FS-7988 add -askall and -noedit params

This commit is contained in:
Anthony Minessale 2015-08-19 14:49:10 -05:00
parent 283685844e
commit 7a81968eac
1 changed files with 92 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
#use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Term::ReadKey;
use Data::Dumper;
my $editor = $ENV{"EDITOR"} || $ENV{"VISUAL"} || `which emacs` || `which vi`;
my $default_versions = "1.7";
my $default_components = "freeswitch-core";
sub getpass {
ReadMode( "noecho");
print "Password: ";
@ -14,23 +19,35 @@ sub getpass {
return $pwd;
sub getuser {
print "User: ";
chomp (my $usr = <>);
return $usr;
sub getfield {
my $prompt = shift;
my $default = shift;
print $prompt . ($default ? "[$default]: " : "");
chomp (my $data = <>);
if (!$data) {
$data = $default;
return $data;
sub get_text {
my @chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z");
my $string;
$string .= $chars[rand @chars] for 1..8;
my $text = shift;
my $editor = $ENV{"EDITOR"} || $ENV{"VISUAL"} || `which emacs` || `which vi`;
my @chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z");
my $string;
$string .= $chars[rand @chars] for 1..8;
if ($text) {
open O, ">/tmp/TEXT.$string";
print O $text;
close O;
system("$editor /tmp/TEXT.$string");
my $text = `cat /tmp/TEXT.$string`;
return $text;
system("$editor /tmp/TEXT.$string");
my $newtext = `cat /tmp/TEXT.$string`;
return $newtext;
my %opts;
@ -39,32 +56,39 @@ my $hashtxt = `git log -1 --oneline 2>/dev/null`;
my ($hash) = split(" ", $hashtxt);
'project=s' => \$opts{project},
'summary=s' => \$opts{summary},
'desc=s' => \$opts{desc},
'components=s' => \$opts{components},
'hash=s' => \$opts{hash},
'user=s' => \$opts{user},
'pass=s' => \$opts{pass},
'type=s' => \$opts{type},
'debug' => \$opts{debug},
) or die "Usage: $0 -summary <summary> -desc <desc> [-debug] ....\n";
'project=s' => \$opts{project},
'summary=s' => \$opts{summary},
'desc=s' => \$opts{desc},
'components=s' => \$opts{components},
'hash=s' => \$opts{hash},
'user=s' => \$opts{user},
'pass=s' => \$opts{pass},
'type=s' => \$opts{type},
'versions=s' => \$opts{versions},
'noedit' => \$opts{noedit},
'askall' => \$opts{askall},
'debug' => \$opts{debug},
) or die "Usage: $0 -summary <summary> -desc <desc> [-debug] ....\n";
$opts{project} or $opts{project} = "FS";
if ($opts{components}) {
$opts{components_array} = [map {{name => $_}} split(" ", $opts{components})];
if ($opts{versions}) {
$opts{versions_array} = [map {{name => $_}} split(" ", $opts{versions})];
} else {
$opts{components_array} = [map {{name => $_}} qw(freeswitch-core)];
$opts{versions_array} = [map {{name => $_}} ($default_versions)];
$opts{versions} = $default_versions;;
#print Dumper \%opts;
if ($opts{components}) {
$opts{components_array} = [map {{name => $_}} split(" ", $opts{components})];
} else {
$opts{components_array} = [map {{name => $_}} ($default_components)];
$opts{components} = $default_components;
if (!$opts{user}) {
$opts{user} = getuser();
$opts{user} = getfield("User: ");
if (!$opts{pass} && !$opts{debug}) {
@ -86,24 +110,48 @@ if (!$opts{type}) {
$opts{type} = "Bug";
if (!$opts{summary}) {
die "missing summary:";
if (!$opts{hash}) {
$opts{hash} = $hash;
if (!$opts{hash}) {
$opts{hash} = "N/A";
if ($opts{askall}) {
$opts{project} = getfield("Project: ", $opts{project});
$opts{type} = getfield("Type: ", $opts{type});
$opts{versions} = getfield("Versions: ", $opts{versions});
$opts{versions_array} = [map {{name => $_}} split(" ", $opts{versions})];
$opts{summary} = getfield("Summary: ", $opts{summary});
$opts{components} = getfield("Components: ", $opts{components});
$opts{components_array} = [map {{name => $_}} split(" ", $opts{components})];
$opts{hash} = getfield("GIT Hash: ", $opts{hash});
if ($opts{noedit}) {
$opts{desc} = getfield("Description: ", $opts{desc});
} else {
$opts{desc} = get_text($opts{desc});
if (!$opts{desc}) {
$opts{desc} = get_text();
if ($opts{noedit}) {
$opts{desc} = getfield("Description: ", $opts{desc});
} else {
$opts{desc} = get_text($opts{desc});
if (!$opts{desc}) {
die "missing desc:";
if (!$opts{desc}) {
die "missing desc:";
if (!$opts{hash}) {
$opts{hash} = $hash;
if (!$opts{hash}) {
$opts{hash} = "N/A";
if (!$opts{summary}) {
$opts{summary} = getfield("Summary: ", $opts{summary});
if (!$opts{summary}) {
die "Summary is mandatory.";
my $input = {
@ -114,7 +162,8 @@ my $input = {
description => $opts{desc},
customfield_10024 => $opts{hash},
customfield_10025 => $opts{hash},
components => $opts{components_array}
components => $opts{components_array},
affectsVersion => $opts{versions_array}