diff --git a/conf/vanilla/autoload_configs/sofia.conf.xml b/conf/vanilla/autoload_configs/sofia.conf.xml
index a5e8614322..d764a59e51 100644
--- a/conf/vanilla/autoload_configs/sofia.conf.xml
+++ b/conf/vanilla/autoload_configs/sofia.conf.xml
@@ -5,6 +5,15 @@
     <!-- <param name="auto-restart" value="false"/> -->
     <param name="debug-presence" value="0"/>
     <!-- <param name="capture-server" value="udp:homer.domain.com:5060"/> -->
+    <!-- 
+    	the new format for HEPv2/v3 and capture ID    
+	protocol:host:port;hep=2;capture_id=200;
+    -->
+    <!-- <param name="capture-server" value="udp:homer.domain.com:5060;hep=3;capture_id=100"/> -->
diff --git a/libs/sofia-sip/.update b/libs/sofia-sip/.update
index 984a340a65..971a2e93f3 100644
--- a/libs/sofia-sip/.update
+++ b/libs/sofia-sip/.update
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Wed Sep  9 12:25:38 CDT 2015
+Mon Apr 18 10:41:03 CEST 2016
diff --git a/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/msg/msg_internal.h b/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/msg/msg_internal.h
index 60bc009423..d3e61ff0cb 100644
--- a/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/msg/msg_internal.h
+++ b/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/msg/msg_internal.h
@@ -130,6 +130,13 @@ struct hep_iphdr{
         struct in_addr hp_dst;      /* source and dest address */
+/* HEPv2 */
+struct hep_timehdr{
+    uint32_t tv_sec;         /* seconds */
+    uint32_t tv_usec;        /* useconds */
+    uint16_t captid;          /* Capture ID node */
 #if SU_HAVE_IN6
 struct hep_ip6hdr {
 	struct in6_addr hp6_src;        /* source address */
@@ -137,6 +144,86 @@ struct hep_ip6hdr {
+/* HEPv3 types */
+struct hep_chunk {
+       uint16_t vendor_id;
+       uint16_t type_id;
+       uint16_t length;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+typedef struct hep_chunk hep_chunk_t;
+struct hep_chunk_uint8 {
+       hep_chunk_t chunk;
+       uint8_t data;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+typedef struct hep_chunk_uint8 hep_chunk_uint8_t;
+struct hep_chunk_uint16 {
+       hep_chunk_t chunk;
+       uint16_t data;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+typedef struct hep_chunk_uint16 hep_chunk_uint16_t;
+struct hep_chunk_uint32 {
+       hep_chunk_t chunk;
+       uint32_t data;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+typedef struct hep_chunk_uint32 hep_chunk_uint32_t;
+struct hep_chunk_str {
+       hep_chunk_t chunk;
+       char *data;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+typedef struct hep_chunk_str hep_chunk_str_t;
+struct hep_chunk_ip4 {
+       hep_chunk_t chunk;
+       struct in_addr data;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+typedef struct hep_chunk_ip4 hep_chunk_ip4_t;
+struct hep_chunk_ip6 {
+       hep_chunk_t chunk;
+       struct in6_addr data;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+typedef struct hep_chunk_ip6 hep_chunk_ip6_t;
+struct hep_chunk_payload {
+    hep_chunk_t chunk;
+    char *data;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+typedef struct hep_chunk_payload hep_chunk_payload_t;
+struct hep_ctrl {
+    char id[4];
+    uint16_t length;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+typedef struct hep_ctrl hep_ctrl_t;
+struct hep_generic {
+        hep_ctrl_t         header;
+        hep_chunk_uint8_t  ip_family;
+        hep_chunk_uint8_t  ip_proto;
+        hep_chunk_uint16_t src_port;
+        hep_chunk_uint16_t dst_port;
+        hep_chunk_uint32_t time_sec;
+        hep_chunk_uint32_t time_usec;
+        hep_chunk_uint8_t  proto_t;
+        hep_chunk_uint32_t capt_id;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+typedef struct hep_generic hep_generic_t;
 /** Maximum size when streaming. */
diff --git a/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/tport/tport_internal.h b/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/tport/tport_internal.h
index f18fc93911..e639ec60dd 100644
--- a/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/tport/tport_internal.h
+++ b/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/tport/tport_internal.h
@@ -306,6 +306,8 @@ struct tport_master {
   su_socket_t         mr_capt_sock;
   char               *mr_capt_name;	/**< Servername for capturing received/sent data */  
   tport_primary_t    *mr_primaries;        /**< List of primary contacts */
+  unsigned	      mr_prot_ver;	/* hep version */
+  unsigned	      mr_agent_id;      /* agent version */
   tport_params_t      mr_params[1];
@@ -486,6 +488,12 @@ void tport_dump_iovec(tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg,
 void tport_capt_msg(tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg, size_t n,
                     su_iovec_t const iov[], size_t iovused, char const *what);
+int tport_capt_msg_hepv2(tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg, size_t n,
+                    su_iovec_t const iov[], size_t iovused, char const *what, char **buffer);                    
+int tport_capt_msg_hepv3(tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg, size_t n,
+                    su_iovec_t const iov[], size_t iovused, char const *what, char **buffer);                                        
 int tport_tcp_ping(tport_t *self, su_time_t now);
 int tport_tcp_pong(tport_t *self);
diff --git a/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/tport/tport_logging.c b/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/tport/tport_logging.c
index 5121435451..efe7efe69e 100644
--- a/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/tport/tport_logging.c
+++ b/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/tport/tport_logging.c
@@ -143,7 +143,9 @@ int tport_open_log(tport_master_t *mr, tagi_t *tags)
         char *captname, *p, *host_s;
         char port[10];
         su_addrinfo_t *ai = NULL, hints[1] = {{ 0 }};
-        unsigned len =0;
+        unsigned len =0, iport = 0;
         if (mr->mr_capt_name && mr->mr_capt_sock && strcmp(capt, mr->mr_capt_name) == 0)                
               return n;
@@ -173,17 +175,60 @@ int tport_open_log(tport_master_t *mr, tagi_t *tags)
         /*the address contains a port number*/
         *p = '\0';
+        iport = atoi(p);
-        if (atoi(p) <1024  || atoi(p)>65536)
+        if (iport <1024 || iport >65536)
                 su_log("invalid port number; must be in [1024,65536]\n");
                 return n;
-        strncpy(port, p, sizeof(port));
-        *p = '\0'; 
+        snprintf(port, sizeof(port), "%d", iport);
+        /* default values for capture protocol and agent id */
+        mr->mr_prot_ver = 3;
+        mr->mr_agent_id = 200;                         
+        /* get all params */      
+        while(p) 
+        {        
+                /* check ; in the URL */
+                if( (p = strchr(p+1, ';')) == 0 ) {                        
+                        break;
+                }
+                *p = '\0'; 
+                p++;                
+                SU_DEBUG_7(("events HEP RRR DATA [%s]\n", p));
+                if(strncmp(p, "hep=",4) == 0) {
+                        p+=4;
+                        mr->mr_prot_ver = atoi(p);                    
+                        /* hepv3 come later */                                                                            
+                        if (mr->mr_prot_ver < 1 || mr->mr_prot_ver > 3)
+                        {
+                                su_log("invalid hep version number; must be in [1-3]\n");
+                                mr->mr_prot_ver = 3;
+                                return n;
+                        }
+                }
+                else if(strncmp(p, "capture_id=", 11) == 0) {
+                        p+=11;
+                        if((mr->mr_agent_id = atoi(p)) == 0)
+                        {
+                                mr->mr_agent_id = 200;                                
+                                su_log("invalid capture id number; must be uint32 \n");
+                                return n;
+                        }
+                }
+                else {
+                       su_log("unsupported capture param\n"); 
+                       return n;
+                }
+        }  
         /* check if we have [] */
         if (host_s[0] == '[') {
               len = strlen(host_s + 1) - 1;              
@@ -211,7 +256,6 @@ int tport_open_log(tport_master_t *mr, tagi_t *tags)
         hints->ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
         hints->ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
         if (su_getaddrinfo(host_s, port, hints, &ai)) {
             su_perror("capture: su_getaddrinfo()");
             return n;
@@ -357,18 +401,72 @@ void tport_capt_msg(tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg, size_t n,
    int buflen = 0, error;
+   char* buffer = NULL;
+   tport_master_t *mr;
+   assert(self);
+   mr = self->tp_master;
+   /* If we don't have socket, go out */
+   if (!mr->mr_capt_sock) {
+         su_log("error: capture socket is not open\n");
+         return;
+   }
+   switch(mr->mr_prot_ver) 
+   {
+            case 3:
+                buflen = tport_capt_msg_hepv3(self, msg, n, iov, iovused, what, &buffer);
+                break;
+            case 2:
+            case 1:
+                buflen = tport_capt_msg_hepv2(self, msg, n, iov, iovused, what, &buffer);
+                break;
+            default:
+                su_log("error: unsupported hep version\n");
+                break;
+   }
+   if(buflen > 0) {
+            /* check if we have error i.e. capture server is down */
+            if ((error = su_soerror(mr->mr_capt_sock))) {
+                     su_perror("error: tport_logging: capture socket error");
+                     goto done;
+            }              
+            su_send(mr->mr_capt_sock, buffer, buflen, 0);   
+   }                                                    
+   /* Now we release it */
+   if(buffer) free(buffer);  
+   return;
+/** Capture the data from the iovec */
+int tport_capt_msg_hepv2 (tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg, size_t n, 
+                    su_iovec_t const iov[], size_t iovused, char const *what, char **buffer)
+   int buflen = 0;
    su_sockaddr_t const *su, *su_self;
    struct hep_hdr hep_header;
+   struct hep_timehdr hep_time = {0};    
+   su_time_t now;
 #if __sun__
    struct hep_iphdr hep_ipheader = {{{{0}}}};
-   struct hep_iphdr hep_ipheader = {{0}};   
+   struct hep_iphdr hep_ipheader = {{0}};  
 #if SU_HAVE_IN6
    struct hep_ip6hdr hep_ip6header = {{{{0}}}};
-   int eth_frame_len = 8000;
-   char* buffer;
+   int eth_frame_len = 16000;
    size_t i, dst = 0;   
    tport_master_t *mr;
@@ -382,14 +480,14 @@ void tport_capt_msg(tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg, size_t n,
    /* If we don't have socket, go out */
    if (!mr->mr_capt_sock) {
          su_log("error: capture socket is not open\n");
-         return;
+         return 0;
    /*buffer for ethernet frame*/
-   buffer = (void*)malloc(eth_frame_len);
+   *buffer = (void*)malloc(eth_frame_len);
    /* VOIP Header */   
-   hep_header.hp_v =  1;
+   hep_header.hp_v =  mr->mr_prot_ver;
    hep_header.hp_f = su->su_family; 
    /* Header Length */   
    hep_header.hp_l = sizeof(struct hep_hdr);   
@@ -423,19 +521,22 @@ void tport_capt_msg(tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg, size_t n,
    hep_header.hp_dport = dst ? su->su_port : su_self->su_port;
    hep_header.hp_sport = dst ? su_self->su_port : su->su_port;
+   if (hep_header.hp_v == 2){
+           hep_header.hp_l += sizeof(struct hep_timehdr);           
+   }
    /* Copy hepheader */
-   memset(buffer, '\0', eth_frame_len);
-   memcpy(buffer, &hep_header, sizeof(struct hep_hdr));
+   memset(*buffer, '\0', eth_frame_len);
+   memcpy(*buffer, &hep_header, sizeof(struct hep_hdr));
    buflen = sizeof(struct hep_hdr);
    if(su->su_family == AF_INET) {
-       memcpy(buffer + buflen, &hep_ipheader, sizeof(struct hep_iphdr));
+       memcpy(*buffer + buflen, &hep_ipheader, sizeof(struct hep_iphdr));
        buflen += sizeof(struct hep_iphdr);      
 #if SU_HAVE_IN6   
    else if(su->su_family == AF_INET6) {
-       memcpy(buffer+buflen, &hep_ip6header, sizeof(struct hep_ip6hdr));
+       memcpy(*buffer+buflen, &hep_ip6header, sizeof(struct hep_ip6hdr));
        buflen += sizeof(struct hep_ip6hdr);   
@@ -444,6 +545,23 @@ void tport_capt_msg(tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg, size_t n,
        goto done;
+   /* copy time header */              
+   if (hep_header.hp_v == 2) {   
+        /* now */
+        now = su_now();
+        /* should check for ifdef HAVE_LOCALTIME_R instead -_- */
+        hep_time.tv_sec = (now.tv_sec - SU_TIME_EPOCH); /* see su_time0.c 'now' is not really 'now', so we decrease it by SU_TIME_EPOCH */
+        hep_time.tv_sec = now.tv_sec;
+        hep_time.tv_usec = now.tv_usec;
+        hep_time.captid = mr->mr_agent_id;
+        memcpy((void*)*buffer+buflen, &hep_time, sizeof(struct hep_timehdr));
+        buflen += sizeof(struct hep_timehdr);
+   }                    
    for (i = 0; i < iovused && n > 0; i++) {
        size_t len = iov[i].mv_len;
        if (len > n)
@@ -452,26 +570,251 @@ void tport_capt_msg(tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg, size_t n,
        if((buflen + len) > eth_frame_len) 
-      memcpy(buffer + buflen , (void*)iov[i].mv_base, len);
+      memcpy(*buffer + buflen , (void*)iov[i].mv_base, len);
       buflen +=len;
       n -= len;
-   /* check if we have error i.e. capture server is down */
-   if ((error = su_soerror(mr->mr_capt_sock))) {
-      su_perror("error: tport_logging: capture socket error");
-      goto done;
-   }
-   su_send(mr->mr_capt_sock, buffer, buflen, 0);   
+   return buflen;
    /* Now we release it */
-   if(buffer) free(buffer);  
-   return;
+   if(*buffer) {
+        free(*buffer);  
+        *buffer = NULL;    
+   }
+   return 0;
+/** Capture the data from the iovec */
+int tport_capt_msg_hepv3 (tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg, size_t n, 
+        su_iovec_t const iov[], size_t iovused, char const *what, char **buffer)
+   su_sockaddr_t const *su, *su_self;
+   struct hep_generic *hg=NULL;
+   unsigned int buflen=0, iplen=0,tlen=0, payload_len = 0;
+   su_time_t now;
+   hep_chunk_ip4_t src_ip4, dst_ip4;       
+   hep_chunk_t payload_chunk;
+   int orig_n = 0;
+#if SU_HAVE_IN6
+   hep_chunk_ip6_t src_ip6, dst_ip6;          
+   int eth_frame_len = 16000;
+   size_t i, dst = 0;   
+   tport_master_t *mr;
+   assert(self); assert(msg);
+   su = msg_addr(msg);
+   su_self = self->tp_pri->pri_primary->tp_addr;
+   mr = self->tp_master;
+   /* If we don't have socket, go out */
+   if (!mr->mr_capt_sock) {
+         su_log("error: capture socket is not open\n");
+         return 0;
+   }
+   /*buffer for ethernet frame*/
+   hg = malloc(sizeof(struct hep_generic));
+   memset(hg, 0, sizeof(struct hep_generic));
+   /* header set */
+   memcpy(hg->header.id, "\x48\x45\x50\x33", 4);
+   /* IP proto */
+   hg->ip_family.chunk.vendor_id = htons(0x0000);
+   hg->ip_family.chunk.type_id   = htons(0x0001);
+   hg->ip_family.data = su->su_family;
+   hg->ip_family.chunk.length = htons(sizeof(hg->ip_family));
+   /* PROTOCOL */
+   if(strcmp(self->tp_name->tpn_proto, "tcp") == 0) hg->ip_proto.data = IPPROTO_TCP;
+   else if(strcmp(self->tp_name->tpn_proto, "tls") == 0) hg->ip_proto.data = IPPROTO_IDP; /* FAKE*/
+   else if(strcmp(self->tp_name->tpn_proto, "sctp") == 0) hg->ip_proto.data = IPPROTO_SCTP;
+   else if(strcmp(self->tp_name->tpn_proto, "ws") == 0) hg->ip_proto.data = IPPROTO_TCP;
+   else if(strcmp(self->tp_name->tpn_proto, "wss") == 0) hg->ip_proto.data = IPPROTO_TCP;
+   else hg->ip_proto.data = IPPROTO_UDP; /* DEFAULT UDP */
+   /* Proto ID */
+   hg->ip_proto.chunk.vendor_id = htons(0x0000);
+   hg->ip_proto.chunk.type_id   = htons(0x0002);
+   hg->ip_proto.chunk.length = htons(sizeof(hg->ip_proto));
+   /* Check destination */         
+   if(strncmp("sent", what, 4) == 0) dst = 1;
+   /* copy destination and source IPs*/
+   if(su->su_family == AF_INET) {
+	/* SRC IP */
+        src_ip4.chunk.vendor_id = htons(0x0000);
+        src_ip4.chunk.type_id   = htons(0x0003);
+        memcpy(dst ? &dst_ip4.data : &src_ip4.data, &su->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(su->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr));
+        src_ip4.chunk.length = htons(sizeof(src_ip4));
+        /* DST IP */
+        dst_ip4.chunk.vendor_id = htons(0x0000);
+        dst_ip4.chunk.type_id   = htons(0x0004);
+        memcpy(dst ? &src_ip4.data : &dst_ip4.data,  &su_self->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(su_self->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr));
+        dst_ip4.chunk.length = htons(sizeof(dst_ip4));
+        iplen = sizeof(dst_ip4) + sizeof(src_ip4);
+   }
+#if SU_HAVE_IN6
+   else if(su->su_family == AF_INET6) {
+	/* SRC IPv6 */
+        src_ip6.chunk.vendor_id = htons(0x0000);
+        src_ip6.chunk.type_id   = htons(0x0005);
+        memcpy(dst ? &dst_ip6.data : &src_ip6.data, &su->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(su->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr));
+        src_ip6.chunk.length = htons(sizeof(src_ip6));
+        /* DST IPv6 */
+        dst_ip6.chunk.vendor_id = htons(0x0000);
+        dst_ip6.chunk.type_id   = htons(0x0006);
+        memcpy(dst ? &src_ip6.data : &dst_ip6.data, &su_self->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(su_self->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr));
+        dst_ip6.chunk.length = htons(sizeof(dst_ip6));
+        iplen = sizeof(dst_ip6) + sizeof(src_ip6);
+   }
+   else {
+       su_perror("error: tport_logging hepv3: capture: unsupported protocol family");
+       goto done;
+   }           
+   /* SRC PORT */
+    hg->src_port.chunk.vendor_id = htons(0x0000);
+    hg->src_port.chunk.type_id   = htons(0x0007);
+    hg->src_port.data = dst ? htons(su->su_port) : htons(su_self->su_port);
+    hg->src_port.chunk.length = htons(sizeof(hg->src_port));
+    /* DST PORT */
+    hg->dst_port.chunk.vendor_id = htons(0x0000);
+    hg->dst_port.chunk.type_id   = htons(0x0008);
+    hg->dst_port.data = dst ? htons(su_self->su_port) : htons(su->su_port);
+    hg->dst_port.chunk.length = htons(sizeof(hg->dst_port));
+    /* TIMESTAMP SEC */
+    hg->time_sec.chunk.vendor_id = htons(0x0000);
+    hg->time_sec.chunk.type_id   = htons(0x0009);
+    hg->time_sec.chunk.length = htons(sizeof(hg->time_sec));
+    now = su_now();
+    /* should check for ifdef HAVE_LOCALTIME_R instead -_- */
+    hg->time_sec.data = htonl(now.tv_sec - SU_TIME_EPOCH); /* see su_time0.c 'now' is not really 'now', so we decrease it by SU_TIME_EPOCH */
+    hg->time_sec.data = htonl(now.tv_sec);
+    hg->time_usec.chunk.vendor_id = htons(0x0000);
+    hg->time_usec.chunk.type_id   = htons(0x000a);
+    hg->time_usec.data = htonl(now.tv_usec);
+    hg->time_usec.chunk.length = htons(sizeof(hg->time_usec));
+    /* Protocol TYPE */
+    hg->proto_t.chunk.vendor_id = htons(0x0000);
+    hg->proto_t.chunk.type_id   = htons(0x000b);
+    hg->proto_t.data = 0x001; //SIP
+    hg->proto_t.chunk.length = htons(sizeof(hg->proto_t));
+    /* Capture ID */
+    hg->capt_id.chunk.vendor_id = htons(0x0000);
+    hg->capt_id.chunk.type_id   = htons(0x000c);
+    hg->capt_id.data = htons(mr->mr_agent_id);
+    hg->capt_id.chunk.length = htons(sizeof(hg->capt_id));
+    /* Payload caclulation */
+    orig_n = n;
+    for (i = 0; i < iovused && n > 0; i++) {
+       	size_t len = iov[i].mv_len;
+	if (len > n) len = n;   
+	if((payload_len + len) > eth_frame_len) break;
+        payload_len +=len;
+    	n -= len;
+    }
+    /* restore n */
+    n = orig_n;
+    /* Payload */
+    payload_chunk.vendor_id = htons(0x0000);
+    payload_chunk.type_id   = htons(0x000f);
+    payload_chunk.length    = htons(sizeof(payload_chunk) + payload_len);
+    tlen = sizeof(struct hep_generic) + payload_len + iplen + sizeof(hep_chunk_t);
+    /* total */
+    hg->header.length = htons(tlen);    
+    *buffer = (void*)malloc(tlen);
+    if (*buffer==NULL){
+       su_perror("error: tport_logging hepv3: no memory for buffer");
+       goto done;
+    }
+    memcpy((void*) *buffer, hg, sizeof(struct hep_generic));
+    buflen = sizeof(struct hep_generic);
+    /* IPv4 */
+   if(su->su_family == AF_INET) {
+        /* SRC IP */
+        memcpy((void*) *buffer+buflen, &src_ip4, sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip4));
+        buflen += sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip4);
+        memcpy((void*) *buffer+buflen, &dst_ip4, sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip4));
+        buflen += sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip4);
+    }
+#if SU_HAVE_IN6
+      /* IPv6 */
+    else if(su->su_family == AF_INET6) {
+        /* SRC IPv6 */
+        memcpy((void*) *buffer+buflen, &src_ip4, sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip6));
+        buflen += sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip6);
+        memcpy((void*) *buffer+buflen, &dst_ip6, sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip6));
+        buflen += sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip6);
+    }
+    /* PAYLOAD CHUNK */
+    memcpy((void*) *buffer+buflen, &payload_chunk,  sizeof(struct hep_chunk));
+    buflen +=  sizeof(struct hep_chunk);
+   /* PAYLOAD */
+   for (i = 0; i < iovused && n > 0; i++) {
+       size_t len = iov[i].mv_len;
+       if (len > n) len = n;   
+       /* if the packet too big for us */
+       if((buflen + len) > eth_frame_len) 
+              break;
+      memcpy(*buffer + buflen , (void*)iov[i].mv_base, len);
+      buflen +=len;
+      n -= len;
+   }
+   return buflen;
+   /* Now we release it */
+   if(hg) free(hg);  
+   return 0;
 /** Log the message. */
 void tport_log_msg(tport_t *self, msg_t *msg,
 		   char const *what, char const *via,