FS-3332 --resolve
This commit is contained in:
@ -528,6 +528,92 @@ static dir_profile_t *get_profile(const char *profile_name)
return profile;
char *generate_sql_entry_for_user(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_xml_t ut, switch_bool_t use_number_alias) {
char *sql = NULL;
int name_visible = 1;
int exten_visible = 1;
const char *id = switch_xml_attr_soft(ut, "id");
const char *number_alias = switch_xml_attr_soft(ut, "number-alias");
const char *extension = NULL;
char *fullName = NULL;
char *caller_name = NULL;
char *caller_name_override = NULL;
char *firstName = NULL;
char *lastName = NULL;
char *fullNameDigit = NULL;
char *firstNameDigit = NULL;
char *lastNameDigit = NULL;
switch_xml_t x_params, x_param, x_vars, x_var;
/* Check all the user params */
if ((x_params = switch_xml_child(ut, "params"))) {
for (x_param = switch_xml_child(x_params, "param"); x_param; x_param = x_param->next) {
const char *var = switch_xml_attr_soft(x_param, "name");
const char *val = switch_xml_attr_soft(x_param, "value");
if (!strcasecmp(var, "directory-visible")) {
name_visible = switch_true(val);
if (!strcasecmp(var, "directory-exten-visible")) {
exten_visible = switch_true(val);
/* Check all the user variables */
if ((x_vars = switch_xml_child(ut, "variables"))) {
for (x_var = switch_xml_child(x_vars, "variable"); x_var; x_var = x_var->next) {
const char *var = switch_xml_attr_soft(x_var, "name");
const char *val = switch_xml_attr_soft(x_var, "value");
if (!strcasecmp(var, "effective_caller_id_name")) {
caller_name = switch_core_session_strdup(session, val);
if (!strcasecmp(var, "directory_full_name")) {
caller_name_override = switch_core_session_strdup(session, val);
if (caller_name_override) {
fullName = caller_name_override;
} else {
fullName = caller_name;
if (zstr(fullName)) {
goto end;
firstName = switch_core_session_strdup(session, fullName);
if ((lastName = strrchr(firstName, ' '))) {
*lastName++ = '\0';
} else {
lastName = switch_core_session_strdup(session, firstName);
/* switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "FullName %s firstName [%s] lastName [%s]\n", fullName, firstName, lastName); */
if (use_number_alias == SWITCH_TRUE && !zstr(number_alias)) {
extension = number_alias;
} else {
extension = id;
/* Generate Digits key mapping */
fullNameDigit = string_to_keypad_digit(fullName);
lastNameDigit = string_to_keypad_digit(lastName);
firstNameDigit = string_to_keypad_digit(firstName);
/* add user into DB */
sql = switch_mprintf("insert into directory_search values('%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%d','%d')",
globals.hostname, switch_core_session_get_uuid(session), extension, fullName, fullNameDigit, firstName, firstNameDigit,
lastName, lastNameDigit, name_visible, exten_visible);
return sql;
static switch_status_t populate_database(switch_core_session_t *session, dir_profile_t *profile, const char *domain_name)
switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS;
@ -535,13 +621,15 @@ static switch_status_t populate_database(switch_core_session_t *session, dir_pro
char *sql = NULL;
char *sqlvalues = NULL;
char *sqltmp = NULL;
switch_channel_t *channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
const char *group_selection = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "directory_group_selection");
int count = 0;
switch_xml_t xml_root = NULL, x_domain;
switch_xml_t ut;
switch_event_t *xml_params = NULL;
switch_xml_t group = NULL, groups = NULL, users = NULL, x_params = NULL, x_param = NULL, x_vars = NULL, x_var = NULL;
switch_xml_t group = NULL, groups = NULL, users = NULL;
switch_event_create(&xml_params, SWITCH_EVENT_REQUEST_PARAMS);
@ -553,100 +641,42 @@ static switch_status_t populate_database(switch_core_session_t *session, dir_pro
if ((groups = switch_xml_child(x_domain, "groups"))) {
for (group = switch_xml_child(groups, "group"); group; group = group->next) {
const char *gname = switch_xml_attr_soft(group, "name");
if (group_selection && strcasecmp(gname, group_selection)) {
if ((users = switch_xml_child(group, "users"))) {
for (ut = switch_xml_child(users, "user"); ut; ut = ut->next) {
int name_visible = 1;
int exten_visible = 1;
const char *uname = switch_xml_attr_soft(ut, "id");
const char *type = switch_xml_attr_soft(ut, "type");
const char *id = switch_xml_attr_soft(ut, "id");
const char *number_alias = switch_xml_attr_soft(ut, "number-alias");
const char *extension = NULL;
char *fullName = NULL;
char *caller_name = NULL;
char *caller_name_override = NULL;
char *firstName = NULL;
char *lastName = NULL;
char *fullNameDigit = NULL;
char *firstNameDigit = NULL;
char *lastNameDigit = NULL;
if (!strcasecmp(type, "pointer")) {
/* Check all the user params */
if ((x_params = switch_xml_child(ut, "params"))) {
for (x_param = switch_xml_child(x_params, "param"); x_param; x_param = x_param->next) {
const char *var = switch_xml_attr_soft(x_param, "name");
const char *val = switch_xml_attr_soft(x_param, "value");
if (!strcasecmp(var, "directory-visible")) {
name_visible = switch_true(val);
if (!strcasecmp(var, "directory-exten-visible")) {
exten_visible = switch_true(val);
switch_xml_t ux;
if (switch_xml_locate_user_merged("id", uname, domain_name, NULL, &ux, NULL) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Can't find user [%s@%s] from pointer\n", uname, domain_name);
} else {
sql = generate_sql_entry_for_user(session, ux, profile->use_number_alias);
} else {
sql = generate_sql_entry_for_user(session, ut, profile->use_number_alias);
if (sql) {
if (sqlvalues) {
sqltmp = sqlvalues;
sqlvalues = switch_mprintf("%s;%s", sqltmp, sql);
} else {
sqlvalues = sql;
sql = NULL;
/* Check all the user variables */
if ((x_vars = switch_xml_child(ut, "variables"))) {
for (x_var = switch_xml_child(x_vars, "variable"); x_var; x_var = x_var->next) {
const char *var = switch_xml_attr_soft(x_var, "name");
const char *val = switch_xml_attr_soft(x_var, "value");
if (!strcasecmp(var, "effective_caller_id_name")) {
caller_name = switch_core_session_strdup(session, val);
if (!strcasecmp(var, "directory_full_name")) {
caller_name_override = switch_core_session_strdup(session, val);
if (caller_name_override) {
fullName = caller_name_override;
} else {
fullName = caller_name;
if (zstr(fullName)) {
firstName = switch_core_session_strdup(session, fullName);
if ((lastName = strrchr(firstName, ' '))) {
*lastName++ = '\0';
} else {
lastName = switch_core_session_strdup(session, firstName);
/* switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "FullName %s firstName [%s] lastName [%s]\n", fullName, firstName, lastName); */
/* user number-alias instead of id if profile allows it */
if (profile->use_number_alias == SWITCH_TRUE && !zstr(number_alias)) {
extension = number_alias;
} else {
extension = id;
/* Generate Digits key mapping */
fullNameDigit = string_to_keypad_digit(fullName);
lastNameDigit = string_to_keypad_digit(lastName);
firstNameDigit = string_to_keypad_digit(firstName);
/* add user into DB */
sql = switch_mprintf("insert into directory_search values('%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%d','%d')",
globals.hostname, switch_core_session_get_uuid(session), extension, fullName, fullNameDigit, firstName, firstNameDigit,
lastName, lastNameDigit, name_visible, exten_visible);
if (sqlvalues) {
sqltmp = sqlvalues;
sqlvalues = switch_mprintf("%s;%s", sqlvalues, sql);
} else {
sqlvalues = sql;
sql = NULL;
if (++count >= 100) {
count = 0;
@ -843,7 +873,7 @@ switch_status_t navigate_entrys(switch_core_session_t *session, dir_profile_t *p
globals.hostname, switch_core_session_get_uuid(session), (params->search_by == SEARCH_BY_LAST_NAME ? "last_name_digit" : "first_name_digit"), params->digits);
sql = switch_mprintf("select count(*) from directory_search where %s", sql_where);
sql = switch_mprintf("select count(*) from directory_search where %s group by last_name, first_name, extension", sql_where);
directory_execute_sql_callback(globals.mutex, sql, sql2str_callback, &cbt);
@ -870,7 +900,7 @@ switch_status_t navigate_entrys(switch_core_session_t *session, dir_profile_t *p
memset(&listing_cbt, 0, sizeof(listing_cbt));
listing_cbt.params = params;
sql = switch_mprintf("select extension, full_name, last_name, first_name, name_visible, exten_visible from directory_search where %s order by last_name, first_name", sql_where);
sql = switch_mprintf("select extension, full_name, last_name, first_name, name_visible, exten_visible from directory_search where %s group by extension, full_name, last_name, first_name, name_visible, exten_visible order by last_name, first_name", sql_where);
for (cur_entry = 0; cur_entry < result_count; cur_entry++) {
listing_cbt.index = 0;
Reference in New Issue