- platform: darksky api_key: !secret FORCAST_API_KEY monitored_conditions: - summary - icon - nearest_storm_distance - nearest_storm_bearing - precip_type - precip_intensity - precip_probability - temperature - apparent_temperature - dew_point - wind_speed - wind_bearing - cloud_cover - humidity - pressure - visibility - ozone - minutely_summary - hourly_summary - daily_summary - temperature_max - temperature_min - apparent_temperature_max - apparent_temperature_min - precip_intensity_max update_interval: # At least one of these must be specified: days: 0 hours: 0 minutes: 5 seconds: 0 milliseconds: 0 - platform: moon - platform: wunderground api_key: !secret WUNDERGROUND_API_KEY monitored_conditions: - alerts - dewpoint_c - dewpoint_f - dewpoint_string - feelslike_c - feelslike_f - feelslike_string - heat_index_c - heat_index_f - heat_index_string - elevation - location - observation_time - precip_1hr_in - precip_1hr_metric - precip_1hr_string - precip_today_in - precip_today_metric - precip_today_string - pressure_in - pressure_mb - pressure_trend - relative_humidity - station_id - solarradiation - temperature_string - temp_c - temp_f - UV - visibility_km - visibility_mi - weather - wind_degrees - wind_dir - wind_gust_kph - wind_gust_mph - wind_kph - wind_mph - wind_string