############################################################################### # @author : Jeffrey Stone # @date : 07/15/2019 # @package : Twitter # @description : Just the tweet stuff - @anchoragehouse2 ############################################################################### automation: - id: first_day_info alias: First Day Info initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '00:10:00' condition: - condition: template value_template: > {% set day=states("sensor.date").split('-')[2] | int %} {%- if day == 1 -%} true {%- endif -%} action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_notify_image data_template: tweet: >- Its a new month, so this is a good time to remind you that I am powered by #homeassistant. Find my code at https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration image: >- image: >- {{ [ "/config/www/tweet_images/robot1.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/robot2.jpg"] | random }} - id: tweet_some_snark alias: Tweet Some Snark initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '08:00:00' action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_snark - id: tweet_some_snark2 alias: Tweet Some Snark Again initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '14:00:00' action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_snark - id: tweet_some_stats alias: Tweet Some Stats initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '08:00:00' action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_stats - id: tweet_some_stats2 alias: Tweet Some Stats2 initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '14:00:00' action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_stats - id: tweet_some_promos alias: Tweet Some Promos initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '08:00:00' action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_selfpromos data: who: 'thejeffreystone' # - id: tweet_recent_content_js # alias: Tweet Recent Content js # initial_state: true # trigger: # - platform: time # at: '13:00:00' # action: # - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' # - service: script.twitter_recent_content # data: # who: 'thejeffreystone' - id: tweet_recent_content alias: Tweet Recent Contents initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '08:00:00' action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_recent_content data: who: 'slackerlabs' - id: tweet_follow_me alias: Tweet Follow Me initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '08:00:00' action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_follow_me data: who: 'slackerlabs' - id: tweet_some_promos2 alias: Tweet Some Promos2 initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '13:00:00' action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_selfpromos data: who: 'slackerlabs' # - id: tweet_some_promos3 # alias: Tweet Some Promos3 # initial_state: true # trigger: # - platform: time # at: '13:00:00' # action: # - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' # - service: script.twitter_selfpromos_sl # The whole purpose of this automation is to tweet out some links to great Home Assistant content. This is not sponsored in any way. # I just wanted a way to give back to those I have borrowed from. Tweets ever Friday. # - id: tweet_some_great_content # alias: Tweet Some Great Content # initial_state: true # trigger: # - platform: time # at: '13:00:00' # condition: # - condition: time # weekday: fri # action: # - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' # - service: script.twitter_great_content # data: # who: 'slackerlabs' - id: bot_info alias: Bot Info initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '10:00:00' condition: - condition: template value_template: > {% set day=states("sensor.date").split('-')[2] | int %} {%- if day == 15 -%} true {%- endif -%} action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_notify_image data_template: tweet: >- You can #homeassistant content related to Anchorage House at -> Blog: https://slacker-labs.com | Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCipZJ6748kd8TbelSxcvcVg | Config: https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration image: >- {{ [ "/config/www/tweet_images/robot1.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/robot2.jpg"] | random }} - id: thejeffreystone_info alias: thejeffreystone Info initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '10:00:00' condition: - condition: template value_template: > {% set day=states("sensor.date").split('-')[2] | int %} {%- if day == 15 -%} true {%- endif -%} action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_notify_image data_template: who: 'thejeffreystone' tweet: >- You can find my #homeassistant content at -> Blog: https://slacker-labs.com | Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCipZJ6748kd8TbelSxcvcVg | Config: https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration image: "/config/www/tweet_images/sl_logo.png" - id: slackerlabs_info alias: SlackerLabs Info initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '10:00:00' condition: - condition: template value_template: > {% set day=states("sensor.date").split('-')[2] | int %} {%- if day == 1 -%} true {%- endif -%} action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_notify_image data_template: who: 'slackerlabs' tweet: >- You can find my #homeassistant content at -> Blog: https://slacker-labs.com | Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCipZJ6748kd8TbelSxcvcVg | Config: https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration image: "/config/www/tweet_images/sl_logo.png" # - id: net_speed_report # initial_state: true # alias: Network Speed Report # trigger: # - platform: time # at: '11:15:00' # action: # - service: script.twitter_notify_image # data_template: # tweet: >- # {{ [ "According to my latest speed tests Anchorage House is getting # {{ states.sensor.internet_test_down.attributes.max_value }} Mbps down and {{ states.sensor.internet_test_up.attributes.max_value }} # Mbps up thanks to #ATTFiber. ", "How fast is your internet? I just checked # am Im seeing {{ states.sensor.internet_test_down.attributes.max_value }} Mbps down and {{ states.sensor.internet_test_up.attributes.max_value }} # Mbps up. Beat that. ", "My speed is monitored using @home_assistant and https://github.com/thejeffreystone/speedtest_to_mqtt # and is {{ states.sensor.internet_test_down.attributes.max_value }} Mbps down and {{ states.sensor.internet_test_up.attributes.max_value }} # Mbps up." ] | random }} # image: >- # {{ [ "/config/www/tweet_images/speed.jpg", # "/config/www/tweet_images/fiber-optic.jpg"] | random }} - id: rex_manning_day_tweet_1 alias: Rex Manning Day Tweet One initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '08:00:00' condition: - condition: state entity_id: calendar.anchorage_holidays state: "on" - condition: template value_template: > {%- set event=states.calendar.anchorage_holidays.attributes.message %} {%- if event == 'Rex Manning Day' %} true {%- endif -%} action: - service: script.twitter_notify data_template: message: >- Happy Rex Manning Day! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30fw5My1QJM #damntheman #savetheempire - id: rex_manning_day_tweet_2 alias: Rex Manning Day Tweet Two initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '13:00:00' condition: - condition: state entity_id: calendar.anchorage_holidays state: "on" - condition: template value_template: > {%- set event=states.calendar.anchorage_holidays.attributes.message %} {%- if event == 'Rex Manning Day' %} true {%- endif -%} action: - service: script.twitter_notify data_template: message: >- We mustn't dwell. No, not today. We can't. Not on Rex Manning day! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szvt8iWJ0oo #damntheman #savetheempire - id: Halloween Countdown Tweet alias: Halloween Countdown Tweet initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '13:00:00' condition: - condition: template value_template: > {% set month= now().month | int %} {%- if month == 10 -%} true {%- endif -%} - condition: template value_template: > {%- set event=states.sensor.halloween_countdown.state | int %} {%- if event > 0 %} true {%- endif -%} - condition: template value_template: > {%- set event=states.sensor.halloween_countdown.state | int %} {%- if event < 31 %} true {%- endif -%} action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_notify_image data_template: tweet: >- {{ [ "There are only {{states.sensor.halloween_countdown.state}} days until Halloween.", "Halloween is only {{states.sensor.halloween_countdown.state}} days away. It might not be enough time. ", "Halloween is coming. {{states.sensor.halloween_countdown.state}} days and counting.", "Only {{states.sensor.halloween_countdown.state}} days until Halloween.", "You have {{states.sensor.halloween_countdown.state}} days until you need a Halloween costume.", "Only {{states.sensor.halloween_countdown.state}} days until Halloween. But who is counting. amirite?", "Would it be cliche if I went as a haunted house for Halloween? Asking for a another house.", "Just in case I wanted to be HAL 9000 for Halloween I ordered some Pod Bay Doors. They need to get here in {{states.sensor.halloween_countdown.state}} days." ] | random }} image: >- {{ [ "/config/www/tweet_images/halloween/potion.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/halloween/Halloween-house.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/halloween/halloween.gif", "/config/www/tweet_images/halloween/halloween.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/halloween/halloween2.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/halloween/halloween3.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/halloween/Halloweenpumpkins.jpg"] | random }} - id: Christmas Countdown Tweet alias: Christmas Countdown Tweet initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '19:00:00' condition: - condition: template value_template: > {% set month= now().month | int %} {%- if month == 12 -%} true {%- endif -%} - condition: template value_template: > {%- set event=states.sensor.christmas_countdown.state | int %} {%- if event > 1 %} true {%- endif -%} - condition: template value_template: > {%- set event=states.sensor.christmas_countdown.state | int %} {%- if event < 31 %} true {%- endif -%} action: - service: script.twitter_notify_image data_template: tweet: >- {{ [ "There are only {{states.sensor.christmas_countdown.state}} days until Christmas.", "Christmas is only {{states.sensor.christmas_countdown.state}} days away. It might not be enough time. ", "Santa is coming. {{states.sensor.christmas_countdown.state}} days and counting until he is here.", "Only {{states.sensor.christmas_countdown.state}} days until Christmas.", "You have {{states.sensor.christmas_countdown.state}} days until we get to unwrap presents!", "Only {{states.sensor.christmas_countdown.state}} days until Christmas. But who is counting. amirite?", "It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Which checks out because it is {{states.sensor.christmas_countdown.state}} days away.", "Have you finished your Chistmas shopping? You only have {{states.sensor.christmas_countdown.state}} days left.", "Have you started your Chistmas shopping? You only have {{states.sensor.christmas_countdown.state}} days left." ] | random }} image: >- {{ [ "/config/www/tweet_images/xmas.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/gift.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/christmas-cookies.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/christmas.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/christmas-tree.jpg"] | random }} - id: Christmas Eve Tweet alias: Christmas Eve Tweet initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '19:00:00' condition: - condition: state entity_id: calendar.holidays_in_united_states state: "on" - condition: template value_template: > {%- set event=states.calendar.holidays_in_united_states.attributes.message %} {%- if event == 'Christmas Eve' %} true {%- endif -%} action: - service: script.twitter_notify_image data_template: tweet: Tomorrow is Christmas. It is practically here! Santa is coming tonight! Do not forget the cookies! image: /config/www/tweet_images/santa.png - id: Christmas Day Tweet alias: Christmas Day Tweet initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '05:30:00' condition: - condition: state entity_id: calendar.holidays_in_united_states state: "on" - condition: template value_template: > {%- set event=states.calendar.holidays_in_united_states.attributes.message %} {%- if event == 'Christmas Day' %} true {%- endif -%} action: - service: script.twitter_notify_image data_template: tweet: From everyone at Anchorage House, Merry Christmas! image: /config/www/tweet_images/merry-christmas.jpg - id: Skylar Day Tweet alias: Skylar Day Tweet initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '08:13:00' condition: - condition: state entity_id: calendar.birthdays state: "on" - condition: template value_template: > {%- set event=states. calendar.birthdays.attributes.message %} {%- if event == "Skylar's Birthday" %} true {%- endif -%} action: # - service: script.speech_engine # data: # who: main # message: > # May I have your attention. At this very monent {{ states.sensor.birthday_skylar.attributes.years }} years ago, Skylar was born and the world has been better ever since. - service: script.twitter_notify data_template: message: Today is a very special day here at Anchorage House! It is Skylar's birthday! So have some cake and play some minecraft. Live Feed from the Kitchen -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOBYJrVQm3A - id: Freeze Warning Tweet alias: Freeze Warning Tweet trigger: - platform: time at: '08:00:00' condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.freeze_warning state: 'on' action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 5)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_notify_image data_template: tweet: >- {{ [ "Appears that the temperature will be below freezing soon. I think I will stay inside.", "The forecasted temperature may kill sensative plants, so I will let the house know. I cannot through inaction allow another to come to harm.", "Winter is coming. Actually it is already here. I suggest sleeping with Dragon Glass.", "When the temperature is forcasted to get near freezing, or the NWS issues a Freeze Warning I make sure the residents of Anchorage House know." ] | random }} image: >- {{ [ "/config/www/tweet_images/ice.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/snowfall.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/snowflake.jpg"] | random }} - id: new_pull_request alias: New Pull Request initial_state: true trigger: - platform: state entity_id: sensor.open_pull_requests condition: - condition: template value_template: '{{ states.sensor.open_pull_requests.state | int > 0 }}' action: - service: script.text_notify data_template: who: "jeff" title: "New Pull Request" message: >- {%- if states.sensor.open_pull_requests.state | int == 1 -%} There is {{ states.sensor.open_pull_requests.state }} pending pull request. {%- else -%} There are {{ states.sensor.open_pull_requests.state }} pending pull requests. {%- endif -%} - service: script.twitter_notify_image data_template: tweet: >- {{ [ "Look at that. There is a new pull request waiting to be merged. You can create one too by contributing to my code at https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration #coding #opensource", "Fork Yes! Someone contributed some code to https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration and you could to. #coding #opensource.", "Thanks for the code kind stanger. Join the fun at https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration #coding #opensource", "Theres been an awakening. Have you felt it? I will merge it so it can become the master. https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration #coding #opensource" ] | random }} image: >- {{ [ "/config/www/tweet_images/code.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/codeing.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/code2.jpg", "/config/www/tweet_images/computer.jpg"] | random }} - id: national_holiday_tweet alias: National Holiday Tweet initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '07:00:00' condition: - condition: state entity_id: calendar.national_holidays state: "on" - condition: template value_template: > {%- set event=states.calendar.national_holidays.attributes.message %} {% if 'Day' in event %} true {%- endif -%} - condition: template value_template: > {%- set event=states.calendar.national_holidays.attributes.message %} {% if 'National' in event %} true {%- endif -%} action: - delay: '0{{ (range(1, 3)|random|int) }}:{{ range(0,5) | random | int }}{{ range(0,9) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.twitter_notify data_template: message: >- {{ [ "Hey, Look at that. It is {{states.calendar.national_holidays.attributes.message}}. So Happy {{states.calendar.national_holidays.attributes.message}}! #nationalholiday #themoreyouknow", "I bet you did not know today was {{states.calendar.national_holidays.attributes.message}}. How will you celebrate? #nationalholiday #themoreyouknow", "Happy {{states.calendar.national_holidays.attributes.message}}! #nationalholiday #themoreyouknow", "Whats with today, today? It is {{states.calendar.national_holidays.attributes.message}}. #nationalholiday #themoreyouknow", "Did you know today was {{states.calendar.national_holidays.attributes.message}}? Now you do. That is why I am here. Tweeting. #nationalholiday #themoreyouknow", "I already let my residents know that today is {{states.calendar.national_holidays.attributes.message}}. But I didn't want to leave you guys out. #nationalholiday #themoreyouknow", "I hope you have a fun {{states.calendar.national_holidays.attributes.message}}. #nationalholiday #themoreyouknow" ] | random }} # - id: tweet_covid19_stats # alias: Tweet Some Covid Stats # initial_state: true # trigger: # - platform: time # at: '09:00:00' # action: # # - service: script.text_notify # # data_template: # # who: "jeff" # # title: "Covid-19 Update" # # message: "Yesterday in the US there was {{ states.sensor.covid_pv_new_cases.state }} new cases of COVID-19 reported and {{ states.sensor.covid_pv_new_dead.state }} more deaths. We now have a total of {{ states.sensor.covid_pv_confirmed.state }} people that have been infected and {{ states.sensor.covid_pv_dead.state }} that have died. So far {{ states.sensor.covid_pv_recovered.state }} have recovered, but {{ states.sensor.covid_pv_critical.state }} are in critical condition." # - service: script.twitter_notify # data_template: # message: >- # COVID-19 Stats for yesterday in the US: New Infections: {{ states.sensor.covid_pv_new_cases.state }} (Daily Change:{{ (((states.sensor.covid_pv_new_cases.state |replace(",", "") | int - states.sensor.covid_old_new_count.state |replace(",", "") | int) / states.sensor.covid_pv_new_cases.state |replace(",", "") | int * 100) | round)}}%) | New Deaths: {{ states.sensor.covid_pv_new_dead.state}} (Daily Change:{{ (((states.sensor.covid_pv_new_dead.state |replace(",", "") | int - states.sensor.covid_old_dead_count.state |replace(",", "") | int) / states.sensor.covid_pv_new_dead.state |replace(",", "") | int * 100) | round)}}%) | Total Cases: {{ states.sensor.covid_pv_confirmed.state }} | Total Dead:{{ states.sensor.covid_pv_dead.state }} | Total Recovered: {{ states.sensor.covid_pv_recovered.state }} ({{ ((states.sensor.covid_pv_recovered.state |replace(",", "") | int / states.sensor.covid_pv_confirmed.state |replace(",", "") | int) * 100) | round }}%)| Critical Cases: {{ states.sensor.covid_pv_critical.state }}