"""Repository.""" # pylint: disable=broad-except, bad-continuation, no-member import json import os import tempfile import zipfile from integrationhelper import Validate from aiogithubapi import AIOGitHubException from .manifest import HacsManifest from ..helpers.misc import get_repository_name from ..handler.download import async_download_file, async_save_file from ..helpers.misc import version_left_higher_then_right from ..helpers.install import install_repository, version_to_install from custom_components.hacs.hacsbase.exceptions import HacsException from custom_components.hacs.globals import get_hacs from custom_components.hacs.helpers.information import ( get_info_md_content, get_repository, ) from custom_components.hacs.helpers.validate_repository import ( common_validate, common_update_data, ) from custom_components.hacs.repositories.repositorydata import RepositoryData class RepositoryVersions: """Versions.""" available = None available_commit = None installed = None installed_commit = None class RepositoryStatus: """Repository status.""" hide = False installed = False last_updated = None new = True selected_tag = None show_beta = False track = True updated_info = False first_install = True class RepositoryInformation: """RepositoryInformation.""" additional_info = None authors = [] category = None default_branch = None description = "" state = None full_name = None file_name = None javascript_type = None homeassistant_version = None last_updated = None uid = None stars = 0 info = None name = None topics = [] class RepositoryReleases: """RepositoyReleases.""" last_release = None last_release_object = None last_release_object_downloads = None published_tags = [] objects = [] releases = False downloads = None class RepositoryPath: """RepositoryPath.""" local = None remote = None class RepositoryContent: """RepositoryContent.""" path = None files = [] objects = [] single = False class HacsRepository: """HacsRepository.""" def __init__(self): """Set up HacsRepository.""" self.hacs = get_hacs() self.data = RepositoryData() self.content = RepositoryContent() self.content.path = RepositoryPath() self.information = RepositoryInformation() self.repository_object = None self.status = RepositoryStatus() self.state = None self.force_branch = False self.integration_manifest = {} self.repository_manifest = HacsManifest.from_dict({}) self.validate = Validate() self.releases = RepositoryReleases() self.versions = RepositoryVersions() self.pending_restart = False self.tree = [] self.treefiles = [] self.ref = None @property def pending_upgrade(self): """Return pending upgrade.""" if not self.can_install: return False if self.status.installed: if self.status.selected_tag is not None: if self.status.selected_tag == self.data.default_branch: if self.versions.installed_commit != self.versions.available_commit: return True return False if self.display_installed_version != self.display_available_version: return True return False @property def config_flow(self): """Return bool if integration has config_flow.""" if self.integration_manifest: if self.data.full_name == "hacs/integration": return False return self.integration_manifest.get("config_flow", False) return False @property def custom(self): """Return flag if the repository is custom.""" if self.data.full_name.split("/")[0] in ["custom-components", "custom-cards"]: return False if self.data.full_name.lower() in [x.lower() for x in self.hacs.common.default]: return False if self.data.full_name == "hacs/integration": return False return True @property def can_install(self): """Return bool if repository can be installed.""" target = None if self.information.homeassistant_version is not None: target = self.information.homeassistant_version if self.repository_manifest is not None: if self.data.homeassistant is not None: target = self.data.homeassistant if target is not None: if self.releases.releases: if not version_left_higher_then_right( self.hacs.system.ha_version, target ): return False return True @property def display_name(self): """Return display name.""" return get_repository_name(self) @property def display_status(self): """Return display_status.""" if self.status.new: status = "new" elif self.pending_restart: status = "pending-restart" elif self.pending_upgrade: status = "pending-upgrade" elif self.status.installed: status = "installed" else: status = "default" return status @property def display_status_description(self): """Return display_status_description.""" description = { "default": "Not installed.", "pending-restart": "Restart pending.", "pending-upgrade": "Upgrade pending.", "installed": "No action required.", "new": "This is a newly added repository.", } return description[self.display_status] @property def display_installed_version(self): """Return display_authors""" if self.versions.installed is not None: installed = self.versions.installed else: if self.versions.installed_commit is not None: installed = self.versions.installed_commit else: installed = "" return installed @property def display_available_version(self): """Return display_authors""" if self.versions.available is not None: available = self.versions.available else: if self.versions.available_commit is not None: available = self.versions.available_commit else: available = "" return available @property def display_version_or_commit(self): """Does the repositoriy use releases or commits?""" if self.releases.releases: version_or_commit = "version" else: version_or_commit = "commit" return version_or_commit @property def main_action(self): """Return the main action.""" actions = { "new": "INSTALL", "default": "INSTALL", "installed": "REINSTALL", "pending-restart": "REINSTALL", "pending-upgrade": "UPGRADE", } return actions[self.display_status] async def common_validate(self): """Common validation steps of the repository.""" await common_validate(self) async def common_registration(self): """Common registration steps of the repository.""" # Attach repository if self.repository_object is None: self.repository_object = await get_repository( self.hacs.session, self.hacs.configuration.token, self.data.full_name ) self.data.update_data(self.repository_object.attributes) # Set id self.information.uid = str(self.data.id) # Set topics self.data.topics = self.data.topics # Set stargazers_count self.data.stargazers_count = self.data.stargazers_count # Set description self.data.description = self.data.description if self.hacs.action: if self.data.description is None or len(self.data.description) == 0: raise HacsException("Missing repository description") async def common_update(self): """Common information update steps of the repository.""" self.logger.debug("Getting repository information") # Attach repository await common_update_data(self) # Update last updaeted self.information.last_updated = self.repository_object.attributes.get( "pushed_at", 0 ) # Update last available commit await self.repository_object.set_last_commit() self.versions.available_commit = self.repository_object.last_commit # Get the content of hacs.json await self.get_repository_manifest_content() # Update "info.md" self.information.additional_info = await get_info_md_content(self) async def install(self): """Common installation steps of the repository.""" await install_repository(self) async def download_zip(self, validate): """Download ZIP archive from repository release.""" try: contents = False for release in self.releases.objects: self.logger.info(f"ref: {self.ref} --- tag: {release.tag_name}") if release.tag_name == self.ref.split("/")[1]: contents = release.assets if not contents: return validate for content in contents or []: filecontent = await async_download_file(content.download_url) if filecontent is None: validate.errors.append(f"[{content.name}] was not downloaded.") continue result = await async_save_file( f"{tempfile.gettempdir()}/{self.data.filename}", filecontent ) with zipfile.ZipFile( f"{tempfile.gettempdir()}/{self.data.filename}", "r" ) as zip_file: zip_file.extractall(self.content.path.local) if result: self.logger.info(f"download of {content.name} complete") continue validate.errors.append(f"[{content.name}] was not downloaded.") except Exception: validate.errors.append(f"Download was not complete.") return validate async def download_content(self, validate, directory_path, local_directory, ref): """Download the content of a directory.""" from custom_components.hacs.helpers.download import download_content validate = await download_content(self) return validate async def get_repository_manifest_content(self): """Get the content of the hacs.json file.""" if not "hacs.json" in [x.filename for x in self.tree]: if self.hacs.action: raise HacsException("No hacs.json file in the root of the repository.") return if self.hacs.action: self.logger.debug("Found hacs.json") if self.ref is None: self.ref = version_to_install(self) try: manifest = await self.repository_object.get_contents("hacs.json", self.ref) self.repository_manifest = HacsManifest.from_dict( json.loads(manifest.content) ) self.data.update_data(json.loads(manifest.content)) except (AIOGitHubException, Exception) as exception: # Gotta Catch 'Em All if self.hacs.action: raise HacsException(f"hacs.json file is not valid ({exception}).") if self.hacs.action: self.logger.debug("hacs.json is valid") def remove(self): """Run remove tasks.""" self.logger.info("Starting removal") if self.information.uid in self.hacs.common.installed: self.hacs.common.installed.remove(self.information.uid) for repository in self.hacs.repositories: if repository.information.uid == self.information.uid: self.hacs.repositories.remove(repository) async def uninstall(self): """Run uninstall tasks.""" self.logger.info("Uninstalling") if not await self.remove_local_directory(): raise HacsException("Could not uninstall") self.status.installed = False if self.data.category == "integration": if self.config_flow: await self.reload_custom_components() else: self.pending_restart = True elif self.data.category == "theme": try: await self.hacs.hass.services.async_call( "frontend", "reload_themes", {} ) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass if self.data.full_name in self.hacs.common.installed: self.hacs.common.installed.remove(self.data.full_name) self.versions.installed = None self.versions.installed_commit = None self.hacs.hass.bus.async_fire( "hacs/repository", {"id": 1337, "action": "uninstall", "repository": self.data.full_name}, ) async def remove_local_directory(self): """Check the local directory.""" import shutil from asyncio import sleep try: if self.data.category == "python_script": local_path = "{}/{}.py".format(self.content.path.local, self.data.name) elif self.data.category == "theme": if os.path.exists( f"{self.hacs.system.config_path}/{self.hacs.configuration.theme_path}/{self.data.name}.yaml" ): os.remove( f"{self.hacs.system.config_path}/{self.hacs.configuration.theme_path}/{self.data.name}.yaml" ) local_path = self.content.path.local elif self.data.category == "integration": if not self.data.domain: self.logger.error("Missing domain") return False local_path = self.content.path.local else: local_path = self.content.path.local if os.path.exists(local_path): self.logger.debug(f"Removing {local_path}") if self.data.category in ["python_script"]: os.remove(local_path) else: shutil.rmtree(local_path) while os.path.exists(local_path): await sleep(1) except Exception as exception: self.logger.debug(f"Removing {local_path} failed with {exception}") return False return True