###################################################################################################### ###Script to send notifications to the mobile Phone! Call like this: # action: # service: script.notify_engine # data: # title: 'Ios Title' # value1: 'Startup: Home Assistant is Up and Running!' # value2: "{{ trigger.to_state.state }}" # value3: # who: "stacey | carlo | paige | family | parents" # camera_entity: 'Camera.Camera' # content-type: "jpeg" # apns_id: "Something_Unique" if important or information # @CCOSTAN # Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig # Need this script to work with Android? Check out this Video. https://youtu.be/mK1wdpxhLbM ###################################################################################################### notify_engine: sequence: - condition: or conditions: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.text_notifications state: 'on' - service: > {% if who == 'stacey' %} notify.mobile_app_stacey_iphone11 {% elif who == 'carlo' %} notify.mobile_app_carlo_xsmax {% elif who == 'parents' %} notify.ios_parents {% elif who == 'family' %} notify.ios_family {% else %} notify.ios_family {% endif %} data: title: "{{ title }}" message: "{{ value1 }} {{ value2 }} {{ value3 }}" data: apns_headers: 'apns-collapse-id': "{{ apns_id }}" push: category: "{{ ios_category }}" entity_id: "{{ camera_entity }}" notify_engine_two_button: sequence: - condition: or conditions: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.text_notifications state: 'on' - service: > {% if who == 'stacey' %} notify.mobile_app_stacey_iphone11 {% elif who == 'carlo' %} notify.mobile_app_carlo_xsmax {% elif who == 'parents' %} notify.ios_parents {% elif who == 'family' %} notify.ios_family {% else %} notify.ios_family {% endif %} data: message: "{{ value1 }} {{ value2 }} {{ value3 }}" title: "{{ title|default('', true) }}" data: actions: - title: "{{ title1|default('', true) }}" action: "{{ action1 }}" icon: "{{ icon1|default ('sfsymbols:house.circle', true) }}" destructive: "{{ destructive1|default('false', true) }}" - title: "{{ title2|default('', true) }}" action: "{{ action2 }}" icon: "{{ icon2|default ('sfsymbols:house.circle', true) }}" destructive: "{{ destructive2|default('false', true) }}" apns_id: "{{ apns_id }}"