"""Download.""" import os import gzip import shutil import aiofiles import async_timeout from integrationhelper import Logger import backoff from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession from ..hacsbase.exceptions import HacsException @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, Exception, max_tries=5) async def async_download_file(hass, url): """ Download files, and return the content. """ logger = Logger("hacs.download.downloader") if url is None: return # There is a bug somewhere... TODO: Find that bug.... if "tags/" in url: url = url.replace("tags/", "") logger.debug(f"Downloading {url}") result = None with async_timeout.timeout(60, loop=hass.loop): request = await async_get_clientsession(hass).get(url) # Make sure that we got a valid result if request.status == 200: result = await request.read() else: raise HacsException( "Got status code {} when trying to download {}".format( request.status, url ) ) return result async def async_save_file(location, content): """Save files.""" logger = Logger("hacs.download.save") logger.debug(f"Saving {location}") mode = "w" encoding = "utf-8" errors = "ignore" if not isinstance(content, str): mode = "wb" encoding = None errors = None try: async with aiofiles.open( location, mode=mode, encoding=encoding, errors=errors ) as outfile: await outfile.write(content) outfile.close() # Create gz for .js files if os.path.isfile(location): if location.endswith(".js") or location.endswith(".css"): with open(location, "rb") as f_in: with gzip.open(location + ".gz", "wb") as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) # Remove with 2.0 if "themes" in location and location.endswith(".yaml"): filename = location.split("/")[-1] base = location.split("/themes/")[0] combined = f"{base}/themes/{filename}" if os.path.exists(combined): logger.info(f"Removing old theme file {combined}") os.remove(combined) except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except msg = "Could not write data to {} - {}".format(location, error) logger.error(msg) return False return os.path.exists(location)