"""HACS http endpoints.""" import os from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from aiohttp import web from hacs_frontend import locate_gz, locate_debug_gz from .hacsbase import Hacs class HacsFrontend(HomeAssistantView, Hacs): """Base View Class for HACS.""" requires_auth = False name = "hacs_files" url = r"/hacsfiles/{requested_file:.+}" async def get(self, request, requested_file): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Handle HACS Web requests.""" if requested_file.startswith("frontend-"): if self.configuration.debug: servefile = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(locate_debug_gz) self.logger.debug("Serving DEBUG frontend") else: servefile = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(locate_gz) if os.path.exists(servefile): return web.FileResponse(servefile) elif requested_file == "iconset.js": return web.FileResponse( f"{self.system.config_path}/custom_components/hacs/iconset.js" ) try: if requested_file.startswith("themes"): file = f"{self.system.config_path}/{requested_file}" else: file = f"{self.system.config_path}/www/community/{requested_file}" # Serve .gz if it exist if os.path.exists(file + ".gz"): file += ".gz" if os.path.exists(file): self.logger.debug("Serving {} from {}".format(requested_file, file)) response = web.FileResponse(file) response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=0, must-revalidate" return response else: self.logger.error(f"Tried to serve up '{file}' but it does not exist") except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.logger.debug( "there was an issue trying to serve {} - {}".format( requested_file, error ) ) return web.Response(status=404) class HacsPluginViewLegacy(HacsFrontend): """Alias for legacy, remove with 2.0""" url = r"/community_plugin/{requested_file:.+}"