Moved some automations to automations.yaml to edit via UI

This commit is contained in:
Jeffrey Stone 2020-11-27 20:49:42 -05:00
parent 893e1998d9
commit 9b222a92e3
2 changed files with 212 additions and 87 deletions

@ -1,3 +1,70 @@
- id: family_has_arrived
alias: Family Has arrived
- entity_id: sensor.family_status
from: Away
platform: state
to: Home
- platform: zone
entity_id: person.jeffrey
zone: zone.home
event: enter
- entity_id: device_tracker.mal
from: not_home
platform: state
to: home
- platform: zone
entity_id: person.katherine
zone: zone.home
event: enter
condition: []
- service: script.family_is_home
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: template
value_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name == "jeffrey"
- service: script.jeff_destination_na
data: {}
- service: input_boolean.turn_off
data: {}
entity_id: input_boolean.jeff_travel_monitor
- conditions:
- condition: template
value_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name =="katherine"
- service: input_boolean.turn_off
data: {}
entity_id: input_boolean.kat_travel_monitor
default: []
- service: script.driveway_on
data: {}
mode: single
initial_state: true
- id: family_has_left
alias: Family Has Left
initial_state: true
- entity_id: sensor.family_status
from: Home
platform: state
to: Away
- platform: webhook
webhook_id: away_webhook
- entity_id:
from: home
platform: state
to: not_home
mode: single
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.guest_mode
state: 'off'
- service: script.family_is_away
- id: upstairs_fan_on - id: upstairs_fan_on
alias: Upstairs Fan On alias: Upstairs Fan On
initial_state: true initial_state: true
@ -65,15 +132,34 @@
initial_state: true initial_state: true
- id: kitchen_occupency_lighting - id: kitchen_occupency_lighting
alias: Kitchen Occupency Lighting alias: Kitchen Occupency Lighting
initial_state: true
trigger: trigger:
- platform: state - platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.kitchen_motion entity_id: binary_sensor.kitchen_motion
to: 'on' to: 'on'
- condition: state
entity_id: sun.sun
state: below_horizon
action: action:
- service: script.dog_mode_on - service: script.dog_mode_on
- service: script.kitchen_lights_on - choose:
- service: script.kitchen_lights_night - conditions:
- condition: time
after: 05:30:00
before: '22:30:00'
- scene: scene.normal_kitchen_lighting
- conditions:
- condition: time
after: '22:30:00'
before: 05:30:00
- scene: scene.diminished_kitchen_lighting
- delay: 00:18:00
- scene: scene.kitchen_lighting_off
default: []
initial_state: true
mode: single
- id: driveway_motion_lighting - id: driveway_motion_lighting
alias: Driveway Motion Lighting alias: Driveway Motion Lighting
initial_state: true initial_state: true
@ -177,5 +263,39 @@
' '
call_snark_door_motion: 1 call_snark_door_motion: 1
- delay: 00:02:00
mode: single mode: single
initial_state: true initial_state: true
- id: improved_welcome_home
alias: Improved Welcome Home
mode: queued
max: 4
- platform: state
- person.jeffrey
- person.katherine
- person.uncle_matt
- person.papa
from: not_home
to: home
- condition: state
entity_id: sensor.family_status
state: Home
- service: script.family_is_home
- delay: 00:02:00
- service: script.ah_report
call_interuption: 1
welcome_home: "{% set person = trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name %}\
\ {%- macro greeting_sentence(person) -%} {{ [\n person + \" has arrived.\"\
,\n person + \" is in the neighborhood.\",\n person + \" is arriving.\"\
,\n \"My sensors are picking up the presence of additional humans. \" ~ person\
\ +\" has been identified as home.\",\n \"Welcome back home \" ~ person,\n\
\ \"Guess who is home?\" ~ person +\" is!\",\n \"I am sensing a disturbance\
\ in the force. \" ~ person +\" must be home!\",\n person + \" is now in\
\ the house.\",\n person ~ \"! You are home!\",\n \"I know a secret! \"\
\ ~ person +\" is home!\",\n person + \" has finally made it home.\"\n \
\ ] | random }}\n{%- endmacro -%} {{greeting_sentence(person)}}\n"

@ -275,73 +275,92 @@ automation:
initial_state: true initial_state: true
######################################################### #########################################################
- id: family_has_arrived # - id: family_has_arrived
alias: Family Has arrived # alias: Family Has arrived
trigger: # trigger:
- platform: webhook # - platform: webhook
webhook_id: home_webhook # webhook_id: home_webhook
- entity_id: sensor.family_status # - entity_id: sensor.family_status
from: Away # from: Away
platform: state # platform: state
to: Home # to: Home
- entity_id: # - entity_id:
from: not_home # from: not_home
platform: state # platform: state
to: home # to: home
- entity_id: device_tracker.mal # - entity_id: device_tracker.mal
from: not_home # from: not_home
platform: state # platform: state
to: home # to: home
mode: single # mode: single
condition: # condition:
- condition: state # - condition: state
entity_id: sensor.family_status # entity_id: sensor.family_status
state: Away # state: Away
action: # action:
- service: script.family_is_home # - service: script.family_is_home
initial_state: true # initial_state: true
- id: family_has_left # - id: family_has_left
alias: Family Has Left # alias: Family Has Left
initial_state: true # initial_state: true
trigger: # trigger:
- entity_id: sensor.family_status # - entity_id: sensor.family_status
from: Home # from: Home
platform: state # platform: state
to: Away # to: Away
- platform: webhook # - platform: webhook
webhook_id: away_webhook # webhook_id: away_webhook
- entity_id: # - entity_id:
from: home # from: home
platform: state # platform: state
to: not_home # to: not_home
mode: single # mode: single
condition: # condition:
- condition: state # - condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.guest_mode # entity_id: input_boolean.guest_mode
state: 'off' # state: 'off'
action: # action:
- service: script.family_is_away # - service: script.family_is_away
######################################################### #########################################################
- id: jeff_is_home # - id: jeff_is_home
alias: Jeff is Home # alias: Jeff is Home
initial_state: true # initial_state: true
trigger: # trigger:
- entity_id: person.jeffrey # - entity_id: person.jeffrey
event: enter # event: enter
platform: zone # platform: zone
zone: zone.home # zone: zone.home
mode: single # mode: single
action: # action:
- service: script.family_is_home # - service: script.family_is_home
- service: script.jeff_destination_na # - service: script.jeff_destination_na
- service: script.driveway_on # - service: script.driveway_on
- entity_id: input_boolean.jeff_travel_monitor # - entity_id: input_boolean.jeff_travel_monitor
service: input_boolean.turn_off # service: input_boolean.turn_off
- delay: # - delay:
minutes: 2 # minutes: 2
# - id: kat_is_home
# alias: Kat is Home
# initial_state: true
# trigger:
# - entity_id: person.katherine
# event: enter
# platform: zone
# zone: zone.home
# mode: single
# action:
# - service: script.family_is_home
# - service: script.driveway_on
# - service: input_boolean.turn_off
# entity_id: input_boolean.kat_travel_monitor
# - delay:
# minutes: 2
- id: jeff_arrives_summit - id: jeff_arrives_summit
alias: Jeff Arrives At Summit alias: Jeff Arrives At Summit
@ -380,26 +399,12 @@ automation:
- service: input_boolean.turn_off - service: input_boolean.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.jeff_traffic_alert_home entity_id: input_boolean.jeff_traffic_alert_home
- id: kat_is_home
alias: Kat is Home
initial_state: true
- entity_id: person.katherine
event: enter
platform: zone
zone: zone.home
mode: single
- service: script.family_is_home
- service: script.driveway_on
- service: input_boolean.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.kat_travel_monitor
- delay:
minutes: 2
- id: welcome_home - id: welcome_home
alias: Welcome Home alias: Welcome Home
mode: queued mode: queued
max: 4
trigger: trigger:
- platform: state - platform: state
entity_id: entity_id:
@ -414,10 +419,10 @@ automation:
entity_id: sensor.family_status entity_id: sensor.family_status
state: Home state: Home
action: action:
# - service: script.family_is_home - service: script.family_is_home
# - wait_template: >- # - wait_template: >-
# {{ states.binary_sensor.laundry_room_door.state == 'on' }} # {{ states.binary_sensor.laundry_room_door.state == 'on' }}
- delay: 00:01:30 - delay: 00:02:00
- service: script.ah_report - service: script.ah_report
data_template: data_template:
call_interuption: 1 call_interuption: 1