###################################################################### ## Who's day is it anyway? Pretty sure my parent's didn't code to figure this out. ###################################################################### - alias: 'chores' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: input_boolean.chore_schedule state: 'on' from: 'off' action: - service: input_boolean.turn_off entity_id: input_boolean.chore_schedule - service: script.Voice_notify data_template: value1: > {%- macro chore_schedule() -%} {%if now().strftime("%a") == 'Wed' or now().strftime("%a") == 'Sun'%} Today is {{now().strftime("%A")}} and {{now().strftime("%A")}} is garbage day. {%endif%} {% if now().strftime("%j")|int % 2 != 0 %} Today is Justin's day to do the chores. {% else %} Today is Paige's day to do the chores. {%endif%} {%- endmacro -%} "{{chore_schedule()}}"