You can use this code to quickly create files from the template editor in HA. I use it mainly for `emulated_hue` and to quickly add in new Customize options to all things HA! #########################################################3 Create fast Customize for groups.yaml: {% for state in -%} {% if loop.first %} {% elif loop.last %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{- state.entity_id }}: friendly_name: '{{ state.attributes.friendly_name|replace("_"," ",)|title() if state.attributes.friendly_name is defined else|replace("_"," ",)|title() }}' emulated_hue: {{state.attributes.emulated_hue if state.attributes.emulated_hue is defined else 'False' }} hidden: {{state.attributes.hidden if state.attributes.hidden is defined else "False"}} {{'icon: '+ state.attributes.icon if state.attributes.icon is defined}} {% endfor -%} ######################################################### Create fast Customize for lights.yaml {% for state in states.light -%} {% if loop.first %} {% elif loop.last %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ state.entity_id }}: friendly_name: '{{ state.attributes.friendly_name|replace("_"," ",)|title() if state.attributes.friendly_name is defined else|replace("_"," ",)|title() }}' {{-'icon: '+ state.attributes.icon if state.attributes.icon is defined}} emulated_hue: {{state.attributes.emulated_hue if state.attributes.emulated_hue is defined else 'False' }} hidden: {{state.attributes.hidden if state.attributes.hidden is defined else "False"}} {%- endfor -%} ######################################################### Create fast Customize for Input_Boolean.yaml {% for state in states.input_boolean -%} {% if loop.first %} {% elif loop.last %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ state.entity_id }}: friendly_name: '{{ state.attributes.friendly_name|replace("_"," ",)|title() if state.attributes.friendly_name is defined else|replace("_"," ",)|title() }}' {{-'icon: '+ state.attributes.icon if state.attributes.icon is defined}} emulated_hue: {{state.attributes.emulated_hue if state.attributes.emulated_hue is defined else 'False' }} hidden: {{state.attributes.hidden if state.attributes.hidden is defined else "False"}} {%- endfor -%} ######################################################### Create fast Customize for Scripts.yaml {% for state in states.script-%} {% if loop.first %} {% elif loop.last %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ state.entity_id }}: friendly_name: '{{ state.attributes.friendly_name|replace("_"," ",)|title() if state.attributes.friendly_name is defined else|replace("_"," ",)|title() }}' {{-'icon: '+ state.attributes.icon if state.attributes.icon is defined}} emulated_hue: {{state.attributes.emulated_hue if state.attributes.emulated_hue is defined else 'False' }} hidden: {{state.attributes.hidden if state.attributes.hidden is defined else "False"}} {%- endfor -%} ######################################################### Create fast Customize for scenes.yaml {% for state in states.scene-%} {% if loop.first %} {% elif loop.last %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ state.entity_id }}: friendly_name: '{{ state.attributes.friendly_name|replace("_"," ",)|title() if state.attributes.friendly_name is defined else|replace("_"," ",)|title() }}' {{-'icon: '+ state.attributes.icon if state.attributes.icon is defined}} emulated_hue: {{state.attributes.emulated_hue if state.attributes.emulated_hue is defined else 'False' }} {%- endfor -%}