2013-06-06 15:34:49 -04:00
* mod_ssml for FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
* Copyright (C) 2013, Grasshopper
* Version: MPL 1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is mod_ssml for FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Grasshopper
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Chris Rienzo <chris.rienzo@grasshopper.com>
* mod_ssml.c -- SSML audio rendering format
#include <switch.h>
#include <iksemel.h>
SWITCH_MODULE_DEFINITION(mod_ssml, mod_ssml_load, mod_ssml_shutdown, NULL);
#define MAX_VOICE_FILES 256
#define VOICE_LANG_PRIORITY 1000000
struct ssml_parser;
/** function to handle tag attributes */
typedef int (* tag_attribs_fn)(struct ssml_parser *, char **);
/** function to handle tag CDATA */
typedef int (* tag_cdata_fn)(struct ssml_parser *, char *, size_t);
* Tag definition
struct tag_def {
tag_attribs_fn attribs_fn;
tag_cdata_fn cdata_fn;
switch_bool_t is_root;
switch_hash_t *children_tags;
* Module configuration
static struct {
/** Mapping of mod-name-language-gender to voice */
switch_hash_t *voice_cache;
/** Mapping of voice names */
switch_hash_t *say_voice_map;
/** Mapping of voice names */
switch_hash_t *tts_voice_map;
/** Mapping of interpret-as value to macro */
switch_hash_t *interpret_as_map;
/** Mapping of ISO language code to say-module */
switch_hash_t *language_map;
/** Mapping of tag name to definition */
switch_hash_t *tag_defs;
/** module memory pool */
switch_memory_pool_t *pool;
} globals;
* A say language
struct language {
/** The ISO language code */
char *iso;
/** The FreeSWITCH language code */
char *language;
/** The say module name */
char *say_module;
* A say macro
struct macro {
/** interpret-as name (cardinal...) */
char *name;
/** language (en-US, en-UK, ...) */
char *language;
/** type (number, items, persons, messages...) */
char *type;
/** method (pronounced, counted, iterated...) */
char *method;
* A TTS voice
struct voice {
/** higher priority = more likely to pick */
int priority;
/** voice gender */
char *gender;
/** voice name / macro */
char *name;
/** voice language */
char *language;
/** internal file prefix */
char *prefix;
#define TAG_LEN 32
#define NAME_LEN 128
#define LANGUAGE_LEN 6
#define GENDER_LEN 8
* SSML voice state
struct ssml_node {
/** tag name */
char tag_name[TAG_LEN];
/** requested name */
char name[NAME_LEN];
/** requested language */
char language[LANGUAGE_LEN];
/** requested gender */
char gender[GENDER_LEN];
/** voice to use */
struct voice *tts_voice;
/** say macro to use */
struct macro *say_macro;
/** tag handling data */
struct tag_def *tag_def;
/** previous node */
struct ssml_node *parent_node;
* A file to play
struct ssml_file {
/** prefix to add to file handle */
char *prefix;
/** the file to play */
const char *name;
* SSML parser state
struct ssml_parser {
/** current attribs */
struct ssml_node *cur_node;
/** files to play */
struct ssml_file *files;
/** number of files */
int num_files;
/** max files to play */
int max_files;
/** memory pool to use */
switch_memory_pool_t *pool;
/** desired sample rate */
int sample_rate;
* SSML playback state
struct ssml_context {
/** handle to current file */
switch_file_handle_t fh;
/** files to play */
struct ssml_file *files;
/** number of files */
int num_files;
/** current file being played */
int index;
* Add a definition for a tag
* @param tag the name
* @param attribs_fn the function to handle the tag attributes
* @param cdata_fn the function to handler the tag CDATA
* @param children_tags comma-separated list of valid child tag names
* @return the definition
static struct tag_def *add_tag_def(const char *tag, tag_attribs_fn attribs_fn, tag_cdata_fn cdata_fn, const char *children_tags)
struct tag_def *def = switch_core_alloc(globals.pool, sizeof(*def));
switch_core_hash_init(&def->children_tags, globals.pool);
if (!zstr(children_tags)) {
char *children_tags_dup = switch_core_strdup(globals.pool, children_tags);
char *tags[32] = { 0 };
int tag_count = switch_separate_string(children_tags_dup, ',', tags, sizeof(tags) / sizeof(tags[0]));
if (tag_count) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < tag_count; i++) {
switch_core_hash_insert(def->children_tags, tags[i], tags[i]);
def->attribs_fn = attribs_fn;
def->cdata_fn = cdata_fn;
def->is_root = SWITCH_FALSE;
switch_core_hash_insert(globals.tag_defs, tag, def);
return def;
* Add a definition for a root tag
* @param tag the name
* @param attribs_fn the function to handle the tag attributes
* @param cdata_fn the function to handler the tag CDATA
* @param children_tags comma-separated list of valid child tag names
* @return the definition
static struct tag_def *add_root_tag_def(const char *tag, tag_attribs_fn attribs_fn, tag_cdata_fn cdata_fn, const char *children_tags)
struct tag_def *def = add_tag_def(tag, attribs_fn, cdata_fn, children_tags);
def->is_root = SWITCH_TRUE;
return def;
* Handle tag attributes
* @param parser the parser
* @param name the tag name
* @param atts the attributes
* @return IKS_OK if OK IKS_BADXML on parse failure
static int process_tag(struct ssml_parser *parser, const char *name, char **atts)
struct tag_def *def = switch_core_hash_find(globals.tag_defs, name);
if (def) {
parser->cur_node->tag_def = def;
if (def->is_root && parser->cur_node->parent_node == NULL) {
/* no parent for ROOT tags */
return def->attribs_fn(parser, atts);
} else if (!def->is_root && parser->cur_node->parent_node) {
/* check if this child is allowed by parent node */
struct tag_def *parent_def = parser->cur_node->parent_node->tag_def;
if (switch_core_hash_find(parent_def->children_tags, "ANY") ||
switch_core_hash_find(parent_def->children_tags, name)) {
return def->attribs_fn(parser, atts);
return IKS_BADXML;
* Handle tag attributes that are ignored
* @param parser the parser
* @param atts the attributes
* @return IKS_OK
static int process_attribs_ignore(struct ssml_parser *parser, char **atts)
return IKS_OK;
* Handle CDATA that is ignored
* @param parser the parser
* @param data the CDATA
* @param len the CDATA length
* @return IKS_OK
static int process_cdata_ignore(struct ssml_parser *parser, char *data, size_t len)
return IKS_OK;
* Handle CDATA that is not allowed
* @param parser the parser
* @param data the CDATA
* @param len the CDATA length
* @return IKS_BADXML
static int process_cdata_bad(struct ssml_parser *parser, char *data, size_t len)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (isgraph(data[i])) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Unexpected CDATA for <%s>\n", parser->cur_node->tag_name);
return IKS_BADXML;
return IKS_OK;
* Score the voice on how close it is to desired language, name, and gender
* @param voice the voice to score
* @param cur_node the desired voice attributes
* @param lang_required if true, language must match
* @return the score
static int score_voice(struct voice *voice, struct ssml_node *cur_node, int lang_required)
/* language > gender,name > priority */
int score = voice->priority;
if (!zstr_buf(cur_node->gender) && !strcmp(cur_node->gender, voice->gender)) {
if (!zstr_buf(cur_node->name) && !strcmp(cur_node->name, voice->name)) {
if (!zstr_buf(cur_node->language) && !strcmp(cur_node->language, voice->language)) {
} else if (lang_required) {
score = 0;
return score;
* Search for best voice based on attributes
* @param cur_node the desired voice attributes
* @param map the map to search
* @param type "say" or "tts"
* @param lang_required if true, language must match
* @return the voice or NULL
static struct voice *find_voice(struct ssml_node *cur_node, switch_hash_t *map, char *type, int lang_required)
switch_hash_index_t *hi = NULL;
struct voice *voice = (struct voice *)switch_core_hash_find(map, cur_node->name);
char *lang_name_gender = NULL;
int best_score = 0;
/* check cache */
lang_name_gender = switch_mprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s", type, cur_node->language, cur_node->name, cur_node->gender);
voice = (struct voice *)switch_core_hash_find(globals.voice_cache, lang_name_gender);
if (voice) {
/* that was easy! */
goto done;
/* find best language, name, gender match */
for (hi = switch_hash_first(NULL, map); hi; hi = switch_hash_next(hi)) {
const void *key;
void *val;
struct voice *candidate;
int candidate_score = 0;
switch_hash_this(hi, &key, NULL, &val);
candidate = (struct voice *)val;
candidate_score = score_voice(candidate, cur_node, lang_required);
if (candidate_score > 0 && candidate_score > best_score) {
voice = candidate;
best_score = candidate_score;
/* remember for next time */
if (voice) {
switch_core_hash_insert(globals.voice_cache, lang_name_gender, voice);
return voice;
* Search for best voice based on attributes
* @param cur_node the desired voice attributes
* @return the voice or NULL
static struct voice *find_tts_voice(struct ssml_node *cur_node)
return find_voice(cur_node, globals.tts_voice_map, "tts", 0);
* Search for best voice based on attributes
* @param cur_node the desired voice attributes
* @return the voice or NULL
static struct voice *find_say_voice(struct ssml_node *cur_node)
return find_voice(cur_node, globals.say_voice_map, "say", 1);
* open next file for reading
* @param handle the file handle
static switch_status_t next_file(switch_file_handle_t *handle)
struct ssml_context *context = handle->private_info;
const char *file;
if (switch_test_flag((&context->fh), SWITCH_FILE_OPEN)) {
if (context->index >= context->num_files) {
file = context->files[context->index].name;
context->fh.prefix = context->files[context->index].prefix;
if (switch_test_flag(handle, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_WRITE)) {
/* unsupported */
if (switch_core_file_open(&context->fh, file, handle->channels, handle->samplerate, handle->flags, NULL) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
goto top;
handle->samples = context->fh.samples;
handle->format = context->fh.format;
handle->sections = context->fh.sections;
handle->seekable = context->fh.seekable;
handle->speed = context->fh.speed;
handle->interval = context->fh.interval;
if (switch_test_flag((&context->fh), SWITCH_FILE_NATIVE)) {
switch_set_flag(handle, SWITCH_FILE_NATIVE);
} else {
switch_clear_flag(handle, SWITCH_FILE_NATIVE);
* Process xml:lang attribute
static int process_xml_lang(struct ssml_parser *parsed_data, char **atts)
struct ssml_node *cur_node = parsed_data->cur_node;
/* only allow language change in <speak>, <p>, and <s> */
if (atts) {
int i = 0;
while (atts[i]) {
if (!strcmp("xml:lang", atts[i])) {
if (!zstr(atts[i + 1])) {
2013-06-20 09:24:46 -04:00
strncpy(cur_node->language, atts[i + 1], LANGUAGE_LEN);
cur_node->language[LANGUAGE_LEN - 1] = '\0';
2013-06-06 15:34:49 -04:00
i += 2;
cur_node->tts_voice = find_tts_voice(cur_node);
return IKS_OK;
* Process <voice>
static int process_voice(struct ssml_parser *parsed_data, char **atts)
struct ssml_node *cur_node = parsed_data->cur_node;
if (atts) {
int i = 0;
while (atts[i]) {
if (!strcmp("xml:lang", atts[i])) {
if (!zstr(atts[i + 1])) {
strncpy(cur_node->language, atts[i + 1], LANGUAGE_LEN);
cur_node->language[LANGUAGE_LEN - 1] = '\0';
} else if (!strcmp("name", atts[i])) {
if (!zstr(atts[i + 1])) {
strncpy(cur_node->name, atts[i + 1], NAME_LEN);
cur_node->name[NAME_LEN - 1] = '\0';
} else if (!strcmp("gender", atts[i])) {
if (!zstr(atts[i + 1])) {
strncpy(cur_node->gender, atts[i + 1], GENDER_LEN);
cur_node->gender[GENDER_LEN - 1] = '\0';
i += 2;
cur_node->tts_voice = find_tts_voice(cur_node);
return IKS_OK;
* Process <say-as>
static int process_say_as(struct ssml_parser *parsed_data, char **atts)
struct ssml_node *cur_node = parsed_data->cur_node;
if (atts) {
int i = 0;
while (atts[i]) {
if (!strcmp("interpret-as", atts[i])) {
char *interpret_as = atts[i + 1];
if (!zstr(interpret_as)) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "interpret-as: %s\n", atts[i + 1]);
cur_node->say_macro = (struct macro *)switch_core_hash_find(globals.interpret_as_map, interpret_as);
i += 2;
cur_node->tts_voice = find_tts_voice(cur_node);
return IKS_OK;
* Process <break>- this is a period of silence
static int process_break(struct ssml_parser *parsed_data, char **atts)
if (atts) {
int i = 0;
while (atts[i]) {
if (!strcmp("time", atts[i])) {
char *t = atts[i + 1];
if (!zstr(t) && parsed_data->num_files < parsed_data->max_files) {
int timeout_ms = 0;
char *unit;
if ((unit = strstr(t, "ms"))) {
*unit = '\0';
if (switch_is_number(t)) {
timeout_ms = atoi(t);
} else if ((unit = strstr(t, "s"))) {
*unit = '\0';
if (switch_is_number(t)) {
timeout_ms = atoi(t) * 1000;
if (timeout_ms > 0) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Adding <break>: \"%s\"\n", t);
parsed_data->files[parsed_data->num_files].name = switch_core_sprintf(parsed_data->pool, "silence_stream://%i", timeout_ms);
parsed_data->files[parsed_data->num_files++].prefix = NULL;
return IKS_OK;
i += 2;
return IKS_OK;
* Process <audio>- this is a URL to play
static int process_audio(struct ssml_parser *parsed_data, char **atts)
if (atts) {
int i = 0;
while (atts[i]) {
if (!strcmp("src", atts[i])) {
char *src = atts[i + 1];
2013-06-20 09:24:46 -04:00
ikstack *stack = NULL;
2013-06-06 15:34:49 -04:00
if (!zstr(src) && parsed_data->num_files < parsed_data->max_files) {
/* get the URI */
2013-06-20 09:24:46 -04:00
if (strchr(src, '&')) {
stack = iks_stack_new(256, 0);
src = iks_unescape(stack, src, strlen(src));
2013-06-06 15:34:49 -04:00
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Adding <audio>: \"%s\"\n", src);
parsed_data->files[parsed_data->num_files].name = switch_core_strdup(parsed_data->pool, src);
parsed_data->files[parsed_data->num_files++].prefix = NULL;
2013-06-20 09:24:46 -04:00
if (stack) {
2013-06-06 15:34:49 -04:00
return IKS_OK;
i += 2;
return IKS_OK;
* Process a tag
static int tag_hook(void *user_data, char *name, char **atts, int type)
int result = IKS_OK;
struct ssml_parser *parsed_data = (struct ssml_parser *)user_data;
struct ssml_node *new_node = malloc(sizeof *new_node);
struct ssml_node *parent_node = parsed_data->cur_node;
if (type == IKS_OPEN || type == IKS_SINGLE) {
if (parent_node) {
/* inherit parent attribs */
*new_node = *parent_node;
new_node->parent_node = parent_node;
} else {
new_node->name[0] = '\0';
new_node->language[0] = '\0';
new_node->gender[0] = '\0';
new_node->parent_node = NULL;
new_node->tts_voice = NULL;
new_node->say_macro = NULL;
strncpy(new_node->tag_name, name, TAG_LEN);
new_node->tag_name[TAG_LEN - 1] = '\0';
parsed_data->cur_node = new_node;
result = process_tag(parsed_data, name, atts);
if (type == IKS_CLOSE || type == IKS_SINGLE) {
if (parsed_data->cur_node) {
struct ssml_node *parent_node = parsed_data->cur_node->parent_node;
parsed_data->cur_node = parent_node;
return result;
* Try to get file(s) from say module
* @param parsed_data
* @param to_say
* @return 1 if successful
static int get_file_from_macro(struct ssml_parser *parsed_data, char *to_say)
struct ssml_node *cur_node = parsed_data->cur_node;
struct macro *say_macro = cur_node->say_macro;
struct voice *say_voice = find_say_voice(cur_node);
struct language *language;
char *file_string = NULL;
char *gender = NULL;
switch_say_interface_t *si;
/* voice is required */
if (!say_voice) {
return 0;
language = switch_core_hash_find(globals.language_map, say_voice->language);
/* language is required */
if (!language) {
return 0;
/* TODO need to_say gender, not voice gender */
gender = "neuter";
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Trying macro: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n", language->language, to_say, say_macro->type, say_macro->method, gender);
if ((si = switch_loadable_module_get_say_interface(language->say_module)) && si->say_string_function) {
switch_say_args_t say_args = {0};
say_args.type = switch_ivr_get_say_type_by_name(say_macro->type);
say_args.method = switch_ivr_get_say_method_by_name(say_macro->method);
say_args.gender = switch_ivr_get_say_gender_by_name(gender);
say_args.ext = "wav";
si->say_string_function(NULL, to_say, &say_args, &file_string);
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Adding macro: \"%s\", prefix=\"%s\"\n", file_string, say_voice->prefix);
if (!zstr(file_string)) {
parsed_data->files[parsed_data->num_files].name = switch_core_strdup(parsed_data->pool, file_string);
parsed_data->files[parsed_data->num_files++].prefix = switch_core_strdup(parsed_data->pool, say_voice->prefix);
return 1;
return 0;
* Get TTS file for voice
static int get_file_from_voice(struct ssml_parser *parsed_data, char *to_say)
struct ssml_node *cur_node = parsed_data->cur_node;
char *file = switch_core_sprintf(parsed_data->pool, "%s%s", cur_node->tts_voice->prefix, to_say);
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Adding <%s>: \"%s\"\n", cur_node->tag_name, file);
parsed_data->files[parsed_data->num_files].name = file;
parsed_data->files[parsed_data->num_files++].prefix = NULL;
return 1;
* Get TTS from CDATA
static int process_cdata_tts(struct ssml_parser *parsed_data, char *data, size_t len)
struct ssml_node *cur_node = parsed_data->cur_node;
if (!len) {
return IKS_OK;
if (cur_node && cur_node->tts_voice && parsed_data->num_files < parsed_data->max_files) {
int i = 0;
int empty = 1;
char *to_say;
/* is CDATA empty? */
for (i = 0; i < len && empty; i++) {
empty &= !isgraph(data[i]);
if (empty) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Skipping empty tts\n");
return IKS_OK;
/* try macro */
to_say = malloc(len + 1);
strncpy(to_say, data, len);
to_say[len] = '\0';
if (!cur_node->say_macro || !get_file_from_macro(parsed_data, to_say)) {
/* use voice instead */
get_file_from_voice(parsed_data, to_say);
return IKS_OK;
return IKS_BADXML;
* Process <sub>- this is an alias for text to speak
static int process_sub(struct ssml_parser *parsed_data, char **atts)
if (atts) {
int i = 0;
while (atts[i]) {
if (!strcmp("alias", atts[i])) {
char *alias = atts[i + 1];
if (!zstr(alias)) {
return process_cdata_tts(parsed_data, alias, strlen(alias));
return IKS_BADXML;
i += 2;
return IKS_OK;
* Process cdata
static int cdata_hook(void *user_data, char *data, size_t len)
struct ssml_parser *parsed_data = (struct ssml_parser *)user_data;
if (!parsed_data) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Missing parser\n");
return IKS_BADXML;
if (parsed_data->cur_node) {
struct tag_def *handler = switch_core_hash_find(globals.tag_defs, parsed_data->cur_node->tag_name);
if (handler) {
return handler->cdata_fn(parsed_data, data, len);
return IKS_BADXML;
return IKS_OK;
* Transforms SSML into file_string format and opens file_string.
* @param handle
* @param path the inline SSML
* @return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if opened
static switch_status_t ssml_file_open(switch_file_handle_t *handle, const char *path)
switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;
struct ssml_context *context = switch_core_alloc(handle->memory_pool, sizeof(*context));
struct ssml_parser *parsed_data = switch_core_alloc(handle->memory_pool, sizeof(*parsed_data));
iksparser *parser = iks_sax_new(parsed_data, tag_hook, cdata_hook);
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Open: %s\n", path);
parsed_data->cur_node = NULL;
parsed_data->files = switch_core_alloc(handle->memory_pool, sizeof(struct ssml_file) * MAX_VOICE_FILES);
parsed_data->max_files = MAX_VOICE_FILES;
parsed_data->num_files = 0;
parsed_data->pool = handle->memory_pool;
parsed_data->sample_rate = handle->samplerate;
if (iks_parse(parser, path, 0, 1) == IKS_OK) {
if (parsed_data->num_files) {
context->files = parsed_data->files;
context->num_files = parsed_data->num_files;
context->index = -1;
handle->private_info = context;
status = next_file(handle);
} else {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "No files to play: %s\n", path);
} else {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Parse error: %s, num_files = %i\n", path, parsed_data->num_files);
return status;
* Close SSML document.
* @param handle
static switch_status_t ssml_file_close(switch_file_handle_t *handle)
struct ssml_context *context = (struct ssml_context *)handle->private_info;
if (switch_test_flag((&context->fh), SWITCH_FILE_OPEN)) {
return switch_core_file_close(&context->fh);
* Read from SSML document
* @param handle
* @param data
* @param len
* @return
static switch_status_t ssml_file_read(switch_file_handle_t *handle, void *data, size_t *len)
switch_status_t status;
struct ssml_context *context = (struct ssml_context *)handle->private_info;
size_t llen = *len;
status = switch_core_file_read(&context->fh, data, len);
if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
if ((status = next_file(handle)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
return status;
*len = llen;
status = switch_core_file_read(&context->fh, data, len);
return status;
* Seek file
static switch_status_t ssml_file_seek(switch_file_handle_t *handle, unsigned int *cur_sample, int64_t samples, int whence)
struct ssml_context *context = handle->private_info;
if (samples == 0 && whence == SWITCH_SEEK_SET) {
/* restart from beginning */
context->index = -1;
return next_file(handle);
if (!handle->seekable) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "File is not seekable\n");
return switch_core_file_seek(&context->fh, cur_sample, samples, whence);
* TTS playback state
struct tts_context {
/** handle to TTS engine */
switch_speech_handle_t sh;
/** TTS flags */
switch_speech_flag_t flags;
/** maximum number of samples to read at a time */
int max_frame_size;
/** done flag */
int done;
* Do TTS as file format
* @param handle
* @param path the inline SSML
* @return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if opened
static switch_status_t tts_file_open(switch_file_handle_t *handle, const char *path)
switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS;
struct tts_context *context = switch_core_alloc(handle->memory_pool, sizeof(*context));
char *arg_string = switch_core_strdup(handle->memory_pool, path);
char *args[3] = { 0 };
int argc = switch_separate_string(arg_string, '|', args, (sizeof(args) / sizeof(args[0])));
char *module;
char *voice;
char *document;
/* path is module:(optional)profile|voice|{param1=val1,param2=val2}TTS document */
if (argc != 3) {
module = args[0];
voice = args[1];
document = args[2];
memset(context, 0, sizeof(*context));
context->flags = SWITCH_SPEECH_FLAG_NONE;
if ((status = switch_core_speech_open(&context->sh, module, voice, handle->samplerate, handle->interval, &context->flags, NULL)) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
if ((status = switch_core_speech_feed_tts(&context->sh, document, &context->flags)) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
handle->channels = 1;
handle->samples = 0;
handle->format = 0;
handle->sections = 0;
handle->seekable = 0;
handle->speed = 0;
context->max_frame_size = handle->samplerate / 1000 * SWITCH_MAX_INTERVAL;
} else {
switch_core_speech_close(&context->sh, &context->flags);
handle->private_info = context;
return status;
* Read audio from TTS engine
* @param handle
* @param data
* @param len
* @return
static switch_status_t tts_file_read(switch_file_handle_t *handle, void *data, size_t *len)
switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS;
struct tts_context *context = (struct tts_context *)handle->private_info;
switch_size_t rlen;
if (*len > context->max_frame_size) {
*len = context->max_frame_size;
rlen = *len * 2; /* rlen (bytes) = len (samples) * 2 */
if (!context->done) {
if ((status = switch_core_speech_read_tts(&context->sh, data, &rlen, &context->flags))) {
context->done = 1;
} else {
memset(data, 0, rlen);
*len = rlen / 2; /* len (samples) = rlen (bytes) / 2 */
return status;
* Close TTS engine
* @param handle
static switch_status_t tts_file_close(switch_file_handle_t *handle)
struct tts_context *context = (struct tts_context *)handle->private_info;
switch_core_speech_close(&context->sh, &context->flags);
* Configure voices
* @param pool memory pool to use
* @param map voice map to load
* @param type type of voices (for logging)
static void do_config_voices(switch_memory_pool_t *pool, switch_xml_t voices, switch_hash_t *map, const char *type)
if (voices) {
int priority = MAX_VOICE_PRIORITY;
switch_xml_t voice;
for (voice = switch_xml_child(voices, "voice"); voice; voice = voice->next) {
const char *name = switch_xml_attr_soft(voice, "name");
const char *language = switch_xml_attr_soft(voice, "language");
const char *gender = switch_xml_attr_soft(voice, "gender");
const char *prefix = switch_xml_attr_soft(voice, "prefix");
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "%s map (%s, %s, %s) = %s\n", type, name, language, gender, prefix);
if (!zstr(name) && !zstr(prefix)) {
struct voice *v = (struct voice *)switch_core_alloc(pool, sizeof(*v));
v->name = switch_core_strdup(pool, name);
v->language = switch_core_strdup(pool, language);
v->gender = switch_core_strdup(pool, gender);
v->prefix = switch_core_strdup(pool, prefix);
v->priority = priority--;
switch_core_hash_insert(map, name, v);
* Configure module
* @param pool memory pool to use
* @return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if module is configured
static switch_status_t do_config(switch_memory_pool_t *pool)
char *cf = "ssml.conf";
switch_xml_t cfg, xml;
if (!(xml = switch_xml_open_cfg(cf, &cfg, NULL))) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "open of %s failed\n", cf);
/* get voices */
do_config_voices(pool, switch_xml_child(cfg, "tts-voices"), globals.tts_voice_map, "tts");
do_config_voices(pool, switch_xml_child(cfg, "say-voices"), globals.say_voice_map, "say");
/* get languages */
switch_xml_t languages = switch_xml_child(cfg, "language-map");
if (languages) {
switch_xml_t language;
for (language = switch_xml_child(languages, "language"); language; language = language->next) {
const char *iso = switch_xml_attr_soft(language, "iso");
const char *say_module = switch_xml_attr_soft(language, "say-module");
const char *lang = switch_xml_attr_soft(language, "language");
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "language map: %s = (%s, %s) \n", iso, say_module, lang);
if (!zstr(iso) && !zstr(say_module) && !zstr(lang)) {
struct language *l = (struct language *)switch_core_alloc(pool, sizeof(*l));
l->iso = switch_core_strdup(pool, iso);
l->say_module = switch_core_strdup(pool, say_module);
l->language = switch_core_strdup(pool, lang);
switch_core_hash_insert(globals.language_map, iso, l);
/* get macros */
switch_xml_t macros = switch_xml_child(cfg, "macros");
if (macros) {
switch_xml_t macro;
for (macro = switch_xml_child(macros, "macro"); macro; macro = macro->next) {
const char *name = switch_xml_attr_soft(macro, "name");
const char *method = switch_xml_attr_soft(macro, "method");
const char *type = switch_xml_attr_soft(macro, "type");
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "macro: %s = (%s, %s) \n", name, method, type);
if (!zstr(name) && !zstr(type)) {
struct macro *m = (struct macro *)switch_core_alloc(pool, sizeof(*m));
m->name = switch_core_strdup(pool, name);
m->method = switch_core_strdup(pool, method);
m->type = switch_core_strdup(pool, type);
switch_core_hash_insert(globals.interpret_as_map, name, m);
static char *ssml_supported_formats[] = { "ssml", NULL };
static char *tts_supported_formats[] = { "tts", NULL };
switch_file_interface_t *file_interface;
*module_interface = switch_loadable_module_create_module_interface(pool, modname);
file_interface = switch_loadable_module_create_interface(*module_interface, SWITCH_FILE_INTERFACE);
file_interface->interface_name = modname;
file_interface->extens = ssml_supported_formats;
file_interface->file_open = ssml_file_open;
file_interface->file_close = ssml_file_close;
file_interface->file_read = ssml_file_read;
file_interface->file_seek = ssml_file_seek;
file_interface = switch_loadable_module_create_interface(*module_interface, SWITCH_FILE_INTERFACE);
file_interface->interface_name = modname;
file_interface->extens = tts_supported_formats;
file_interface->file_open = tts_file_open;
file_interface->file_close = tts_file_close;
file_interface->file_read = tts_file_read;
/* TODO allow skip ahead if TTS supports it
* file_interface->file_seek = tts_file_seek;
globals.pool = pool;
switch_core_hash_init(&globals.voice_cache, pool);
switch_core_hash_init(&globals.tts_voice_map, pool);
switch_core_hash_init(&globals.say_voice_map, pool);
switch_core_hash_init(&globals.interpret_as_map, pool);
switch_core_hash_init(&globals.language_map, pool);
switch_core_hash_init(&globals.tag_defs, pool);
add_root_tag_def("speak", process_xml_lang, process_cdata_tts, "audio,break,emphasis,mark,phoneme,prosody,say-as,voice,sub,p,s,lexicon,metadata,meta");
add_tag_def("p", process_xml_lang, process_cdata_tts, "audio,break,emphasis,mark,phoneme,prosody,say-as,voice,sub,s");
add_tag_def("s", process_xml_lang, process_cdata_tts, "audio,break,emphasis,mark,phoneme,prosody,say-as,voice,sub");
add_tag_def("voice", process_voice, process_cdata_tts, "audio,break,emphasis,mark,phoneme,prosody,say-as,voice,sub,p,s");
add_tag_def("prosody", process_attribs_ignore, process_cdata_tts, "audio,break,emphasis,mark,phoneme,prosody,say-as,voice,sub,p,s");
add_tag_def("audio", process_audio, process_cdata_tts, "audio,break,emphasis,mark,phoneme,prosody,say-as,voice,sub,p,s,desc");
add_tag_def("desc", process_attribs_ignore, process_cdata_ignore, "");
add_tag_def("emphasis", process_attribs_ignore, process_cdata_tts, "audio,break,emphasis,mark,phoneme,prosody,say-as,voice,sub");
add_tag_def("say-as", process_say_as, process_cdata_tts, "");
add_tag_def("sub", process_sub, process_cdata_ignore, "");
add_tag_def("phoneme", process_attribs_ignore, process_cdata_tts, "");
add_tag_def("break", process_break, process_cdata_bad, "");
add_tag_def("mark", process_attribs_ignore, process_cdata_bad, "");
add_tag_def("lexicon", process_attribs_ignore, process_cdata_bad, "");
add_tag_def("metadata", process_attribs_ignore, process_cdata_ignore, "ANY");
add_tag_def("meta", process_attribs_ignore, process_cdata_bad, "");
return do_config(pool);
2013-06-24 22:07:50 -04:00
switch_hash_index_t *hi = NULL;
for (hi = switch_core_hash_first(globals.tag_defs); hi; hi = switch_core_hash_next(hi)) {
const void *key;
struct tag_def *def;
switch_core_hash_this(hi, &key, NULL, (void *)&def);
2013-06-06 15:34:49 -04:00
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