
634 lines
21 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

* Copyright 2013 The LibYuv Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// Get PSNR or SSIM for video sequence. Assuming RAW 4:2:0 Y:Cb:Cr format
// To build: g++ -O3 -o psnr
// or VisualC: cl /Ox
// To enable OpenMP and SSE2
// gcc: g++ -msse2 -O3 -fopenmp -o psnr
// vc: cl /arch:SSE2 /Ox /openmp
// Usage: psnr org_seq rec_seq -s width height [-skip skip_org skip_rec]
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _OPENMP
#include <omp.h>
#include "./psnr.h"
#include "./ssim.h"
#ifdef HAVE_JPEG
#include "libyuv/compare.h"
#include "libyuv/convert.h"
struct metric {
double y, u, v, all;
double min_y, min_u, min_v, min_all;
double global_y, global_u, global_v, global_all;
int min_frame;
// options
bool verbose = false;
bool quiet = false;
bool show_name = false;
bool do_swap_uv = false;
bool do_psnr = false;
bool do_ssim = false;
bool do_mse = false;
bool do_lssim = false;
int image_width = 0, image_height = 0;
int fileindex_org = 0; // argv argument contains the source file name.
int fileindex_rec = 0; // argv argument contains the destination file name.
int num_rec = 0;
int num_skip_org = 0;
int num_skip_rec = 0;
int num_frames = 0;
#ifdef _OPENMP
int num_threads = 0;
// Parse PYUV format. ie name.1920x800_24Hz_P420.yuv
bool ExtractResolutionFromFilename(const char* name,
int* width_ptr,
int* height_ptr) {
// Isolate the .width_height. section of the filename by searching for a
// dot or underscore followed by a digit.
for (int i = 0; name[i]; ++i) {
if ((name[i] == '.' || name[i] == '_') && name[i + 1] >= '0' &&
name[i + 1] <= '9') {
int n = sscanf(name + i + 1, "%dx%d", width_ptr, height_ptr); // NOLINT
if (2 == n) {
return true;
#ifdef HAVE_JPEG
// Try parsing file as a jpeg.
FILE* const file_org = fopen(name, "rb");
if (file_org == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s\n", name);
return false;
fseek(file_org, 0, SEEK_END);
size_t total_size = ftell(file_org);
fseek(file_org, 0, SEEK_SET);
uint8_t* const ch_org = new uint8_t[total_size];
memset(ch_org, 0, total_size);
size_t bytes_org = fread(ch_org, sizeof(uint8_t), total_size, file_org);
if (bytes_org == total_size) {
if (0 == libyuv::MJPGSize(ch_org, total_size, width_ptr, height_ptr)) {
delete[] ch_org;
return true;
delete[] ch_org;
#endif // HAVE_JPEG
return false;
// Scale Y channel from 16..240 to 0..255.
// This can be useful when comparing codecs that are inconsistant about Y
uint8_t ScaleY(uint8_t y) {
int ny = (y - 16) * 256 / 224;
if (ny < 0) {
ny = 0;
if (ny > 255) {
ny = 255;
return static_cast<uint8_t>(ny);
// MSE = Mean Square Error
double GetMSE(double sse, double size) {
return sse / size;
void PrintHelp(const char* program) {
printf("%s [-options] org_seq rec_seq [rec_seq2.. etc]\n", program);
#ifdef HAVE_JPEG
printf("jpeg or raw YUV 420 supported.\n");
" -s <width> <height> .... specify YUV size, mandatory if none of the "
"sequences have the\n");
" resolution embedded in their filename (ie. "
printf(" -psnr .................. compute PSNR (default)\n");
printf(" -ssim .................. compute SSIM\n");
printf(" -mse ................... compute MSE\n");
printf(" -swap .................. Swap U and V plane\n");
printf(" -skip <org> <rec> ...... Number of frame to skip of org and rec\n");
printf(" -frames <num> .......... Number of frames to compare\n");
#ifdef _OPENMP
printf(" -t <num> ............... Number of threads\n");
printf(" -n ..................... Show file name\n");
printf(" -v ..................... verbose++\n");
printf(" -q ..................... quiet\n");
printf(" -h ..................... this help\n");
void ParseOptions(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
if (argc <= 1) {
for (int c = 1; c < argc; ++c) {
if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-v")) {
verbose = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-q")) {
quiet = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-n")) {
show_name = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-psnr")) {
do_psnr = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-mse")) {
do_mse = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-ssim")) {
do_ssim = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-lssim")) {
do_ssim = true;
do_lssim = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-swap")) {
do_swap_uv = true;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[c], "-help")) {
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-s") && c + 2 < argc) {
image_width = atoi(argv[++c]); // NOLINT
image_height = atoi(argv[++c]); // NOLINT
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-skip") && c + 2 < argc) {
num_skip_org = atoi(argv[++c]); // NOLINT
num_skip_rec = atoi(argv[++c]); // NOLINT
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-frames") && c + 1 < argc) {
num_frames = atoi(argv[++c]); // NOLINT
#ifdef _OPENMP
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-t") && c + 1 < argc) {
num_threads = atoi(argv[++c]); // NOLINT
} else if (argv[c][0] == '-') {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option. %s\n", argv[c]);
} else if (fileindex_org == 0) {
fileindex_org = c;
} else if (fileindex_rec == 0) {
fileindex_rec = c;
num_rec = 1;
} else {
if (fileindex_org == 0 || fileindex_rec == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Missing filenames\n");
if (num_skip_org < 0 || num_skip_rec < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Skipped frames incorrect\n");
if (num_frames < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Number of frames incorrect\n");
if (image_width == 0 || image_height == 0) {
int org_width, org_height;
int rec_width, rec_height;
bool org_res_avail = ExtractResolutionFromFilename(argv[fileindex_org],
&org_width, &org_height);
bool rec_res_avail = ExtractResolutionFromFilename(argv[fileindex_rec],
&rec_width, &rec_height);
if (org_res_avail) {
if (rec_res_avail) {
if ((org_width == rec_width) && (org_height == rec_height)) {
image_width = org_width;
image_height = org_height;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Sequences have different resolutions.\n");
} else {
image_width = org_width;
image_height = org_height;
} else if (rec_res_avail) {
image_width = rec_width;
image_height = rec_height;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Missing dimensions.\n");
bool UpdateMetrics(uint8_t* ch_org,
uint8_t* ch_rec,
const int y_size,
const int uv_size,
const size_t total_size,
int number_of_frames,
metric* cur_distortion_psnr,
metric* distorted_frame,
bool do_psnr) {
const int uv_offset = (do_swap_uv ? uv_size : 0);
const uint8_t* const u_org = ch_org + y_size + uv_offset;
const uint8_t* const u_rec = ch_rec + y_size;
const uint8_t* const v_org = ch_org + y_size + (uv_size - uv_offset);
const uint8_t* const v_rec = ch_rec + y_size + uv_size;
if (do_psnr) {
#ifdef HAVE_JPEG
double y_err = static_cast<double>(
libyuv::ComputeSumSquareError(ch_org, ch_rec, y_size));
double u_err = static_cast<double>(
libyuv::ComputeSumSquareError(u_org, u_rec, uv_size));
double v_err = static_cast<double>(
libyuv::ComputeSumSquareError(v_org, v_rec, uv_size));
double y_err = ComputeSumSquareError(ch_org, ch_rec, y_size);
double u_err = ComputeSumSquareError(u_org, u_rec, uv_size);
double v_err = ComputeSumSquareError(v_org, v_rec, uv_size);
const double total_err = y_err + u_err + v_err;
cur_distortion_psnr->global_y += y_err;
cur_distortion_psnr->global_u += u_err;
cur_distortion_psnr->global_v += v_err;
cur_distortion_psnr->global_all += total_err;
distorted_frame->y = ComputePSNR(y_err, static_cast<double>(y_size));
distorted_frame->u = ComputePSNR(u_err, static_cast<double>(uv_size));
distorted_frame->v = ComputePSNR(v_err, static_cast<double>(uv_size));
distorted_frame->all =
ComputePSNR(total_err, static_cast<double>(total_size));
} else {
distorted_frame->y = CalcSSIM(ch_org, ch_rec, image_width, image_height);
distorted_frame->u =
CalcSSIM(u_org, u_rec, (image_width + 1) / 2, (image_height + 1) / 2);
distorted_frame->v =
CalcSSIM(v_org, v_rec, (image_width + 1) / 2, (image_height + 1) / 2);
distorted_frame->all =
(distorted_frame->y + distorted_frame->u + distorted_frame->v) /
distorted_frame->y /= y_size;
distorted_frame->u /= uv_size;
distorted_frame->v /= uv_size;
if (do_lssim) {
distorted_frame->all = CalcLSSIM(distorted_frame->all);
distorted_frame->y = CalcLSSIM(distorted_frame->y);
distorted_frame->u = CalcLSSIM(distorted_frame->u);
distorted_frame->v = CalcLSSIM(distorted_frame->v);
cur_distortion_psnr->y += distorted_frame->y;
cur_distortion_psnr->u += distorted_frame->u;
cur_distortion_psnr->v += distorted_frame->v;
cur_distortion_psnr->all += distorted_frame->all;
bool ismin = false;
if (distorted_frame->y < cur_distortion_psnr->min_y) {
cur_distortion_psnr->min_y = distorted_frame->y;
if (distorted_frame->u < cur_distortion_psnr->min_u) {
cur_distortion_psnr->min_u = distorted_frame->u;
if (distorted_frame->v < cur_distortion_psnr->min_v) {
cur_distortion_psnr->min_v = distorted_frame->v;
if (distorted_frame->all < cur_distortion_psnr->min_all) {
cur_distortion_psnr->min_all = distorted_frame->all;
cur_distortion_psnr->min_frame = number_of_frames;
ismin = true;
return ismin;
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
ParseOptions(argc, argv);
if (!do_psnr && !do_ssim) {
do_psnr = true;
#ifdef _OPENMP
if (num_threads) {
if (verbose) {
printf("OpenMP %d procs\n", omp_get_num_procs());
// Open original file (first file argument)
FILE* const file_org = fopen(argv[fileindex_org], "rb");
if (file_org == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s\n", argv[fileindex_org]);
// Open all files to compare to
FILE** file_rec = new FILE*[num_rec];
memset(file_rec, 0, num_rec * sizeof(FILE*)); // NOLINT
for (int cur_rec = 0; cur_rec < num_rec; ++cur_rec) {
file_rec[cur_rec] = fopen(argv[fileindex_rec + cur_rec], "rb");
if (file_rec[cur_rec] == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s\n", argv[fileindex_rec + cur_rec]);
for (int i = 0; i < cur_rec; ++i) {
delete[] file_rec;
const int y_size = image_width * image_height;
const int uv_size = ((image_width + 1) / 2) * ((image_height + 1) / 2);
const size_t total_size = y_size + 2 * uv_size; // NOLINT
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
static_cast<__int64>(num_skip_org) * static_cast<__int64>(total_size),
fseek(file_org, num_skip_org * total_size, SEEK_SET);
for (int cur_rec = 0; cur_rec < num_rec; ++cur_rec) {
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
static_cast<__int64>(num_skip_rec) * static_cast<__int64>(total_size),
fseek(file_rec[cur_rec], num_skip_rec * total_size, SEEK_SET);
uint8_t* const ch_org = new uint8_t[total_size];
uint8_t* const ch_rec = new uint8_t[total_size];
if (ch_org == NULL || ch_rec == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "No memory available\n");
for (int i = 0; i < num_rec; ++i) {
delete[] ch_org;
delete[] ch_rec;
delete[] file_rec;
metric* const distortion_psnr = new metric[num_rec];
metric* const distortion_ssim = new metric[num_rec];
for (int cur_rec = 0; cur_rec < num_rec; ++cur_rec) {
metric* cur_distortion_psnr = &distortion_psnr[cur_rec];
cur_distortion_psnr->y = 0.0;
cur_distortion_psnr->u = 0.0;
cur_distortion_psnr->v = 0.0;
cur_distortion_psnr->all = 0.0;
cur_distortion_psnr->min_y = kMaxPSNR;
cur_distortion_psnr->min_u = kMaxPSNR;
cur_distortion_psnr->min_v = kMaxPSNR;
cur_distortion_psnr->min_all = kMaxPSNR;
cur_distortion_psnr->min_frame = 0;
cur_distortion_psnr->global_y = 0.0;
cur_distortion_psnr->global_u = 0.0;
cur_distortion_psnr->global_v = 0.0;
cur_distortion_psnr->global_all = 0.0;
distortion_ssim[cur_rec] = cur_distortion_psnr[cur_rec];
if (verbose) {
printf("Size: %dx%d\n", image_width, image_height);
if (!quiet) {
if (do_psnr) {
printf("\t PSNR-Y \t PSNR-U \t PSNR-V \t PSNR-All \t Frame");
if (do_ssim) {
printf("\t SSIM-Y\t SSIM-U\t SSIM-V\t SSIM-All\t Frame");
if (show_name) {
} else {
int number_of_frames;
for (number_of_frames = 0;; ++number_of_frames) {
if (num_frames && number_of_frames >= num_frames) {
size_t bytes_org = fread(ch_org, sizeof(uint8_t), total_size, file_org);
if (bytes_org < total_size) {
#ifdef HAVE_JPEG
// Try parsing file as a jpeg.
uint8_t* const ch_jpeg = new uint8_t[bytes_org];
memcpy(ch_jpeg, ch_org, bytes_org);
memset(ch_org, 0, total_size);
if (0 != libyuv::MJPGToI420(ch_jpeg, bytes_org, ch_org, image_width,
ch_org + y_size, (image_width + 1) / 2,
ch_org + y_size + uv_size,
(image_width + 1) / 2, image_width,
image_height, image_width, image_height)) {
delete[] ch_jpeg;
delete[] ch_jpeg;
#endif // HAVE_JPEG
for (int cur_rec = 0; cur_rec < num_rec; ++cur_rec) {
size_t bytes_rec =
fread(ch_rec, sizeof(uint8_t), total_size, file_rec[cur_rec]);
if (bytes_rec < total_size) {
#ifdef HAVE_JPEG
// Try parsing file as a jpeg.
uint8_t* const ch_jpeg = new uint8_t[bytes_rec];
memcpy(ch_jpeg, ch_rec, bytes_rec);
memset(ch_rec, 0, total_size);
if (0 != libyuv::MJPGToI420(ch_jpeg, bytes_rec, ch_rec, image_width,
ch_rec + y_size, (image_width + 1) / 2,
ch_rec + y_size + uv_size,
(image_width + 1) / 2, image_width,
image_height, image_width, image_height)) {
delete[] ch_jpeg;
delete[] ch_jpeg;
#endif // HAVE_JPEG
if (verbose) {
printf("%5d", number_of_frames);
if (do_psnr) {
metric distorted_frame = {};
metric* cur_distortion_psnr = &distortion_psnr[cur_rec];
bool ismin = UpdateMetrics(ch_org, ch_rec, y_size, uv_size, total_size,
number_of_frames, cur_distortion_psnr,
&distorted_frame, true);
if (verbose) {
printf("\t%10.6f", distorted_frame.y);
printf("\t%10.6f", distorted_frame.u);
printf("\t%10.6f", distorted_frame.v);
printf("\t%10.6f", distorted_frame.all);
printf("\t%5s", ismin ? "min" : "");
if (do_ssim) {
metric distorted_frame = {};
metric* cur_distortion_ssim = &distortion_ssim[cur_rec];
bool ismin = UpdateMetrics(ch_org, ch_rec, y_size, uv_size, total_size,
number_of_frames, cur_distortion_ssim,
&distorted_frame, false);
if (verbose) {
printf("\t%10.6f", distorted_frame.y);
printf("\t%10.6f", distorted_frame.u);
printf("\t%10.6f", distorted_frame.v);
printf("\t%10.6f", distorted_frame.all);
printf("\t%5s", ismin ? "min" : "");
if (verbose) {
if (show_name) {
printf("\t%s", argv[fileindex_rec + cur_rec]);
// Final PSNR computation.
for (int cur_rec = 0; cur_rec < num_rec; ++cur_rec) {
metric* cur_distortion_psnr = &distortion_psnr[cur_rec];
metric* cur_distortion_ssim = &distortion_ssim[cur_rec];
if (number_of_frames > 0) {
const double norm = 1. / static_cast<double>(number_of_frames);
cur_distortion_psnr->y *= norm;
cur_distortion_psnr->u *= norm;
cur_distortion_psnr->v *= norm;
cur_distortion_psnr->all *= norm;
cur_distortion_ssim->y *= norm;
cur_distortion_ssim->u *= norm;
cur_distortion_ssim->v *= norm;
cur_distortion_ssim->all *= norm;
if (do_psnr) {
const double global_psnr_y =
static_cast<double>(y_size) * number_of_frames);
const double global_psnr_u =
static_cast<double>(uv_size) * number_of_frames);
const double global_psnr_v =
static_cast<double>(uv_size) * number_of_frames);
const double global_psnr_all =
static_cast<double>(total_size) * number_of_frames);
printf("Global:\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%5d", global_psnr_y,
global_psnr_u, global_psnr_v, global_psnr_all, number_of_frames);
if (show_name) {
printf("\t%s", argv[fileindex_rec + cur_rec]);
if (!quiet) {
if (do_psnr) {
printf("\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%5d", cur_distortion_psnr->y,
cur_distortion_psnr->u, cur_distortion_psnr->v,
cur_distortion_psnr->all, number_of_frames);
if (do_ssim) {
printf("\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%5d", cur_distortion_ssim->y,
cur_distortion_ssim->u, cur_distortion_ssim->v,
cur_distortion_ssim->all, number_of_frames);
if (show_name) {
printf("\t%s", argv[fileindex_rec + cur_rec]);
if (!quiet) {
if (do_psnr) {
cur_distortion_psnr->min_y, cur_distortion_psnr->min_u,
cur_distortion_psnr->min_v, cur_distortion_psnr->min_all,
if (do_ssim) {
cur_distortion_ssim->min_y, cur_distortion_ssim->min_u,
cur_distortion_ssim->min_v, cur_distortion_ssim->min_all,
if (show_name) {
printf("\t%s", argv[fileindex_rec + cur_rec]);
if (do_mse) {
double global_mse_y =
static_cast<double>(y_size) * number_of_frames);
double global_mse_u =
static_cast<double>(uv_size) * number_of_frames);
double global_mse_v =
static_cast<double>(uv_size) * number_of_frames);
double global_mse_all =
static_cast<double>(total_size) * number_of_frames);
printf("MSE:\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%5d", global_mse_y,
global_mse_u, global_mse_v, global_mse_all, number_of_frames);
if (show_name) {
printf("\t%s", argv[fileindex_rec + cur_rec]);
for (int cur_rec = 0; cur_rec < num_rec; ++cur_rec) {
delete[] distortion_psnr;
delete[] distortion_ssim;
delete[] ch_org;
delete[] ch_rec;
delete[] file_rec;
return 0;