""" Custom element manager for community created elements. For more details about this integration, please refer to the documentation at https://hacs.xyz/ """ import voluptuous as vol from aiogithubapi import AIOGitHub from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.const import EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START from homeassistant.const import __version__ as HAVERSION from homeassistant.components.lovelace import system_health_info from homeassistant.exceptions import ConfigEntryNotReady, ServiceNotFound from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_create_clientsession from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later from .configuration_schema import hacs_base_config_schema, hacs_config_option_schema from .const import DOMAIN, ELEMENT_TYPES, STARTUP, VERSION from .constrains import check_constans from .hacsbase import Hacs from .hacsbase.configuration import Configuration from .hacsbase.data import HacsData from .setup import add_sensor, load_hacs_repository, setup_frontend SCHEMA = hacs_base_config_schema() SCHEMA[vol.Optional("options")] = hacs_config_option_schema() CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({DOMAIN: SCHEMA}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) async def async_setup(hass, config): """Set up this integration using yaml.""" if DOMAIN not in config: return True hass.data[DOMAIN] = config Hacs.hass = hass Hacs.configuration = Configuration.from_dict( config[DOMAIN], config[DOMAIN].get("options") ) Hacs.configuration.config = config Hacs.configuration.config_type = "yaml" await startup_wrapper_for_yaml(Hacs) hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_IMPORT}, data={} ) ) return True async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry): """Set up this integration using UI.""" conf = hass.data.get(DOMAIN) if config_entry.source == config_entries.SOURCE_IMPORT: if conf is None: hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.async_remove(config_entry.entry_id) ) return False Hacs.hass = hass Hacs.configuration = Configuration.from_dict( config_entry.data, config_entry.options ) Hacs.configuration.config_type = "flow" Hacs.configuration.config_entry = config_entry config_entry.add_update_listener(reload_hacs) startup_result = await hacs_startup(Hacs) if not startup_result: Hacs.system.disabled = True raise ConfigEntryNotReady Hacs.system.disabled = False return startup_result async def startup_wrapper_for_yaml(hacs): """Startup wrapper for yaml config.""" startup_result = await hacs_startup(hacs) if not startup_result: hacs.system.disabled = True hacs.hass.components.frontend.async_remove_panel( hacs.configuration.sidepanel_title.lower() .replace(" ", "_") .replace("-", "_") ) hacs.logger.info("Could not setup HACS, trying again in 15 min") async_call_later(hacs.hass, 900, startup_wrapper_for_yaml(hacs)) return hacs.system.disabled = False async def hacs_startup(hacs): """HACS startup tasks.""" if hacs.configuration.debug: try: await hacs.hass.services.async_call( "logger", "set_level", {"hacs": "debug"} ) except ServiceNotFound: hacs.logger.error( "Could not set logging level to debug, logger is not enabled" ) lovelace_info = await system_health_info(hacs.hass) hacs.logger.debug(f"Configuration type: {hacs.configuration.config_type}") hacs.version = VERSION hacs.logger.info(STARTUP) hacs.system.config_path = hacs.hass.config.path() hacs.system.ha_version = HAVERSION hacs.system.lovelace_mode = lovelace_info.get("mode", "yaml") hacs.system.disabled = False hacs.github = AIOGitHub( hacs.configuration.token, async_create_clientsession(hacs.hass) ) hacs.data = HacsData() # Check HACS Constrains if not await hacs.hass.async_add_executor_job(check_constans, hacs): if hacs.configuration.config_type == "flow": if hacs.configuration.config_entry is not None: await async_remove_entry(hacs.hass, hacs.configuration.config_entry) return False # Set up frontend await setup_frontend(hacs) # Set up sensor await hacs.hass.async_add_executor_job(add_sensor, hacs) # Load HACS if not await load_hacs_repository(hacs): if hacs.configuration.config_type == "flow": if hacs.configuration.config_entry is not None: await async_remove_entry(hacs.hass, hacs.configuration.config_entry) return False # Restore from storefiles if not await hacs.data.restore(): hacs_repo = hacs().get_by_name("hacs/integration") hacs_repo.pending_restart = True if hacs.configuration.config_type == "flow": if hacs.configuration.config_entry is not None: await async_remove_entry(hacs.hass, hacs.configuration.config_entry) return False # Add aditional categories hacs.common.categories = ELEMENT_TYPES if hacs.configuration.appdaemon: hacs.common.categories.append("appdaemon") if hacs.configuration.python_script: hacs.configuration.python_script = False if hacs.configuration.config_type == "yaml": hacs.logger.warning( "Configuration option 'python_script' is deprecated and you should remove it from your configuration, HACS will know if you use 'python_script' in your Home Assistant configuration, this option will be removed in a future release." ) if hacs.configuration.theme: hacs.configuration.theme = False if hacs.configuration.config_type == "yaml": hacs.logger.warning( "Configuration option 'theme' is deprecated and you should remove it from your configuration, HACS will know if you use 'theme' in your Home Assistant configuration, this option will be removed in a future release." ) # Setup startup tasks if hacs.configuration.config_type == "yaml": hacs.hass.bus.async_listen_once( EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, hacs().startup_tasks() ) else: async_call_later(hacs.hass, 5, hacs().startup_tasks()) # Show the configuration hacs.configuration.print() # Mischief managed! return True async def async_remove_entry(hass, config_entry): """Handle removal of an entry.""" Hacs().logger.info("Disabling HACS") Hacs().logger.info("Removing recuring tasks") for task in Hacs().recuring_tasks: task() Hacs().logger.info("Removing sensor") try: await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_unload(config_entry, "sensor") except ValueError: pass Hacs().logger.info("Removing sidepanel") try: hass.components.frontend.async_remove_panel("hacs") except AttributeError: pass Hacs().system.disabled = True Hacs().logger.info("HACS is now disabled") async def reload_hacs(hass, config_entry): """Reload HACS.""" await async_remove_entry(hass, config_entry) await async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry)