2016-10-11 16:42:06 +00:00

1149 lines
41 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
nmap.py - version and date, see below
Source code : https://bitbucket.org/xael/python-nmap
Author :
* Alexandre Norman - norman at xael.org
* Steve 'Ashcrow' Milner - steve at gnulinux.net
* Brian Bustin - brian at bustin.us
* old.schepperhand
* Johan Lundberg
* Thomas D. maaaaz
* Robert Bost
* David Peltier
Licence: GPL v3 or any later version for python-nmap
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
The Nmap Security Scanner used by python-nmap is distributed
under it's own licence that you can find at https://svn.nmap.org/nmap/COPYING
Any redistribution of python-nmap along with the Nmap Security Scanner
must conform to the Nmap Security Scanner licence
__author__ = 'Alexandre Norman (norman@xael.org)'
__version__ = '0.6.1'
__last_modification__ = '2016.07.29'
import csv
import io
import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from multiprocessing import Process
except ImportError:
# For pre 2.6 releases
from threading import Thread as Process
class PortScanner(object):
PortScanner class allows to use nmap from python
def __init__(self, nmap_search_path=('nmap', '/usr/bin/nmap', '/usr/local/bin/nmap', '/sw/bin/nmap', '/opt/local/bin/nmap')):
Initialize PortScanner module
* detects nmap on the system and nmap version
* may raise PortScannerError exception if nmap is not found in the path
:param nmap_search_path: tupple of string where to search for nmap executable. Change this if you want to use a specific version of nmap.
:returns: nothing
self._nmap_path = '' # nmap path
self._scan_result = {}
self._nmap_version_number = 0 # nmap version number
self._nmap_subversion_number = 0 # nmap subversion number
self._nmap_last_output = '' # last full ascii nmap output
is_nmap_found = False # true if we have found nmap
self.__process = None
# regex used to detect nmap (http or https)
regex = re.compile(
'Nmap version [0-9]*\.[0-9]*[^ ]* \( http(|s)://.* \)'
# launch 'nmap -V', we wait after
#'Nmap version 5.0 ( http://nmap.org )'
# This is for Mac OSX. When idle3 is launched from the finder, PATH is not set so nmap was not found
for nmap_path in nmap_search_path:
if sys.platform.startswith('freebsd') \
or sys.platform.startswith('linux') \
or sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
p = subprocess.Popen([nmap_path, '-V'],
p = subprocess.Popen([nmap_path, '-V'],
except OSError:
self._nmap_path = nmap_path # save path
raise PortScannerError(
'nmap program was not found in path. PATH is : {0}'.format(
self._nmap_last_output = bytes.decode(p.communicate()[0]) # sav stdout
for line in self._nmap_last_output.split(os.linesep):
if regex.match(line) is not None:
is_nmap_found = True
# Search for version number
regex_version = re.compile('[0-9]+')
regex_subversion = re.compile('\.[0-9]+')
rv = regex_version.search(line)
rsv = regex_subversion.search(line)
if rv is not None and rsv is not None:
# extract version/subversion
self._nmap_version_number = int(line[rv.start():rv.end()])
self._nmap_subversion_number = int(
if not is_nmap_found:
raise PortScannerError('nmap program was not found in path')
def get_nmap_last_output(self):
Returns the last text output of nmap in raw text
this may be used for debugging purpose
:returns: string containing the last text output of nmap in raw text
return self._nmap_last_output
def nmap_version(self):
returns nmap version if detected (int version, int subversion)
or (0, 0) if unknown
:returns: (nmap_version_number, nmap_subversion_number)
return (self._nmap_version_number, self._nmap_subversion_number)
def listscan(self, hosts=''):
do not scan but interpret target hosts and return a list a hosts
assert type(hosts) is str, 'Wrong type for [hosts], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(hosts)) # noqa
output = self.scan(hosts, arguments='-sL')
# Test if host was IPV6
if 'looks like an IPv6 target specification' in output['nmap']['scaninfo']['error'][0]: # noqa
self.scan(hosts, arguments='-sL -6')
except KeyError:
return self.all_hosts()
def scan(self, hosts='', ports=None, arguments='-sV', sudo=False):
Scan given hosts
May raise PortScannerError exception if nmap output was not xml
Test existance of the following key to know
if something went wrong : ['nmap']['scaninfo']['error']
If not present, everything was ok.
:param hosts: string for hosts as nmap use it 'scanme.nmap.org' or '198.116.0-255.1-127' or ''
:param ports: string for ports as nmap use it '22,53,110,143-4564'
:param arguments: string of arguments for nmap '-sU -sX -sC'
:param sudo: launch nmap with sudo if True
:returns: scan_result as dictionnary
if sys.version_info[0]==2:
assert type(hosts) in (str, unicode), 'Wrong type for [hosts], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(hosts)) # noqa
assert type(ports) in (str, unicode, type(None)), 'Wrong type for [ports], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(ports)) # noqa
assert type(arguments) in (str, unicode), 'Wrong type for [arguments], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(arguments)) # noqa
assert type(hosts) is str, 'Wrong type for [hosts], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(hosts)) # noqa
assert type(ports) in (str, type(None)), 'Wrong type for [ports], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(ports)) # noqa
assert type(arguments) is str, 'Wrong type for [arguments], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(arguments)) # noqa
for redirecting_output in ['-oX', '-oA']:
assert redirecting_output not in arguments, 'Xml output can\'t be redirected from command line.\nYou can access it after a scan using:\nnmap.nm.get_nmap_last_output()' # noqa
h_args = shlex.split(hosts)
f_args = shlex.split(arguments)
# Launch scan
args = [self._nmap_path, '-oX', '-'] + h_args + ['-p', ports]*(ports is not None) + f_args
if sudo:
args = ['sudo'] + args
p = subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=100000,
# wait until finished
# get output
(self._nmap_last_output, nmap_err) = p.communicate()
self._nmap_last_output = bytes.decode(self._nmap_last_output)
nmap_err = bytes.decode(nmap_err)
# If there was something on stderr, there was a problem so abort... in
# fact not always. As stated by AlenLPeacock :
# This actually makes python-nmap mostly unusable on most real-life
# networks -- a particular subnet might have dozens of scannable hosts,
# but if a single one is unreachable or unroutable during the scan,
# nmap.scan() returns nothing. This behavior also diverges significantly
# from commandline nmap, which simply stderrs individual problems but
# keeps on trucking.
nmap_err_keep_trace = []
nmap_warn_keep_trace = []
if len(nmap_err) > 0:
regex_warning = re.compile('^Warning: .*', re.IGNORECASE)
for line in nmap_err.split(os.linesep):
if len(line) > 0:
rgw = regex_warning.search(line)
if rgw is not None:
# sys.stderr.write(line+os.linesep)
# raise PortScannerError(nmap_err)
return self.analyse_nmap_xml_scan(
def analyse_nmap_xml_scan(self, nmap_xml_output=None, nmap_err='', nmap_err_keep_trace='', nmap_warn_keep_trace=''):
Analyses NMAP xml scan ouput
May raise PortScannerError exception if nmap output was not xml
Test existance of the following key to know if something went wrong : ['nmap']['scaninfo']['error']
If not present, everything was ok.
:param nmap_xml_output: xml string to analyse
:returns: scan_result as dictionnary
# nmap xml output looks like :
# <host starttime="1267974521" endtime="1267974522">
# <status state="up" reason="user-set"/>
# <address addr="" addrtype="ipv4" />
# <hostnames><hostname name="neufbox" type="PTR" /></hostnames>
# <ports>
# <port protocol="tcp" portid="22">
# <state state="filtered" reason="no-response" reason_ttl="0"/>
# <service name="ssh" method="table" conf="3" />
# </port>
# <port protocol="tcp" portid="25">
# <state state="filtered" reason="no-response" reason_ttl="0"/>
# <service name="smtp" method="table" conf="3" />
# </port>
# </ports>
# <hostscript>
# <script id="nbstat" output="NetBIOS name: GROSTRUC, NetBIOS user: &lt;unknown&gt;, NetBIOS MAC: &lt;unknown&gt;&#xa;" />
# <script id="smb-os-discovery" output=" &#xa; OS: Unix (Samba 3.6.3)&#xa; Name: WORKGROUP\Unknown&#xa; System time: 2013-06-23 15:37:40 UTC+2&#xa;" />
# <script id="smbv2-enabled" output="Server doesn&apos;t support SMBv2 protocol" />
# </hostscript>
# <times srtt="-1" rttvar="-1" to="1000000" />
# </host>
# <port protocol="tcp" portid="25">
# <state state="open" reason="syn-ack" reason_ttl="0"/>
# <service name="smtp" product="Exim smtpd" version="4.76" hostname="grostruc" method="probed" conf="10">
# <cpe>cpe:/a:exim:exim:4.76</cpe>
# </service>
# <script id="smtp-commands" output="grostruc Hello localhost [], SIZE 52428800, PIPELINING, HELP, &#xa; Commands supported: AUTH HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA NOOP QUIT RSET HELP "/>
# </port>
if nmap_xml_output is not None:
self._nmap_last_output = nmap_xml_output
scan_result = {}
dom = ET.fromstring(self._nmap_last_output)
except Exception:
if len(nmap_err)>0:
raise PortScannerError(nmap_err)
raise PortScannerError(self._nmap_last_output)
# nmap command line
scan_result['nmap'] = {
'command_line': dom.get('args'),
'scaninfo': {},
# if there was an error
if len(nmap_err_keep_trace)>0:
scan_result['nmap']['scaninfo']['error'] = nmap_err_keep_trace
# if there was a warning
if len(nmap_warn_keep_trace)>0:
scan_result['nmap']['scaninfo']['warning'] = nmap_warn_keep_trace
# info about scan
for dsci in dom.findall('scaninfo'):
scan_result['nmap']['scaninfo'][dsci.get('protocol')] = {
'method': dsci.get('type'),
'services': dsci.get('services')
scan_result['scan'] = {}
for dhost in dom.findall('host'):
# host ip, mac and other addresses
host = None
address_block = {}
vendor_block = {}
for address in dhost.findall('address'):
addtype = address.get('addrtype')
address_block[addtype] = address.get('addr')
if addtype == 'ipv4':
host = address_block[addtype]
elif addtype == 'mac' and address.get('vendor') != None:
vendor_block[address_block[addtype]] = address.get('vendor')
if host is None:
host = dhost.find('address').get('addr')
hostnames = []
if len(dhost.findall('hostnames/hostname')) > 0:
for dhostname in dhost.findall('hostnames/hostname'):
scan_result['scan'][host] = PortScannerHostDict({'hostnames': hostnames})
scan_result['scan'][host]['addresses'] = address_block
scan_result['scan'][host]['vendor'] = vendor_block
for dstatus in dhost.findall('status'):
# status : up...
scan_result['scan'][host]['status'] = {'state': dstatus.get('state'),
'reason': dstatus.get('reason')}
for dstatus in dhost.findall('uptime'):
# uptime : seconds, lastboot
scan_result['scan'][host]['uptime'] = {'seconds': dstatus.get('seconds'),
'lastboot': dstatus.get('lastboot')}
for dport in dhost.findall('ports/port'):
# protocol
proto = dport.get('protocol')
# port number converted as integer
port = int(dport.get('portid'))
# state of the port
state = dport.find('state').get('state')
# reason
reason = dport.find('state').get('reason')
# name, product, version, extra info and conf if any
name = product = version = extrainfo = conf = cpe = ''
for dname in dport.findall('service'):
name = dname.get('name')
if dname.get('product'):
product = dname.get('product')
if dname.get('version'):
version = dname.get('version')
if dname.get('extrainfo'):
extrainfo = dname.get('extrainfo')
if dname.get('conf'):
conf = dname.get('conf')
for dcpe in dname.findall('cpe'):
cpe = dcpe.text
# store everything
if not proto in list(scan_result['scan'][host].keys()):
scan_result['scan'][host][proto] = {}
scan_result['scan'][host][proto][port] = {'state': state,
'reason': reason,
'name': name,
'product': product,
'version': version,
'extrainfo': extrainfo,
'conf': conf,
'cpe': cpe}
script_id = ''
script_out = ''
# get script output if any
for dscript in dport.findall('script'):
script_id = dscript.get('id')
script_out = dscript.get('output')
if not 'script' in list(scan_result['scan'][host][proto][port].keys()):
scan_result['scan'][host][proto][port]['script'] = {}
scan_result['scan'][host][proto][port]['script'][script_id] = script_out
# <hostscript>
# <script id="nbstat" output="NetBIOS name: GROSTRUC, NetBIOS user: &lt;unknown&gt;, NetBIOS MAC: &lt;unknown&gt;&#xa;" />
# <script id="smb-os-discovery" output=" &#xa; OS: Unix (Samba 3.6.3)&#xa; Name: WORKGROUP\Unknown&#xa; System time: 2013-06-23 15:37:40 UTC+2&#xa;" />
# <script id="smbv2-enabled" output="Server doesn&apos;t support SMBv2 protocol" />
# </hostscript>
for dhostscript in dhost.findall('hostscript'):
for dname in dhostscript.findall('script'):
hsid = dname.get('id')
hsoutput = dname.get('output')
if not 'hostscript' in list(scan_result['scan'][host].keys()):
scan_result['scan'][host]['hostscript'] = []
'id': hsid,
'output': hsoutput
## <osmatch name="Juniper SA4000 SSL VPN gateway (IVE OS 7.0)" accuracy="98" line="36241">
## <osclass type="firewall" vendor="Juniper" osfamily="IVE OS" osgen="7.X"
## accuracy="98"><cpe>cpe:/h:juniper:sa4000</cpe><cpe>cpe:/o:juniper:ive_os:7</cpe></osclass>
## </osmatch>
## <osmatch name="Cymphonix EX550 firewall" accuracy="98" line="17929">
## <osclass type="firewall" vendor="Cymphonix" osfamily="embedded"
## accuracy="98"><cpe>cpe:/h:cymphonix:ex550</cpe></osclass>
## </osmatch>
for dos in dhost.findall('os'):
osmatch = []
portused = []
for dportused in dos.findall('portused'):
# <portused state="open" proto="tcp" portid="443"/>
state = dportused.get('state')
proto = dportused.get('proto')
portid = dportused.get('portid')
'state': state,
'proto': proto,
'portid': portid,
scan_result['scan'][host]['portused'] = portused
for dosmatch in dos.findall('osmatch'):
# <osmatch name="Linux 3.7 - 3.15" accuracy="100" line="52790">
name = ''
accuracy = ''
line = ''
name = dosmatch.get('name')
accuracy = dosmatch.get('accuracy')
line = dosmatch.get('line')
except AttributeError:
osclass = []
for dosclass in dosmatch.findall('osclass'):
# <osclass type="general purpose" vendor="Linux" osfamily="Linux" osgen="2.6.X" accuracy="98"/>
ostype = ''
vendor = ''
osfamily = ''
osgen = ''
accuracy = ''
ostype = dosclass.get('type')
vendor = dosclass.get('vendor')
osfamily = dosclass.get('osfamily')
osgen = dosclass.get('osgen')
accuracy = dosclass.get('accuracy')
except AttributeError:
cpe = []
for dcpe in dosclass.findall('cpe'):
'type': ostype,
'vendor': vendor,
'osfamily': osfamily,
'osgen': osgen,
'accuracy': accuracy,
'cpe': cpe,
'name': name,
'accuracy': accuracy,
'line': line,
'osclass': osclass
scan_result['scan'][host]['osmatch'] = osmatch
for dport in dhost.findall('osfingerprint'):
# <osfingerprint fingerprint="OS:SCAN(V=5.50%D=11/[...]S)&#xa;"/>
fingerprint = ''
fingerprint = dport.get('fingerprint')
except AttributeError:
scan_result['scan'][host]['fingerprint'] = fingerprint
self._scan_result = scan_result # store for later use
return scan_result
def __getitem__(self, host):
returns a host detail
if sys.version_info[0]==2:
assert type(host) in (str, unicode), 'Wrong type for [host], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(host))
assert type(host) is str, 'Wrong type for [host], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(host))
return self._scan_result['scan'][host]
def all_hosts(self):
returns a sorted list of all hosts
if not 'scan' in list(self._scan_result.keys()):
return []
listh = list(self._scan_result['scan'].keys())
return listh
def command_line(self):
returns command line used for the scan
may raise AssertionError exception if called before scanning
assert 'nmap' in self._scan_result, 'Do a scan before trying to get result !'
assert 'command_line' in self._scan_result['nmap'], 'Do a scan before trying to get result !'
return self._scan_result['nmap']['command_line']
def scaninfo(self):
returns scaninfo structure
{'tcp': {'services': '22', 'method': 'connect'}}
may raise AssertionError exception if called before scanning
assert 'nmap' in self._scan_result, 'Do a scan before trying to get result !'
assert 'scaninfo' in self._scan_result['nmap'], 'Do a scan before trying to get result !'
return self._scan_result['nmap']['scaninfo']
def scanstats(self):
returns scanstats structure
{'uphosts': '3', 'timestr': 'Thu Jun 3 21:45:07 2010', 'downhosts': '253', 'totalhosts': '256', 'elapsed': '5.79'}
may raise AssertionError exception if called before scanning
assert 'nmap' in self._scan_result, 'Do a scan before trying to get result !'
assert 'scanstats' in self._scan_result['nmap'], 'Do a scan before trying to get result !'
return self._scan_result['nmap']['scanstats']
def has_host(self, host):
returns True if host has result, False otherwise
assert type(host) is str, 'Wrong type for [host], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(host))
assert 'scan' in self._scan_result, 'Do a scan before trying to get result !'
if host in list(self._scan_result['scan'].keys()):
return True
return False
def csv(self):
returns CSV output as text
Example :
host;hostname;hostname_type;protocol;port;name;state;product;extrainfo;reason;version;conf;cpe;localhost;PTR;tcp;22;ssh;open;OpenSSH;protocol 2.0;syn-ack;5.9p1 Debian 5ubuntu1;10;cpe;localhost;PTR;tcp;23;telnet;closed;;;conn-refused;;3;;localhost;PTR;tcp;24;priv-mail;closed;;;conn-refused;;3;
assert 'scan' in self._scan_result, 'Do a scan before trying to get result !'
if sys.version_info < (3,0):
fd = io.BytesIO()
fd = io.StringIO()
csv_ouput = csv.writer(fd, delimiter=';')
csv_header = [
for host in self.all_hosts():
for proto in self[host].all_protocols():
if proto not in ['tcp', 'udp']:
lport = list(self[host][proto].keys())
for port in lport:
hostname = ''
for h in self[host]['hostnames']:
hostname = h['name']
hostname_type = h['type']
csv_row = [
host, hostname, hostname_type,
proto, port,
return fd.getvalue()
def __scan_progressive__(self, hosts, ports, arguments, callback, sudo):
Used by PortScannerAsync for callback
for host in self._nm.listscan(hosts):
scan_data = self._nm.scan(host, ports, arguments, sudo)
except PortScannerError:
scan_data = None
if callback is not None:
callback(host, scan_data)
class PortScannerAsync(object):
PortScannerAsync allows to use nmap from python asynchronously
for each host scanned, callback is called with scan result for the host
def __init__(self):
Initialize the module
* detects nmap on the system and nmap version
* may raise PortScannerError exception if nmap is not found in the path
self._process = None
self._nm = PortScanner()
def __del__(self):
Cleanup when deleted
if self._process is not None:
if self._process.is_alive():
except AssertionError:
# Happens on python3.4
# when using PortScannerAsync twice in a row
self._process = None
def scan(self, hosts='', ports=None, arguments='-sV', callback=None, sudo=False):
Scan given hosts in a separate process and return host by host result using callback function
PortScannerError exception from standard nmap is catched and you won't know about but get None as scan_data
:param hosts: string for hosts as nmap use it 'scanme.nmap.org' or '198.116.0-255.1-127' or ''
:param ports: string for ports as nmap use it '22,53,110,143-4564'
:param arguments: string of arguments for nmap '-sU -sX -sC'
:param callback: callback function which takes (host, scan_data) as arguments
:param sudo: launch nmap with sudo if true
if sys.version_info[0]==2:
assert type(hosts) in (str, unicode), 'Wrong type for [hosts], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(hosts))
assert type(ports) in (str, unicode, type(None)), 'Wrong type for [ports], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(ports))
assert type(arguments) in (str, unicode), 'Wrong type for [arguments], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(arguments))
assert type(hosts) is str, 'Wrong type for [hosts], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(hosts))
assert type(ports) in (str, type(None)), 'Wrong type for [ports], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(ports))
assert type(arguments) is str, 'Wrong type for [arguments], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(arguments))
assert callable(callback) or callback is None, 'The [callback] {0} should be callable or None.'.format(str(callback))
for redirecting_output in ['-oX', '-oA']:
assert not redirecting_output in arguments, 'Xml output can\'t be redirected from command line.\nYou can access it after a scan using:\nnmap.nm.get_nmap_last_output()'
self._process = Process(
target = __scan_progressive__,
args = (self, hosts, ports, arguments, callback, sudo)
self._process.daemon = True
def stop(self):
Stop the current scan process
if self._process is not None:
def wait(self, timeout=None):
Wait for the current scan process to finish, or timeout
:param timeout: default = None, wait timeout seconds
assert type(timeout) in (int, type(None)), 'Wrong type for [timeout], should be an int or None [was {0}]'.format(type(timeout))
def still_scanning(self):
:returns: True if a scan is currently running, False otherwise
return self._process.is_alive()
return False
class PortScannerYield(PortScannerAsync):
PortScannerYield allows to use nmap from python with a generator
for each host scanned, yield is called with scan result for the host
def __init__(self):
Initialize the module
* detects nmap on the system and nmap version
* may raise PortScannerError exception if nmap is not found in the path
def scan(self, hosts='', ports=None, arguments='-sV', sudo=False):
Scan given hosts in a separate process and return host by host result using callback function
PortScannerError exception from standard nmap is catched and you won't know about it
:param hosts: string for hosts as nmap use it 'scanme.nmap.org' or '198.116.0-255.1-127' or ''
:param ports: string for ports as nmap use it '22,53,110,143-4564'
:param arguments: string of arguments for nmap '-sU -sX -sC'
:param callback: callback function which takes (host, scan_data) as arguments
:param sudo: launch nmap with sudo if true
assert type(hosts) is str, 'Wrong type for [hosts], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(hosts))
assert type(ports) in (str, type(None)), 'Wrong type for [ports], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(ports))
assert type(arguments) is str, 'Wrong type for [arguments], should be a string [was {0}]'.format(type(arguments))
for redirecting_output in ['-oX', '-oA']:
assert not redirecting_output in arguments, 'Xml output can\'t be redirected from command line.\nYou can access it after a scan using:\nnmap.nm.get_nmap_last_output()'
for host in self._nm.listscan(hosts):
scan_data = self._nm.scan(host, ports, arguments, sudo)
except PortScannerError:
scan_data = None
yield (host, scan_data)
def stop(self):
def wait(self, timeout=None):
def still_scanning(self):
class PortScannerHostDict(dict):
Special dictionnary class for storing and accessing host scan result
def hostnames(self):
:returns: list of hostnames
return self['hostnames']
def hostname(self):
For compatibility purpose...
:returns: try to return the user record or the first hostname of the list hostnames
hostname = ''
for h in self['hostnames']:
if h['type'] == 'user':
return h['name']
if len(self['hostnames']) > 0 and 'name' in self['hostnames'][0]:
return self['hostnames'][0]['name']
return ''
return hostname
def state(self):
:returns: host state
return self['status']['state']
def uptime(self):
:returns: host state
return self['uptime']
def all_protocols(self):
:returns: a list of all scanned protocols
def _proto_filter(x):
return x in ['ip', 'tcp', 'udp', 'sctp']
lp = list(filter(_proto_filter, list(self.keys())))
return lp
def all_tcp(self):
:returns: list of tcp ports
if 'tcp' in list(self.keys()):
ltcp = list(self['tcp'].keys())
return ltcp
return []
def has_tcp(self, port):
:param port: (int) tcp port
:returns: True if tcp port has info, False otherwise
assert type(port) is int, 'Wrong type for [port], should be an int [was {0}]'.format(type(port))
if ('tcp' in list(self.keys())
and port in list(self['tcp'].keys())):
return True
return False
def tcp(self, port):
:param port: (int) tcp port
:returns: info for tpc port
assert type(port) is int, 'Wrong type for [port], should be an int [was {0}]'.format(type(port))
return self['tcp'][port]
def all_udp(self):
:returns: list of udp ports
if 'udp' in list(self.keys()):
ludp = list(self['udp'].keys())
return ludp
return []
def has_udp(self, port):
:param port: (int) udp port
:returns: True if udp port has info, False otherwise
assert type(port) is int, 'Wrong type for [port], should be an int [was {0}]'.format(type(port))
if ('udp' in list(self.keys())
and 'port' in list(self['udp'].keys())):
return True
return False
def udp(self, port):
:param port: (int) udp port
:returns: info for udp port
assert type(port) is int, 'Wrong type for [port], should be an int [was {0}]'.format(type(port))
return self['udp'][port]
def all_ip(self):
:returns: list of ip ports
if 'ip' in list(self.keys()):
lip = list(self['ip'].keys())
return lip
return []
def has_ip(self, port):
:param port: (int) ip port
:returns: True if ip port has info, False otherwise
assert type(port) is int, 'Wrong type for [port], should be an int [was {0}]'.format(type(port))
if ('ip' in list(self.keys())
and port in list(self['ip'].keys())):
return True
return False
def ip(self, port):
:param port: (int) ip port
:returns: info for ip port
assert type(port) is int, 'Wrong type for [port], should be an int [was {0}]'.format(type(port))
return self['ip'][port]
def all_sctp(self):
:returns: list of sctp ports
if 'sctp' in list(self.keys()):
lsctp = list(self['sctp'].keys())
return lsctp
return []
def has_sctp(self, port):
:returns: True if sctp port has info, False otherwise
assert type(port) is int, 'Wrong type for [port], should be an int [was {0}]'.format(type(port))
if ('sctp' in list(self.keys())
and port in list(self['sctp'].keys())):
return True
return False
def sctp(self, port):
:returns: info for sctp port
assert type(port) is int, 'Wrong type for [port], should be an int [was {0}]'.format(type(port))
return self['sctp'][port]
class PortScannerError(Exception):
Exception error class for PortScanner class
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
def __repr__(self):
return 'PortScannerError exception {0}'.format(self.value)
def __get_last_online_version():
Gets last python-nmap published version
WARNING : it does an http connection to http://xael.org/pages/python-nmap/python-nmap_CURRENT_VERSION.txt
:returns: a string which indicate last published version (example :'0.4.3')
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection("xael.org")
conn.request("GET", "/pages/python-nmap/python-nmap_CURRENT_VERSION.txt")
online_version = bytes.decode(conn.getresponse().read()).strip()
return online_version
def convert_nmap_output_to_encoding(value, code="ascii"):
Change encoding for scan_result object from unicode to whatever
:param value: scan_result as dictionnary
:param code: default = "ascii", encoding destination
:returns: scan_result as dictionnary with new encoding
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
new_value = {}
for k in value:
if type(value[k]) in [dict, PortScannerHostDict]:
new_value[k] = convert_nmap_output_to_encoding(value[k], code)
if type(value[k]) is list:
#import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
new_value[k] = [convert_nmap_output_to_encoding(x, code) for x in value[k]]
new_value[k] = value[k].encode(code)
return new_value
# <EOF>######################################################################