###Script to send notifications to the ChromeCast Audios during normal hours and only when we are home! Call like this:
  # action:
    # service: script.speech_engine
    # data:
    #   call_no_announcement:
    #   call_dark_outside:
    #   call_window_check:
    #   call_garage_check:
    #   call_responsibilities
    #   call_light_check
    #   call_inside_weather
    #   call_outside_weather
# Follow me on https://www.vcloudinfo.com/click-here
# Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig

# Define the "speech_engine" script
  # Set the mode to "queued"
  mode: queued
  # Define the sequence of actions to be performed
    # If the state of the "group.family" entity is "home" or the state of the "input_boolean.guest_mode" entity is "on", proceed with the script
    - condition: or
        - condition: state
          entity_id: group.family
          state: 'home'
        - condition: state
          entity_id: input_boolean.guest_mode
          state: 'on'

    # Run the "script.speech_processing" service with the specified media player and speech message
    - service: script.speech_processing
        # Set the entity ID for the media players to be controlled
        # If the "media_player" variable is not defined, set it to a list of media player entities
        # If the "media_player" variable is a list, convert it to a comma-separated string
        media_player: >-
           {% if media_player | length == 0 %}
             {% set media_player = [
             ] %}
           {% endif %}
           {% if media_player is not string and media_player is sequence %}
             {% set media_player = media_player|join(', ') %}
           {% endif %}
           {{ media_player }}
        # Include the speech message from the "speech/briefing.yaml" template file
        speech_message: !include ../templates/speech/briefing.yaml

    # Turn off the "input_boolean.home_stats" and "input_boolean.responsibilities" input booleans
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
          - input_boolean.home_stats
          - input_boolean.responsibilities