FS-7506 FS-7513: refactor switch color and implement draw_text in mod_conference
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,6 +61,13 @@ SWITCH_BEGIN_EXTERN_C
typedef struct switch_yuv_color_s {
uint8_t y;
uint8_t u;
uint8_t v;
} switch_yuv_color_t;
typedef vpx_img_fmt_t switch_img_fmt_t;
typedef vpx_image_t switch_image_t;
@ -176,8 +183,16 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_img_flip(switch_image_t *img);
SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_img_free(switch_image_t **img);
SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_img_draw_text(switch_image_t *IMG, int x, int y, char *text);
SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_img_add_text(void *buffer, int w, int x, int y, char *s);
SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_image_t *) switch_img_copy_rect(switch_image_t *img, int x, int y, int w, int h);
SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_image_draw_pixel(switch_image_t *img, int x, int y, switch_yuv_color_t color);
SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_color_set(switch_yuv_color_t *color, char *color_str);
/** @} */
@ -362,13 +362,6 @@ typedef struct mcu_layer_s {
switch_image_t *cur_img;
} mcu_layer_t;
typedef struct bgcolor_yuv_s
uint8_t y;
uint8_t u;
uint8_t v;
} bgcolor_yuv_t;
typedef struct mcu_canvas_s {
int width;
int height;
@ -377,7 +370,7 @@ typedef struct mcu_canvas_s {
int total_layers;
int layers_used;
int layout_floor_id;
bgcolor_yuv_t bgcolor;
switch_yuv_color_t bgcolor;
switch_mutex_t *mutex;
switch_mutex_t *cond_mutex;
switch_mutex_t *cond2_mutex;
@ -708,6 +701,93 @@ typedef struct layout_group_s {
video_layout_node_t *layouts;
} layout_group_t;
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include FT_GLYPH_H
static void draw_bitmap(switch_image_t *img, FT_Bitmap* bitmap, FT_Int x, FT_Int y, switch_yuv_color_t color)
FT_Int i, j, p, q;
FT_Int x_max = x + bitmap->width;
FT_Int y_max = y + bitmap->rows;
for ( i = x, p = 0; i < x_max; i++, p++ ) {
for ( j = y, q = 0; j < y_max; j++, q++ ) {
if ( i < 0 || j < 0 || i >= img->d_w || j >= img->d_h) continue;
if (bitmap->buffer[q * bitmap->width + p]) {
// TODO the value ranges from 1 - 255, maybe we should reset the color based on that
switch_image_draw_pixel(img, i, j, color);
SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_img_draw_text(switch_image_t *img, int x, int y, char *text)
FT_Library library;
FT_Face face;
FT_GlyphSlot slot;
FT_Matrix matrix; /* transformation matrix */
FT_Vector pen; /* untransformed origin */
FT_Error error;
char* font_family = "/usr/local/freeswitch/SimHei.ttf";
int font_size = 64;
double angle;
int target_height;
int n, num_chars;
switch_yuv_color_t color;
if (zstr(text)) return;
switch_color_set(&color, "#FFFFFF");
num_chars = strlen(text);
angle = 0; // (45.0 / 360 ) * 3.14159 * 2;
target_height = img->d_h;
error = FT_Init_FreeType( &library ); /* initialize library */
if (error) return;
error = FT_New_Face(library, font_family, 0, &face); /* create face object */
if (error) return;
/* use 50pt at 100dpi */
error = FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 50 * font_size, 0, 100, 0); /* set character size */
if (error) return;
slot = face->glyph;
/* set up matrix */
matrix.xx = (FT_Fixed)( cos( angle ) * 0x10000L );
matrix.xy = (FT_Fixed)(-sin( angle ) * 0x10000L );
matrix.yx = (FT_Fixed)( sin( angle ) * 0x10000L );
matrix.yy = (FT_Fixed)( cos( angle ) * 0x10000L );
/* the pen position in 26.6 cartesian space coordinates; */
/* start at (300,200) relative to the upper left corner */
pen.x = x * 64;
pen.y = (target_height - y) * 64;
for(n = 0; n < num_chars; n++) {
/* set transformation */
FT_Set_Transform(face, &matrix, &pen);
/* load glyph image into the slot (erase previous one) */
error = FT_Load_Char(face, text[n], FT_LOAD_RENDER);
if (error) continue;
/* now, draw to our target surface (convert position) */
draw_bitmap(img, &slot->bitmap, slot->bitmap_left, target_height - slot->bitmap_top + font_size, color);
/* increment pen position */
pen.x += slot->advance.x;
pen.y += slot->advance.y;
static void conference_parse_layouts(conference_obj_t *conference)
switch_event_t *params;
@ -890,7 +970,7 @@ static int mcu_canvas_wake(mcu_canvas_t *mcu_canvas)
return 0;
static void reset_image(switch_image_t *img, bgcolor_yuv_t *color)
static void reset_image(switch_image_t *img, switch_yuv_color_t *color)
int i;
@ -904,32 +984,6 @@ static void reset_image(switch_image_t *img, bgcolor_yuv_t *color)
static void set_bgcolor(bgcolor_yuv_t *bgcolor, char *bgcolor_str)
uint8_t y = 134;
uint8_t u = 128;
uint8_t v = 124;
if (bgcolor_str != NULL && strlen(bgcolor_str) == 7) {
uint8_t red, green, blue;
char str[7];
bgcolor_str ++;
strncpy(str, bgcolor_str, 6);
red = (str[0] >= 'A' ? (str[0] - 'A' + 10) * 16 : (str[0] - '0') * 16) + (str[1] >= 'A' ? (str[1] - 'A' + 10) : (str[0] - '0'));
green = (str[2] >= 'A' ? (str[2] - 'A' + 10) * 16 : (str[2] - '0') * 16) + (str[3] >= 'A' ? (str[3] - 'A' + 10) : (str[0] - '0'));
blue = (str[4] >= 'A' ? (str[4] - 'A' + 10) * 16 : (str[4] - '0') * 16) + (str[5] >= 'A' ? (str[5] - 'A' + 10) : (str[0] - '0'));
y = (uint8_t)(((red * 4897) >> 14) + ((green * 9611) >> 14) + ((blue * 1876) >> 14));
u = (uint8_t)(- ((red * 2766) >> 14) - ((5426 * green) >> 14) + blue / 2 + 128);
v = (uint8_t)(red / 2 -((6855 * green) >> 14) - ((blue * 1337) >> 14) + 128);
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "analy_bgcolor, red = %u, green = %u, blue = %u, y = %u, u = %u, v = %u\n", red, green, blue, y, u, v);
bgcolor->y = y;
bgcolor->u = u;
bgcolor->v = v;
#define SCALE_FACTOR 360.0f
static void reset_layer(mcu_canvas_t *canvas, mcu_layer_t *layer)
@ -1041,7 +1095,7 @@ static void scale_and_patch(conference_obj_t *conference, mcu_layer_t *layer)
static void set_canvas_bgcolor(mcu_canvas_t *canvas, char *color)
set_bgcolor(&canvas->bgcolor, color);
switch_color_set(&canvas->bgcolor, color);
reset_image(canvas->img, &canvas->bgcolor);
@ -1480,6 +1534,7 @@ static void *SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC conference_video_muxing_thread_run(switch_thread
// switch_img_draw_text(conference->canvas->img, 10, 10, "AVA 123 你好 FreeSWITCH");
if (used) {
switch_time_t now = switch_micro_time_now();
@ -131,6 +131,47 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_img_copy(switch_image_t *img, switch_image_t **new_i
SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_image_t *) switch_img_copy_rect(switch_image_t *img, int x, int y, int w, int h)
switch_image_t *new_img = NULL;
int i = 0;
int len;
switch_assert(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && w >= 0 && h >= 0);
if (!img->fmt == SWITCH_IMG_FMT_I420) return NULL;
new_img = switch_img_alloc(NULL, SWITCH_IMG_FMT_I420, w, h, 1);
if (new_img == NULL) return NULL;
len = MIN(img->d_w - x, w);
if (len <= 0) return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < (img->d_h - y) && i < h; i++) {
memcpy(new_img->planes[SWITCH_PLANE_Y] + new_img->stride[SWITCH_PLANE_Y] * i, img->planes[SWITCH_PLANE_Y] + img->stride[SWITCH_PLANE_Y] * (y + i) + x, len);
len /= 2;
for (i = 0; i < (img->d_h - y) && i < h; i += 2) {
memcpy(new_img->planes[SWITCH_PLANE_U] + new_img->stride[SWITCH_PLANE_U] * i / 2, img->planes[SWITCH_PLANE_U] + img->stride[SWITCH_PLANE_U] * (y + i) / 2 + x / 2, len);
memcpy(new_img->planes[SWITCH_PLANE_V] + new_img->stride[SWITCH_PLANE_V] * i / 2, img->planes[SWITCH_PLANE_V] + img->stride[SWITCH_PLANE_V] * (y + i) / 2 + x / 2, len);
return new_img;
SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_image_draw_pixel(switch_image_t *img, int x, int y, switch_yuv_color_t color)
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= img->d_w || y >= img->d_h) return;
img->planes[SWITCH_PLANE_Y][y * img->stride[SWITCH_PLANE_Y] + x] = color.y;
if (((x & 0x1) == 0) && ((y & 0x1) == 0)) {// only draw on even position
img->planes[SWITCH_PLANE_U][y / 2 * img->stride[SWITCH_PLANE_U] + x / 2] = color.u;
img->planes[SWITCH_PLANE_V][y / 2 * img->stride[SWITCH_PLANE_V] + x / 2] = color.v;
static uint8_t scv_art[14][16] = {
{0x00, 0x7E, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x7E, 0x00},
@ -185,6 +226,31 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_img_add_text(void *buffer, int w, int x, int y, char
SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_color_set(switch_yuv_color_t *color, char *color_str)
uint8_t y = 134;
uint8_t u = 128;
uint8_t v = 124;
if (color_str != NULL && strlen(color_str) == 7) {
uint8_t red, green, blue;
char str[7];
strncpy(str, color_str, 6);
red = (str[0] >= 'A' ? (str[0] - 'A' + 10) * 16 : (str[0] - '0') * 16) + (str[1] >= 'A' ? (str[1] - 'A' + 10) : (str[0] - '0'));
green = (str[2] >= 'A' ? (str[2] - 'A' + 10) * 16 : (str[2] - '0') * 16) + (str[3] >= 'A' ? (str[3] - 'A' + 10) : (str[0] - '0'));
blue = (str[4] >= 'A' ? (str[4] - 'A' + 10) * 16 : (str[4] - '0') * 16) + (str[5] >= 'A' ? (str[5] - 'A' + 10) : (str[0] - '0'));
y = (uint8_t)(((red * 4897) >> 14) + ((green * 9611) >> 14) + ((blue * 1876) >> 14));
u = (uint8_t)(- ((red * 2766) >> 14) - ((5426 * green) >> 14) + blue / 2 + 128);
v = (uint8_t)(red / 2 -((6855 * green) >> 14) - ((blue * 1337) >> 14) + 128);
// switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "set color, red = %u, green = %u, blue = %u, y = %u, u = %u, v = %u\n", red, green, blue, y, u, v);
color->y = y;
color->u = u;
color->v = v;
/* For Emacs:
* Local Variables:
Reference in New Issue