"Hello people. Look at your house, now back to me. Now back to your house, now back to me. Sadly your house isn't me. But if you switch to #homeassistant your house could be automated like me. ",
"Your house can be a #smarthome too. All you need is #homeassistant, and some config files. May I suggest https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#logo ",
"Your house can be a #smarthome too. All you need is #homeassistant, and some config files. May I suggest https://github.com/skalavala/smarthome ",
"Your house can be a #smarthome too. All you need is #homeassistant, and some config files. May I suggest https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration ",
"Your house can be a #smarthome too. All you need is #homeassistant, and some config files. May I suggest https://github.com/arsaboo/homeassistant-config ",
"Your house can be a #smarthome too. All you need is #homeassistant, and some config files. May I suggest https://github.com/Vasiley/Home-Assistant-Main ",
"Your house can be a #smarthome too. All you need is #homeassistant, and some config files. May I suggest https://github.com/JamesMcCarthy79/Home-Assistant-Config ",
"Your house can be a #smarthome too. All you need is #homeassistant, and some config files. May I suggest https://github.com/bruhautomation/BRUH3-Home-Assistant-Configuration ",
"Your house can be a #smarthome too. All you need is #homeassistant, and some config files. May I suggest https://github.com/isabellaalstrom/HomeAssistantConfiguration ",
"I am the captain now. That's a lie. The cat is the supreme leader. I'm the lucky one that doesn't have to clean the shit box.",
"Sometimes I just turn off all the lights at random times for the lolz. ",
"No one ever comes to the door. Is it me? ",
"Based on the reptitive nature of the humans in this house I'm say living in a simulation is right. No free willed person would do these things over and over. "