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synced 2025-03-17 13:50:55 +00:00
216 lines
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216 lines
5.2 KiB
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "xmlrpc-c/util.h"
#include "double.h"
typedef struct {
char * bytes;
char * next;
char * end;
} buffer;
static void
bufferInit(buffer * const bufferP) {
unsigned int const initialSize = 64;
bufferP->bytes = malloc(initialSize);
if (bufferP->bytes) {
bufferP->next = bufferP->bytes;
bufferP->end = bufferP->bytes + initialSize;
static void
bufferConcat(buffer * const bufferP,
char const newChar) {
if (bufferP->bytes) {
if (bufferP->next >= bufferP->end) {
unsigned int const oldSize = bufferP->end - bufferP->bytes;
unsigned int const newSize = oldSize + 64;
bufferP->bytes = realloc(bufferP->bytes, newSize);
bufferP->next = bufferP->bytes + oldSize;
bufferP->end = bufferP->bytes + newSize;
if (bufferP->bytes)
*(bufferP->next++) = newChar;
static char
digitChar(unsigned int const digitValue) {
assert(digitValue < 10);
return '0' + digitValue;
static void
floatWhole(double const value,
buffer * const formattedP,
double * const formattedAmountP,
double * const precisionP) {
if (value < 1.0) {
/* No digits to add to the whole part */
*formattedAmountP = 0;
*precisionP = DBL_EPSILON;
} else {
double nonLeastAmount;
double nonLeastPrecision;
unsigned int leastValue;
/* Add all digits but the least significant to *formattedP */
floatWhole(value/10.0, formattedP, &nonLeastAmount,
/* Add the least significant digit to *formattedP */
if (nonLeastPrecision > 0.1) {
/* We're down in the noise now; no point in showing any more
significant digits (and we couldn't if we wanted to, because
nonLeastPrecision * 10 might be more than 10 less than
leastValue = 0;
} else
leastValue = (unsigned int)(value - nonLeastAmount * 10);
bufferConcat(formattedP, digitChar(leastValue));
*formattedAmountP = nonLeastAmount * 10 + leastValue;
*precisionP = nonLeastPrecision * 10;
static void
floatFractionPart(double const value,
double const wholePrecision,
buffer * const formattedP) {
Serialize the part that comes after the decimal point, assuming there
is something (nonzero) before the decimal point that uses up all but
'wholePrecision' of the available precision.
double precision;
double d;
assert(value < 1.0);
for (d = value, precision = wholePrecision;
d > precision;
precision *= 10) {
unsigned int digitValue;
d *= 10;
digitValue = (unsigned int) d;
d -= digitValue;
assert(d < 1.0);
bufferConcat(formattedP, digitChar(digitValue));
static void
floatFraction(double const value,
buffer * const formattedP) {
Serialize the part that comes after the decimal point, assuming there
is nothing before the decimal point.
double precision;
double d;
assert(0.0 < value && value < 1.0);
/* Do the leading zeroes, which eat no precision */
for (d = value * 10; d < 1.0; d *= 10)
bufferConcat(formattedP, '0');
/* Now the significant digits */
precision = DBL_EPSILON;
while (d > precision) {
unsigned int const digitValue = (unsigned int) d;
bufferConcat(formattedP, digitChar(digitValue));
d -= digitValue;
assert(d < 1.0);
d *= 10;
precision *= 10;
xmlrpc_formatFloat(xmlrpc_env * const envP,
double const value,
const char ** const formattedP) {
double absvalue;
buffer formatted;
if (value < 0.0) {
bufferConcat(&formatted, '-');
absvalue = - value;
} else
absvalue = value;
if (absvalue >= 1.0) {
double wholePart, fractionPart;
double wholePrecision;
floatWhole(absvalue, &formatted, &wholePart, &wholePrecision);
fractionPart = absvalue - wholePart;
if (fractionPart > wholePrecision) {
bufferConcat(&formatted, '.');
floatFractionPart(fractionPart, wholePrecision, &formatted);
} else {
bufferConcat(&formatted, '0');
if (absvalue > 0.0) {
bufferConcat(&formatted, '.');
floatFraction(absvalue, &formatted);
bufferConcat(&formatted, '\0');
if (formatted.bytes == NULL)
xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Couldn't allocate memory to format %g", value);
*formattedP = formatted.bytes;