diff --git a/docs/JavaScript.txt b/docs/JavaScript.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac5a3e4085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/JavaScript.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Session Methods
+session.streamFile(file, timer, callback);
+  file     = Path to the file to play (ie /tmp/file.wav)
+  timer    = Timer to use for async mode. (optional)
+  callback = Which function to fire when a dtmf digit is pressed. (optional)
+Callback return values and meanings:
+	 seek:ms - +1000 or -1000 will seek 1000ms forward or backwards, seek 0 will start the file over.
+	 speed:  - +1,-1 or 0 for normal speed.  (valid ranges are +1,+2, 0 or -1,-2)
+	 pause:  - toggles pause and play modes on the file.
+	 You can also return arbitrary values and act on them as you
+	 wish.  In our example we return "hangup" when the caller
+	 press the * key on the keypad.
+function on_dtmf(digits)
+	if (digits == "3") {
+	   return "seek:+1000";
+	}
+	if (digits == "1") {
+	   return "seek:-1000";
+	}
+	if (digits == "*") {
+	   return "hangup";
+	}
+while(session.state == "CS_EXECUTE") {
+		    allDigits = "";
+		    return_value = session.streamFile("/tmp/demo.wav", "", "on_dtmf");
+		    if (return_value == "hangup") {
+		       session.hangup(); // or break;
+		    }	