######################################################################################################### # Wrote this code for @norien, where he wanted to set specific color to all the bulbs based on holiday ######################################################################################################### # homeassistant: # customize: # script.set_random_color_2_all_bulbs: # hidden: false # script.light_set_color: # hidden: true # input_label: # hue_color_lamp_1_random_color: # value: "no" # hue_color_lamp_2_random_color: # value: "no" # hue_color_lamp_3_random_color: # value: "no" # group: # Family Room Hue Bulbs: # entities: # - light.hue_color_lamp_1 # - light.hue_color_lamp_2 # - light.hue_color_lamp_3 # Input Labels: # entities: # - input_label.hue_color_lamp_1_random_color # - input_label.hue_color_lamp_2_random_color # - input_label.hue_color_lamp_3_random_color # script: # set_random_color_2_all_bulbs: # sequence: # - condition: template # value_template: > # {%- macro get_next_entity_id() -%} # {%- for item in states.group.input_labels.attributes.entity_id if is_state(item, "no") -%} # {{- "," if not loop.first-}}{{- item -}}{{-endif-}} # {%- endfor -%} # {%- endmacro -%} # {%- set entity_ids = get_next_entity_id() -%} # {% if entity_ids | trim != "" and entity_ids.split(',') | length | int == 0 %} # false # {% else %} # true # {% endif %} # - delay: '00:00:01' # - service: script.light_set_color # data_template: # entity_id: >- # {%- macro get_next_entity_id() -%} # {%- for item in states.group.input_labels.attributes.entity_id if is_state(item, "no") -%} # {{- "," if not loop.first-}}{{- item -}}{{-endif-}} # {%- endfor -%} # {%- endmacro -%} # {%- set entity_ids = get_next_entity_id() -%} # {% if entity_ids | trim != "" %} # {%- if entity_ids.split(',') | length > 0 -%} # {{- 'light.' ~ entity_ids.split(',')[0].split('.')[1].replace('_random_color', '') -}} # {%- endif -%} # {% endif %} # brightness: 254 # r: '{{ "{0:d}".format(range(210, 238)|random) }}' # g: '{{ "{0:d}".format(range(100, 132)|random) }}' # b: '{{ "{0:d}".format(range(240, 254)|random) }}' # light_set_color: # sequence: # - condition: template # value_template: '{{ entity_id | trim != "" }}' # - condition: template # value_template: '{{ brightness | trim != "" }}' # - service: light.turn_on # data_template: # entity_id: '{{ entity_id }}' # brightness: '{{ brightness }}' # rgb_color: ['{{"{0:d}".format(range(210, 238)|random)|int}}', '{{"{0:d}".format(range(210, 238)|random)|int}}', '{{"{0:d}".format(range(210, 238)|random)|int}}'] # - service: input_label.set_value # data_template: # entity_id: "input_label.{{- entity_id.split('.')[1] -}}_random_color" # value: 'yes' # - delay: '00:00:01' # - service: script.set_random_color_2_all_bulbs ######################################################################################################### # Wrote this for @chags, to show how to raise and handle custom events with dynamic data using templates ######################################################################################################### # automation: # - alias: Fire Event # trigger: # platform: state # entity_id: switch.kitchen # action: # event: my_test_event # event_data: # foo: "bar" # - alias: Capture Event # trigger: # platform: event # event_type: my_test_event # action: # - service: script.notify_me # data_template: # message: "Test Event Captured with data foo: {{ trigger.event.data.foo }}" ######################################################################################################### # Wrote this code for @roystervi, where it turns on a group of media players/speakers based on where # the motion is detected, and when there is no motion, it turns off the speakers ######################################################################################################### # automation: # - alias: Speakers On During Presence # trigger: # - platform: state # entity_id: # - binary_sensor.masterbed_motion # - binary_sensor.masterbath_motion # - binary_sensor.bathroom_motion # - binary_sensor.kitchen_motion # - binary_sensor.den_motion # action: # - service_template: 'switch.turn_{{ trigger.to_state.state }}' # data_template: # entity_id: '{{ trigger.entity_id.replace("binary_sensor", "group") }}' ######################################################################################################### # Wrote this code for someone, to help set scenes based on sun elevation and time combination ######################################################################################################### #- id: Sunset_if_home # automation: # - alias: 'Hemkomst' # trigger: # platform: state # entity_id: 'group.telefoner' # state: 'home' # condition: # - condition: time # after: '12:00:00' # before: '02:00:00' # action: # - service_template: scene.turn_on # data_template: # entity_id: >- # {%set elevation = states.sun.sun.attributes.elevation | int %} # {% if elevation > -10 and elevation | int < 5 %} # scene.normalvit # {% elif elevation | int > 5 %} # scene.dimmad_vit # {% endif %} ######################################################################################################### # Wrote this code for someone, to show servcie_template example ######################################################################################################### # automation: # - alias: Run every 15 seconds # hide_entity: false # initial_state: true # trigger: # - platform: time_pattern # seconds: '/15' # action: # - service_template: >- # {% if states.switch.kitchen.state == 'on' %} # switch.turn_off # {% else %} # switch.turn_on # {% endif %} # entity_id: switch.kitchen ######################################################################################################### # Wrote this code for someone, where they wanted to drop a message to MQTT with topic name based on sensor ######################################################################################################### # automation: # - alias: ResetMotionSensors # trigger: # - platform: state # entity_id: binary_sensor.hallway_motion # to: 'on' # for: # seconds: 30 # - platform: state # entity_id: binary_sensor.livingroom_motion # to: 'on' # for: # seconds: 30 # - platform: state # entity_id: binary_sensor.kitchen_motion # to: 'on' # for: # seconds: 30 # action: # - service: mqtt.publish # data_template: # payload: '{"state": "open"}' # topic: >- # {% set mapping = '{ "hallway": "985335", "livingroom": "854267", "kitchen": "699555" }' %} # {{ 'Hassio/433/Honeywell/Honeywell_Door/Window_Sensor/' ~ mapping[trigger.entity_id.split('.')[1].split('_')[0] ~ ''] }} ######################################################################################################### # Wrote code for @chags - to pass a list of variables from an automation to a script ######################################################################################################### # automation: # - alias: 'Pass list to script' # trigger: # - platform: state # entity_id: switch.kitchen # action: # - service: script.test_script # data: # entities_list: # - light.hue_color_lamp_1 # - light.hue_color_lamp_2 # - light.hue_color_lamp_3 # script: # test_script: # sequence: # - service_template: light.turn_on # data_template: # entity_id: > # {% for e in entities_list %} # {%- if loop.first %}{% elif loop.last %}, {% else %}, {% endif -%} # {{ e }} # {%- endfor %} ######################################################################################################### # Wrote code for @IxsharpxI#4883 - he wanted to call REST api and extract various values for APCUPS! ######################################################################################################### # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awesome-automations/home/master/apcups.html # sensor: # - platform: rest # resource: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awesome-automations/home/master/apcups.html # name: BATTERY_MODEL # scan_interval: 60 # value_template: > # {%- macro GetValue(str) -%} # {%- if str in value -%} # {%- set index = value.split(str)[0]|length -%} # {{ value[index+str|length:value|length].split('\n')[0] }} # {%- endif -%} # {%- endmacro %} # {{ GetValue('MODEL : ') }} ######################################################################################################### # Wrote this code for someone, where they wanted to have an input_boolean that controls effects ######################################################################################################### # input_boolean: # color_loop: # initial: off # automation: # - alias: Colorloop Automation # trigger: # - platform: state # entity_id: input_boolean.color_loop # action: # - service_template: script.color_loop_ "{{- trigger.to_state.state -}}" # script: # color_loop_on: # sequence: # - service: light.turn_on # data: # entity_id: light.xxx # effect: colorloop # color_loop_off: # sequence: # - service: light.turn_off # entity_id: light.xxx ######################################################################################################### # @xxKira wanted to call a service in a loop by passing an alphabet each time from a string, # so that the service inserts that alphabet using remote on TV ######################################################################################################### # homeassistant: # input_number: # text_index: # name: "Text Index" # initial: 0 # min: 0 # max: 255 # script: # input_text: # alias: Text to Enter on Remote # sequence: # - service_template: script.text_loop # data_template: # text: "Netflix" # text_loop: # alias: Loops Text # sequence: # - condition: template # value_template: "{{ 'true' if (states.input_number.text_index.state |int < text|length | int) else 'false' }}" # - service_template: script.key_input # data_template: # command: >- # {%- set index = states.input_number.text_index.state | int -%} # {{ text[index:index+1] }} # text: "{{ text }}" # key_input: # alias: Send Key Input # sequence: # - service: media_player.firetv_adb_shell # data_template: # entity_id: media_player.televisione_camera # cmd: "input keyevent {{ command | upper }}" # - delay: '00:00:01' # - service: input_number.set_value # data_template: # entity_id: input_number.text_index # value: "{{ (states.input_number.text_index.state | int + 1) }}" # - service: script.text_loop # data_template: # text: "{{ text }}" ######################################################################################################### # Wrote this for @quadflight - automation alerts when any of the sensor's battery is less than 25 # it announces in the house! ######################################################################################################### # automation: # - alias: Alert Low Battery # trigger: # - platform: template # value_template: > # {% set ns = namespace(lowBattery=false) %} # {%- for x in states if x.attributes and x.attributes.battery_level and x.attributes.battery_level |int <= 24 %} # {% set ns.lowBattery = true %}{% endfor %} # {{ ns.lowBattery }} # action: # - service: script.voice_notify # data_template: # message: > # {% set ns = namespace(lowBattery) %} # {%- for x in states if x.attributes and x.attributes.battery_level and x.attributes.battery_level |int <= 24 %} # {% set ns.lowBattery = ns.lowBattery ~ ',' ~ x.name %} # {%- endfor %} # {{ ns.lowBattery -}} # {{- ' battery is ' if ns.lowBattery.split(',')|count == 1 else ' batteries are ' -}} less than 25 percent. ############################################################################################################################## # Wrote this for @marmar63#0271 - he wanted to run a script `x` number of times # - reduce volume, restore volume level...etc # ############################################################################################################################## input_number: loop_index: initial: 0 min: 0 step: 1 max: 9999 script: run_x_times: alias: Run X Times sequence: - service: input_number.set_value data_template: entity_id: input_number.loop_index value: 0 - service_template: script.loop_one data_template: count: "{{ count }}" loop_one: alias: Loops X times sequence: - condition: template value_template: "{{ 'true' if (states.input_number.loop_index.state |int < count | int) else 'false' }}" - service: mqtt.publish data_template: topic: "/loop/test" payload: "{{ states.input_number.loop_index.state | int }}" retain: false - delay: '00:00:00' - service: script.loop_two data_template: count: "{{ count |int}}" loop_two: alias: A loop that calls first loop sequence: - delay: '00:00:00' - service: input_number.set_value data_template: entity_id: input_number.loop_index value: "{{ (states.input_number.loop_index.state | int + 1) |int }}" - service: script.loop_one data_template: count: "{{ count|int }}" # This is a test!