#------------------------------------------- # This is the configuration account for @BearStoneHA - My Homes automated twitter account. # @CCOSTAN # Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig #------------------------------------------- ### Building out some Historical stats for tweeting. ##################### command_line: - sensor: name: 'Lines of Code' unique_id: lines_of_code command: "find /config -name '*.yaml' | xargs cat | wc -l" scan_interval: 20000 - sensor: name: 'GitHub Stats' unique_id: github_stats_command command: 'curl https://api.github.com/repos/ccostan/home-assistantconfig' scan_interval: 20000 value_template: '{{ value_json.name }}' json_attributes: - open_issues - stargazers_count sensor: - platform: history_stats name: Speech time entity_id: media_player.livingroomCC state: 'playing' type: time end: '{{ now() }}' duration: hours: 24 - platform: history_stats name: TV time entity_id: media_player.living_room_ultra state: 'playing' type: time end: '{{ now() }}' duration: hours: 24 - platform: history_stats name: Landscaping Light time entity_id: group.landscaping state: 'on' type: time end: '{{ now() }}' duration: hours: 24 - platform: history_stats name: Tesla Charging time entity_id: sensor.carlojuice_charging_status state: 'charging' type: time end: '{{ now() }}' duration: days: 7 ### Building some interesting stats for tweeting. ### - platform: template sensors: sensor_count: friendly_name: 'Number of Sensors' value_template: >- {{ states.sensor | list | count }} automation_count: friendly_name: 'Number of Automations' value_template: >- {{ states.automation| list | count }} script_count: friendly_name: 'Number of Scripts' value_template: > {{ states.script | list | count }} binary_sensor_count: friendly_name: 'Number of Binary Sensors' value_template: >- {{ states.binary_sensor | list | count }} tracker_count: friendly_name: 'Number of Devices' value_template: >- {{ states.device_tracker| list | count }} lights_count: friendly_name: 'Number of Lights' value_template: > {{ states.light | list | count }} protect_count: friendly_name: 'Number of Smoke Detectors' value_template: > {% if states('group.protects') == 'on' %} {% for e in states.group.protects.attributes.entity_id if states(e) == 'on' %} {% if loop.last %} {{ loop.index }} {% endif %} {%- endfor -%} {% else %} 0 {% endif %} camera_count: friendly_name: 'Number of online Cameras' value_template: > {{ states.camera | list | count }} #############################################################