#------------------------------------------- # @CCOSTAN # Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig #------------------------------------------- # Added Duplicati to HA - https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig/issues/1498 #------------------------------------------- automation: - alias: 'Backup Job Failed Notification' id: 5b3a4c89-1234-4567-8901-23456789abcf trigger: - platform: state entity_id: sensor.dockerconfigs_backup_error_message from: '-' action: - service: script.notify_engine data: who: 'carlo' value1: 'Backup Job Error!' value2: "Error: {{ states('sensor.dockerconfigs_backup_error_message') }}" - alias: 'Backup Size Change Alert' id: 5b3a4c89-1234-4567-8901-23456789abd0 trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.dockerconfigs_backup_target_size above: 10000000000 # Alert if backup size is over 10GB action: - service: script.notify_engine data: who: 'carlo' value1: 'Backup Size Warning' value2: > Backup target size has grown to {{ states('sensor.dockerconfigs_backup_target_size') | float / 1000000000 }} GB. Please verify backup contents and available storage.