from __future__ import ( absolute_import, print_function, division, unicode_literals ) import inspect import json as json_module import re import six from collections import namedtuple, Sequence, Sized from functools import update_wrapper from cookies import Cookies from requests.utils import cookiejar_from_dict from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from requests.sessions import REDIRECT_STATI try: from requests.packages.urllib3.response import HTTPResponse except ImportError: from urllib3.response import HTTPResponse if six.PY2: from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qsl else: from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qsl if six.PY2: try: from six import cStringIO as BufferIO except ImportError: from six import StringIO as BufferIO else: from io import BytesIO as BufferIO Call = namedtuple('Call', ['request', 'response']) _wrapper_template = """\ def wrapper%(signature)s: with responses: return func%(funcargs)s """ def _is_string(s): return isinstance(s, (six.string_types, six.text_type)) def _is_redirect(response): try: # 2.0.0 <= requests <= 2.2 return response.is_redirect except AttributeError: # requests > 2.2 return ( # use request.sessions conditional response.status_code in REDIRECT_STATI and 'location' in response.headers ) def get_wrapped(func, wrapper_template, evaldict): # Preserve the argspec for the wrapped function so that testing # tools such as pytest can continue to use their fixture injection. args, a, kw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func) signature = inspect.formatargspec(args, a, kw, defaults) is_bound_method = hasattr(func, '__self__') if is_bound_method: args = args[1:] # Omit 'self' callargs = inspect.formatargspec(args, a, kw, None) ctx = {'signature': signature, 'funcargs': callargs} six.exec_(wrapper_template % ctx, evaldict) wrapper = evaldict['wrapper'] update_wrapper(wrapper, func) if is_bound_method: wrapper = wrapper.__get__(func.__self__, type(func.__self__)) return wrapper class CallList(Sequence, Sized): def __init__(self): self._calls = [] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._calls) def __len__(self): return len(self._calls) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self._calls[idx] def add(self, request, response): self._calls.append(Call(request, response)) def reset(self): self._calls = [] def _ensure_url_default_path(url, match_querystring): if _is_string(url) and url.count('/') == 2: if match_querystring: return url.replace('?', '/?', 1) else: return url + '/' return url class RequestsMock(object): DELETE = 'DELETE' GET = 'GET' HEAD = 'HEAD' OPTIONS = 'OPTIONS' PATCH = 'PATCH' POST = 'POST' PUT = 'PUT' def __init__(self, assert_all_requests_are_fired=True): self._calls = CallList() self.reset() self.assert_all_requests_are_fired = assert_all_requests_are_fired def reset(self): self._urls = [] self._calls.reset() def add(self, method, url, body='', match_querystring=False, status=200, adding_headers=None, stream=False, content_type='text/plain', json=None): # if we were passed a `json` argument, # override the body and content_type if json: body = json_module.dumps(json) content_type = 'application/json' # ensure the url has a default path set if the url is a string url = _ensure_url_default_path(url, match_querystring) # body must be bytes if isinstance(body, six.text_type): body = body.encode('utf-8') self._urls.append({ 'url': url, 'method': method, 'body': body, 'content_type': content_type, 'match_querystring': match_querystring, 'status': status, 'adding_headers': adding_headers, 'stream': stream, }) def add_callback(self, method, url, callback, match_querystring=False, content_type='text/plain'): # ensure the url has a default path set if the url is a string # url = _ensure_url_default_path(url, match_querystring) self._urls.append({ 'url': url, 'method': method, 'callback': callback, 'content_type': content_type, 'match_querystring': match_querystring, }) @property def calls(self): return self._calls def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.stop() self.reset() def activate(self, func): evaldict = {'responses': self, 'func': func} return get_wrapped(func, _wrapper_template, evaldict) def _find_match(self, request): for match in self._urls: if request.method != match['method']: continue if not self._has_url_match(match, request.url): continue break else: return None if self.assert_all_requests_are_fired: # for each found match remove the url from the stack self._urls.remove(match) return match def _has_url_match(self, match, request_url): url = match['url'] if _is_string(url): if match['match_querystring']: return self._has_strict_url_match(url, request_url) else: url_without_qs = request_url.split('?', 1)[0] return url == url_without_qs elif isinstance(url, re._pattern_type) and url.match(request_url): return True else: return False def _has_strict_url_match(self, url, other): url_parsed = urlparse(url) other_parsed = urlparse(other) if url_parsed[:3] != other_parsed[:3]: return False url_qsl = sorted(parse_qsl(url_parsed.query)) other_qsl = sorted(parse_qsl(other_parsed.query)) return url_qsl == other_qsl def _on_request(self, adapter, request, **kwargs): match = self._find_match(request) # TODO(dcramer): find the correct class for this if match is None: error_msg = 'Connection refused: {0} {1}'.format(request.method, request.url) response = ConnectionError(error_msg) response.request = request self._calls.add(request, response) raise response if 'body' in match and isinstance(match['body'], Exception): self._calls.add(request, match['body']) raise match['body'] headers = { 'Content-Type': match['content_type'], } if 'callback' in match: # use callback status, r_headers, body = match['callback'](request) if isinstance(body, six.text_type): body = body.encode('utf-8') body = BufferIO(body) headers.update(r_headers) elif 'body' in match: if match['adding_headers']: headers.update(match['adding_headers']) status = match['status'] body = BufferIO(match['body']) response = HTTPResponse( status=status, body=body, headers=headers, preload_content=False, ) response = adapter.build_response(request, response) if not match.get('stream'): response.content # NOQA try: resp_cookies = Cookies.from_request(response.headers['set-cookie']) response.cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(dict( (, v.value) for _, v in resp_cookies.items() )) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass self._calls.add(request, response) return response def start(self): try: from unittest import mock except ImportError: import mock def unbound_on_send(adapter, request, *a, **kwargs): return self._on_request(adapter, request, *a, **kwargs) self._patcher = mock.patch('requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter.send', unbound_on_send) self._patcher.start() def stop(self): self._patcher.stop() if self.assert_all_requests_are_fired and self._urls: raise AssertionError( 'Not all requests have been executed {0!r}'.format( [(url['method'], url['url']) for url in self._urls])) # expose default mock namespace mock = _default_mock = RequestsMock(assert_all_requests_are_fired=False) __all__ = [] for __attr in (a for a in dir(_default_mock) if not a.startswith('_')): __all__.append(__attr) globals()[__attr] = getattr(_default_mock, __attr)