import socket import sys import getopt import time import platform import os from datetime import datetime if platform.system() == "Windows": import msvcrt def getch(): return msvcrt.getch() def kbhit(): return msvcrt.kbhit() else: import tty, termios, sys, fcntl, os def getch(): fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) ch = finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch def kbhit(): fd = sys.stdin.fileno() oldterm = termios.tcgetattr(fd) newattr = termios.tcgetattr(fd) newattr[3] = newattr[3] & ~termios.ICANON & ~termios.ECHO termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, newattr) oldflags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, oldflags | os.O_NONBLOCK) try: while True: try: c = return True except IOError: return False finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, oldterm) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, oldflags) # Create a TCP/IP socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Number of messages to check through to suppress duplicates ... if two identical messages are received subsequent ones will be suppressed suppressDupCount = 30 print (os.getcwd(), "/debug.txt") with open('debug.txt', 'a') as f: f.write("***********************************\n") now = print("now =", now) f.write(now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")) f.write("\n") f.write("***********************************\n") # either use the default port or take the port from the command line port = 10000 if len(sys.argv) > 1: port = sys.argv[1] # Bind the socket to the port server_address = ('', port) print ('starting up on port', port) f.write('starting up on port ') f.write(str(port)) f.write("\n") f.flush() sock.bind(server_address) recent = [] while True: data, address = sock.recvfrom(4096) try: d = data.decode("utf-8") # this suppresses any messages duplicated within the last suppressDupCount messages if recent.count(d) == 0: print(d) now = f.write(now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f ")) f.write(str(d)) f.write("\n") f.flush() recent.append(d) while len(recent) > suppressDupCount: recent.pop(0) except: #print("Error receiving data.") d = "" if kbhit(): while kbhit(): getch() print('') print('paused - press any key to resume') print('') while not kbhit(): time.sleep(1) while kbhit(): getch()