================== def get_ipv4_address(ifname): import fcntl ifname = ifname[:15] if PY3: ifname = bytes(ifname, 'ascii') s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) with contextlib.closing(s): return socket.inet_ntoa( fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), SIOCGIFADDR, struct.pack('256s', ifname))[20:24]) def get_mac_address(ifname): import fcntl ifname = ifname[:15] if PY3: ifname = bytes(ifname, 'ascii') s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) with contextlib.closing(s): info = fcntl.ioctl( s.fileno(), SIOCGIFHWADDR, struct.pack('256s', ifname)) if PY3: def ord(x): return x else: import __builtin__ ord = __builtin__.ord return ''.join(['%02x:' % ord(char) for char in info[18:24]])[:-1] def free_swap(): """Parse 'free' cmd and return swap memory's s total, used and free values. """ lines = sh('free').split('\n') for line in lines: if line.startswith('Swap'): _, total, used, free = line.split() return (int(total) * 1024, int(used) * 1024, int(free) * 1024) raise ValueError( "can't find 'Swap' in 'free' output:\n%s" % '\n'.join(lines)) def free_physmem(): """Parse 'free' cmd and return physical memory's total, used and free values. """ # Note: free can have 2 different formats, invalidating 'shared' # and 'cached' memory which may have different positions so we # do not return them. # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/538#issuecomment-57059946 lines = sh('free').split('\n') for line in lines: if line.startswith('Mem'): total, used, free, shared = \ [int(x) * 1024 for x in line.split()[1:5]] return (total, used, free, shared) raise ValueError( "can't find 'Mem' in 'free' output:\n%s" % '\n'.join(lines)) # ===================================================================== # system virtual memory # ===================================================================== @unittest.skipUnless(LINUX, "not a Linux system") class TestSystemVirtualMemory(unittest.TestCase): def test_total(self): total, used, free, shared = free_physmem() self.assertEqual(total, psutil.virtual_memory().total) @retry_before_failing() def test_used(self): total, used, free, shared = free_physmem() self.assertAlmostEqual(used, psutil.virtual_memory().used, delta=MEMORY_TOLERANCE) @retry_before_failing() def test_free(self): total, used, free, shared = free_physmem() self.assertAlmostEqual(free, psutil.virtual_memory().free, delta=MEMORY_TOLERANCE) @retry_before_failing() def test_buffers(self): buffers = int(sh('vmstat').split('\n')[2].split()[4]) * 1024 self.assertAlmostEqual(buffers, psutil.virtual_memory().buffers, delta=MEMORY_TOLERANCE) @retry_before_failing() def test_cached(self): cached = int(sh('vmstat').split('\n')[2].split()[5]) * 1024 self.assertAlmostEqual(cached, psutil.virtual_memory().cached, delta=MEMORY_TOLERANCE) @retry_before_failing() @unittest.skipIf(TRAVIS, "fails on travis") def test_shared(self): total, used, free, shared = free_physmem() self.assertAlmostEqual(shared, psutil.virtual_memory().shared, delta=MEMORY_TOLERANCE) # --- mocked tests def test_warnings_mocked(self): with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.open', create=True) as m: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: warnings.simplefilter("always") ret = psutil._pslinux.virtual_memory() assert m.called self.assertEqual(len(ws), 1) w = ws[0] self.assertTrue(w.filename.endswith('psutil/_pslinux.py')) self.assertIn( "memory stats couldn't be determined", str(w.message)) self.assertEqual(ret.cached, 0) self.assertEqual(ret.active, 0) self.assertEqual(ret.inactive, 0) # ===================================================================== # system swap memory # ===================================================================== @unittest.skipUnless(LINUX, "not a Linux system") class TestSystemSwapMemory(unittest.TestCase): def test_total(self): total, used, free = free_swap() return self.assertAlmostEqual(total, psutil.swap_memory().total, delta=MEMORY_TOLERANCE) @retry_before_failing() def test_used(self): total, used, free = free_swap() return self.assertAlmostEqual(used, psutil.swap_memory().used, delta=MEMORY_TOLERANCE) @retry_before_failing() def test_free(self): total, used, free = free_swap() return self.assertAlmostEqual(free, psutil.swap_memory().free, delta=MEMORY_TOLERANCE) def test_warnings_mocked(self): with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.open', create=True) as m: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: warnings.simplefilter("always") ret = psutil._pslinux.swap_memory() assert m.called self.assertEqual(len(ws), 1) w = ws[0] self.assertTrue(w.filename.endswith('psutil/_pslinux.py')) self.assertIn( "'sin' and 'sout' swap memory stats couldn't " "be determined", str(w.message)) self.assertEqual(ret.sin, 0) self.assertEqual(ret.sout, 0) def test_no_vmstat_mocked(self): # see https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/722 with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.open', create=True, side_effect=IOError) as m: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: warnings.simplefilter("always") ret = psutil.swap_memory() assert m.called self.assertEqual(len(ws), 1) w = ws[0] self.assertTrue(w.filename.endswith('psutil/_pslinux.py')) self.assertIn( "'sin' and 'sout' swap memory stats couldn't " "be determined and were set to 0", str(w.message)) self.assertEqual(ret.sin, 0) self.assertEqual(ret.sout, 0) # ===================================================================== # system CPU # ===================================================================== @unittest.skipUnless(LINUX, "not a Linux system") class TestSystemCPU(unittest.TestCase): @unittest.skipIf(TRAVIS, "unknown failure on travis") def test_cpu_times(self): fields = psutil.cpu_times()._fields kernel_ver = re.findall('\d+\.\d+\.\d+', os.uname()[2])[0] kernel_ver_info = tuple(map(int, kernel_ver.split('.'))) if kernel_ver_info >= (2, 6, 11): self.assertIn('steal', fields) else: self.assertNotIn('steal', fields) if kernel_ver_info >= (2, 6, 24): self.assertIn('guest', fields) else: self.assertNotIn('guest', fields) if kernel_ver_info >= (3, 2, 0): self.assertIn('guest_nice', fields) else: self.assertNotIn('guest_nice', fields) @unittest.skipUnless(which("nproc"), "nproc utility not available") def test_cpu_count_logical_w_nproc(self): num = int(sh("nproc --all")) self.assertEqual(psutil.cpu_count(logical=True), num) @unittest.skipUnless(which("lscpu"), "lscpu utility not available") def test_cpu_count_logical_w_lscpu(self): out = sh("lscpu -p") num = len([x for x in out.split('\n') if not x.startswith('#')]) self.assertEqual(psutil.cpu_count(logical=True), num) def test_cpu_count_logical_mocked(self): import psutil._pslinux original = psutil._pslinux.cpu_count_logical() # Here we want to mock os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN") in # order to cause the parsing of /proc/cpuinfo and /proc/stat. with mock.patch( 'psutil._pslinux.os.sysconf', side_effect=ValueError) as m: self.assertEqual(psutil._pslinux.cpu_count_logical(), original) assert m.called # Let's have open() return emtpy data and make sure None is # returned ('cause we mimick os.cpu_count()). with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.open', create=True) as m: self.assertIsNone(psutil._pslinux.cpu_count_logical()) self.assertEqual(m.call_count, 2) # /proc/stat should be the last one self.assertEqual(m.call_args[0][0], '/proc/stat') # Let's push this a bit further and make sure /proc/cpuinfo # parsing works as expected. with open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'rb') as f: cpuinfo_data = f.read() fake_file = io.BytesIO(cpuinfo_data) with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.open', return_value=fake_file, create=True) as m: self.assertEqual(psutil._pslinux.cpu_count_logical(), original) # Finally, let's make /proc/cpuinfo return meaningless data; # this way we'll fall back on relying on /proc/stat def open_mock(name, *args, **kwargs): if name.startswith('/proc/cpuinfo'): return io.BytesIO(b"") else: return orig_open(name, *args, **kwargs) orig_open = open patch_point = 'builtins.open' if PY3 else '__builtin__.open' with mock.patch(patch_point, side_effect=open_mock, create=True): self.assertEqual(psutil._pslinux.cpu_count_logical(), original) def test_cpu_count_physical_mocked(self): # Have open() return emtpy data and make sure None is returned # ('cause we want to mimick os.cpu_count()) with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.open', create=True) as m: self.assertIsNone(psutil._pslinux.cpu_count_physical()) assert m.called # ===================================================================== # system network # ===================================================================== @unittest.skipUnless(LINUX, "not a Linux system") class TestSystemNetwork(unittest.TestCase): def test_net_if_addrs_ips(self): for name, addrs in psutil.net_if_addrs().items(): for addr in addrs: if addr.family == psutil.AF_LINK: self.assertEqual(addr.address, get_mac_address(name)) elif addr.family == socket.AF_INET: self.assertEqual(addr.address, get_ipv4_address(name)) # TODO: test for AF_INET6 family def test_net_if_stats(self): for name, stats in psutil.net_if_stats().items(): try: out = sh("ifconfig %s" % name) except RuntimeError: pass else: self.assertEqual(stats.isup, 'RUNNING' in out) self.assertEqual(stats.mtu, int(re.findall('MTU:(\d+)', out)[0])) def test_net_io_counters(self): def ifconfig(nic): ret = {} out = sh("ifconfig %s" % name) ret['packets_recv'] = int(re.findall('RX packets:(\d+)', out)[0]) ret['packets_sent'] = int(re.findall('TX packets:(\d+)', out)[0]) ret['errin'] = int(re.findall('errors:(\d+)', out)[0]) ret['errout'] = int(re.findall('errors:(\d+)', out)[1]) ret['dropin'] = int(re.findall('dropped:(\d+)', out)[0]) ret['dropout'] = int(re.findall('dropped:(\d+)', out)[1]) ret['bytes_recv'] = int(re.findall('RX bytes:(\d+)', out)[0]) ret['bytes_sent'] = int(re.findall('TX bytes:(\d+)', out)[0]) return ret for name, stats in psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True).items(): try: ifconfig_ret = ifconfig(name) except RuntimeError: continue self.assertAlmostEqual( stats.bytes_recv, ifconfig_ret['bytes_recv'], delta=1024) self.assertAlmostEqual( stats.bytes_sent, ifconfig_ret['bytes_sent'], delta=1024) self.assertAlmostEqual( stats.packets_recv, ifconfig_ret['packets_recv'], delta=512) self.assertAlmostEqual( stats.packets_sent, ifconfig_ret['packets_sent'], delta=512) self.assertAlmostEqual( stats.errin, ifconfig_ret['errin'], delta=10) self.assertAlmostEqual( stats.errout, ifconfig_ret['errout'], delta=10) self.assertAlmostEqual( stats.dropin, ifconfig_ret['dropin'], delta=10) self.assertAlmostEqual( stats.dropout, ifconfig_ret['dropout'], delta=10) @unittest.skipUnless(which('ip'), "'ip' utility not available") @unittest.skipIf(TRAVIS, "skipped on Travis") def test_net_if_names(self): out = sh("ip addr").strip() nics = [x for x in psutil.net_if_addrs().keys() if ':' not in x] found = 0 for line in out.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if re.search("^\d+:", line): found += 1 name = line.split(':')[1].strip() self.assertIn(name, nics) self.assertEqual(len(nics), found, msg="%s\n---\n%s" % ( pprint.pformat(nics), out)) @mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.socket.inet_ntop', side_effect=ValueError) @mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.supports_ipv6', return_value=False) def test_net_connections_ipv6_unsupported(self, supports_ipv6, inet_ntop): # see: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/623 try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.addCleanup(s.close) s.bind(("::1", 0)) except socket.error: pass psutil.net_connections(kind='inet6') def test_net_connections_mocked(self): def open_mock(name, *args, **kwargs): if name == '/proc/net/unix': return io.StringIO(textwrap.dedent(u"""\ 0: 00000003 000 000 0001 03 462170 @/tmp/dbus-Qw2hMPIU3n 0: 00000003 000 000 0001 03 35010 @/tmp/dbus-tB2X8h69BQ 0: 00000003 000 000 0001 03 34424 @/tmp/dbus-cHy80Y8O 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 """)) else: return orig_open(name, *args, **kwargs) return orig_open(name, *args) orig_open = open patch_point = 'builtins.open' if PY3 else '__builtin__.open' with mock.patch(patch_point, side_effect=open_mock) as m: psutil.net_connections(kind='unix') assert m.called # ===================================================================== # system disk # ===================================================================== @unittest.skipUnless(LINUX, "not a Linux system") class TestSystemDisks(unittest.TestCase): @unittest.skipUnless( hasattr(os, 'statvfs'), "os.statvfs() function not available") @skip_on_not_implemented() def test_disk_partitions_and_usage(self): # test psutil.disk_usage() and psutil.disk_partitions() # against "df -a" def df(path): out = sh('df -P -B 1 "%s"' % path).strip() lines = out.split('\n') lines.pop(0) line = lines.pop(0) dev, total, used, free = line.split()[:4] if dev == 'none': dev = '' total, used, free = int(total), int(used), int(free) return dev, total, used, free for part in psutil.disk_partitions(all=False): usage = psutil.disk_usage(part.mountpoint) dev, total, used, free = df(part.mountpoint) self.assertEqual(usage.total, total) # 10 MB tollerance if abs(usage.free - free) > 10 * 1024 * 1024: self.fail("psutil=%s, df=%s" % (usage.free, free)) if abs(usage.used - used) > 10 * 1024 * 1024: self.fail("psutil=%s, df=%s" % (usage.used, used)) def test_disk_partitions_mocked(self): # Test that ZFS partitions are returned. with open("/proc/filesystems", "r") as f: data = f.read() if 'zfs' in data: for part in psutil.disk_partitions(): if part.fstype == 'zfs': break else: self.fail("couldn't find any ZFS partition") else: # No ZFS partitions on this system. Let's fake one. fake_file = io.StringIO(u("nodev\tzfs\n")) with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.open', return_value=fake_file, create=True) as m1: with mock.patch( 'psutil._pslinux.cext.disk_partitions', return_value=[('/dev/sdb3', '/', 'zfs', 'rw')]) as m2: ret = psutil.disk_partitions() assert m1.called assert m2.called assert ret self.assertEqual(ret[0].fstype, 'zfs') def test_disk_io_counters_kernel_2_4_mocked(self): # Tests /proc/diskstats parsing format for 2.4 kernels, see: # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/767 def open_mock(name, *args, **kwargs): if name == '/proc/partitions': return io.StringIO(textwrap.dedent(u"""\ major minor #blocks name 8 0 488386584 hda """)) elif name == '/proc/diskstats': return io.StringIO( u(" 3 0 1 hda 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12")) else: return orig_open(name, *args, **kwargs) return orig_open(name, *args) orig_open = open patch_point = 'builtins.open' if PY3 else '__builtin__.open' with mock.patch(patch_point, side_effect=open_mock) as m: ret = psutil.disk_io_counters() assert m.called self.assertEqual(ret.read_count, 1) self.assertEqual(ret.read_merged_count, 2) self.assertEqual(ret.read_bytes, 3 * SECTOR_SIZE) self.assertEqual(ret.read_time, 4) self.assertEqual(ret.write_count, 5) self.assertEqual(ret.write_merged_count, 6) self.assertEqual(ret.write_bytes, 7 * SECTOR_SIZE) self.assertEqual(ret.write_time, 8) self.assertEqual(ret.busy_time, 10) def test_disk_io_counters_kernel_2_6_full_mocked(self): # Tests /proc/diskstats parsing format for 2.6 kernels, # lines reporting all metrics: # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/767 def open_mock(name, *args, **kwargs): if name == '/proc/partitions': return io.StringIO(textwrap.dedent(u"""\ major minor #blocks name 8 0 488386584 hda """)) elif name == '/proc/diskstats': return io.StringIO( u(" 3 0 hda 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11")) else: return orig_open(name, *args, **kwargs) return orig_open(name, *args) orig_open = open patch_point = 'builtins.open' if PY3 else '__builtin__.open' with mock.patch(patch_point, side_effect=open_mock) as m: ret = psutil.disk_io_counters() assert m.called self.assertEqual(ret.read_count, 1) self.assertEqual(ret.read_merged_count, 2) self.assertEqual(ret.read_bytes, 3 * SECTOR_SIZE) self.assertEqual(ret.read_time, 4) self.assertEqual(ret.write_count, 5) self.assertEqual(ret.write_merged_count, 6) self.assertEqual(ret.write_bytes, 7 * SECTOR_SIZE) self.assertEqual(ret.write_time, 8) self.assertEqual(ret.busy_time, 10) def test_disk_io_counters_kernel_2_6_limited_mocked(self): # Tests /proc/diskstats parsing format for 2.6 kernels, # where one line of /proc/partitions return a limited # amount of metrics when it bumps into a partition # (instead of a disk). See: # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/767 def open_mock(name, *args, **kwargs): if name == '/proc/partitions': return io.StringIO(textwrap.dedent(u"""\ major minor #blocks name 8 0 488386584 hda """)) elif name == '/proc/diskstats': return io.StringIO( u(" 3 1 hda 1 2 3 4")) else: return orig_open(name, *args, **kwargs) return orig_open(name, *args) orig_open = open patch_point = 'builtins.open' if PY3 else '__builtin__.open' with mock.patch(patch_point, side_effect=open_mock) as m: ret = psutil.disk_io_counters() assert m.called self.assertEqual(ret.read_count, 1) self.assertEqual(ret.read_bytes, 2 * SECTOR_SIZE) self.assertEqual(ret.write_count, 3) self.assertEqual(ret.write_bytes, 4 * SECTOR_SIZE) self.assertEqual(ret.read_merged_count, 0) self.assertEqual(ret.read_time, 0) self.assertEqual(ret.write_merged_count, 0) self.assertEqual(ret.write_time, 0) self.assertEqual(ret.busy_time, 0) # ===================================================================== # misc # ===================================================================== @unittest.skipUnless(LINUX, "not a Linux system") class TestMisc(unittest.TestCase): @mock.patch('psutil.traceback.print_exc') def test_no_procfs_on_import(self, tb): my_procfs = tempfile.mkdtemp() with open(os.path.join(my_procfs, 'stat'), 'w') as f: f.write('cpu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n') f.write('cpu0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n') f.write('cpu1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n') try: orig_open = open def open_mock(name, *args, **kwargs): if name.startswith('/proc'): raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'rejecting access for test') return orig_open(name, *args, **kwargs) patch_point = 'builtins.open' if PY3 else '__builtin__.open' with mock.patch(patch_point, side_effect=open_mock): importlib.reload(psutil) assert tb.called self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.cpu_times) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.cpu_times, percpu=True) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.cpu_percent) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.cpu_percent, percpu=True) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.cpu_times_percent) self.assertRaises( IOError, psutil.cpu_times_percent, percpu=True) psutil.PROCFS_PATH = my_procfs self.assertEqual(psutil.cpu_percent(), 0) self.assertEqual(sum(psutil.cpu_times_percent()), 0) # since we don't know the number of CPUs at import time, # we awkwardly say there are none until the second call per_cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True) self.assertEqual(sum(per_cpu_percent), 0) # ditto awkward length per_cpu_times_percent = psutil.cpu_times_percent(percpu=True) self.assertEqual(sum(map(sum, per_cpu_times_percent)), 0) # much user, very busy with open(os.path.join(my_procfs, 'stat'), 'w') as f: f.write('cpu 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n') f.write('cpu0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n') f.write('cpu1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n') self.assertNotEqual(psutil.cpu_percent(), 0) self.assertNotEqual( sum(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True)), 0) self.assertNotEqual(sum(psutil.cpu_times_percent()), 0) self.assertNotEqual( sum(map(sum, psutil.cpu_times_percent(percpu=True))), 0) finally: shutil.rmtree(my_procfs) importlib.reload(psutil) self.assertEqual(psutil.PROCFS_PATH, '/proc') @unittest.skipUnless( get_kernel_version() >= (2, 6, 36), "prlimit() not available on this Linux kernel version") def test_prlimit_availability(self): # prlimit() should be available starting from kernel 2.6.36 p = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) p.rlimit(psutil.RLIMIT_NOFILE) # if prlimit() is supported *at least* these constants should # be available self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIM_INFINITY")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_AS")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_CORE")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_CPU")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_DATA")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_FSIZE")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_LOCKS")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_MEMLOCK")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_NOFILE")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_NPROC")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_RSS")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_STACK")) @unittest.skipUnless( get_kernel_version() >= (3, 0), "prlimit constants not available on this Linux kernel version") def test_resource_consts_kernel_v(self): # more recent constants self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_NICE")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_RTPRIO")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_RTTIME")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_SIGPENDING")) def test_boot_time_mocked(self): with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.open', create=True) as m: self.assertRaises( RuntimeError, psutil._pslinux.boot_time) assert m.called def test_users_mocked(self): # Make sure ':0' and ':0.0' (returned by C ext) are converted # to 'localhost'. with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.cext.users', return_value=[('giampaolo', 'pts/2', ':0', 1436573184.0, True)]) as m: self.assertEqual(psutil.users()[0].host, 'localhost') assert m.called with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.cext.users', return_value=[('giampaolo', 'pts/2', ':0.0', 1436573184.0, True)]) as m: self.assertEqual(psutil.users()[0].host, 'localhost') assert m.called # ...otherwise it should be returned as-is with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.cext.users', return_value=[('giampaolo', 'pts/2', 'foo', 1436573184.0, True)]) as m: self.assertEqual(psutil.users()[0].host, 'foo') assert m.called def test_procfs_path(self): tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: psutil.PROCFS_PATH = tdir self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.virtual_memory) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.cpu_times) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.cpu_times, percpu=True) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.boot_time) # self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.pids) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.net_connections) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.net_io_counters) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.net_if_stats) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.disk_io_counters) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.disk_partitions) self.assertRaises(psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.Process) finally: psutil.PROCFS_PATH = "/proc" os.rmdir(tdir) def test_sector_size_mock(self): # Test SECTOR_SIZE fallback in case 'hw_sector_size' file # does not exist. def open_mock(name, *args, **kwargs): if PY3 and isinstance(name, bytes): name = name.decode() if name.startswith("/sys/block/sda/queue/hw_sector_size"): flag.append(None) raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, '') else: return orig_open(name, *args, **kwargs) flag = [] orig_open = open patch_point = 'builtins.open' if PY3 else '__builtin__.open' try: with mock.patch(patch_point, side_effect=open_mock): importlib.reload(psutil._pslinux) importlib.reload(psutil) self.assertEqual(flag, [None]) self.assertEqual(psutil._pslinux.SECTOR_SIZE, 512) finally: importlib.reload(psutil._pslinux) importlib.reload(psutil) # ===================================================================== # test process # ===================================================================== @unittest.skipUnless(LINUX, "not a Linux system") class TestProcess(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): safe_remove(TESTFN) tearDown = setUp def test_compare_stat_and_status_files(self): # /proc/pid/stat and /proc/pid/status have many values in common. # Whenever possible, psutil uses /proc/pid/stat (it's faster). # For all those cases we check that the value found in # /proc/pid/stat (by psutil) matches the one found in # /proc/pid/status. for p in psutil.process_iter(): try: f = psutil._psplatform.open_text('/proc/%s/status' % p.pid) except IOError: pass else: with f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('Name:'): name = line.split()[1] # Name is truncated to 15 chars self.assertEqual(p.name()[:15], name[:15]) elif line.startswith('State:'): status = line[line.find('(') + 1:line.rfind(')')] status = status.replace(' ', '-') self.assertEqual(p.status(), status) elif line.startswith('PPid:'): ppid = int(line.split()[1]) self.assertEqual(p.ppid(), ppid) # The ones below internally are determined by reading # 'status' file but we use a re to extract the info # so it makes sense to check them. elif line.startswith('Threads:'): num_threads = int(line.split()[1]) self.assertEqual(p.num_threads(), num_threads) elif line.startswith('Uid:'): uids = tuple(map(int, line.split()[1:4])) self.assertEqual(tuple(p.uids()), uids) elif line.startswith('Gid:'): gids = tuple(map(int, line.split()[1:4])) self.assertEqual(tuple(p.gids()), gids) elif line.startswith('voluntary_ctxt_switches:'): vol = int(line.split()[1]) self.assertAlmostEqual( p.num_ctx_switches().voluntary, vol, delta=2) elif line.startswith('nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches:'): invol = int(line.split()[1]) self.assertAlmostEqual( p.num_ctx_switches().involuntary, invol, delta=2) def test_memory_maps(self): src = textwrap.dedent(""" import time with open("%s", "w") as f: time.sleep(10) """ % TESTFN) sproc = pyrun(src) self.addCleanup(reap_children) call_until(lambda: os.listdir('.'), "'%s' not in ret" % TESTFN) p = psutil.Process(sproc.pid) time.sleep(.1) maps = p.memory_maps(grouped=False) pmap = sh('pmap -x %s' % p.pid).split('\n') # get rid of header del pmap[0] del pmap[0] while maps and pmap: this = maps.pop(0) other = pmap.pop(0) addr, _, rss, dirty, mode, path = other.split(None, 5) if not path.startswith('[') and not path.endswith(']'): self.assertEqual(path, os.path.basename(this.path)) self.assertEqual(int(rss) * 1024, this.rss) # test only rwx chars, ignore 's' and 'p' self.assertEqual(mode[:3], this.perms[:3]) def test_memory_full_info(self): src = textwrap.dedent(""" import time with open("%s", "w") as f: time.sleep(10) """ % TESTFN) sproc = pyrun(src) self.addCleanup(reap_children) call_until(lambda: os.listdir('.'), "'%s' not in ret" % TESTFN) p = psutil.Process(sproc.pid) time.sleep(.1) mem = p.memory_full_info() maps = p.memory_maps(grouped=False) self.assertAlmostEqual( mem.uss, sum([x.private_dirty + x.private_clean for x in maps]), delta=4096) self.assertAlmostEqual( mem.pss, sum([x.pss for x in maps]), delta=4096) self.assertAlmostEqual( mem.swap, sum([x.swap for x in maps]), delta=4096) # On PYPY file descriptors are not closed fast enough. @unittest.skipIf(PYPY, "skipped on PYPY") def test_open_files_mode(self): def get_test_file(): p = psutil.Process() giveup_at = time.time() + 2 while True: for file in p.open_files(): if file.path == os.path.abspath(TESTFN): return file elif time.time() > giveup_at: break raise RuntimeError("timeout looking for test file") # with open(TESTFN, "w"): self.assertEqual(get_test_file().mode, "w") with open(TESTFN, "r"): self.assertEqual(get_test_file().mode, "r") with open(TESTFN, "a"): self.assertEqual(get_test_file().mode, "a") # with open(TESTFN, "r+"): self.assertEqual(get_test_file().mode, "r+") with open(TESTFN, "w+"): self.assertEqual(get_test_file().mode, "r+") with open(TESTFN, "a+"): self.assertEqual(get_test_file().mode, "a+") # note: "x" bit is not supported if PY3: safe_remove(TESTFN) with open(TESTFN, "x"): self.assertEqual(get_test_file().mode, "w") safe_remove(TESTFN) with open(TESTFN, "x+"): self.assertEqual(get_test_file().mode, "r+") def test_open_files_file_gone(self): # simulates a file which gets deleted during open_files() # execution p = psutil.Process() files = p.open_files() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(): # give the kernel some time to see the new file call_until(p.open_files, "len(ret) != %i" % len(files)) with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.os.readlink', side_effect=OSError(errno.ENOENT, "")) as m: files = p.open_files() assert not files assert m.called # also simulate the case where os.readlink() returns EINVAL # in which case psutil is supposed to 'continue' with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.os.readlink', side_effect=OSError(errno.EINVAL, "")) as m: self.assertEqual(p.open_files(), []) assert m.called # --- mocked tests def test_terminal_mocked(self): with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux._psposix.get_terminal_map', return_value={}) as m: self.assertIsNone(psutil._pslinux.Process(os.getpid()).terminal()) assert m.called # TODO: re-enable this test. # def test_num_ctx_switches_mocked(self): # with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.open', create=True) as m: # self.assertRaises( # NotImplementedError, # psutil._pslinux.Process(os.getpid()).num_ctx_switches) # assert m.called def test_cmdline_mocked(self): # see: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/639 p = psutil.Process() fake_file = io.StringIO(u('foo\x00bar\x00')) with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.open', return_value=fake_file, create=True) as m: p.cmdline() == ['foo', 'bar'] assert m.called fake_file = io.StringIO(u('foo\x00bar\x00\x00')) with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.open', return_value=fake_file, create=True) as m: p.cmdline() == ['foo', 'bar', ''] assert m.called def test_io_counters_mocked(self): with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.open', create=True) as m: self.assertRaises( NotImplementedError, psutil._pslinux.Process(os.getpid()).io_counters) assert m.called def test_readlink_path_deleted_mocked(self): with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.os.readlink', return_value='/home/foo (deleted)'): self.assertEqual(psutil.Process().exe(), "/home/foo") self.assertEqual(psutil.Process().cwd(), "/home/foo") def test_threads_mocked(self): # Test the case where os.listdir() returns a file (thread) # which no longer exists by the time we open() it (race # condition). threads() is supposed to ignore that instead # of raising NSP. def open_mock(name, *args, **kwargs): if name.startswith('/proc/%s/task' % os.getpid()): raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, "") else: return orig_open(name, *args, **kwargs) orig_open = open patch_point = 'builtins.open' if PY3 else '__builtin__.open' with mock.patch(patch_point, side_effect=open_mock) as m: ret = psutil.Process().threads() assert m.called self.assertEqual(ret, []) # ...but if it bumps into something != ENOENT we want an # exception. def open_mock(name, *args, **kwargs): if name.startswith('/proc/%s/task' % os.getpid()): raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "") else: return orig_open(name, *args, **kwargs) with mock.patch(patch_point, side_effect=open_mock): self.assertRaises(psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.Process().threads) # not sure why (doesn't fail locally) # https://travis-ci.org/giampaolo/psutil/jobs/108629915 @unittest.skipIf(TRAVIS, "fails on travis") def test_exe_mocked(self): with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.os.readlink', side_effect=OSError(errno.ENOENT, "")) as m: # No such file error; might be raised also if /proc/pid/exe # path actually exists for system processes with low pids # (about 0-20). In this case psutil is supposed to return # an empty string. ret = psutil.Process().exe() assert m.called self.assertEqual(ret, "") # ...but if /proc/pid no longer exist we're supposed to treat # it as an alias for zombie process with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.os.path.lexists', return_value=False): self.assertRaises(psutil.ZombieProcess, psutil.Process().exe) if __name__ == '__main__': run_test_module_by_name(__file__)