From 2e8ece4fbaeb060b9443387c4ad940d51afac0a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Thompson <>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 21:16:55 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Patch (with changes)  from Micah Warren to add 'setevent'
 which is a mostly-atomic nixevent ALL + a event subscription

 .../mod_erlang_event/handle_msg.c             | 130 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 130 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/mod/event_handlers/mod_erlang_event/handle_msg.c b/src/mod/event_handlers/mod_erlang_event/handle_msg.c
index 128c5fca52..1a8b64fdb4 100644
--- a/src/mod/event_handlers/mod_erlang_event/handle_msg.c
+++ b/src/mod/event_handlers/mod_erlang_event/handle_msg.c
@@ -454,6 +454,132 @@ static switch_status_t handle_msg_session_nixevent(listener_t *listener, erlang_
+// Nix's all events, then sets up a listener for the given ones.
+// meant to ensure that no events are missed during this common operation.
+static switch_status_t handle_msg_setevent(listener_t *listener, erlang_msg *msg, int arity, ei_x_buff * buf, ei_x_buff * rbuf)
+	char atom[MAXATOMLEN];
+	if(arity == 1) {
+		ei_x_encode_tuple_header(rbuf, 2);
+		ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "error");
+		ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "badarg");
+	} else {
+		uint8_t event_list[SWITCH_EVENT_ALL + 1];
+		switch_hash_t *event_hash;
+		uint32_t x = 0;
+		int custom = 0;
+		switch_event_types_t type;
+		int i = 0;
+		/* clear any previous event registrations */
+		for( x = 0; x <= SWITCH_EVENT_ALL; x++){
+			event_list[x] = 0;
+		}
+		/* create new hash */
+		switch_core_hash_init(&event_hash, listener->pool);
+		if(!switch_test_flag(listener, LFLAG_EVENTS)) {
+			switch_set_flag_locked(listener, LFLAG_EVENTS);
+		}
+		for(i = 1; i < arity; i++){
+			if(!ei_decode_atom(buf->buff, &buf->index, atom)){
+				if(custom){
+					switch_core_hash_insert(event_hash, atom, MARKER);
+				} else if (switch_name_event(atom, &type) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+					if (type == SWITCH_EVENT_ALL) {
+						ei_x_encode_tuple_header(rbuf, 2);
+						ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "error");
+						ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "badarg");
+						break;
+					}
+					if (type <= SWITCH_EVENT_ALL) {
+						event_list[type] = 1;
+					}
+					if (type == SWITCH_EVENT_CUSTOM) {
+						custom++;
+					}
+				}
+				switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "enable event %s\n", atom);
+			}
+		}
+		/* update the event subscriptions with the new ones */
+		memcpy(listener->event_list, event_list, sizeof(uint8_t) * (SWITCH_EVENT_ALL + 1));
+		/* wipe the old hash, and point the pointer at the new one */
+		switch_core_hash_destroy(&listener->event_hash);
+		listener->event_hash = event_hash;
+		/* TODO - we should flush any non-matching events from the queue */
+		ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "ok");
+	}
+static switch_status_t handle_msg_session_setevent(listener_t *listener, erlang_msg *msg, int arity, ei_x_buff * buf, ei_x_buff * rbuf)
+	char atom[MAXATOMLEN];
+	if (arity == 1){
+		ei_x_encode_tuple_header(rbuf, 2);
+		ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "error");
+		ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "badarg");
+	} else {
+		session_elem_t *session;
+		if ((session = find_session_elem_by_pid(listener, &msg->from))) {
+			uint8_t event_list[SWITCH_EVENT_ALL + 1];
+			switch_hash_t *event_hash;
+			int custom = 0;
+			int i = 0;
+			switch_event_types_t type;
+			uint32_t x = 0;
+			/* clear any previous event registrations */
+			for (x = 0; x <= SWITCH_EVENT_ALL; x++){
+				event_list[x] = 0;
+			}
+			/* create new hash */
+			switch_core_hash_init(&event_hash, session->pool);
+			for (i = 1; i < arity; i++){
+				if (!ei_decode_atom(buf->buff, &buf->index, atom)) {
+					if (custom) {
+						switch_core_hash_insert(event_hash, atom, MARKER);
+					} else if (switch_name_event(atom, &type) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+						if (type == SWITCH_EVENT_ALL) {
+							ei_x_encode_tuple_header(rbuf, 1);
+							ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "error");
+							ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "badarg");
+							break;
+						}
+						if (type <= SWITCH_EVENT_ALL) {
+							event_list[type] = 1;
+						}
+						if (type == SWITCH_EVENT_CUSTOM) {
+							custom++;
+						}
+					}
+					switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "enable event %s for session %s\n", atom, session->uuid_str);
+				}
+			}
+			/* update the event subscriptions with the new ones */
+			memcpy(session->event_list, event_list, sizeof(uint8_t) * (SWITCH_EVENT_ALL + 1));
+			/* wipe the old hash, and point the pointer at the new one */
+			switch_core_hash_destroy(&session->event_hash);
+			session->event_hash = event_hash;
+			/* TODO - we should flush any non-matching events from the queue */
+			ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "ok");
+		} else { /* no session for this pid */
+			ei_x_encode_tuple_header(rbuf, 2);
+			ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "error");
+			ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "notlistening");
+		}
+	}
 static switch_status_t handle_msg_api(listener_t *listener, erlang_msg * msg, int arity, ei_x_buff * buf, ei_x_buff * rbuf)
@@ -772,6 +898,10 @@ static switch_status_t handle_msg_tuple(listener_t *listener, erlang_msg * msg,
 			ret = handle_msg_handlecall(listener, msg, arity, buf, rbuf);
 		} else if (!strncmp(tupletag, "rex", MAXATOMLEN)) {
 			ret = handle_msg_rpcresponse(listener, msg, arity, buf, rbuf);
+		} else if (!strncmp(tupletag, "setevent", MAXATOMLEN)) {
+			ret = handle_msg_setevent(listener, msg, arity, buf, rbuf);
+		} else if (!strncmp(tupletag, "session_setevent", MAXATOMLEN)) {
+			ret = handle_msg_session_setevent(listener, msg, arity, buf, rbuf);
 		} else {
 			ei_x_encode_tuple_header(rbuf, 2);
 			ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "error");