diff --git a/Freeswitch.2008.sln b/Freeswitch.2008.sln
index 27c94a2dc4..8e6df5cc57 100644
--- a/Freeswitch.2008.sln
+++ b/Freeswitch.2008.sln
@@ -2213,10 +2213,12 @@ Global
 		{834E2B2F-5483-4B80-8FE3-FE48FF76E5C0}.All|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
 		{834E2B2F-5483-4B80-8FE3-FE48FF76E5C0}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
 		{834E2B2F-5483-4B80-8FE3-FE48FF76E5C0}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
-		{834E2B2F-5483-4B80-8FE3-FE48FF76E5C0}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+		{834E2B2F-5483-4B80-8FE3-FE48FF76E5C0}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+		{834E2B2F-5483-4B80-8FE3-FE48FF76E5C0}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
 		{834E2B2F-5483-4B80-8FE3-FE48FF76E5C0}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
 		{834E2B2F-5483-4B80-8FE3-FE48FF76E5C0}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
-		{834E2B2F-5483-4B80-8FE3-FE48FF76E5C0}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+		{834E2B2F-5483-4B80-8FE3-FE48FF76E5C0}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+		{834E2B2F-5483-4B80-8FE3-FE48FF76E5C0}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
 		{E796E337-DE78-4303-8614-9A590862EE95}.All|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
 		{E796E337-DE78-4303-8614-9A590862EE95}.All|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
 		{E796E337-DE78-4303-8614-9A590862EE95}.All|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
diff --git a/Freeswitch.2010.sln b/Freeswitch.2010.sln
index c865b6861a..4729745778 100644
--- a/Freeswitch.2010.sln
+++ b/Freeswitch.2010.sln
@@ -703,6 +703,8 @@ Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "mod_directory", "src\mod\ap
 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "mod_h323", "src\mod\endpoints\mod_h323\mod_h323.2010.vcxproj", "{05C9FB27-480E-4D53-B3B7-7338E2514666}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "mod_distributor", "src\mod\applications\mod_distributor\mod_distributor.2010.vcxproj", "{5C2B4D88-3BEA-4FE0-90DF-FA9836099D5F}"
 	GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
 		All|Win32 = All|Win32
@@ -2424,6 +2426,13 @@ Global
 		{05C9FB27-480E-4D53-B3B7-7338E2514666}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
 		{05C9FB27-480E-4D53-B3B7-7338E2514666}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
 		{05C9FB27-480E-4D53-B3B7-7338E2514666}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+		{5C2B4D88-3BEA-4FE0-90DF-FA9836099D5F}.All|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+		{5C2B4D88-3BEA-4FE0-90DF-FA9836099D5F}.All|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+		{5C2B4D88-3BEA-4FE0-90DF-FA9836099D5F}.All|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+		{5C2B4D88-3BEA-4FE0-90DF-FA9836099D5F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+		{5C2B4D88-3BEA-4FE0-90DF-FA9836099D5F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+		{5C2B4D88-3BEA-4FE0-90DF-FA9836099D5F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+		{5C2B4D88-3BEA-4FE0-90DF-FA9836099D5F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
 	GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
 		HideSolutionNode = FALSE
@@ -2470,6 +2479,7 @@ Global
 		{1E21AFE0-6FDB-41D2-942D-863607C24B91} = {E72B5BCB-6462-4D23-B419-3AF1A4AC3D78}
 		{2E250296-0C08-4342-9C8A-BCBDD0E7DF65} = {E72B5BCB-6462-4D23-B419-3AF1A4AC3D78}
 		{B889A18E-70A7-44B5-B2C9-47798D4F43B3} = {E72B5BCB-6462-4D23-B419-3AF1A4AC3D78}
+		{5C2B4D88-3BEA-4FE0-90DF-FA9836099D5F} = {E72B5BCB-6462-4D23-B419-3AF1A4AC3D78}
 		{07113B25-D3AF-4E04-BA77-4CD1171F022C} = {C5F182F9-754A-4EC5-B50F-76ED02BE13F4}
 		{A27CCA23-1541-4337-81A4-F0A6413078A0} = {C5F182F9-754A-4EC5-B50F-76ED02BE13F4}
 		{E7BC026C-7CC5-45A3-BC7C-3B88EEF01F24} = {C5F182F9-754A-4EC5-B50F-76ED02BE13F4}
diff --git a/conf/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml b/conf/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml
index 7a68a7f2bd..e861b1b61a 100644
--- a/conf/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml
+++ b/conf/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml
@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@
     <key name="12" value="version"/>
+  <default-ptimes>
+    <!-- set this to overide the 20ms assumption of various codecs in the sdp with no ptime defined -->
+    <!--<codec name="G729" ptime="40"/>-->
+  </default-ptimes>
     <!--Colorize the Console -->
     <param name="colorize-console" value="true"/>
diff --git a/conf/sip_profiles/internal.xml b/conf/sip_profiles/internal.xml
index 50833bfbec..93558a3584 100644
--- a/conf/sip_profiles/internal.xml
+++ b/conf/sip_profiles/internal.xml
@@ -42,6 +42,26 @@
 	<!-- If you want FreeSWITCH to shutdown if this profile fails to load, uncomment the next line. -->
 	<!-- <param name="shutdown-on-fail" value="true"/> -->
     <param name="sip-trace" value="no"/>
+    <!-- 
+        Sometimes, in extremely rare edge cases, the Sofia SIP stack may stop
+        responding. These options allow you to enable and control a watchdog
+        on the Sofia SIP stack so that if it stops responding for the
+        specified number of milliseconds, it will cause FreeSWITCH to shut
+        down immediately. This is useful if you run in an HA environment and
+        need to ensure automated recovery from such a condition. Note that if
+        your server is idle a lot, the watchdog may fire due to not receiving
+        any SIP messages. Thus, if you expect your system to be idle, you
+        should leave the watchdog disabled. It can be toggled on and off
+        through the FreeSWITCH CLI either on an individual profile basis or
+        globally for all profiles. So, if you run in an HA environment with a
+        master and slave, you should use the CLI to make sure the watchdog is
+        only enabled on the master. 
+    -->
+    <param name="watchdog-enabled" value="no"/>
+    <param name="watchdog-step-timeout" value="30000"/>
+    <param name="watchdog-event-timeout" value="30000"/>
     <param name="log-auth-failures" value="true"/>
     <param name="forward-unsolicited-mwi-notify" value="false"/>
diff --git a/conf/skinny_profiles/internal.xml b/conf/skinny_profiles/internal.xml
index 5feac1ffbf..52da89741d 100644
--- a/conf/skinny_profiles/internal.xml
+++ b/conf/skinny_profiles/internal.xml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
     <soft-key-set-set name="default">
       <soft-key-set name="KeySetOnHook" value="SoftkeyNewcall,SoftkeyRedial"/>
-      <soft-key-set name="KeySetOffHook" value=",SoftkeyNewcall,SoftkeyEndcall"/>
+      <soft-key-set name="KeySetOffHook" value=",SoftkeyRedial,SoftkeyEndcall"/>
       <soft-key-set name="KeySetDigitsAfterDialingFirstDigit" value="SoftkeyBackspace,,SoftkeyEndcall"/>
       <soft-key-set name="KeySetConnected" value="SoftkeyEndcall,SoftkeyHold,SoftkeyNewcall,SoftkeyTransfer"/>
       <soft-key-set name="KeySetRingIn" value="SoftkeyAnswer,SoftkeyEndcall,SoftkeyNewcall"/>
diff --git a/devel-bootstrap.sh b/devel-bootstrap.sh
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/docs/ChangeLog b/docs/ChangeLog
index 412ab9ff18..d6fddd6bfa 100644
--- a/docs/ChangeLog
+++ b/docs/ChangeLog
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	build: VS 2010 - Change to V4 framework, add SWIG v2.0 files to fix release build exceptions(temp fix till we upgrade all SWIG files) (r:812f4309)
 	build: Windows VS2010 build - remove strange characters (r:ba1546e0/FSBUILD-297)
 	build: Make bootstrap.sh Bourne shell compatible (r:8dbd62ff/FSBUILD-301)
+	build: add mod_osp Makefile to configure generated Makefiles (r:dc06a039/FS-122)
+	build: Remove mod_spidermonkey from windows 2008 x64 builds - does not work (r:280e894d)
+	build: fix warnings on windows x64 builds src and mods projects - only libsofia included on the libs side (r:45ecbc2f)
 	codec2: working prototype, still for testing only (r:04ca0751)
 	config: move limit.conf to db.conf
 	config: Update VM phrase macros to voice option then action on main, config menus
@@ -26,6 +29,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	config: move enum to the bottom of default. (r:4d448c97)
 	config: Add att_xfer example to default dialplan (r:20ec962a)
 	config: default example to resolve some issues with SCA in cases where host and ip are mixed causing the phone to be confused. (r:0279261b)
+	config: Fix phrase files, still missing a sound file (r:6741f350/FS-2742)
 	core: Add RTCP support (FSRTP-14)
 	core: handle some errors on missing db handle conditions
 	core: add ... and shutdown as a fail-safe when no modules are loaded
@@ -95,7 +99,19 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	core: avoid segfault when sofia tries to update the callee id at the same time as the outbound call is transferred (r:df63657e)
 	core: make code more automagic to shut up the dude on the list (r:d093a4a4)
 	core: Fix memory leak if we fail to enqueue new event to EVENT_QUEUE in switch_event.c (r:ef773e07/FS-2148)
+	core: fix endless loop on startup when specifying -nosql (r:b6a533ee)
+	core: Buffer for url encode in switch_ivr_set_xml_chan_vars() too small by 1 (r:0cc28f37/FS-2167)
+	core: fix switch_ivr_collect_digits_callback to allow an args pointer with null callback to work like other apis (r:89d99a91)
+	core: ERROR_PARTIAL and BAD_PARTIAL are regarded as PARTIAL in switch_regex_match_partial (r:b4548a60/FS-2238)
+	core: sprinkle digit_timeout into switch_ivr_read and switch_ivr_play_and_get_digits and the higher level variants (r:cfa30468)
+	core: Fix parse of variable absolute_codec_string when inside [] (r:54bf6575/FS-2126)
+	core: Fix SWITCH_IO_FLAG_NOBLOCK needed for mod_sangoma_codec (r:bc304153/FS-2017)
+	core: fix coredump in rtcp socket handling (r:6c1070ea/FS-2009)
+	core: add bitrate patch from moc with some extra stuff for late neg mode (r:633f193d)
+	core: refactor fmtp parser as a core func (r:56f8c11f)
+	core: add switch_ivr_dmachine async digit parser to core (r:7f3319dc)
 	lang: Improve French phrase files (FSCONFIG-23)
+	libapr: Fix issue where after a bridge with a member, uuid of Agent is set to single quote character ' (r:3fee704d/FS-2738)
 	libdingaling: fix race on shutdown causing crash (FSMOD-47)
 	libdingaling: Fix crash in new GV interface when exceeding 24 calls (r:be00609a/FS-2171)
 	libesl: Fix potential race condition (ESL-36)
@@ -113,9 +129,11 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	libfreetdm: implemented freetdm config nodes and ss7 initial configuration
 	libfreetdm: fix codec for CAS signaling (r:b76e7f18)
 	libfreetdm: freetdm: ss7- added support for incoming group blocks, started adding support for ansi (r:c219a73c)
+	libgnutls: link to libgcrypt as well, please report any platforms this breaks, but it should be portable (r:c569fb0f/FS-1248)
 	libopenzap: Add CLI tracing
 	libs: Merged OpenZAP and FreeTDM into the FreeSWITCH tree.
 	libs: Add support for TLS on Windows using openssl (r:1abe3b93/MODSOFIA-92)
+	libs: fix bsd shell incompatibility (r:e2b85e94/FS-287)
 	libsofiasip: Fix random crashes (r:c15ee980/SFSIP-219)
 	libsofiasip: Fix T.38 bug in sofia_glue (r:2843f1ad/MODSOFIA-94)
 	libsofiasip: VS2010 sofia posix problem (r:46dd24c2/SFSIP-220)
@@ -139,6 +157,8 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	mod_callcenter: Add more channel variable and event and fix a mem leak (r:2d3d8c8d)
 	mod_callcenter: Make more sence to bridge the caller to the agent.  Before, in the xml_cdr you saw it it like the agent initiated the call to the member (r:0be95658)
 	mod_callcenter: Added max-wait-time and max-wait-time-with-no-agent param to a queue. (r:3482f95e)
+	mod_callcenter: Make sure we fail to load if config is not present (r:e1fb79a1)
+	mod_callcenter: Fix invalid update of agent field (r:426a448f/FS-2738)
 	mod_cidlookup: null xml is bad (r:095815f8)
 	mod_cid_lookup: honor skipcitystate when using whitepages (r:a66654de/FSMOD-53)
 	mod_commands: make break uuid_break and add cascade flag 
@@ -152,6 +172,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	mod_commands: Fix user_data returning the first value found instead of the last.  Also add support to get variable from the group. (r:402f2391)
 	mod_commands: Allow cond API to return empty false value (r:c8a897b9)
 	mod_commands: ***BEHAVIOUR CHANGE*** reloadacl, load <module>, reload <module> will now explicitly call reloadxml (r:42c9df72)
+	mod_commands: add nat_map usage (r:7577b8aa)
 	mod_conference: Fix reporting of volume up/down (MODAPP-419)
 	mod_conference: add last talking time per member to conference xml list
 	mod_conference: add terminate-on-silence conference param
@@ -170,6 +191,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	mod_dptools: add eavesdrop_enable_dtmf chan var (r:596c0012)
 	mod_dptools: Make park app not send 183 session progress (r:76932995/FSCORE-567)
 	mod_dptools: add block_dtmf and unblock_dtmf apps (r:d9eb0197)
+	mod_dptools: refactor export code and add new bridge_export app which is like export but exports across when one channel bridges another (r:4aa9a838)
 	mod_erlang_event: Make XML fetch reply ACKs distinguishable, update freeswitch.erl (r:9d44ed04)
 	mod_erlang_event: Add 3 new commands; session_event, session_noevents, session_nixevent (r:698fa045)
 	mod_erlang_event: generate long node names the same as erlang does (r:9ad509c2)
@@ -181,6 +203,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	mod_fifo: add taking_calls param to fifo member add and config file (r:821488bf)
 	mod_fifo: add nomedia flag (r:2d30a8c2)
 	mod_fifo: Fix inconsistency between the fifo queue and the channels (num callers in queue can become "-1") (r:07487114/FS-1659)
+	mod_fifo: fix issue leaving stale records in fifo_bridge table (r:b36d015f)
 	mod_freetdm: Fix for TON and NPI not passed through to channel variables on incoming calls
 	mod_freetdm: add pvt data to freetdm channels fix fxs features (r:9d456900)
 	mod_freetdm: export and import boost custom data (r:edb2d582)
@@ -244,6 +267,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	mod_lcr: don't count twice (r:eaeabc7b/FS-1810)
 	mod_loopback: add loopback_bowout_on_execute var to make 1 legged loopback calls bow out of the picture
 	mod_loopback: only execute app once in app mode (r:64f58f2d)
+	mod_loopback: fix bug in mod_loopback where bowout=false (r:e9ab5368)
 	mod_lua: Add switch_core_sqldb functionality from inside Lua script (r:26f2e095/FS-1384)
 	mod_lua: Made 2nd arg to freeswitch.Dbh:query (cb func) optional (r:87db11af)
 	mod_lua: Added SAF_ROUTING_EXEC flag to lua app, so it can be run inline (r:7d5ca1c0)
@@ -268,6 +292,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	mod_sangoma_codec: rename load/noload to register/noregister
 	mod_sangoma_codec: silence suppression (r:73d9d56f)
 	mod_say_es: fix grammar when saying dates and time (r:6bed19b2/MODAPP-429)
+	mod_say_ja: initial commit, still needs sound files (r:b2423158/FS-2755)
 	mod_say_ru: Fix saying time with +1 hour of current time (r:68d74c31/MODAPP-444)
 	mod_say_zh: Number reading should now be OK for the whole range of integers for Cantonese and Mandarin
 	mod_silk: Fix mod_silk compliance and performance issues (r:2ddbc457/MODCODEC-20)
@@ -350,6 +375,22 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	mod_sofia: add inline lists for tab complete db using ::[a:b syntax (r:445731ee)
 	mod_sofia: add sofia profile <profile> gwlist up|down to list up or downed profiles for feeding into mod distributor to exclude dead gateways (r:0477cb67)
 	mod_sofia: add 'sofia global siptrace on' so we don't have to always teach people to enable sip trace on each profile (r:09fa6678)
+	mod_sofia: fix seg on subscribe with no contact host (r:c236541e)
+	mod_sofia: fix typo and printf specifier resulting in incorrect output of call counts on profiles and gateways (r:29ea6e29)
+	mod_sofia: fix t38 passthru when port changes on re-invite (r:72baaf6d)
+	mod_sofia: let ~ signify that multipart content will contain headers (r:3548168d)
+	mod_sofia: Fix rash with rxfax when no remote host (r:a9446ac1/FS-677)
+	mod_sofia: Handle incorrectly formatted T.38 booleans (r:8f731f42/FS-957)
+	mod_sofia: fix crash in sofia_reg_find_gateway_by_realm__ (r:721c8019/FS-488)
+	mod_sofia: Handle 301 moved permanently. (r:ba59c51d/FS-2739)
+	mod_sofia: don't passthru when its proxy media, bypass media or there is no rtp session, fixes seg (r:45e2b99d)
+	mod_sofia: improve video support for new polycom phones (r:84a383fe)
+	mod_sofia: Forward unsolicited MWI nofity (r:e946da9a/FS-861)
+	mod_sofia: Support display updates for Cisco SIP endpoints (tested on SPA series) (r:6937ca39/FS-884)
+	mod_sofia: BLF compliance with RFC-4235: dialog-info 'version=' field is reset to 0 on every new call instead of being incremented (r:589502d3/FS-2747)
+	mod_sofia: fix parsing of sofia tracelevel param, moved param from profile params to global_settings as its global, and it only worked on reparse before anyways.  Please correct any documentation on this issue on the wiki (r:82c4c4cc/FS-523)
+	mod_sofia: fix nat acl count check to check against the number of nat acls (r:e11550e7/FS-502)
+	mod_sofia: add sofia_glue_find_parameter_value function to get a specific value from a url params string (r:c701d41c)
 	mod_spandsp: initial checkin of mod_fax/mod_voipcodecs merge into mod_spandsp (r:fa9a59a8)
 	mod_spandsp: rework of new mod_spandsp to have functions broken up into different c files (r:65400642)
 	mod_spandsp: improve duplicate digit detection and add 'min_dup_digit_spacing_ms' channel variable for use with the dtmf detector (r:eab4f246/FSMOD-45)
@@ -358,6 +399,9 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	mod_spandsp: Moved spandsp to a more recent version. A huge number of little changes occur here, as recently spandsp lost all the $Id$ entries the source files had for the dark old days of CVS (r:f029f7ef)
 	mod_spandsp: move app flag into 'T38' namespace for the sake of housekeeping (r:0d0b4b43)
 	mod_spandsp: make t38 terminal mode more reliable (r:83da7bd3)
+	mod_spandsp: deadlock in mod_spandsp (mod_spandsp_fax.c) (r:b02c69bb/FS-1690)
+	mod_spandsp: T.38 reINVITE glare condition causes FAX processing to stop. (r:04aa7ef9/FS-1682)
+	mod_spandsp: improve nat handling when using stun or host as ext-rtp-ip (r:03e74c51/FS-526)
 	mod_spidermonkey: allow vars to be set containing vars from languages (r:5cd072a3)
 	mod_spidermonkey: fix seg in js hangup (r:7d554c11)
 	mod_spidermonkey: Fix mod_spidermonkey build on FreeBSD, (Undefined symbol PR_LocalTimeParameters). (r:3edb8419)
@@ -366,6 +410,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	mod_unimrcp: fix fortify findings for mod_unimrcp (r:336f0b4e/FSMOD-67)
 	mod_valet_parking: add event data to valet parking hold event
 	mod_valet_parking: add event for Valet Parking action exit
+	mod_valet_parking: pass hold class on transfer (r:76a065ec)
 	mod_voicemail: Fix vm_prefs profile lock (MODAPP-417)
 	mod_voicemail: add 'vm-enabled' param (default true)
 	mod_voicemail: fix vm msg being deleted when pressing key to forward to email (MODAPP-403)
@@ -374,11 +419,13 @@ freeswitch (1.0.7)
 	mod_voicemail: Allow to forward a message or send it via email key during the playback of the recording, not just when the menu is playing. (r:83aeda79)
 	mod_voicemail: fix vm_inject to a group and change syntax for sending to a whole domain to domain= for clarity sake (r:f30a1cc6)
 	mod_voicemail: add quotes to vm_cc command generated internally to escape spaces in the caller id name (r:5f012813)
+	mod_voicemail: Play caller id of callee prior to playing a vmail (r:e7b97907/FS-2719)
 	mod_xml_cdr: add force_process_cdr var to process b leg cdr on a case by case basis when b leg cdr is disabled (XML-17)
 	mod_xml_cdr: add leg param to query string (XML-24)
 	mod_xml_cdr: fix locked sessions (XML-26)
 	mod_xml_cdr: fix minor memory leaks and config bug (r:19253d83/MODEVENT-62)
 	mod_xml_rpc: Fix crash if unauthorized XML RPC is attempted (r:9835395c/FS-184)
+	scripts: added honeypot.pl and blacklist.pl which add extra SIP security options (r:b6a81ba7)
 	sofia-sip: fix null derefernce segfault in soa (r:f356c5e6)
 	sofia-sip: extend timeout for session expires on short timeouts to be 90% of timeout instead of 1/3 to handle devices that do not refresh in time such as polycom (r:a7f48928/SFSIP-212)
diff --git a/docs/phrase/phrase_en.xml b/docs/phrase/phrase_en.xml
index 6d582e77a1..318aba18dd 100644
--- a/docs/phrase/phrase_en.xml
+++ b/docs/phrase/phrase_en.xml
@@ -419,6 +419,9 @@
 	  <prompt phrase="Dude, you suck!" filename="ivr-dude_you_suck.wav"/>
 	  <prompt phrase="Your call is very important to us, but your sanity is not, so we will be happy to keep you on hold, forever torturing you with our annoying hold music." filename="ivr-on_hold_indefinitely.wav"/>
 	  <prompt phrase="...has left the building." filename="ivr-has_left_the_building.wav"/>
+	  <prompt phrase="This phone is unassigned and may not be used to make external calls." filename="ivr-phone_is_unassigned.wav"/>
+	  <prompt phrase="This phone is not configured properly." filename="ivr-phone_not_configured.wav"/>
+	  <prompt phrase="Please contact the system administrator for assistance." filename="ivr-contact_system_administrator.wav"/>	
 	  <prompt phrase="Barracuda Networks" filename="ivr-barracuda_networks.wav"/>
 	  <prompt phrase="CudaTel Communication Server" filename="ivr-cudatel_communication_server.wav"/>
 	  <prompt phrase="Brian West" filename="misc-Brian_West.wav"/>
diff --git a/freeswitch.spec b/freeswitch.spec
index 52e6226830..a2c975b5a9 100644
--- a/freeswitch.spec
+++ b/freeswitch.spec
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 # includes module(s): freeswitch-devel freeswitch-codec-passthru-amr freeswitch-codec-passthru-amrwb freeswitch-codec-passthru-g729 
 #                     freeswitch-codec-passthru-g7231 freeswitch-lua freeswitch-perl freeswitch-python freeswitch-spidermonkey
-#                     freeswitch-lan-de freeswitch-lang-en freeswitch-lang-fr freeswitch-lang-ru freeswitch-openzap
+#                     freeswitch-lan-de freeswitch-lang-en freeswitch-lang-fr freeswitch-lang-ru freeswitch-freetdm
 # Initial Version Copyright (C) 2007 Peter Nixon and Michal Bielicki, All Rights Reserved.
@@ -54,23 +54,23 @@ Vendor:       	http://www.freeswitch.org/
 Source0:      	http://files.freeswitch.org/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
-Source1:		http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/celt-0.7.0.tar.gz
-Source2:		http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/flite-1.3.99-latest.tar.gz
-Source3:		http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/lame-3.97.tar.gz
-Source4:		http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/libshout-2.2.2.tar.gz
-Source5:		http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/mpg123.tar.gz
-Source6:		http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/openldap-2.4.11.tar.gz
-Source7:		http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/pocketsphinx-0.5.99-20091212.tar.gz
-Source8:		http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/soundtouch-1.3.1.tar.gz
-Source9:		http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/sphinxbase-0.4.99-20091212.tar.gz
-Source10:		http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/communicator_semi_6000_20080321.tar.gz
-Source11:		http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/libmemcached-0.32.tar.gz
-Prefix:         %{prefix}
+Source1:	http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/celt-0.7.1.tar.gz
+Source2:	http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/flite-1.3.99-latest.tar.gz
+Source3:	http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/lame-3.97.tar.gz
+Source4:	http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/libshout-2.2.2.tar.gz
+Source5:	http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/mpg123.tar.gz
+Source6:	http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/openldap-2.4.11.tar.gz
+Source7:	http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/pocketsphinx-0.5.99-20091212.tar.gz
+Source8:	http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/soundtouch-1.3.1.tar.gz
+Source9:	http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/sphinxbase-0.4.99-20091212.tar.gz
+Source10:	http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/communicator_semi_6000_20080321.tar.gz
+Source11:	http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/libmemcached-0.32.tar.gz
+Prefix:        	%{prefix}
-#										Build Dependencies
+#				Build Dependencies
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel
 BuildRequires: which
 BuildRequires: zlib-devel
 BuildRequires: e2fsprogs-devel
+BuildRequires: libtheora-devel
 Requires: alsa-lib
 Requires: libogg
 Requires: libvorbis
@@ -115,6 +116,9 @@ Requires: openldap
 Requires: db4
 Requires: gdbm
 Requires: zlib
+Requires: libtiff
+Requires: python
+Requires: libtheora
 %if %{?suse_version:1}0
 %if 0%{?suse_version} > 910
@@ -269,13 +273,17 @@ Group:          System/LibrariesRequires:        %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
 German language phrases module and directory structure for say module and voicemail
-%package openzap
+%package freetdm
 Summary:	Provides a unified interface to hardware TDM cards and ss7 stacks for FreeSWITCH
 Group:		System/Libraries
 Requires:        %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%{?with_sang_isdn: Requires: wanpipe }
+%{?with_sang_isdn: Requires: libsng_isdn }
+%{?with_sang_isdn: BuildRequires: wanpipe }
+%{?with_sang_isdn: BuildRequires: libang_isdn }
-%description openzap
+%description freetdm
@@ -322,13 +330,15 @@ export QA_RPATHS=$[ 0x0001|0x0002 ]
 #						Application Modules
-APPLICATION_MODULES_AE="applications/mod_avmd applications/mod_callcenter applications/mod_cluechoo applications/mod_commands applications/mod_conference applications/mod_db applications/mod_directory applications/mod_distributor applications/mod_dptools applications/mod_easyroute applications/mod_enum applications/mod_esf applications/mod_expr"
-APPLICATION_MODULES_FM="applications/mod_fifo applications/mod_fsv applications/mod_hash applications/mod_lcr applications/mod_limit applications/mod_memcache"
-APPLICATION_MODULES_NY="applications/mod_nibblebill applications/mod_redis applications/mod_rss applications/mod_soundtouch  applications/mod_spandsp applications/mod_stress applications/mod_spy "
-APPLICATION_MODULES_VZ="applications/mod_valet_parking applications/mod_vmd applications/mod_voicemail"
+APPLICATION_MODULES_AE="applications/mod_avmd applications/mod_callcenter applications/mod_cidlookup applications/mod_cluechoo \
+                        applications/mod_commands applications/mod_conference applications/mod_db applications/mod_directory \
+                        applications/mod_distributor applications/mod_dptools applications/mod_easyroute applications/mod_enum \
+                        applications/mod_esf applications/mod_expr"
+APPLICATION_MODULES_FM="applications/mod_fifo applications/mod_fsv applications/mod_hash applications/mod_lcr applications/mod_limit \
+                        applications/mod_memcache"
+APPLICATION_MODULES_NY="applications/mod_nibblebill applications/mod_redis applications/mod_rss applications/mod_snom \
+                        applications/mod_soundtouch applications/mod_spandsp applications/mod_spy applications/mod_stress \
+                        applications/mod_valet_parking applications/mod_vmd applications/mod_voicemail"
@@ -342,7 +352,8 @@ ASR_TTS_MODULES="asr_tts/mod_pocketsphinx asr_tts/mod_flite asr_tts/mod_unimrcp"
 #						Codecs
-CODECS_MODULES="codecs/mod_ilbc codecs/mod_h26x codecs/mod_speex codecs/mod_celt codecs/mod_siren codecs/mod_bv"
+CODECS_MODULES="codecs/mod_bv codecs/mod_h26x codecs/mod_speex codecs/mod_celt codecs/mod_codec2 codecs/mod_ilbc codecs/mod_mp4v \
+                codecs/mod_silk codecs/mod_siren codecs/mod_theora"
 #					Dialplan Modules
@@ -360,19 +371,23 @@ DIRECTORIES_MODULES=""
 #						Endpoints
-ENDPOINTS_MODULES="endpoints/mod_dingaling endpoints/mod_portaudio endpoints/mod_sofia ../../libs/openzap/mod_openzap endpoints/mod_loopback"
+ENDPOINTS_MODULES="endpoints/mod_dingaling endpoints/mod_loopback ../../libs/freetdm/mod_freetdm endpoints/mod_portaudio \
+                   endpoints/mod_sofia"
 #						Event Handlers
-EVENT_HANDLERS_MODULES="event_handlers/mod_event_multicast event_handlers/mod_event_socket event_handlers/mod_cdr_csv"
+EVENT_HANDLERS_MODULES="event_handlers/mod_cdr_csv event_handlers/mod_event_socket event_handlers/mod_event_multicast"
 #					File and Audio Format Handlers
-FORMATS_MODULES="formats/mod_local_stream formats/mod_native_file formats/mod_sndfile formats/mod_portaudio_stream formats/mod_tone_stream formats/mod_shout formats/mod_file_string"
+FORMATS_MODULES="formats/mod_file_string formats/mod_local_stream formats/mod_native_file formats/mod_portaudio_stream \
+                 formats/mod_shout formats/mod_sndfile formats/mod_tone_stream"
 #						Embedded Languages
@@ -414,7 +429,9 @@ XML_INT_MODULES="xml_int/mod_xml_cdr xml_int/mod_xml_curl xml_int/mod_xml_rpc"
 #				Create one environment variable out of all the module defs
@@ -447,10 +464,10 @@ fi
                 --prefix=%{prefix} \
                 --infodir=%{_infodir} \
                 --mandir=%{_mandir} \
-				--sysconfdir=%{sysconfdir} \
-				--libdir=%{prefix}/lib \
-				--enable-core-libedit-support \
-				--enable-core-odbc-support \
+		--sysconfdir=%{sysconfdir} \
+		--libdir=%{prefix}/lib \
+		--enable-core-libedit-support \
+		--enable-core-odbc-support \
 %ifos linux
 %if 0%{?fedora_version} >= 8
@@ -730,7 +747,9 @@ fi
@@ -761,6 +780,7 @@ fi
@@ -769,8 +789,10 @@ fi
@@ -778,6 +800,7 @@ fi
@@ -804,17 +827,17 @@ fi
 #						OpenZAP Module for TDM Interaction
-%files openzap
+%files freetdm
 %defattr(-, freeswitch, daemon)
 %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{prefix}/conf/tones.conf
-%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{prefix}/conf/autoload_configs/openzap.conf.xml
+%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{prefix}/conf/autoload_configs/freetdm.conf.xml
 %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{prefix}/conf/pika.conf
-%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{prefix}/conf/openzap.conf
+%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{prefix}/conf/freetdm.conf
 %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{prefix}/conf/wanpipe.conf
 %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{prefix}/conf/zt.conf
@@ -926,6 +949,13 @@ fi
+* Sat Oct 09 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
+- added mod_silk
+- added mod_codec2
+- moved from openzap to freetdm to make way for inclusion of libsng_isdn and wanpipe
+- added mod_freetdm
+- added mod_cidlookup
+- added more runtime dependencies
 * Thu Sep 30 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
 - added mod_nibblebill to standard modules
 * Sun Sep 26 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
diff --git a/libs/esl/src/esl.c b/libs/esl/src/esl.c
index 75a52d6bd2..4a02a8fe38 100644
--- a/libs/esl/src/esl.c
+++ b/libs/esl/src/esl.c
@@ -765,6 +765,7 @@ ESL_DECLARE(esl_status_t) esl_connect_timeout(esl_handle_t *handle, const char *
 	handle->connected = 0;
+	esl_disconnect(handle);
 	return ESL_FAIL;
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/configure.ac b/libs/freetdm/configure.ac
index a8ed67f228..18f83d8f1d 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/configure.ac
+++ b/libs/freetdm/configure.ac
@@ -205,6 +205,18 @@ if test "${have_sng_isdn}" = "yes"; then
+if test "${have_sng_ss7}" = "yes"; then
+	if test "${build}" == "${host}"
+	then
+		case "${host}" in
+		x86_64-*)
+		# X86_64 machines need additional flags when compiling against libsng_isdn
+		;;
+		esac
+	fi
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_libpri/ftmod_libpri.c b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_libpri/ftmod_libpri.c
index bb62f07754..444b907911 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_libpri/ftmod_libpri.c
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_libpri/ftmod_libpri.c
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ static ftdm_state_map_t isdn_state_map = {
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ static ftdm_state_map_t isdn_state_map = {
@@ -605,10 +605,9 @@ static __inline__ void state_advance(ftdm_channel_t *ftdmchan)
 			if (call) {
 				pri_hangup(isdn_data->spri.pri, call, ftdmchan->caller_data.hangup_cause);
 				pri_destroycall(isdn_data->spri.pri, call);
-				ftdm_set_state_locked(ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_DOWN);
-			} else {
-				ftdm_set_state_locked(ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_RESTART);
-			}
+				ftdmchan->call_data = NULL;
+			} 
+			ftdm_set_state_locked(ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_DOWN);
@@ -617,8 +616,7 @@ static __inline__ void state_advance(ftdm_channel_t *ftdmchan)
 			sig.event_id = FTDM_SIGEVENT_STOP;
 			status = ftdm_span_send_signal(ftdmchan->span, &sig);
-			ftdm_set_state_locked(ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_DOWN);
+			/* user moves us to HANGUP and from there we go to DOWN */
@@ -641,10 +639,12 @@ static __inline__ void check_state(ftdm_span_t *span)
         for(j = 1; j <= span->chan_count; j++) {
             if (ftdm_test_flag((span->channels[j]), FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_CHANGE)) {
+		ftdm_channel_lock(span->channels[j]);
                 ftdm_clear_flag((span->channels[j]), FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_CHANGE);
+		ftdm_channel_unlock(span->channels[j]);
@@ -682,18 +682,35 @@ static int on_hangup(lpwrap_pri_t *spri, lpwrap_pri_event_t event_type, pri_even
 	q931_call *call = NULL;
 	ftdmchan = span->channels[pevent->hangup.channel];
-	if (ftdmchan) {
-		call = (q931_call *) ftdmchan->call_data;
-		ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_DEBUG, "-- Hangup on channel %d:%d\n", spri->span->span_id, pevent->hangup.channel);
-		ftdmchan->caller_data.hangup_cause = pevent->hangup.cause;
-		pri_release(spri->pri, call, 0);
-		pri_destroycall(spri->pri, call);
-		ftdm_set_state_locked(ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_TERMINATING);
-	} else {
-		ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_DEBUG, "-- Hangup on channel %d:%d %s but it's not in use?\n", spri->span->span_id,
-				pevent->hangup.channel, ftdmchan->chan_id);
+	if (!ftdmchan) {
+		ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_CRIT, "-- Hangup on channel %d:%d %s but it's not in use?\n", spri->span->span_id, pevent->hangup.channel);
+		return 0;
+	ftdm_channel_lock(ftdmchan);
+	if (ftdmchan->state >= FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_TERMINATING) {
+		ftdm_log_chan(ftdmchan, FTDM_LOG_DEBUG, "Ignoring remote hangup in state %s\n", ftdm_channel_state2str(ftdmchan->state));
+		goto done;
+	}
+	if (!ftdmchan->call_data) {
+		ftdm_log_chan(ftdmchan, FTDM_LOG_DEBUG, "Ignoring remote hangup in state %s with no call data\n", ftdm_channel_state2str(ftdmchan->state));
+		goto done;
+	}
+	call = (q931_call *) ftdmchan->call_data;
+	ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_DEBUG, "-- Hangup on channel %d:%d\n", spri->span->span_id, pevent->hangup.channel);
+	ftdmchan->caller_data.hangup_cause = pevent->hangup.cause;
+	pri_release(spri->pri, call, 0);
+	pri_destroycall(spri->pri, call);
+	ftdmchan->call_data = NULL;
+	ftdm_set_state_locked(ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_TERMINATING);
+	ftdm_channel_unlock(ftdmchan);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn.c b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn.c
index 803e6371d7..8dbbda7a65 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn.c
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn.c
@@ -265,10 +265,12 @@ static void *ftdm_sangoma_isdn_run(ftdm_thread_t *me, void *obj)
 	while (ftdm_running() && !(ftdm_test_flag(span, FTDM_SPAN_STOP_THREAD))) {
-		/* find out why we returned from the interrupt queue */
-		ret_status = ftdm_interrupt_multiple_wait(ftdm_sangoma_isdn_int, 2, sleep);
 		/* Check if there are any timers to process */
+		ret_status = ftdm_interrupt_multiple_wait(ftdm_sangoma_isdn_int, 2, sleep);
+		/* find out why we returned from the interrupt queue */
 		switch (ret_status) {
 			case FTDM_SUCCESS:  /* there was a state change on the span */
 				/* process all pending state changes */			
@@ -289,13 +291,30 @@ static void *ftdm_sangoma_isdn_run(ftdm_thread_t *me, void *obj)
 				/* twiddle */
 			case FTDM_FAIL:
-				ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_ERROR,"ftdm_interrupt_wait returned error!\non span = %s\n", span->name);
+				ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_ERROR,"%s:ftdm_interrupt_wait returned error!\n", span->name);
-				ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_ERROR,"ftdm_interrupt_wait returned with unknown code on span = %s\n", span->name);
+				ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_ERROR,"%s:ftdm_interrupt_wait returned with unknown code\n", span->name);
+		/* Poll for events, e.g HW DTMF */
+		ret_status = ftdm_span_poll_event(span, 0);
+		switch(ret_status) {
+			case FTDM_SUCCESS:
+				{
+					ftdm_event_t *event;
+					while (ftdm_span_next_event(span, &event) == FTDM_SUCCESS);
+				}
+				break;
+			case FTDM_TIMEOUT:
+				/* No events pending */
+				break;
+			default:
+				ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_WARNING, "%s:Failed to poll span event\n", span->name);
+		}
 		if (ftdm_sched_get_time_to_next_timer(signal_data->sched, &sleep) == FTDM_SUCCESS) {
 			if (sleep < 0 || sleep > SNGISDN_EVENT_POLL_RATE) {
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn_stack_hndl.c b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn_stack_hndl.c
index 725e1bbf11..9adcc08296 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn_stack_hndl.c
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn_stack_hndl.c
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ void sngisdn_process_con_ind (sngisdn_event_data_t *sngisdn_event)
 			sngisdn_info->suInstId = get_unique_suInstId((int8_t) suId);
 			sngisdn_info->spInstId = spInstId;
 			if (conEvnt->cdPtyNmb.eh.pres && signal_data->num_local_numbers) {
 				uint8_t local_number_matched = 0;
@@ -129,14 +130,12 @@ void sngisdn_process_con_ind (sngisdn_event_data_t *sngisdn_event)
 #if 0
 			/* Export ftdmchan variables here if we need to */
 			ftdm_channel_add_var(ftdmchan, "isdn_specific_var", "1");
-			ftdm_channel_add_var(ftdmchan, "isdn_crap", "morecrap");
-			ftdm_channel_add_var(ftdmchan, "isdn_stuff", "s");
-			ftdm_channel_add_var(ftdmchan, "isdn_d", "asdsadasdasdsad");
 			/* Fill in call information */
 			cpy_calling_num_from_stack(&ftdmchan->caller_data, &conEvnt->cgPtyNmb);
 			cpy_called_num_from_stack(&ftdmchan->caller_data, &conEvnt->cdPtyNmb);
 			cpy_calling_name_from_stack(&ftdmchan->caller_data, &conEvnt->display);
+			ftdm_log_chan(sngisdn_info->ftdmchan, FTDM_LOG_INFO, "Incoming call: Called No:[%s] Calling No:[%s]\n", ftdmchan->caller_data.dnis.digits, ftdmchan->caller_data.cid_num.digits);
 			if (conEvnt->bearCap[0].eh.pres) {
 				ftdmchan->caller_data.bearer_layer1 = sngisdn_get_infoTranCap_from_stack(conEvnt->bearCap[0].usrInfoLyr1Prot.val);
@@ -977,6 +976,18 @@ void sngisdn_process_sta_cfm (sngisdn_event_data_t *sngisdn_event)
 						//ftdm_set_state(ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_RESTART);
+				break;
+			case 25: /* Overlap receiving */
+				switch (ftdmchan->state) {
+						/* do nothing */
+						break;
+					default:
+						ftdm_log_chan(ftdmchan, FTDM_LOG_CRIT, "Don't know how to handle incompatible state. remote call state:%d our state:%s\n", call_state, ftdm_channel_state2str(ftdmchan->state));
+						//ftdm_set_state(ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_RESTART);
+						break;
+				}
+				break;
 				ftdm_log_chan(ftdmchan, FTDM_LOG_CRIT, "Don't know how to handle incompatible state. remote call state:%d our state:%s\n", call_state, ftdm_channel_state2str(ftdmchan->state));
 						//ftdm_set_state(ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_RESTART);
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn_stack_out.c b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn_stack_out.c
index 80a85ceec8..3284d54165 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn_stack_out.c
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn_stack_out.c
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ void sngisdn_snd_setup(ftdm_channel_t *ftdmchan)
 		signal_data->signalling == SNGISDN_SIGNALING_NET) {
 		sngisdn_info->ces = CES_MNGMNT;
+	ftdm_log_chan(sngisdn_info->ftdmchan, FTDM_LOG_INFO, "Outgoing call: Called No:[%s] Calling No:[%s]\n", ftdmchan->caller_data.dnis.digits, ftdmchan->caller_data.cid_num.digits);
 	cpy_called_num_from_user(&conEvnt.cdPtyNmb, &ftdmchan->caller_data);
 	cpy_calling_num_from_user(&conEvnt.cgPtyNmb, &ftdmchan->caller_data);
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn_support.c b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn_support.c
index 12ffd14b39..5cc17a539a 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn_support.c
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_isdn/ftmod_sangoma_isdn_support.c
@@ -188,11 +188,11 @@ ftdm_status_t cpy_called_num_from_stack(ftdm_caller_data_t *ftdm, CdPtyNmb *cdPt
 	if (cdPtyNmb->nmbPlanId.pres == PRSNT_NODEF) {
-		ftdm->cid_num.plan = cdPtyNmb->nmbPlanId.val;
+		ftdm->dnis.plan = cdPtyNmb->nmbPlanId.val;
 	if (cdPtyNmb->typeNmb0.pres == PRSNT_NODEF) {
-		ftdm->cid_num.type = cdPtyNmb->typeNmb0.val;
+		ftdm->dnis.type = cdPtyNmb->typeNmb0.val;
 	if (cdPtyNmb->nmbDigits.pres == PRSNT_NODEF) {
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_cli.c b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_cli.c
index 92284edba3..38d3723061 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_cli.c
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_cli.c
@@ -616,8 +616,8 @@ static ftdm_status_t handle_print_usuage(ftdm_stream_handle_t *stream)
 	stream->write_function(stream, "Sangoma SS7 CLI usuage:\n\n");
 	stream->write_function(stream, "Ftmod_sangoma_ss7 general control:\n");
-	stream->write_function(stream, "ftdm ss7 set ftace X Y\n");
-	stream->write_function(stream, "ftdm ss7 set mtace X Y\n");
+	stream->write_function(stream, "ftdm ss7 set ftrace X Y\n");
+	stream->write_function(stream, "ftdm ss7 set mtrace X Y\n");
 	stream->write_function(stream, "\n");
 	stream->write_function(stream, "Ftmod_sangoma_ss7 information:\n");
 	stream->write_function(stream, "ftdm ss7 show status link X\n");
@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ static ftdm_status_t handle_show_status(ftdm_stream_handle_t *stream, int span,
 					/* grab the signaling_status */
 					ftdm_channel_get_sig_status(ftdmchan, &sigstatus);
-					stream->write_function(stream, "span=%2d|chan=%2d|cic=%4d|sig_status=%s|state=%s|",
+					stream->write_function(stream, "span=%2d|chan=%2d|cic=%4d|sig_status=%4s|state=%s|",
@@ -1281,13 +1281,17 @@ static ftdm_status_t handle_status_link(ftdm_stream_handle_t *stream, char *name
 						(sta.t.ssta.s.snDLSAP.remBlkd) ? "Y":"N",
 						(sta.t.ssta.s.snDLSAP.locInhbt) ? "Y":"N",
 						(sta.t.ssta.s.snDLSAP.rmtInhbt) ? "Y":"N");
-			break;
+			goto success;
 		/* move to the next link */
 	} /* while (id != 0) */
+	stream->write_function(stream, "Failed to find link=\"%s\"\n", name);
 	return FTDM_SUCCESS;
@@ -1313,13 +1317,17 @@ static ftdm_status_t handle_status_linkset(ftdm_stream_handle_t *stream, char *n
-			break;
+			goto success;
 		/* move to the next linkset */
 	} /* while (id != 0) */
+	stream->write_function(stream, "Failed to find link=\"%s\"\n", name);
 	return FTDM_SUCCESS;
@@ -1342,13 +1350,16 @@ static ftdm_status_t handle_set_inhibit(ftdm_stream_handle_t *stream, char *name
 			/* print the new status of the link */
 			handle_status_link(stream, &name[0]);
-			break;
+			goto success;
 		/* move to the next linkset */
 	} /* while (id != 0) */
+	stream->write_function(stream, "Failed to find link=\"%s\"\n", name);
 	return FTDM_SUCCESS;
@@ -1371,13 +1382,16 @@ static ftdm_status_t handle_set_uninhibit(ftdm_stream_handle_t *stream, char *na
 			/* print the new status of the link */
 			handle_status_link(stream, &name[0]);
-			break;
+			goto success;
 		/* move to the next linkset */
 	} /* while (id != 0) */
+	stream->write_function(stream, "Failed to find link=\"%s\"\n", name);
 	return FTDM_SUCCESS;
@@ -1440,6 +1454,10 @@ static ftdm_status_t handle_tx_rsc(ftdm_stream_handle_t *stream, int span, int c
 		/* go the next circuit */
 	} /* while (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x]id != 0) */
+	/* print the status of channels */
+	handle_show_status(stream, span, chan, verbose);
 	return FTDM_SUCCESS;
@@ -1505,6 +1523,24 @@ static ftdm_status_t handle_tx_grs(ftdm_stream_handle_t *stream, int span, int c
 	} /* while (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x]id != 0) */
+	x=1;
+	while (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].id != 0) {
+		if (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].type == VOICE) {
+			sngss7_info = (sngss7_chan_data_t *)g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].obj;
+			ftdmchan = sngss7_info->ftdmchan;
+			sngss7_span = ftdmchan->span->mod_data;
+			if ((ftdmchan->physical_span_id == span) && 
+				((ftdmchan->physical_chan_id >= chan) && (ftdmchan->physical_chan_id < (chan+range)))) {
+				handle_show_status(stream, span, chan, verbose);
+			}
+		} /* if ( cic == voice) */
+		/* go the next circuit */
+		x++;
+	} /* while (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x]id != 0) */
 	return FTDM_SUCCESS;
@@ -1585,6 +1621,25 @@ static ftdm_status_t handle_tx_cgb(ftdm_stream_handle_t *stream, int span, int c
 	/* send the circuit group block */
+	x=1;
+	while (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].id != 0) {
+		if (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].type == VOICE) {
+			sngss7_info = (sngss7_chan_data_t *)g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].obj;
+			ftdmchan = sngss7_info->ftdmchan;
+			sngss7_span = ftdmchan->span->mod_data;
+			if ((ftdmchan->physical_span_id == span) && 
+				((ftdmchan->physical_chan_id >= chan) && (ftdmchan->physical_chan_id < (chan+range)))) {
+				handle_show_status(stream, span, chan, verbose);
+			}
+		} /* if ( cic == voice) */
+		/* go the next circuit */
+		x++;
+	} /* while (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x]id != 0) */
 	return FTDM_SUCCESS;
@@ -1666,6 +1721,25 @@ static ftdm_status_t handle_tx_cgu(ftdm_stream_handle_t *stream, int span, int c
 	/* send the circuit group block */
+	x=1;
+	while (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].id != 0) {
+		if (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].type == VOICE) {
+			sngss7_info = (sngss7_chan_data_t *)g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].obj;
+			ftdmchan = sngss7_info->ftdmchan;
+			sngss7_span = ftdmchan->span->mod_data;
+			if ((ftdmchan->physical_span_id == span) && 
+				((ftdmchan->physical_chan_id >= chan) && (ftdmchan->physical_chan_id < (chan+range)))) {
+				handle_show_status(stream, span, chan, verbose);
+			}
+		} /* if ( cic == voice) */
+		/* go the next circuit */
+		x++;
+	} /* while (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x]id != 0) */
 	return FTDM_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_handle.c b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_handle.c
index ac58abd412..807b3b62c7 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_handle.c
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_handle.c
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ ftdm_status_t handle_dat_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circ
 ftdm_status_t handle_fac_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint8_t evntType, SiFacEvnt *siFacEvnt);
 ftdm_status_t handle_fac_cfm(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint8_t evntType, SiFacEvnt *siFacEvnt);
 ftdm_status_t handle_umsg_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit);
+ftdm_status_t handle_susp_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiSuspEvnt *siSuspEvnt);
+ftdm_status_t handle_resm_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiResmEvnt *siResmEvnt);
 ftdm_status_t handle_sta_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint8_t globalFlg, uint8_t evntType, SiStaEvnt *siStaEvnt);
 ftdm_status_t handle_reattempt(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint8_t globalFlg, uint8_t evntType, SiStaEvnt *siStaEvnt);
@@ -298,8 +300,21 @@ ftdm_status_t handle_con_sta(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circ
 			/* need to grab the sp instance id */ 
 			sngss7_info->spInstId = spInstId;
-			/* go to PROGRESS */
-			ftdm_set_state_locked(ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_PROGRESS);
+			if ((siCnStEvnt->optBckCalInd.eh.pres) && 
+				(siCnStEvnt->optBckCalInd.inbndInfoInd.pres)) {
+				if (siCnStEvnt->optBckCalInd.inbndInfoInd.val) {
+					/* go to PROGRESS_MEDIA */
+					ftdm_set_state_locked(ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_PROGRESS_MEDIA);
+				} else {
+					/* go to PROGRESS */
+					ftdm_set_state_locked(ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_PROGRESS);
+				} /* if (inband) */
+			} else {
+				/* go to PROGRESS_MEDIA */
+				ftdm_set_state_locked(ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_PROGRESS_MEDIA);
+			}
 		default:	/* incorrect state...reset the CIC */
@@ -733,6 +748,60 @@ ftdm_status_t handle_umsg_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t cir
 	return FTDM_SUCCESS;
+ftdm_status_t handle_susp_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiSuspEvnt *siSuspEvnt)
+	sngss7_chan_data_t  *sngss7_info ;
+	ftdm_channel_t	  *ftdmchan;
+	/* get the ftdmchan and ss7_chan_data from the circuit */
+	if (extract_chan_data(circuit, &sngss7_info, &ftdmchan)) {
+		SS7_ERROR("Failed to extract channel data for circuit = %d!\n", circuit);
+		return FTDM_FAIL;
+	}
+	/* lock the channel */
+	ftdm_mutex_lock(ftdmchan->mutex);
+	SS7_INFO_CHAN(ftdmchan,"[CIC:%d]Rx Call-Suspend msg\n", sngss7_info->circuit->cic);
+	/* unlock the channel */
+	ftdm_mutex_unlock(ftdmchan->mutex);
+	return FTDM_SUCCESS;
+ftdm_status_t handle_resm_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiResmEvnt *siResmEvnt)
+	sngss7_chan_data_t  *sngss7_info ;
+	ftdm_channel_t	  *ftdmchan;
+	/* get the ftdmchan and ss7_chan_data from the circuit */
+	if (extract_chan_data(circuit, &sngss7_info, &ftdmchan)) {
+		SS7_ERROR("Failed to extract channel data for circuit = %d!\n", circuit);
+		return FTDM_FAIL;
+	}
+	/* lock the channel */
+	ftdm_mutex_lock(ftdmchan->mutex);
+	SS7_INFO_CHAN(ftdmchan,"[CIC:%d]Rx Call-Resume msg\n", sngss7_info->circuit->cic);
+	/* unlock the channel */
+	ftdm_mutex_unlock(ftdmchan->mutex);
+	return FTDM_SUCCESS;
 ftdm_status_t handle_sta_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint8_t globalFlg, uint8_t evntType, SiStaEvnt *siStaEvnt)
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_in.c b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_in.c
index 34893cf5aa..06fae0cd37 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_in.c
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_in.c
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@ void sngss7_dat_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiIn
 void sngss7_fac_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint8_t evntType, SiFacEvnt *siFacEvnt);
 void sngss7_fac_cfm(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint8_t evntType, SiFacEvnt *siFacEvnt);
 void sngss7_umsg_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit);
+void sngss7_resm_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiResmEvnt *siResmEvnt);
+void sngss7_susp_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiSuspEvnt *siSuspEvnt);
+void sngss7_ssp_sta_cfm(uint32_t infId);
 /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/
@@ -442,7 +444,127 @@ void sngss7_sta_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint
+void sngss7_susp_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiSuspEvnt *siSuspEvnt)
+	sngss7_chan_data_t	*sngss7_info = NULL;
+	ftdm_channel_t		*ftdmchan = NULL;
+	sngss7_event_data_t	*sngss7_event = NULL;
+	/* get the ftdmchan and ss7_chan_data from the circuit */
+	if (extract_chan_data(circuit, &sngss7_info, &ftdmchan)) {
+		SS7_ERROR("Failed to extract channel data for circuit = %d!\n", circuit);
+		return;
+	}
+	/* initalize the sngss7_event */
+	sngss7_event = ftdm_malloc(sizeof(*sngss7_event));
+	if (sngss7_event == NULL) {
+		SS7_ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for sngss7_event!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	memset(sngss7_event, 0x0, sizeof(*sngss7_event));
+	/* fill in the sngss7_event struct */
+	sngss7_event->spInstId	= spInstId;
+	sngss7_event->suInstId	= suInstId;
+	sngss7_event->circuit	= circuit;
+	sngss7_event->event_id	= SNGSS7_SUSP_IND_EVENT;
+	if (siSuspEvnt != NULL) {
+		memcpy(&sngss7_event->event.siSuspEvnt, siSuspEvnt, sizeof(*siSuspEvnt));
+	}
+	/* enqueue this event */
+	ftdm_queue_enqueue(((sngss7_span_data_t*)sngss7_info->ftdmchan->span->mod_data)->event_queue, sngss7_event);
+void sngss7_resm_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiResmEvnt *siResmEvnt)
+	sngss7_chan_data_t	*sngss7_info = NULL;
+	ftdm_channel_t		*ftdmchan = NULL;
+	sngss7_event_data_t	*sngss7_event = NULL;
+	/* get the ftdmchan and ss7_chan_data from the circuit */
+	if (extract_chan_data(circuit, &sngss7_info, &ftdmchan)) {
+		SS7_ERROR("Failed to extract channel data for circuit = %d!\n", circuit);
+		return;
+	}
+	/* initalize the sngss7_event */
+	sngss7_event = ftdm_malloc(sizeof(*sngss7_event));
+	if (sngss7_event == NULL) {
+		SS7_ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for sngss7_event!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	memset(sngss7_event, 0x0, sizeof(*sngss7_event));
+	/* fill in the sngss7_event struct */
+	sngss7_event->spInstId	= spInstId;
+	sngss7_event->suInstId	= suInstId;
+	sngss7_event->circuit	= circuit;
+	sngss7_event->event_id	= SNGSS7_RESM_IND_EVENT;
+	if (siResmEvnt != NULL) {
+		memcpy(&sngss7_event->event.siResmEvnt, siResmEvnt, sizeof(*siResmEvnt));
+	}
+	/* enqueue this event */
+	ftdm_queue_enqueue(((sngss7_span_data_t*)sngss7_info->ftdmchan->span->mod_data)->event_queue, sngss7_event);
+void sngss7_ssp_sta_cfm(uint32_t infId)
+#if 0
+	sngss7_chan_data_t	*sngss7_info = NULL;
+	ftdm_channel_t		*ftdmchan = NULL;
+	sngss7_event_data_t	*sngss7_event = NULL;
+	/* get the ftdmchan and ss7_chan_data from the circuit */
+	if (extract_chan_data(circuit, &sngss7_info, &ftdmchan)) {
+		SS7_ERROR("Failed to extract channel data for circuit = %d!\n", circuit);
+		return;
+	}
+	/* initalize the sngss7_event */
+	sngss7_event = ftdm_malloc(sizeof(*sngss7_event));
+	if (sngss7_event == NULL) {
+		SS7_ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for sngss7_event!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	memset(sngss7_event, 0x0, sizeof(*sngss7_event));
+	/* fill in the sngss7_event struct */
+	sngss7_event->spInstId	= spInstId;
+	sngss7_event->suInstId	= suInstId;
+	sngss7_event->circuit	= circuit;
+	sngss7_event->event_id	= SNGSS7_RESM_IND_EVENT;
+	if (siSuspEvnt != NULL) {
+		memcpy(&sngss7_event->event.siResmEvnt, siResmEvnt, sizeof(*siResmEvnt));
+	}
+	/* enqueue this event */
+	ftdm_queue_enqueue(((sngss7_span_data_t*)sngss7_info->ftdmchan->span->mod_data)->event_queue, sngss7_event);
 /* For Emacs:
  * Local Variables:
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_main.c b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_main.c
index 30cb31691d..587242d94e 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_main.c
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_main.c
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ ftdm_state_map_t sangoma_ss7_state_map = {
@@ -448,6 +448,17 @@ static void ftdm_sangoma_ss7_process_stack_event (sngss7_event_data_t *sngss7_ev
 		handle_sta_ind(sngss7_event->suInstId, sngss7_event->spInstId, sngss7_event->circuit, sngss7_event->globalFlg, sngss7_event->evntType,  &sngss7_event->event.siStaEvnt);
+		handle_susp_ind(sngss7_event->suInstId, sngss7_event->spInstId, sngss7_event->circuit,  &sngss7_event->event.siSuspEvnt);
+		break;
+	/**************************************************************************/
+		handle_resm_ind(sngss7_event->suInstId, sngss7_event->spInstId, sngss7_event->circuit,  &sngss7_event->event.siResmEvnt);
+		break;
+	/**************************************************************************/
+		break;
+	/**************************************************************************/
 		SS7_ERROR("Unknown Event Id!\n");
@@ -469,6 +480,7 @@ static void ftdm_sangoma_ss7_process_stack_event (sngss7_event_data_t *sngss7_ev
 void ftdm_sangoma_ss7_process_state_change (ftdm_channel_t * ftdmchan)
 	sngss7_chan_data_t	*sngss7_info = ftdmchan->call_data;
+	sng_isup_inf_t		*isup_intf = NULL; 
 	int 				i = 0;
 	ftdm_sigmsg_t 		sigev;
@@ -589,17 +601,16 @@ void ftdm_sangoma_ss7_process_state_change (ftdm_channel_t * ftdmchan)
 		/*check if the channel is inbound or outbound */
-		if (ftdm_test_flag (ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_OUTBOUND))	{
+		if (ftdm_test_flag (ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_OUTBOUND)) {
 			/*OUTBOUND...so we were told by the line of this so noifiy the user */
 			sigev.event_id = FTDM_SIGEVENT_PROGRESS;
 			ftdm_span_send_signal (ftdmchan->span, &sigev);
+			/* move to progress media  */
 			ftdm_set_state_locked (ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_PROGRESS_MEDIA);
 		} else {
 			/* inbound call so we need to send out ACM */
-			ft_to_sngss7_acm (ftdmchan);
-			ftdm_set_state_locked (ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_PROGRESS_MEDIA);
+			ft_to_sngss7_acm(ftdmchan);
@@ -611,6 +622,13 @@ void ftdm_sangoma_ss7_process_state_change (ftdm_channel_t * ftdmchan)
+		if (ftdm_test_flag (ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_OUTBOUND)) {
+			/* inform the user there is media avai */
+			sigev.event_id = FTDM_SIGEVENT_PROGRESS_MEDIA;
+			ftdm_span_send_signal (ftdmchan->span, &sigev);
+		}
 		/* nothing to do at this time */
@@ -1155,11 +1173,15 @@ suspend_goto_restart:
 		ftdm_set_state_locked (ftdmchan, FTDM_CHANNEL_STATE_RESTART);
+	/**************************************************************************/
-		/* send the lpa */
-		ft_to_sngss7_lpa (ftdmchan);
+		isup_intf = &g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[sngss7_info->circuit->infId];
+		if (sngss7_test_options(isup_intf, SNGSS7_LPA_FOR_COT)) {
+			/* send the lpa */
+			ft_to_sngss7_lpa (ftdmchan);
+		} 
@@ -1332,7 +1354,7 @@ static ftdm_status_t ftdm_sangoma_ss7_start(ftdm_span_t * span)
 			sngss7_clear_flag(sngss7_info, FLAG_INFID_PAUSED);
 			sngss7_set_flag(sngss7_info, FLAG_INFID_RESUME);
-#if 1
+#if 0
 		/* throw the grp reset flag */
 		sngss7_set_flag(sngss7_info, FLAG_GRP_RESET_TX);
 		if (x == 1) {
@@ -1480,7 +1502,7 @@ static FIO_SIG_LOAD_FUNCTION(ftdm_sangoma_ss7_init)
 	sngss7_id = 0;
-	cmbLinkSetId = 1;
+	cmbLinkSetId = 0;
 	/* initalize the global gen_config flag */
 	g_ftdm_sngss7_data.gen_config = 0;
@@ -1507,9 +1529,9 @@ static FIO_SIG_LOAD_FUNCTION(ftdm_sangoma_ss7_init)
 	sng_event.cc.sng_fac_cfm = sngss7_fac_cfm;
 	sng_event.cc.sng_sta_ind = sngss7_sta_ind;
 	sng_event.cc.sng_umsg_ind = sngss7_umsg_ind;
-	sng_event.cc.sng_susp_ind = NULL;
-	sng_event.cc.sng_resm_ind = NULL;
-	sng_event.cc.sng_ssp_sta_cfm = NULL;
+	sng_event.cc.sng_susp_ind = sngss7_susp_ind;
+	sng_event.cc.sng_resm_ind = sngss7_resm_ind;
+	sng_event.cc.sng_ssp_sta_cfm = sngss7_ssp_sta_cfm;
 	sng_event.sm.sng_log = handle_sng_log;
 	sng_event.sm.sng_mtp1_alarm = handle_sng_mtp1_alarm;
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_main.h b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_main.h
index a358236ed0..27833cb2a2 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_main.h
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_main.h
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
+#define MAX_SIZEOF_SUBADDR_IE	24	/* as per Q931 4.5.9 */
 typedef enum {
@@ -68,7 +70,10 @@ typedef enum {
 } sng_event_type_t;
 typedef enum {
@@ -83,6 +88,16 @@ typedef enum {
 	SNGSS7_PAUSED	= (1 << 7)
 } sng_flag_t;
+typedef enum {
+	SNGSS7_LPA_FOR_COT		= (1 << 0),	/* send LPA when COT arrives */
+	SNGSS7_ACM_OBCI_BITA	= (1 << 10)	/* in-band indication */
+} sng_intf_options_t;
+typedef enum {
+	SNG_CALLED			= 1,
+} sng_addr_type_t;
 typedef struct sng_mtp_link {
 	char			name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
 	uint32_t		id;
@@ -198,6 +213,7 @@ typedef struct sng_route {
 typedef struct sng_isup_intf {
 	uint32_t		id;
 	char			name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+	uint32_t		options;
 	uint32_t		flags;
 	uint32_t		spc;
 	uint32_t		dpc;
@@ -385,6 +401,8 @@ typedef struct sngss7_event_data
 		SiInfoEvnt	siInfoEvnt;
 		SiFacEvnt	siFacEvnt;
 		SiStaEvnt	siStaEvnt;
+		SiSuspEvnt	siSuspEvnt;
+		SiResmEvnt	siResmEvnt;
 	} event;
 } sngss7_event_data_t;
@@ -514,6 +532,9 @@ void sngss7_fac_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint
 void sngss7_fac_cfm(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint8_t evntType, SiFacEvnt *siFacEvnt);
 void sngss7_sta_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint8_t globalFlg, uint8_t evntType, SiStaEvnt *siStaEvnt);
 void sngss7_umsg_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit);
+void sngss7_resm_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiResmEvnt *siResmEvnt);
+void sngss7_susp_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiSuspEvnt *siSuspEvnt);
+void sngss7_ssp_sta_cfm(uint32_t infId);
 /* in ftmod_sangoma_ss7_handle.c */
 ftdm_status_t handle_con_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiConEvnt *siConEvnt);
@@ -525,6 +546,8 @@ ftdm_status_t handle_dat_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circ
 ftdm_status_t handle_fac_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint8_t evntType, SiFacEvnt *siFacEvnt);
 ftdm_status_t handle_fac_cfm(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint8_t evntType, SiFacEvnt *siFacEvnt);
 ftdm_status_t handle_umsg_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit);
+ftdm_status_t handle_susp_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiSuspEvnt *siSuspEvnt);
+ftdm_status_t handle_resm_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, SiResmEvnt *siResmEvnt);
 ftdm_status_t handle_sta_ind(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint8_t globalFlg, uint8_t evntType, SiStaEvnt *siStaEvnt);
 ftdm_status_t handle_reattempt(uint32_t suInstId, uint32_t spInstId, uint32_t circuit, uint8_t globalFlg, uint8_t evntType, SiStaEvnt *siStaEvnt);
@@ -579,6 +602,8 @@ ftdm_status_t clear_rx_grs_data(sngss7_chan_data_t *sngss7_info);
 ftdm_status_t clear_rx_gra_data(sngss7_chan_data_t *sngss7_info);
 ftdm_status_t clear_tx_grs_data(sngss7_chan_data_t *sngss7_info);
+ftdm_status_t encode_subAddrIE_nsap(const char *subAddr, char *subAddrIE, int type);
+ftdm_status_t encode_subAddrIE_nat(const char *subAddr, char *subAddrIE, int type);
 /* in ftmod_sangoma_ss7_timers.c */
 void handle_isup_t35(void *userdata);
@@ -712,6 +737,11 @@ void handle_isup_t35(void *userdata);
 #define sngss7_clear_flag(obj, flag) ((obj)->flags &= ~(flag))
 #define sngss7_set_flag(obj, flag)   ((obj)->flags |= (flag))
+#define sngss7_test_options(obj, option) ((obj)->options & option)
+#define sngss7_clear_options(obj, option) ((obj)->options &= ~(option))
+#define sngss7_set_options(obj, option)   ((obj)->options |= (option))
 # define SS7_ASSERT \
 	SS7_INFO_CHAN(ftdmchan,"Production Mode, continuing%s\n", "");
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_out.c b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_out.c
index 973fbf47c7..8cbe6d9498 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_out.c
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_out.c
@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ void ft_to_sngss7_iam (ftdm_channel_t * ftdmchan)
 	sngss7_chan_data_t	*sngss7_info = ftdmchan->call_data;;
 	const char			*clg_nadi = NULL;
 	const char			*cld_nadi = NULL;
+	const char			*clg_subAddr = NULL;
+	const char			*cld_subAddr = NULL;
+	char 				subAddrIE[MAX_SIZEOF_SUBADDR_IE];
 	SiConEvnt 			iam;
 	sngss7_info->suInstId 	= get_unique_id ();
@@ -186,7 +189,7 @@ void ft_to_sngss7_iam (ftdm_channel_t * ftdmchan)
 	/* check if the user would like a custom NADI value for the calling Pty Num */
 	clg_nadi = ftdm_channel_get_var(ftdmchan, "ss7_clg_nadi");
 	if ((clg_nadi != NULL) && (*clg_nadi)) {
-		SS7_DEBUG_CHAN(ftdmchan,"Found user supplied NADI value \"%s\"\n", clg_nadi);
+		SS7_DEBUG_CHAN(ftdmchan,"Found user supplied Calling NADI value \"%s\"\n", clg_nadi);
 		iam.cgPtyNum.natAddrInd.val	= atoi(clg_nadi);
 	} else {
 		iam.cgPtyNum.natAddrInd.val	= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[sngss7_info->circuit->infId].clg_nadi;
@@ -195,14 +198,93 @@ void ft_to_sngss7_iam (ftdm_channel_t * ftdmchan)
 	cld_nadi = ftdm_channel_get_var(ftdmchan, "ss7_cld_nadi");
 	if ((cld_nadi != NULL) && (*cld_nadi)) {
-		SS7_DEBUG_CHAN(ftdmchan,"Found user supplied NADI value \"%s\"\n", cld_nadi);
+		SS7_DEBUG_CHAN(ftdmchan,"Found user supplied Called NADI value \"%s\"\n", cld_nadi);
 		iam.cdPtyNum.natAddrInd.val	= atoi(cld_nadi);
 	} else {
 		iam.cdPtyNum.natAddrInd.val	= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[sngss7_info->circuit->infId].cld_nadi;
 		SS7_DEBUG_CHAN(ftdmchan,"No user supplied NADI value found for CLD, using \"%d\"\n", iam.cdPtyNum.natAddrInd.val);
+	/* check if the user would like us to send a clg_sub-address */
+	clg_subAddr = ftdm_channel_get_var(ftdmchan, "ss7_clg_subaddr");
+	if ((clg_subAddr != NULL) && (*clg_subAddr)) {
+		SS7_DEBUG_CHAN(ftdmchan,"Found user supplied Calling Sub-Address value \"%s\"\n", clg_subAddr);
+		/* clean out the subAddrIE */
+		memset(subAddrIE, 0x0, sizeof(subAddrIE));
+		/* check the first character in the sub-address to see what type of encoding to use */
+		switch (clg_subAddr[0]) {
+		case '0':						/* NSAP */
+			encode_subAddrIE_nsap(&clg_subAddr[1], subAddrIE, SNG_CALLING);
+			break;
+		case '1':						/* national variant */
+			encode_subAddrIE_nat(&clg_subAddr[1], subAddrIE, SNG_CALLING);
+			break;
+		default:
+			SS7_ERROR_CHAN(ftdmchan,"Invalid Calling Sub-Address encoding requested: %c\n", clg_subAddr[0]);
+			break;
+		} /* switch (cld_subAddr[0]) */
+		/* if subaddIE is still empty don't copy it in */
+		if (subAddrIE[0] != '0') {
+			/* check if the clg_subAddr has already been added */
+			if (iam.accTrnspt.eh.pres == PRSNT_NODEF) {
+				/* append the subAddrIE */
+				memcpy(&iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.val[iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.len], subAddrIE, (subAddrIE[1] + 2));
+				iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.len		= iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.len +subAddrIE[1] + 2;
+			} else {
+				/* fill in from the beginning */
+				iam.accTrnspt.eh.pres			= PRSNT_NODEF;
+				iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.pres	= PRSNT_NODEF;
+				memcpy(iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.val, subAddrIE, (subAddrIE[1] + 2));
+				iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.len		= subAddrIE[1] + 2;
+			} /* if (iam.accTrnspt.eh.pres */
+		} /* if (subAddrIE[0] != '0') */
+	}
+	/* check if the user would like us to send a cld_sub-address */
+	cld_subAddr = ftdm_channel_get_var(ftdmchan, "ss7_cld_subaddr");
+	if ((cld_subAddr != NULL) && (*cld_subAddr)) {
+		SS7_DEBUG_CHAN(ftdmchan,"Found user supplied Called Sub-Address value \"%s\"\n", cld_subAddr);
+		/* clean out the subAddrIE */
+		memset(subAddrIE, 0x0, sizeof(subAddrIE));
+		/* check the first character in the sub-address to see what type of encoding to use */
+		switch (cld_subAddr[0]) {
+		case '0':						/* NSAP */
+			encode_subAddrIE_nsap(&cld_subAddr[1], subAddrIE, SNG_CALLED);
+			break;
+		case '1':						/* national variant */
+			encode_subAddrIE_nat(&cld_subAddr[1], subAddrIE, SNG_CALLED);
+			break;
+		default:
+			SS7_ERROR_CHAN(ftdmchan,"Invalid Called Sub-Address encoding requested: %c\n", cld_subAddr[0]);
+			break;
+		} /* switch (cld_subAddr[0]) */
+		/* if subaddIE is still empty don't copy it in */
+		if (subAddrIE[0] != '0') {
+			/* check if the cld_subAddr has already been added */
+			if (iam.accTrnspt.eh.pres == PRSNT_NODEF) {
+				/* append the subAddrIE */
+				memcpy(&iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.val[iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.len], subAddrIE, (subAddrIE[1] + 2));
+				iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.len		= iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.len +subAddrIE[1] + 2;
+			} else {
+				/* fill in from the beginning */
+				iam.accTrnspt.eh.pres			= PRSNT_NODEF;
+				iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.pres	= PRSNT_NODEF;
+				memcpy(iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.val, subAddrIE, (subAddrIE[1] + 2));
+				iam.accTrnspt.infoElmts.len		= subAddrIE[1] + 2;
+			} /* if (iam.accTrnspt.eh.pres */
+		} /* if (subAddrIE[0] != '0') */
+	} /* if ((cld_subAddr != NULL) && (*cld_subAddr)) */
 	sng_cc_con_request (sngss7_info->spId,
@@ -226,7 +308,8 @@ void ft_to_sngss7_acm (ftdm_channel_t * ftdmchan)
-	sngss7_chan_data_t *sngss7_info = ftdmchan->call_data;
+	sngss7_chan_data_t	*sngss7_info = ftdmchan->call_data;
+	sng_isup_inf_t		*isup_intf =  &g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[sngss7_info->circuit->infId];
 	SiCnStEvnt acm;
 	memset (&acm, 0x0, sizeof (acm));
@@ -255,7 +338,18 @@ void ft_to_sngss7_acm (ftdm_channel_t * ftdmchan)
 	acm.bckCallInd.echoCtrlDevInd.val	= 0x1;	/* ec device present */
 	acm.bckCallInd.sccpMethInd.pres		= PRSNT_NODEF;
 	acm.bckCallInd.sccpMethInd.val		= SCCPMTH_NOIND;
+	/* fill in any optional parameters */
+	if (sngss7_test_options(isup_intf, SNGSS7_ACM_OBCI_BITA)) {
+		acm.optBckCalInd.eh.pres				= PRSNT_NODEF;
+		acm.optBckCalInd.inbndInfoInd.pres		= PRSNT_NODEF;
+		acm.optBckCalInd.inbndInfoInd.val		= sngss7_test_options(isup_intf, SNGSS7_ACM_OBCI_BITA);
+		acm.optBckCalInd.caFwdMayOcc.pres		= PRSNT_DEF;
+		acm.optBckCalInd.simpleSegmInd.pres		= PRSNT_DEF;
+		acm.optBckCalInd.mlppUserInd.pres		= PRSNT_DEF;
+		acm.optBckCalInd.usrNetIneractInd.pres	= PRSNT_DEF;
+	} /* if (sngss7_test_options(isup_intf, SNGSS7_ACM_OBCI_BITA)) */
 	/* send the ACM request to LibSngSS7 */
 	sng_cc_con_status  (1,
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_sta.c b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_sta.c
index d238462046..1235238452 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_sta.c
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_sta.c
@@ -50,27 +50,41 @@ int ftmod_ss7_mtplinkSet_sta(uint32_t id, SnMngmt *cfm);
 int ftmod_ss7_mtplink_sta(uint32_t id, SnMngmt *cfm)
 	SnMngmt	sta;
+	Pst		pst;
 	memset(&sta, 0x0, sizeof(sta));
+	/* initalize the post structure */
+	smPstInit(&pst);
+	/* insert the destination Entity */
+	pst.dstEnt = ENTSN;
 	sta.hdr.elmId.elmnt 		= STDLSAP;
 	sta.hdr.elmId.elmntInst1	= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.mtpLink[id].id;
-	return(sng_sta_mtp3(&sta, cfm));
+	return(sng_sta_mtp3(&pst, &sta, cfm));
 int ftmod_ss7_mtplinkSet_sta(uint32_t id, SnMngmt *cfm)
 	SnMngmt	sta;
+	Pst		pst;
 	memset(&sta, 0x0, sizeof(sta));
+	/* initalize the post structure */
+	smPstInit(&pst);
+	/* insert the destination Entity */
+	pst.dstEnt = ENTSN;
 	sta.hdr.elmId.elmnt 		= STLNKSET;
 	sta.hdr.elmId.elmntInst1	= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.mtpLinkSet[id].id;
 	sta.hdr.elmId.elmntInst2	= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.mtpLinkSet[id].links[0];
-	return(sng_sta_mtp3(&sta, cfm));
+	return(sng_sta_mtp3(&pst, &sta, cfm));
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_support.c b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_support.c
index 41db1fe140..718663950a 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_support.c
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_support.c
@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ ftdm_status_t clear_tx_rsc_flags(sngss7_chan_data_t *sngss7_info);
 ftdm_status_t clear_rx_grs_data(sngss7_chan_data_t *sngss7_info);
 ftdm_status_t clear_rx_gra_data(sngss7_chan_data_t *sngss7_info);
 ftdm_status_t clear_tx_grs_data(sngss7_chan_data_t *sngss7_info);
+ftdm_status_t encode_subAddrIE_nsap(const char *subAddr, char *subAddrIE, int type);
+ftdm_status_t encode_subAddrIE_nat(const char *subAddr, char *subAddrIE, int type);
 /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/
@@ -884,6 +887,214 @@ ftdm_status_t clear_tx_rsc_flags(sngss7_chan_data_t *sngss7_info)
+ftdm_status_t encode_subAddrIE_nsap(const char *subAddr, char *subAddrIE, int type)
+	/* Q931 4.5.9 
+	 * 8	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	(octet)
+	 *
+	 * 0	1	1	1	0	0	0	1	(spare 8) ( IE id 1-7)
+	 * X	X	X	X	X	X	X	X	(length of IE contents)
+	 * 1	0	0	0	Z	0	0	0	(ext 8) (NSAP type 5-7) (odd/even 4) (spare 1-3)
+	 * X	X	X	X	X	X	X	X	(sub address encoded in ia5)
+	 */
+	int	x = 0;
+	int p = 0;
+	int len = 0;
+	char tmp[2];
+	/* initalize the second element of tmp to \0 so that atoi doesn't go to far */
+	tmp[1]='\0';
+	/* set octet 1 aka IE id */
+	p = 0;
+	switch(type) {
+	/**************************************************************************/
+	case SNG_CALLED:						/* called party sub address */
+		subAddrIE[p] = 0x71;
+		break;
+	/**************************************************************************/
+	case SNG_CALLING:						/* calling party sub address */
+		subAddrIE[p] = 0x6d;
+		break;
+	/**************************************************************************/
+	default:								/* not good */
+		SS7_ERROR("Sub-Address type is invalid: %d\n", type);
+		return FTDM_FAIL;
+		break;
+	/**************************************************************************/
+	} /* switch(type) */
+	/* set octet 3 aka type and o/e */
+	p = 2;
+	subAddrIE[p] = 0x80;
+	/* set the subAddrIE pointer octet 4 */
+	p = 3;
+	/* loop through all digits in subAddr and insert them into subAddrIE */
+	while (subAddr[x] != '\0') {
+		/* grab a character */
+		tmp[0] = subAddr[x];
+		/* confirm it is a digit */
+		if (!isdigit(tmp[0])) {
+			/* move to the next character in subAddr */
+			x++;
+			/* restart the loop */
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* convert the character to IA5 encoding and write into subAddrIE */
+		subAddrIE[p] = atoi(&tmp[0]);	/* lower nibble is the digit */
+		subAddrIE[p] |= 0x3 << 4;		/* upper nibble is 0x3 */
+		/* increment address length counter */
+		len++;
+		/* increment the subAddrIE pointer */
+		p++;
+		/* move to the next character in subAddr */
+		x++;
+	} /* while (subAddr[x] != '\0') */
+	/* set octet 2 aka length of subaddr */
+	p = 1;
+	subAddrIE[p] = len + 1;
+	return FTDM_SUCCESS;
+ftdm_status_t encode_subAddrIE_nat(const char *subAddr, char *subAddrIE, int type)
+	/* Q931 4.5.9 
+	 * 8	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	(octet)
+	 *
+	 * 0	1	1	1	0	0	0	1	(spare 8) ( IE id 1-7)
+	 * X	X	X	X	X	X	X	X	(length of IE contents)
+	 * 1	0	0	0	Z	0	0	0	(ext 8) (NSAP type 5-7) (odd/even 4) (spare 1-3)
+	 * X	X	X	X	X	X	X	X	(sub address encoded in ia5)
+	 */
+	int		x = 0;
+	int 	p = 0;
+	int 	len = 0;
+	char 	tmp[2];
+	int 	flag = 0;
+	int 	odd = 0;
+	uint8_t	lower = 0x0;
+	uint8_t upper = 0x0;
+	/* initalize the second element of tmp to \0 so that atoi doesn't go to far */
+	tmp[1]='\0';
+	/* set octet 1 aka IE id */
+	p = 0;
+	switch(type) {
+	/**************************************************************************/
+	case SNG_CALLED:						/* called party sub address */
+		subAddrIE[p] = 0x71;
+		break;
+	/**************************************************************************/
+	case SNG_CALLING:						/* calling party sub address */
+		subAddrIE[p] = 0x6d;
+		break;
+	/**************************************************************************/
+	default:								/* not good */
+		SS7_ERROR("Sub-Address type is invalid: %d\n", type);
+		return FTDM_FAIL;
+		break;
+	/**************************************************************************/
+	} /* switch(type) */
+	/* set the subAddrIE pointer octet 4 */
+	p = 3;
+	/* loop through all digits in subAddr and insert them into subAddrIE */
+	while (1) {
+		/* grab a character */
+		tmp[0] = subAddr[x];
+		/* confirm it is a hex digit */
+		while ((!isxdigit(tmp[0])) && (tmp[0] != '\0')) {
+			/* move to the next character in subAddr */
+			x++;
+			tmp[0] = subAddr[x];
+		}
+		/* check if tmp is null or a digit */
+		if (tmp[0] != '\0') {
+			/* push it into the lower nibble using strtol to allow a-f chars */
+			lower = strtol(&tmp[0], (char **)NULL, 16);
+			/* move to the next digit */
+			x++;
+			/* grab a digit from the ftdm digits */
+			tmp[0] = subAddr[x];
+			/* check if the digit is a hex digit and that is not null */
+			while (!(isxdigit(tmp[0])) && (tmp[0] != '\0')) {
+				x++;
+				tmp[0] = subAddr[x];
+			} /* while(!(isdigit(tmp))) */
+			/* check if tmp is null or a digit */
+			if (tmp[0] != '\0') {
+				/* push the digit into the upper nibble using strtol to allow a-f chars */
+				upper = (strtol(&tmp[0], (char **)NULL, 16)) << 4;
+			} else {
+				/* there is no upper ... fill in spare */
+				upper = 0x00;
+				/* throw the odd flag since we need to buffer */
+				odd = 1;
+				/* throw the end flag */
+				flag = 1;
+			} /* if (tmp != '\0') */
+		} else {
+			/* keep the odd flag down */
+			odd = 0;
+			/* throw the flag */
+			flag = 1;
+			/* bounce out right away */
+			break;
+		}
+		/* fill in the octet */
+		subAddrIE[p] = upper | lower;
+		/* increment address length counter */
+		len++;
+		/* if the flag is we're through all the digits */
+		if (flag) break;
+		/* increment the subAddrIE pointer */
+		p++;
+		/* move to the next character in subAddr */
+		x++;
+	} /* while (subAddr[x] != '\0') */
+	/* set octet 2 aka length of subaddr */
+	p = 1;
+	subAddrIE[p] = len + 1;
+	/* set octet 3 aka type and o/e */
+	p = 2;
+	subAddrIE[p] = 0xa0 | (odd << 3);
+	return FTDM_SUCCESS;
 /* For Emacs:
diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_xml.c b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_xml.c
index 842782052d..0f81d61f25 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_xml.c
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/ftmod/ftmod_sangoma_ss7/ftmod_sangoma_ss7_xml.c
@@ -47,6 +47,23 @@ typedef struct sng_timeslot
 	int	 hole;
+typedef struct sng_isupCkt
+	ftdm_span_t		*span;
+	uint32_t		cicbase;
+	uint32_t		typeCntrl;
+	char			ch_map[MAX_CIC_MAP_LENGTH];
+	uint32_t		isupInf;
+	uint32_t		t3;
+	uint32_t		t12;
+	uint32_t		t13;
+	uint32_t		t14;
+	uint32_t		t15;
+	uint32_t		t16;
+	uint32_t		t17;
+	uint32_t		tval;
+} sng_isupCkt_t;
 int cmbLinkSetId;
@@ -77,7 +94,7 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_isap(sng_isap_t *sng_isap);
 static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_self_route(int spc, int linkType, int switchType, int ssf);
-static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(char *ch_map, int cicbase, int typeCntrl, int isup_id, ftdm_span_t *span);
+static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(sng_isupCkt_t *isupCkt);
 static int ftmod_ss7_next_timeslot(char *ch_map, sng_timeslot_t *timeslot);
@@ -91,9 +108,10 @@ int ftmod_ss7_parse_xml(ftdm_conf_parameter_t *ftdm_parameters, ftdm_span_t *spa
 	const char			*val = NULL;
 	ftdm_conf_node_t	*ptr = NULL;
 	sng_route_t			self_route;
-	char				ch_map[MAX_CIC_MAP_LENGTH];
-	int					typeCntrl = 0;
-	int					cicbase = 0;
+	sng_isupCkt_t		isupCkt;
+	/* clean out the isup ckt */
+	memset(&isupCkt, 0x0, sizeof(sng_isupCkt_t));
 	/* clean out the self route */
 	memset(&self_route, 0x0, sizeof(sng_route_t));
@@ -124,24 +142,24 @@ int ftmod_ss7_parse_xml(ftdm_conf_parameter_t *ftdm_parameters, ftdm_span_t *spa
 		if (!strcasecmp(var, "ch_map")) {
-			strcpy(ch_map, val);
-			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound channel map \"%s\"\n", ch_map);
+			strcpy(isupCkt.ch_map, val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound channel map \"%s\"\n", isupCkt.ch_map);
 		} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "typeCntrl")) {
 			if (!strcasecmp(val, "bothway")) {
-				typeCntrl = BOTHWAY;
+				isupCkt.typeCntrl = BOTHWAY;
 				SS7_DEBUG("\tFound control type \"bothway\"\n");
 			} else if (!strcasecmp(val, "incoming")) {
-				typeCntrl = INCOMING;
+				isupCkt.typeCntrl = INCOMING;
 				SS7_DEBUG("\tFound control type \"incoming\"\n");
 			} else if (!strcasecmp(val, "outgoing")) {
-				typeCntrl = OUTGOING;
+				isupCkt.typeCntrl = OUTGOING;
 				SS7_DEBUG("\tFound control type \"outgoing\"\n");
 			} else if (!strcasecmp(val, "controlled")) {
-				typeCntrl = CONTROLLED;
+				isupCkt.typeCntrl = CONTROLLED;
 				SS7_DEBUG("\tFound control type \"controlled\"\n");
 			} else if (!strcasecmp(val, "controlling")) {
-				typeCntrl = CONTROLLING;
+				isupCkt.typeCntrl = CONTROLLING;
 				SS7_DEBUG("\tFound control type \"controlling\"\n");
 			} else {
 				SS7_ERROR("Found invalid circuit control type \"%s\"!", val);
@@ -149,8 +167,8 @@ int ftmod_ss7_parse_xml(ftdm_conf_parameter_t *ftdm_parameters, ftdm_span_t *spa
 		} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "cicbase")) {
-			cicbase = atoi(val);
-			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound cicbase = %d\n", cicbase);
+			isupCkt.cicbase = atoi(val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound cicbase = %d\n", isupCkt.cicbase);
 		} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "dialplan")) {
 			/* do i give a shit about this??? */
@@ -169,7 +187,41 @@ int ftmod_ss7_parse_xml(ftdm_conf_parameter_t *ftdm_parameters, ftdm_span_t *spa
 				/* move on to the next one */
-			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup_interface = %s\n",g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[x].name );
+			isupCkt.isupInf = x;
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup_interface = %s\n",g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[x].name);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "isup.t3")) {
+			isupCkt.t3 = atoi(val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t3 = \"%d\"\n", isupCkt.t3);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "isup.t12")) {
+			isupCkt.t12 = atoi(val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t12 = \"%d\"\n", isupCkt.t12);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "isup.t13")) {
+			isupCkt.t13 = atoi(val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t13 = \"%d\"\n", isupCkt.t13);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "isup.t14")) {
+			isupCkt.t14 = atoi(val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t14 = \"%d\"\n", isupCkt.t14);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "isup.t15")) {
+			isupCkt.t15 = atoi(val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t15 = \"%d\"\n", isupCkt.t15);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "isup.t16")) {
+			isupCkt.t16 = atoi(val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t16 = \"%d\"\n", isupCkt.t16);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "isup.t17")) {
+			isupCkt.t17 = atoi(val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t17 = \"%d\"\n", isupCkt.t17);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "isup.tval")) {
+			isupCkt.tval = atoi(val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup tval = \"%d\"\n", isupCkt.tval);
 		} else {
 			SS7_ERROR("Unknown parameter found =\"%s\"...ignoring it!\n", var);
@@ -192,10 +244,11 @@ int ftmod_ss7_parse_xml(ftdm_conf_parameter_t *ftdm_parameters, ftdm_span_t *spa
+	/* fill the pointer to span into isupCkt */
+	isupCkt.span = span;
 	/* setup the circuits structure */
-	if(ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(ch_map, cicbase, typeCntrl, 
-								  g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[x].id, span)) {
+	if(ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(&isupCkt)) {
 		SS7_ERROR("Failed to fill in circuits structure!\n");
 		goto ftmod_ss7_parse_xml_error;
@@ -582,6 +635,130 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_parse_mtp_link(ftdm_conf_node_t *mtp_link, sng_mtp_link_t *
 			mtpLink->mtp3.slc = atoi(parm->val);
 			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtpLink->slc = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.slc);
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp2.t1")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp2.t1 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp2 t1 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp2.t1);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp2.t2")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp2.t2 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp2 t2 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp2.t2);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp2.t3")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp2.t3 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp2 t3 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp2.t3);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp2.t4n")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp2.t4n = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp2 t4n = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp2.t4n);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp2.t4e")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp2.t4e = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp2 t4e = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp2.t4e);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp2.t5")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp2.t5 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp2 t5 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp2.t5);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp2.t6")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp2.t6 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp2 t6 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp2.t6);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp2.t7")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp2.t7 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp2 t7 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp2.t7);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t1")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t1 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t1 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t1);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t2")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t2 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t2 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t2);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t3")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t3 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t3 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t3);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t4")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t4 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t4 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t4);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t5")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t5 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t5 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t5);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t7")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t7 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t7 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t7);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t12")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t12 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t12 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t12);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t13")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t13 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t13 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t13);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t14")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t14 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t14 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t14);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t17")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t17 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t17 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t17);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t22")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t22 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t22 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t22);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t23")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t23 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t23 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t23);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t24")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t24 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t24 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t24);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t31")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t31 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t31 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t31);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t32")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t32 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t32 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t32);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t33")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t33 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t33 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t33);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t34")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t34 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t34 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t34);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t35")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t35 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t35 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t35);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t36")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t36 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t36 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t36);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t37")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.t37 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t37 = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.t37);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.tcraft")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.tcraft = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 tcraft = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.tcraft);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.tflc")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.tflc = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 tflc = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.tflc);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.tbnd")) {
+			mtpLink->mtp3.tbnd = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 tbnd = \"%d\"\n",mtpLink->mtp3.tbnd);
+		/**********************************************************************/
 		} else {
 			SS7_ERROR("\tFound an invalid parameter \"%s\"!\n", parm->val);
 			return FTDM_FAIL;
@@ -697,6 +874,50 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_parse_mtp_route(ftdm_conf_node_t *mtp_route)
 			   return FTDM_FAIL;
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t6")) {
+			mtpRoute.t6 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t6 = \"%d\"\n",mtpRoute.t6);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t8")) {
+			mtpRoute.t8 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t8 = \"%d\"\n",mtpRoute.t8);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t10")) {
+			mtpRoute.t10 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t10 = \"%d\"\n",mtpRoute.t10);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t11")) {
+			mtpRoute.t11 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t11 = \"%d\"\n",mtpRoute.t11);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t15")) {
+			mtpRoute.t15 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t15 = \"%d\"\n",mtpRoute.t15);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t16")) {
+			mtpRoute.t16 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t16 = \"%d\"\n",mtpRoute.t16);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t18")) {
+			mtpRoute.t18 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t18 = \"%d\"\n",mtpRoute.t18);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t19")) {
+			mtpRoute.t19 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t19 = \"%d\"\n",mtpRoute.t19);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t21")) {
+			mtpRoute.t21 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t21 = \"%d\"\n",mtpRoute.t21);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t25")) {
+			mtpRoute.t25 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t25 = \"%d\"\n",mtpRoute.t25);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "mtp3.t26")) {
+			mtpRoute.t26 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound mtp3 t26 = \"%d\"\n",mtpRoute.t26);
+		/**********************************************************************/
 		} else {
 			SS7_ERROR("\tFound an invalid parameter \"%s\"!\n", parm->val);
 			return FTDM_FAIL;
@@ -842,6 +1063,178 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_parse_isup_interface(ftdm_conf_node_t *isup_interface)
 			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound license file = %s\n", g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.license);
 			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound signature file = %s\n", g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.signature);	
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t1")) {
+			sng_isap.t1 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t1 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.t1);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t2")) {
+			sng_isap.t2 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t2 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.t2);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t4")) {
+			sng_isup.t4 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t4 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t4);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t5")) {
+			sng_isap.t5 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t5 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.t5);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t6")) {
+			sng_isap.t6 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t6 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.t6);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t7")) {
+			sng_isap.t7 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t7 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.t7);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t8")) {
+			sng_isap.t8 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t8 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.t8);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t9")) {
+			sng_isap.t9 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t9 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.t9);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t10")) {
+			sng_isup.t10 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t10 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t10);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t11")) {
+			sng_isup.t11 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t11 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t11);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t18")) {
+			sng_isup.t18 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t18 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t18);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t19")) {
+			sng_isup.t19 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t19 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t19);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t20")) {
+			sng_isup.t20 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t20 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t20);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t21")) {
+			sng_isup.t21 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t21 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t21);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t22")) {
+			sng_isup.t22 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t22 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t22);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t23")) {
+			sng_isup.t23 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t23 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t23);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t24")) {
+			sng_isup.t24 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t24 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t24);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t25")) {
+			sng_isup.t25 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t25 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t25);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t26")) {
+			sng_isup.t26 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t26 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t26);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t28")) {
+			sng_isup.t28 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t28 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t28);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t29")) {
+			sng_isup.t29 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t29 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t29);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t30")) {
+			sng_isup.t30 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t30 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t30);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t31")) {
+			sng_isap.t31 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t31 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.t31);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t32")) {
+			sng_isup.t32 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t32 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t32);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t33")) {
+			sng_isap.t33 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t33 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.t33);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t34")) {
+			sng_isap.t34 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t34 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.t34);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t35")) {
+			sng_isup.t35 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t35 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t35);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t36")) {
+			sng_isap.t36 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t36 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.t36);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t37")) {
+			sng_isup.t37 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t37 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t37);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t38")) {
+			sng_isup.t38 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t38 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t38);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.t39")) {
+			sng_isup.t39 = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup t39 = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.t39);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.tccr")) {
+			sng_isap.tccr = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup tccr = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.tccr);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.tccrt")) {
+			sng_isap.tccrt = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup tccrt = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.tccrt);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.tex")) {
+			sng_isap.tex = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup tex = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.tex);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.tect")) {
+			sng_isap.tect = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup tect = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.tect);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.tcrm")) {
+			sng_isap.tcrm = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup tcrm = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.tcrm);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.tcra")) {
+			sng_isap.tcra = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup tcra = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.tcra);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.tfgr")) {
+			sng_isup.tfgr = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup tfgr = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.tfgr);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.trelrsp")) {
+			sng_isap.trelrsp = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup trelrsp = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.trelrsp);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.tfnlrelrsp")) {
+			sng_isap.tfnlrelrsp = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup tfnlrelrsp = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.tfnlrelrsp);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.tfnlrelrsp")) {
+			sng_isap.tfnlrelrsp = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup tfnlrelrsp = \"%d\"\n",sng_isap.tfnlrelrsp);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.tpause")) {
+			sng_isup.tpause = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup tpause = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.tpause);
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "isup.tstaenq")) {
+			sng_isup.tstaenq = atoi(parm->val);
+			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound isup tstaenq = \"%d\"\n",sng_isup.tstaenq);
+		/**********************************************************************/
 		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "clg_nadi")) {
 			/* throw the flag so that we know we got this optional parameter */
@@ -856,6 +1249,30 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_parse_isup_interface(ftdm_conf_node_t *isup_interface)
 			sng_isup.cld_nadi = atoi(parm->val);
 			SS7_DEBUG("\tFound default CLD_NADI value = %d\n", sng_isup.cld_nadi);
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "obci_bita")) {
+		/**********************************************************************/
+			if (*parm->val == '1') {
+				sngss7_set_options(&sng_isup, SNGSS7_ACM_OBCI_BITA);
+				SS7_DEBUG("\tFound Optional Backwards Indicator: Bit A (early media) enable option\n");
+			} else if (*parm->val == '0') {
+				sngss7_clear_options(&sng_isup, SNGSS7_ACM_OBCI_BITA);
+				SS7_DEBUG("\tFound Optional Backwards Indicator: Bit A (early media) disable option\n");
+			} else {
+				SS7_DEBUG("\tInvalid value for \"obci_bita\" option\n");
+			}
+		/**********************************************************************/
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(parm->var, "lpa_on_cot")) {
+		/**********************************************************************/
+			if (*parm->val == '1') {
+				sngss7_set_options(&sng_isup, SNGSS7_LPA_FOR_COT);
+				SS7_DEBUG("\tFound Tx LPA on COT enable option\n");
+			} else if (*parm->val == '0') {
+				sngss7_clear_options(&sng_isup, SNGSS7_LPA_FOR_COT);
+				SS7_DEBUG("\tFound Tx LPA on COT disable option\n");
+			} else {
+				SS7_DEBUG("\tInvalid value for \"lpa_on_cot\" option\n");
+			}
+		/**********************************************************************/
 		} else {
 			SS7_ERROR("\tFound an invalid parameter \"%s\"!\n", parm->val);
 			return FTDM_FAIL;
@@ -1278,7 +1695,7 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_isup_interface(sng_isup_inf_t *sng_isup)
 	g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[i].isap			= sng_isup->isap;
 	g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[i].cld_nadi		= sng_isup->cld_nadi;
 	g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[i].clg_nadi		= sng_isup->clg_nadi;
+	g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[i].options		= sng_isup->options;
 	if (sng_isup->t4 != 0) {
 		g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[i].t4		= sng_isup->t4;
 	} else {
@@ -1573,7 +1990,7 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_self_route(int spc, int linkType, int switchType, i
-static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(char *ch_map, int cicbase, int typeCntrl, int isup_id, ftdm_span_t *span)
+static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(sng_isupCkt_t *isupCkt)
 	sngss7_chan_data_t	*ss7_info = NULL;
 	ftdm_channel_t		*ftdmchan = NULL;
@@ -1584,10 +2001,10 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(char *ch_map, int cicbase, int typeCntrl,
 	count = 1;
-	while (ch_map[0] != '\0') {
+	while (isupCkt->ch_map[0] != '\0') {
 		 /* pull out the next timeslot */
-		if (ftmod_ss7_next_timeslot(ch_map, &timeslot)) {
+		if (ftmod_ss7_next_timeslot(isupCkt->ch_map, &timeslot)) {
 			SS7_ERROR("Failed to parse the channel map!\n");
 			return FTDM_FAIL;
@@ -1597,10 +2014,10 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(char *ch_map, int cicbase, int typeCntrl,
 			x = 1;
 			while (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].id != 0) {
 				if ((g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].chan == count) &&
-					(g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].span == span->channels[1]->physical_span_id)) {
+					(g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].span == isupCkt->span->channels[1]->physical_span_id)) {
 					SS7_DEVEL_DEBUG("Circuit for span=%d, chan=%d is already exists...id=%d\n",
-								span->channels[1]->physical_span_id,
+								isupCkt->span->channels[1]->physical_span_id,
@@ -1614,7 +2031,7 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(char *ch_map, int cicbase, int typeCntrl,
 			/* check why we exited the while loop */
 			if (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].id == 0) {
 				SS7_DEVEL_DEBUG("Circuit for span=%d, chan=%d is new...id=%d\n",
-				span->channels[1]->physical_span_id,
+				isupCkt->span->channels[1]->physical_span_id,
@@ -1625,7 +2042,7 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(char *ch_map, int cicbase, int typeCntrl,
 				/* circuit is new so fill in the needed information */
 				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].id		  	= x;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].span			= span->channels[1]->physical_span_id;
+				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].span			= isupCkt->span->channels[1]->physical_span_id;
 				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].chan			= count;
 				if (timeslot.siglink) {
 					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].type		= SIG;
@@ -1634,22 +2051,14 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(char *ch_map, int cicbase, int typeCntrl,
 				if (timeslot.channel) {
-					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].cic		= cicbase;
-					cicbase++;
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].cic		= isupCkt->cicbase;
+					isupCkt->cicbase++;
 				} else {
 					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].cic		= 0;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].infId	   		= isup_id;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].typeCntrl   	= typeCntrl;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t3			= 1200;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t12			= 300;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t13			= 3000;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t14			= 300;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t15			= 3000;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t16			= 300;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t17			= 3000;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].tval			= 10;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].ssf			= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[isup_id].ssf;
+				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].infId	   		= isupCkt->isupInf;
+				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].typeCntrl   	= isupCkt->typeCntrl;
+				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].ssf			= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[isupCkt->isupInf].ssf;
 				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].obj			= ss7_info;
 			} /* if (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].id == 0) */
@@ -1660,26 +2069,26 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(char *ch_map, int cicbase, int typeCntrl,
 		} else { /* if ((timeslot.siglink) || (timeslot.gap)) */
 			/* find the ftdm the channel structure for this channel*/
 			i = 1;
-			while (span->channels[i] != NULL) {
-				if (span->channels[i]->physical_chan_id == timeslot.channel) {
+			while (isupCkt->span->channels[i] != NULL) {
+				if (isupCkt->span->channels[i]->physical_chan_id == timeslot.channel) {
 			} /* while (span->channels[i] != NULL) */
-			if (span->channels[i] == NULL) {
+			if (isupCkt->span->channels[i] == NULL) {
 				/* we weren't able to find the channel in the ftdm channels */
 				SS7_ERROR("Unable to find the requested channel %d in the FreeTDM channels!\n", timeslot.channel);
 				return FTDM_FAIL;
 			} else {
-				ftdmchan = span->channels[i];
+				ftdmchan = isupCkt->span->channels[i];
 			/* try to find a match for the physical span and chan */
 			x = 1;
 			while (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].id != 0) {
-				if ((g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].chan == ftdmchan->physical_chan_id) 
-					&& (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].span == ftdmchan->physical_span_id)) {
+				if ((g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].chan == ftdmchan->physical_chan_id) && 
+					(g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].span == ftdmchan->physical_span_id)) {
 					/* we have a match so this circuit already exists in the structure */
@@ -1702,33 +2111,65 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(char *ch_map, int cicbase, int typeCntrl,
 				ftdmchan->call_data = ss7_info;
 				/* prepare the timer structures */
-				ss7_info->t35.sched			= ((sngss7_span_data_t *)span->mod_data)->sched;
+				ss7_info->t35.sched			= ((sngss7_span_data_t *)isupCkt->span->mod_data)->sched;
 				ss7_info->t35.counter		= 1;
-				ss7_info->t35.beat			= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[isup_id].t35*100; /* beat is in ms, t35 is in 100ms */
+				ss7_info->t35.beat			= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[isupCkt->isupInf].t35*100; /* beat is in ms, t35 is in 100ms */
 				ss7_info->t35.callback		= handle_isup_t35;
 				ss7_info->t35.sngss7_info	= ss7_info;
 				/* circuit is new so fill in the needed information */
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].id		  = x;
+				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].id		= x;
 				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].span		= ftdmchan->physical_span_id;
 				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].chan		= ftdmchan->physical_chan_id;
 				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].type		= VOICE;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].cic		= cicbase;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].infId		= isup_id;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].typeCntrl	= typeCntrl;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t3		= 1200;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t12		= 300;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t13		= 3000;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t14		= 300;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t15		= 3000;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t16		= 300;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t17		= 3000;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].tval		= 10;
+				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].cic		= isupCkt->cicbase;
+				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].infId		= isupCkt->isupInf;
+				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].typeCntrl	= isupCkt->typeCntrl;
+				if (isupCkt->t3 == 0) {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t3	= 1200;
+				} else {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t3	= isupCkt->t3;
+				}
+				if (isupCkt->t12 == 0) {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t12	= 300;
+				} else {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t12	= isupCkt->t12;
+				}
+				if (isupCkt->t13 == 0) {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t13	= 3000;
+				} else {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t13	= isupCkt->t13;
+				}
+				if (isupCkt->t14 == 0) {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t14	= 300;
+				} else {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t14	= isupCkt->t14;
+				}
+				if (isupCkt->t15 == 0) {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t15	= 3000;
+				} else {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t15	= isupCkt->t15;
+				}
+				if (isupCkt->t16 == 0) {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t16	= 300;
+				} else {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t16	= isupCkt->t16;
+				}
+				if (isupCkt->t17 == 0) {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t17	= 3000;
+				} else {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].t17	= isupCkt->t17;
+				}
+				if (isupCkt->tval == 0) {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].tval	= 10;
+				} else {
+					g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].tval	= isupCkt->tval;
+				}
 				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].obj		= ss7_info;
-				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].ssf		= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[isup_id].ssf;
+				g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].ssf		= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupIntf[isupCkt->isupInf].ssf;
 				/* increment the cicbase */
-				cicbase++;
+				isupCkt->cicbase++;
 			} else { /* if (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.isupCkt[x].id == 0) */
 				SS7_DEBUG("Circuit for span=%d, chan=%d is new...id=%d\n",
@@ -1774,12 +2215,12 @@ static int ftmod_ss7_fill_in_circuits(char *ch_map, int cicbase, int typeCntrl,
 static int ftmod_ss7_next_timeslot(char *ch_map, sng_timeslot_t *timeslot)
-	int			 i;
-	int			 x;
-	int			 lower;
-	int			 upper;
-	char			tmp[5]; /*KONRAD FIX ME*/
-	char			new_ch_map[MAX_CIC_LENGTH];
+	int			i;
+	int			x;
+	int			lower;
+	int			upper;
+	char		tmp[5]; /*KONRAD FIX ME*/
+	char		new_ch_map[MAX_CIC_LENGTH];
 	memset(&tmp[0], '\0', sizeof(tmp));
 	memset(&new_ch_map[0], '\0', sizeof(new_ch_map));
diff --git a/libs/spandsp/src/spandsp/t38_core.h b/libs/spandsp/src/spandsp/t38_core.h
index 1476969eeb..3d8e864513 100644
--- a/libs/spandsp/src/spandsp/t38_core.h
+++ b/libs/spandsp/src/spandsp/t38_core.h
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ SPAN_DECLARE(int) t38_core_send_data_multi_field(t38_core_state_t *s, int data_t
     \param len The length of the packet contents.
     \param seq_no The packet sequence number.
     \return 0 for OK, else -1. */
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) t38_core_rx_ifp_packet(t38_core_state_t *s, const uint8_t *buf, int len, uint16_t seq_no);
+SPAN_DECLARE_NONSTD(int) t38_core_rx_ifp_packet(t38_core_state_t *s, const uint8_t *buf, int len, uint16_t seq_no);
 /*! Set the method to be used for data rate management, as per the T.38 spec.
     \param s The T.38 context.
diff --git a/libs/spandsp/src/t38_core.c b/libs/spandsp/src/t38_core.c
index 551d6c0155..e7ee967e93 100644
--- a/libs/spandsp/src/t38_core.c
+++ b/libs/spandsp/src/t38_core.c
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ static __inline__ int classify_seq_no_offset(int expected, int actual)
 /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
-SPAN_DECLARE(int) t38_core_rx_ifp_packet(t38_core_state_t *s, const uint8_t *buf, int len, uint16_t seq_no)
+SPAN_DECLARE_NONSTD(int) t38_core_rx_ifp_packet(t38_core_state_t *s, const uint8_t *buf, int len, uint16_t seq_no)
     int i;
     int t30_indicator;
diff --git a/src/include/private/switch_core_pvt.h b/src/include/private/switch_core_pvt.h
index e77d5f74ef..ea02f22fa0 100644
--- a/src/include/private/switch_core_pvt.h
+++ b/src/include/private/switch_core_pvt.h
@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ struct switch_core_session {
 	uint32_t track_id;
 	switch_log_level_t loglevel;
 	uint32_t soft_lock;
+	switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine;
 struct switch_media_bug {
@@ -198,6 +199,7 @@ struct switch_runtime {
 	int64_t offset;
 	switch_event_t *global_vars;
 	switch_hash_t *mime_types;
+	switch_hash_t *ptimes;
 	switch_memory_pool_t *memory_pool;
 	const switch_state_handler_table_t *state_handlers[SWITCH_MAX_STATE_HANDLERS];
 	int state_handler_index;
diff --git a/src/include/switch_core.h b/src/include/switch_core.h
index 466dc51186..3f636d00c4 100644
--- a/src/include/switch_core.h
+++ b/src/include/switch_core.h
@@ -704,7 +704,8 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_log_level_t) switch_core_session_get_loglevel(switch_core_
 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_core_session_soft_lock(switch_core_session_t *session, uint32_t sec);
 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_core_session_soft_unlock(switch_core_session_t *session);
+SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_core_session_set_dmachine(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine);
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) switch_core_session_get_dmachine(switch_core_session_t *session);
   \brief Retrieve the unique identifier from the core
@@ -2167,6 +2168,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(uint32_t) switch_core_debug_level(void);
 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_cache_db_flush_handles(void);
 SWITCH_DECLARE(const char *) switch_core_banner(void);
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_bool_t) switch_core_session_in_thread(switch_core_session_t *session);
+SWITCH_DECLARE(uint32_t) switch_default_ptime(const char *name, uint32_t number);
diff --git a/src/include/switch_ivr.h b/src/include/switch_ivr.h
index 5fee7baefa..fb023848ec 100644
--- a/src/include/switch_ivr.h
+++ b/src/include/switch_ivr.h
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(uint32_t) switch_ivr_schedule_broadcast(time_t runtime, const cha
   \return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if all is well
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_broadcast(const char *uuid, const char *path, switch_media_flag_t flags);
+SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(switch_core_session_t *session, const char *app, int flags);
   \brief Transfer variables from one session to another 
@@ -845,24 +846,31 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_bool_t) switch_ivr_uuid_exists(const char *uuid);
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_create(switch_ivr_dmachine_t **dmachine_p, 
-																switch_memory_pool_t *pool,
-																uint32_t digit_timeout, uint32_t input_timeout);
+														   const char *name,
+														   switch_memory_pool_t *pool,
+														   uint32_t digit_timeout, uint32_t input_timeout,
+														   switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t match_callback,
+                                                           switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t nonmatch_callback,
+														   void *user_data);
 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(switch_ivr_dmachine_t **dmachine);
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, 
-															  const char *digits, 
-															  int32_t key,
-															  switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t callback,
-															  void *user_data);
+														 const char *realm,
+														 const char *digits, 
+														 int32_t key,
+														 switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t callback,
+														 void *user_data);
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_feed(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, const char *digits, switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **match);
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_clear(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine);
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **match_p);
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t *) switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine);
+SWITCH_DECLARE(const char *) switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine);
+SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, uint32_t digit_timeout_ms);
+SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, uint32_t input_timeout_ms);
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, const char *realm);
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, const char *realm);
 /** @} */
diff --git a/src/include/switch_types.h b/src/include/switch_types.h
index 32fb141d42..b1fc627354 100644
--- a/src/include/switch_types.h
+++ b/src/include/switch_types.h
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ SWITCH_BEGIN_EXTERN_C
 #define SWITCH_CURRENT_APPLICATION_VARIABLE "current_application"
 #define SWITCH_CURRENT_APPLICATION_DATA_VARIABLE "current_application_data"
 #define SWITCH_CURRENT_APPLICATION_RESPONSE_VARIABLE "current_application_response"
+#define SWITCH_PASSTHRU_PTIME_MISMATCH_VARIABLE "passthru_ptime_mismatch"
 #define SWITCH_ENABLE_HEARTBEAT_EVENTS_VARIABLE "enable_heartbeat_events"
 #define SWITCH_BYPASS_MEDIA_AFTER_BRIDGE_VARIABLE "bypass_media_after_bridge"
 #define SWITCH_READ_RESULT_VARIABLE "read_result"
@@ -189,9 +190,14 @@ SWITCH_BEGIN_EXTERN_C
 #define SWITCH_DTMF_LOG_LEN 1000
 typedef uint8_t switch_byte_t;
+typedef enum {
+} dtmf_flag_t;
 typedef struct {
 	char digit;
 	uint32_t duration;
+	int32_t flags;
 } switch_dtmf_t;
 typedef enum {
@@ -1055,6 +1061,8 @@ typedef enum {
 } switch_channel_flag_t;
@@ -1686,6 +1694,13 @@ typedef switch_status_t (*switch_input_callback_function_t) (switch_core_session
 typedef switch_status_t (*switch_read_frame_callback_function_t) (switch_core_session_t *session, switch_frame_t *frame, void *user_data);
 typedef struct switch_say_interface switch_say_interface_t;
+typedef enum {
+} dm_match_type_t;
 struct switch_ivr_dmachine;
 typedef struct switch_ivr_dmachine switch_ivr_dmachine_t;
@@ -1693,6 +1708,7 @@ struct switch_ivr_dmachine_match {
 	switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine;
 	const char *match_digits;
 	int32_t match_key;
+	dm_match_type_t type;
 	void *user_data;
diff --git a/src/include/switch_utils.h b/src/include/switch_utils.h
index e5d70c43cc..945583ee07 100644
--- a/src/include/switch_utils.h
+++ b/src/include/switch_utils.h
@@ -376,15 +376,6 @@ switch_mutex_unlock(obj->flag_mutex);
 #define switch_set_string(_dst, _src) switch_copy_string(_dst, _src, sizeof(_dst))
-static inline uint32_t switch_default_ptime(const char *name, uint32_t number)
-	if (!strcasecmp(name, "G723")) {
-		return 30;
-	}
-	return 20;
 static inline char *switch_sanitize_number(char *number)
 	char *p = number, *q;
diff --git a/src/mod/applications/mod_conference/mod_conference.c b/src/mod/applications/mod_conference/mod_conference.c
index e1570a7af5..ed62da107b 100644
--- a/src/mod/applications/mod_conference/mod_conference.c
+++ b/src/mod/applications/mod_conference/mod_conference.c
@@ -2580,7 +2580,10 @@ static void conference_loop_output(conference_member_t *member)
 					if (member->fnode) {
 						member_add_file_data(member, write_frame.data, write_frame.datalen);
-					switch_core_session_write_frame(member->session, &write_frame, SWITCH_IO_FLAG_NONE, 0);
+					if (switch_core_session_write_frame(member->session, &write_frame, SWITCH_IO_FLAG_NONE, 0) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+						switch_channel_hangup(channel, SWITCH_CAUSE_DESTINATION_OUT_OF_ORDER);
+						break;
+					}
@@ -2590,7 +2593,10 @@ static void conference_loop_output(conference_member_t *member)
 			write_frame.samples = samples;
 			memset(write_frame.data, 255, write_frame.datalen);
 			member_add_file_data(member, write_frame.data, write_frame.datalen);
-			switch_core_session_write_frame(member->session, &write_frame, SWITCH_IO_FLAG_NONE, 0);
+			if (switch_core_session_write_frame(member->session, &write_frame, SWITCH_IO_FLAG_NONE, 0) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+				switch_channel_hangup(channel, SWITCH_CAUSE_DESTINATION_OUT_OF_ORDER);
+				break;
+			}
 		} else if (!switch_test_flag(member->conference, CFLAG_WASTE_BANDWIDTH)) {
 			if (switch_test_flag(member, MFLAG_WASTE_BANDWIDTH)) {
 				if (member->conference->comfort_noise_level) {
@@ -2603,7 +2609,10 @@ static void conference_loop_output(conference_member_t *member)
 				write_frame.samples = samples;
 				write_frame.timestamp = timer.samplecount;
-				switch_core_session_write_frame(member->session, &write_frame, SWITCH_IO_FLAG_NONE, 0);
+				if (switch_core_session_write_frame(member->session, &write_frame, SWITCH_IO_FLAG_NONE, 0) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+					switch_channel_hangup(channel, SWITCH_CAUSE_DESTINATION_OUT_OF_ORDER);
+					break;
+				}
diff --git a/src/mod/applications/mod_distributor/mod_distributor.2010.vcxproj b/src/mod/applications/mod_distributor/mod_distributor.2010.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..368cfa18d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mod/applications/mod_distributor/mod_distributor.2010.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mod/applications/mod_dptools/mod_dptools.c b/src/mod/applications/mod_dptools/mod_dptools.c
index 9fb6b1b454..06f545928d 100755
--- a/src/mod/applications/mod_dptools/mod_dptools.c
+++ b/src/mod/applications/mod_dptools/mod_dptools.c
@@ -95,6 +95,176 @@ SWITCH_STANDARD_DIALPLAN(inline_dialplan_hunt)
 	return extension;
+struct action_binding {
+	char *realm;
+	char *input;
+	char *string;
+	char *value;
+	switch_core_session_t *session;
+static switch_status_t digit_nomatch_action_callback(switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t *match)
+	switch_core_session_t *session = (switch_core_session_t *) match->user_data;
+	switch_channel_t *channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+	char str[DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN + 2];
+	switch_event_t *event;
+	switch_status_t status;
+	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "%s Digit NOT match binding [%s]\n", 
+					  switch_channel_get_name(channel), match->match_digits);
+	if (switch_event_create_plain(&event, SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_DATA) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+		switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "digits", match->match_digits);
+		if ((status = switch_core_session_queue_event(session, &event)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+			switch_event_destroy(&event);
+			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "%s event queue faiure.\n", 
+							  switch_core_session_get_name(session));
+		}
+	}
+	/* send it back around flagged to skip the dmachine */
+	switch_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "!%s", match->match_digits);
+	switch_channel_queue_dtmf_string(channel, str);
+static switch_status_t digit_action_callback(switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t *match)
+	struct action_binding *act = (struct action_binding *) match->user_data;
+	switch_event_t *event;
+	switch_status_t status;
+	int exec = 0;
+	char *string = act->string;
+	switch_channel_t *channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(act->session);
+	if (switch_event_create_plain(&event, SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_DATA) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(act->session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "%s Digit match binding [%s][%s]\n", 
+						  switch_channel_get_name(channel), act->string, act->value);
+		if (!strncasecmp(string, "exec:", 5)) {
+			string += 5;
+			exec = 1;
+		}
+		switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, string, act->value);
+		switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "digits", match->match_digits);
+		if (exec) {
+			switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "execute", exec == 2 ? "non-blocking" : "blocking");
+		} 
+		if ((status = switch_core_session_queue_event(act->session, &event)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+			switch_event_destroy(&event);
+			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(act->session), SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "%s event queue faiure.\n", 
+							  switch_core_session_get_name(act->session));
+		}
+	}
+	if (exec) {
+		char *cmd = switch_core_session_sprintf(act->session, "%s::%s", string, act->value);
+		switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(act->session, cmd, SMF_ECHO_ALEG|SMF_HOLD_BLEG);
+	}
+#define CLEAR_DIGIT_ACTION_USAGE "<realm>|all"
+	//switch_channel_t *channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+	switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine;
+	char *realm = (char *) data;
+	if ((dmachine = switch_core_session_get_dmachine(session))) {
+		if (zstr(realm) || !strcasecmp(realm, "all")) {
+			switch_core_session_set_dmachine(session, NULL);
+			switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(&dmachine);
+		} else {
+			switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm(dmachine, realm);
+		}
+	}
+	switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine;
+	char *realm = (char *) data;
+	if (zstr(data)) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if ((dmachine = switch_core_session_get_dmachine(session))) {
+		switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(dmachine, realm);
+	}
+#define BIND_DIGIT_ACTION_USAGE "<realm>,<digits|~regex>,<string>,<value>"
+	switch_channel_t *channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+	switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine;
+	char *mydata;
+	int argc = 0;
+	char *argv[4] = { 0 };
+	struct action_binding *act;
+	if (zstr(data)) {
+		return;
+	}
+	mydata = switch_core_session_strdup(session, data);
+	argc = switch_separate_string(mydata, ',', argv, (sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])));
+	if (argc < 4 || zstr(argv[0]) || zstr(argv[1]) || zstr(argv[2]) || zstr(argv[3])) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!(dmachine = switch_core_session_get_dmachine(session))) {
+		uint32_t digit_timeout = 1500;
+		uint32_t input_timeout = 0;
+		const char *var;
+		uint32_t tmp;
+		if ((var = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "bind_digit_digit_timeout"))) {
+			tmp = (uint32_t) atol(var);
+			if (tmp < 0) tmp = 0;
+			digit_timeout = tmp;
+		}
+		if ((var = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "bind_digit_input_timeout"))) {
+			tmp = (uint32_t) atol(var);
+			if (tmp < 0) tmp = 0;
+			input_timeout = tmp;
+		}
+		switch_ivr_dmachine_create(&dmachine, "DPTOOLS", NULL, digit_timeout, input_timeout, NULL, digit_nomatch_action_callback, session);
+		switch_core_session_set_dmachine(session, dmachine);
+	}
+	act = switch_core_session_alloc(session, sizeof(*act));
+	act->realm = argv[0];
+	act->input = argv[1];
+	act->string = argv[2];
+	act->value = argv[3];
+	act->session = session;
+	switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(dmachine, act->realm, act->input, 0, digit_action_callback, act);
 #define DETECT_SPEECH_SYNTAX "<mod_name> <gram_name> <gram_path> [<addr>] OR grammar <gram_name> [<path>] OR pause OR resume"
@@ -3277,6 +3447,17 @@ SWITCH_MODULE_LOAD_FUNCTION(mod_dptools_load)
 	SWITCH_ADD_API(api_interface, "chat", "chat", chat_api_function, "<proto>|<from>|<to>|<message>|[<content-type>]");
 	SWITCH_ADD_API(api_interface, "strftime", "strftime", strftime_api_function, "<format_string>");
 	SWITCH_ADD_API(api_interface, "presence", "presence", presence_api_function, PRESENCE_USAGE);
+	SWITCH_ADD_APP(app_interface, "bind_digit_action", "bind a key sequence or regex to an action", 
+				   "bind a key sequence or regex to an action", bind_digit_action_function, BIND_DIGIT_ACTION_USAGE, SAF_SUPPORT_NOMEDIA);
+	SWITCH_ADD_APP(app_interface, "clear_digit_action", "clear all digit bindings", "", 
+				   clear_digit_action_function, CLEAR_DIGIT_ACTION_USAGE, SAF_SUPPORT_NOMEDIA);
+	SWITCH_ADD_APP(app_interface, "digit_action_set_realm", "change binding realm", "", 
+				   digit_action_set_realm_function, DIGIT_ACTION_SET_REALM_USAGE, SAF_SUPPORT_NOMEDIA);
 	SWITCH_ADD_APP(app_interface, "privacy", "Set privacy on calls", "Set caller privacy on calls.", privacy_function, "off|on|name|full|number",
diff --git a/src/mod/applications/mod_redis/mod_redis.c b/src/mod/applications/mod_redis/mod_redis.c
index 75dfd6fdd7..d20ab934f3 100755
--- a/src/mod/applications/mod_redis/mod_redis.c
+++ b/src/mod/applications/mod_redis/mod_redis.c
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
-SWITCH_MODULE_DEFINITION(mod_redis, mod_redis_load, NULL, mod_redis_shutdown);
+SWITCH_MODULE_DEFINITION(mod_redis, mod_redis_load, mod_redis_shutdown, NULL);
 static struct{
 	char *host;
diff --git a/src/mod/applications/mod_voicemail/mod_voicemail.c b/src/mod/applications/mod_voicemail/mod_voicemail.c
index 860f89788b..758e5dcf25 100644
--- a/src/mod/applications/mod_voicemail/mod_voicemail.c
+++ b/src/mod/applications/mod_voicemail/mod_voicemail.c
@@ -2317,7 +2317,7 @@ static switch_status_t deliver_vm(vm_profile_t *profile,
 								  const char *caller_id_name, 
 								  const char *caller_id_number, 
 								  const char *forwarded_by, 
-								  switch_bool_t copy, const char *use_uuid)
+								  switch_bool_t copy, const char *use_uuid, switch_core_session_t *session)
 	char *file_path = NULL, *dir_path = NULL;
 	const char *myid = switch_xml_attr(x_user, "id");
@@ -2342,7 +2342,9 @@ static switch_status_t deliver_vm(vm_profile_t *profile,
 	switch_status_t ret = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS;
 	char *convert_cmd = profile->convert_cmd;
 	char *convert_ext = profile->convert_ext;
+	int del_file = 0;
 	if (!params) {
 		switch_event_create(&local_event, SWITCH_EVENT_REQUEST_PARAMS);
 		params = local_event;
@@ -2634,14 +2636,35 @@ static switch_status_t deliver_vm(vm_profile_t *profile,
 		if (!insert_db) {
-			if (unlink(file_path) != 0) {
-				switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Failed to delete file [%s]\n", file_path);
+			del_file = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	if (session) {
+		switch_channel_t *channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+		const char *vm_cc;
+		if ((vm_cc = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "vm_cc"))) {
+			char *cmd = switch_core_session_sprintf(session, "%s %s %s '%s' %s@%s %s",
+													vm_cc, file_path, caller_id_number, caller_id_name, myid, domain_name, read_flags);
+			if (voicemail_inject(cmd, session) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+				switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_NOTICE, "Sent Carbon Copy to %s\n", vm_cc);
+			} else {
+				switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to Carbon Copy to %s\n", vm_cc);
+	if (del_file && file_path) {
+		if (unlink(file_path) != 0) {
+			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Failed to delete file [%s]\n", file_path);
+		}
+	}
@@ -2785,7 +2808,7 @@ static switch_status_t voicemail_inject(const char *data, switch_core_session_t
 									switch_event_create(&my_params, SWITCH_EVENT_REQUEST_PARAMS);
 									status =
 										deliver_vm(profile, ux, domain, path, 0, read_flags, my_params, pool, cid_name, cid_num, forwarded_by,
-												   SWITCH_TRUE, session ? switch_core_session_get_uuid(session) : NULL);
+												   SWITCH_TRUE, session ? switch_core_session_get_uuid(session) : NULL, NULL);
@@ -2794,7 +2817,7 @@ static switch_status_t voicemail_inject(const char *data, switch_core_session_t
 							switch_event_create(&my_params, SWITCH_EVENT_REQUEST_PARAMS);
 							status = deliver_vm(profile, ut, domain, path, 0, read_flags, 
 												my_params, pool, cid_name, cid_num, forwarded_by, SWITCH_TRUE, 
-												session ? switch_core_session_get_uuid(session) : NULL);
+												session ? switch_core_session_get_uuid(session) : NULL, NULL);
@@ -2817,7 +2840,7 @@ static switch_status_t voicemail_inject(const char *data, switch_core_session_t
 							switch_event_create(&my_params, SWITCH_EVENT_REQUEST_PARAMS);
 							status = deliver_vm(profile, ut, domain, path, 0, read_flags, 
 												my_params, pool, cid_name, cid_num, forwarded_by, SWITCH_TRUE,
-												session ? switch_core_session_get_uuid(session) : NULL);
+												session ? switch_core_session_get_uuid(session) : NULL, NULL);
@@ -2831,7 +2854,7 @@ static switch_status_t voicemail_inject(const char *data, switch_core_session_t
 				switch_event_create(&my_params, SWITCH_EVENT_REQUEST_PARAMS);
 				status = deliver_vm(profile, ut, domain, path, 0, read_flags, 
 									my_params, pool, cid_name, cid_num, forwarded_by, SWITCH_TRUE,
-									session ? switch_core_session_get_uuid(session) : NULL);
+									session ? switch_core_session_get_uuid(session) : NULL, NULL);
 			} else {
 				status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;
@@ -2889,7 +2912,7 @@ static switch_status_t voicemail_leave_main(switch_core_session_t *session, vm_p
 	const char *caller_id_number = NULL;
 	switch_xml_t x_user = NULL, x_params = NULL, x_param = NULL;
 	switch_event_t *vars = NULL;
-	const char *vm_cc = NULL, *vtmp, *vm_ext = NULL;
+	const char *vtmp, *vm_ext = NULL;
 	int disk_quota = 0;
 	switch_bool_t skip_greeting = switch_true(switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "skip_greeting"));
 	switch_bool_t skip_instructions = switch_true(switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "skip_instructions"));
@@ -3175,20 +3198,9 @@ static switch_status_t voicemail_leave_main(switch_core_session_t *session, vm_p
 		switch_channel_get_variables(channel, &vars);
 		status = deliver_vm(profile, x_user, domain_name, file_path, message_len, read_flags, vars,
 							switch_core_session_get_pool(session), caller_id_name, caller_id_number, NULL, SWITCH_FALSE,
-							session ? switch_core_session_get_uuid(session) : NULL);
+							session ? switch_core_session_get_uuid(session) : NULL, session);
-		if (status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
-			if ((vm_cc = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "vm_cc"))) {
-				char *cmd = switch_core_session_sprintf(session, "%s %s %s '%s' %s@%s %s",
-														vm_cc, file_path, caller_id_number, caller_id_name, id, domain_name, read_flags);
-				if (voicemail_inject(cmd, session) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
-					switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_NOTICE, "Sent Carbon Copy to %s\n", vm_cc);
-				} else {
-					switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to Carbon Copy to %s\n", vm_cc);
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
+		if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
 			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to deliver message\n");
 			TRY_CODE(switch_ivr_phrase_macro(session, VM_ACK_MACRO, "deleted", NULL, NULL));
@@ -3213,7 +3225,7 @@ static switch_status_t voicemail_leave_main(switch_core_session_t *session, vm_p
 #define VM_DESC "voicemail"
-#define VM_USAGE "[check|auth] <profile_name> <domain_name> [<id>]"
+#define VM_USAGE "[check] [auth] <profile_name> <domain_name> [<id>]"
diff --git a/src/mod/codecs/mod_sangoma_codec/mod_sangoma_codec.c b/src/mod/codecs/mod_sangoma_codec/mod_sangoma_codec.c
index ae7468ebcc..c84dac4509 100644
--- a/src/mod/codecs/mod_sangoma_codec/mod_sangoma_codec.c
+++ b/src/mod/codecs/mod_sangoma_codec/mod_sangoma_codec.c
@@ -65,9 +65,6 @@ unsigned long long g_next_session_id = 0;
 /* hash of sessions (I think a linked list suits better here, but FS does not have the data type) */
 static switch_hash_t *g_sessions_hash = NULL;
-/* global memory pool provided by FS */
-static switch_memory_pool_t *g_pool = NULL;
 typedef struct vocallo_codec_s {
 	int codec_id; /* vocallo codec ID */
 	int iana; /* IANA code to register in FS */
@@ -450,25 +447,31 @@ static switch_status_t switch_sangoma_encode(switch_codec_t *codec, switch_codec
 		*encoded_data_len = encoded_frame.datalen;
-	/* update encoding stats */
-	sess->encoder.rx++;
-	now_time = switch_micro_time_now();
-	if (!sess->encoder.last_rx_time) {
-		sess->encoder.last_rx_time = now_time;
-	} else {
-		difftime = now_time - sess->encoder.last_rx_time;
-		sess->encoder.avgrxus = sess->encoder.avgrxus ? ((sess->encoder.avgrxus + difftime)/2) : difftime;
-		sess->encoder.last_rx_time  = now_time;
-	}
-	/* check sequence and bump lost rx packets count if needed */
-	if (sess->encoder.lastrxseqno >= 0) {
-		if (encoded_frame.seq > (sess->encoder.lastrxseqno + 2) ) {
-			sess->encoder.rxlost += encoded_frame.seq - sess->encoder.lastrxseqno - 1;
+	/* update encoding stats if we received a frame */
+	if (*encoded_data_len) {
+		if (*encoded_data_len != codec->implementation->encoded_bytes_per_packet) {
+			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Returning odd encoded frame of %d bytes intead of %d bytes\n", *encoded_data_len, codec->implementation->encoded_bytes_per_packet);
+		sess->encoder.rx++;
+		now_time = switch_micro_time_now();
+		if (!sess->encoder.last_rx_time) {
+			sess->encoder.last_rx_time = now_time;
+		} else {
+			difftime = now_time - sess->encoder.last_rx_time;
+			sess->encoder.avgrxus = sess->encoder.avgrxus ? ((sess->encoder.avgrxus + difftime)/2) : difftime;
+			sess->encoder.last_rx_time  = now_time;
+		}
+		/* check sequence and bump lost rx packets count if needed */
+		if (sess->encoder.lastrxseqno >= 0) {
+			if (encoded_frame.seq > (sess->encoder.lastrxseqno + 2) ) {
+				sess->encoder.rxlost += encoded_frame.seq - sess->encoder.lastrxseqno - 1;
+			}
+		}
+		sess->encoder.lastrxseqno = encoded_frame.seq;
+	} else {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "No output from sangoma encoder\n");
-	sess->encoder.lastrxseqno = encoded_frame.seq;
@@ -573,25 +576,34 @@ static switch_status_t switch_sangoma_decode(switch_codec_t *codec,	/* codec ses
 		*decoded_data_len = i * 2;
-	/* update decoding stats */
-	sess->decoder.rx++;
-	now_time = switch_micro_time_now();
-	if (!sess->decoder.last_rx_time) {
-		sess->decoder.last_rx_time = now_time;
-	} else {
-		difftime = now_time - sess->decoder.last_rx_time;
-		sess->decoder.avgrxus = sess->decoder.avgrxus ? ((sess->decoder.avgrxus + difftime)/2) : difftime;
-		sess->decoder.last_rx_time = now_time;
-	}
-	/* check sequence and bump lost rx packets count if needed */
-	if (sess->decoder.lastrxseqno >= 0) {
-		if (ulaw_frame.seq > (sess->decoder.lastrxseqno + 2) ) {
-			sess->decoder.rxlost += ulaw_frame.seq - sess->decoder.lastrxseqno - 1;
+	if (*decoded_data_len) {
+		if (*decoded_data_len != codec->implementation->decoded_bytes_per_packet) {
+			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Returning odd decoded frame of %d bytes intead of %d bytes\n", *decoded_data_len, codec->implementation->decoded_bytes_per_packet);
+		/* update decoding stats */
+		sess->decoder.rx++;
+		now_time = switch_micro_time_now();
+		if (!sess->decoder.last_rx_time) {
+			sess->decoder.last_rx_time = now_time;
+		} else {
+			difftime = now_time - sess->decoder.last_rx_time;
+			sess->decoder.avgrxus = sess->decoder.avgrxus ? ((sess->decoder.avgrxus + difftime)/2) : difftime;
+			sess->decoder.last_rx_time = now_time;
+		}
+		/* check sequence and bump lost rx packets count if needed */
+		if (sess->decoder.lastrxseqno >= 0) {
+			if (ulaw_frame.seq > (sess->decoder.lastrxseqno + 2) ) {
+				sess->decoder.rxlost += ulaw_frame.seq - sess->decoder.lastrxseqno - 1;
+			}
+		}
+		sess->decoder.lastrxseqno = ulaw_frame.seq;
+	} else {
+		*decoded_data_len = codec->implementation->decoded_bytes_per_packet;
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "No output from sangoma decoder, returning silent frame of %d bytes\n", *decoded_data_len);
+		memset(dbuf_linear, 0, *decoded_data_len);
-	sess->decoder.lastrxseqno = ulaw_frame.seq;
@@ -740,10 +752,14 @@ SWITCH_STANDARD_API(sangoma_function)
 			stream->write_function(stream, "Failed to find session %lu\n", sessid);
 			goto done;
-		stream->write_function(stream, "Session: %lu\n", sessid);
+		stream->write_function(stream, "Stats for transcoding session: %lu\n", sessid);
 		if (sess->encoder.rxrtp) {
 			stats = switch_rtp_get_stats(sess->encoder.rxrtp, NULL);
+			stream->write_function(stream, "=== Encoder ===\n");
+			stream->write_function(stream, "Remote address: %s:%d\n\n", switch_rtp_get_remote_host(sess->encoder.rxrtp), switch_rtp_get_remote_port(sess->encoder.rxrtp));
 			stream->write_function(stream, "-- Encoder Inbound Stats --\n");
 			stream->write_function(stream, "Rx Discarded: %lu\n", sess->encoder.rxdiscarded);
 			sangoma_print_stats(stream, &stats->inbound);
@@ -752,10 +768,16 @@ SWITCH_STANDARD_API(sangoma_function)
 			stats = switch_rtp_get_stats(sess->encoder.txrtp, NULL);
 			stream->write_function(stream, "-- Encoder Outbound Stats --\n");
 			sangoma_print_stats(stream, &stats->outbound);
+		} else {
+			stream->write_function(stream, "\n=== No Encoder ===\n\n");
 		if (sess->decoder.rxrtp) {
 			stats = switch_rtp_get_stats(sess->decoder.rxrtp, NULL);
+			stream->write_function(stream, "=== Decoder ===\n");
+			stream->write_function(stream, "Remote address: %s:%d\n\n", switch_rtp_get_remote_host(sess->decoder.rxrtp), switch_rtp_get_remote_port(sess->decoder.rxrtp));
 			stream->write_function(stream, "-- Decoder Inbound Stats --\n");
 			stream->write_function(stream, "Rx Discarded: %lu\n", sess->decoder.rxdiscarded);
 			sangoma_print_stats(stream, &stats->inbound);
@@ -763,6 +785,8 @@ SWITCH_STANDARD_API(sangoma_function)
 			stats = switch_rtp_get_stats(sess->decoder.txrtp, NULL);
 			stream->write_function(stream, "-- Decoder Outbound Stats --\n");
 			sangoma_print_stats(stream, &stats->outbound);
+		} else {
+			stream->write_function(stream, "\n=== No Decoder ===\n\n");
 	} else {
 		stream->write_function(stream, "Unknown Command [%s]\n", argv[0]);
@@ -894,8 +918,6 @@ SWITCH_MODULE_LOAD_FUNCTION(mod_sangoma_codec_load)
-	g_pool = pool;
 	g_init_cfg.log = sangoma_logger;
 	g_init_cfg.create_rtp = sangoma_create_rtp;
 	g_init_cfg.create_rtp_port = sangoma_create_rtp_port;
diff --git a/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/mod_sofia.c b/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/mod_sofia.c
index 13d304d9ce..36954d2904 100644
--- a/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/mod_sofia.c
+++ b/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/mod_sofia.c
@@ -242,19 +242,18 @@ static switch_status_t sofia_on_execute(switch_core_session_t *session)
-char *generate_pai_str(switch_core_session_t *session)
+char *generate_pai_str(private_object_t *tech_pvt)
-	private_object_t *tech_pvt = (private_object_t *) switch_core_session_get_private(session);
+	switch_core_session_t *session = tech_pvt->session;
 	const char *callee_name = NULL, *callee_number = NULL;
 	const char *var, *header, *ua = switch_channel_get_variable(tech_pvt->channel, "sip_user_agent");
 	char *pai = NULL;
-	if (!sofia_test_pflag(tech_pvt->profile, PFLAG_CID_IN_1XX) ||
+	if (!sofia_test_pflag(tech_pvt->profile, PFLAG_PASS_CALLEE_ID) || !sofia_test_pflag(tech_pvt->profile, PFLAG_CID_IN_1XX) ||
 		((var = switch_channel_get_variable(tech_pvt->channel, "sip_cid_in_1xx")) && switch_false(var))) {
 		return NULL;
 	if (zstr((callee_name = switch_channel_get_variable(tech_pvt->channel, "effective_callee_id_name"))) &&
 		zstr((callee_name = switch_channel_get_variable(tech_pvt->channel, "sip_callee_id_name")))) {
 		callee_name = switch_channel_get_variable(tech_pvt->channel, "callee_id_name");
@@ -521,7 +520,7 @@ switch_status_t sofia_on_hangup(switch_core_session_t *session)
 					switch_channel_set_variable(channel, "sip_hangup_disposition", "send_refuse");
 				if (!sofia_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_BYE)) {
-					char *cid = generate_pai_str(session);
+					char *cid = generate_pai_str(tech_pvt);
 					nua_respond(tech_pvt->nh, sip_cause, sip_status_phrase(sip_cause),
 								TAG_IF(!zstr(reason), SIPTAG_REASON_STR(reason)),
@@ -703,9 +702,9 @@ static switch_status_t sofia_answer_channel(switch_core_session_t *session)
 		char *extra_headers = sofia_glue_get_extra_headers(channel, SOFIA_SIP_RESPONSE_HEADER_PREFIX);
 		char *cid = NULL;
-		if (sofia_test_pflag(tech_pvt->profile, PFLAG_PASS_CALLEE_ID)) {
-			cid = generate_pai_str(session);
-		}
+		cid = generate_pai_str(tech_pvt);
 		if (switch_channel_test_flag(tech_pvt->channel, CF_PROXY_MODE) && tech_pvt->early_sdp && strcmp(tech_pvt->early_sdp, tech_pvt->local_sdp_str)) {
 			/* The SIP RFC for SOA forbids sending a 183 with one sdp then a 200 with another but it won't do us much good unless 
@@ -1968,7 +1967,7 @@ static switch_status_t sofia_receive_message(switch_core_session_t *session, swi
 			} else if (code == 484 && msg->numeric_arg) {
 				const char *to = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "sip_to_uri");
 				const char *max_forwards = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, SWITCH_MAX_FORWARDS_VARIABLE);
-				char *cid = generate_pai_str(session);
+				char *cid = generate_pai_str(tech_pvt);
 				char *to_uri = NULL;
 				if (to) {
@@ -2066,7 +2065,7 @@ static switch_status_t sofia_receive_message(switch_core_session_t *session, swi
 				!switch_channel_test_flag(channel, CF_EARLY_MEDIA) && !switch_channel_test_flag(channel, CF_ANSWERED)) {
 				char *extra_header = sofia_glue_get_extra_headers(channel, SOFIA_SIP_PROGRESS_HEADER_PREFIX);
 				const char *call_info = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "presence_call_info_full");
-				char *cid = generate_pai_str(session);
+				char *cid = generate_pai_str(tech_pvt);
 				switch (ring_ready_val) {
@@ -2187,9 +2186,8 @@ static switch_status_t sofia_receive_message(switch_core_session_t *session, swi
 					char *extra_header = sofia_glue_get_extra_headers(channel, SOFIA_SIP_PROGRESS_HEADER_PREFIX);
 					char *cid = NULL;
-					if (sofia_test_pflag(tech_pvt->profile, PFLAG_PASS_CALLEE_ID)) {
-						cid = generate_pai_str(session);
-					}
+					cid = generate_pai_str(tech_pvt);
 					if (switch_channel_test_flag(tech_pvt->channel, CF_PROXY_MODE) &&
 						tech_pvt->early_sdp && strcmp(tech_pvt->early_sdp, tech_pvt->local_sdp_str)) {
@@ -3176,6 +3174,17 @@ static switch_status_t cmd_profile(char **argv, int argc, switch_stream_handle_t
 		goto done;
+	if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "watchdog")) {
+		if (argc > 2) {
+			int value = switch_true(argv[2]);
+			profile->watchdog_enabled = value;
+			stream->write_function(stream, "%s sip debugging on %s", value ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", profile->name);
+		} else {
+			stream->write_function(stream, "Usage: sofia profile <name> watchdog <on/off>\n");
+		}
+		goto done;
+	}
 	if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "gwlist")) {
 		int up = 1;
@@ -3512,18 +3521,16 @@ SWITCH_STANDARD_API(sofia_function)
 		"[register|unregister] [<gateway name>|all]|"
 		"killgw <gateway name>|"
 		"[stun-auto-disable|stun-enabled] [true|false]]|"
-		"siptrace [on|off]\n"
+		"siptrace <on|off>|"
+		"watchdog <on|off>\n"
 		"sofia status|xmlstatus profile <name> [ reg <contact str> ] | [ pres <pres str> ] | [ user <user@domain> ]\n"
 		"sofia status|xmlstatus gateway <name>\n"
 		"sofia loglevel <all|default|tport|iptsec|nea|nta|nth_client|nth_server|nua|soa|sresolv|stun> [0-9]\n"
 		"sofia tracelevel <console|alert|crit|err|warning|notice|info|debug>\n"
-		"sofa global siptrace [on|off]\n"
+		"sofia global siptrace <on|off>|"
+		"watchdog <on|off>\n"
-	if (session) {
-	}
 	if (zstr(cmd)) {
 		stream->write_function(stream, "%s", usage_string);
 		goto done;
@@ -3574,21 +3581,30 @@ SWITCH_STANDARD_API(sofia_function)
 		stream->write_function(stream, "%s", usage_string);
 		goto done;
 	} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0], "global")) {
-		int on = -1;
+		int ston = -1;
+		int wdon = -1;
 		if (argc > 1) {
 			if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "siptrace")) {
 				if (argc > 2) {
-					on = switch_true(argv[2]);
+					ston = switch_true(argv[2]);
+				}
+			}
+			if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "watchdog")) {
+				if (argc > 2) {
+					wdon = switch_true(argv[2]);
-		if (on != -1) {
-			sofia_glue_global_siptrace(on);
-			stream->write_function(stream, "+OK Global siptrace %s", on ? "on" : "off");
+		if (ston != -1) {
+			sofia_glue_global_siptrace(ston);
+			stream->write_function(stream, "+OK Global siptrace %s", ston ? "on" : "off");
+		} else if (wdon != -1) {
+			sofia_glue_global_watchdog(wdon);
+			stream->write_function(stream, "+OK Global watchdog %s", wdon ? "on" : "off");
 		} else {
-			stream->write_function(stream, "-ERR Usage: siptrace on|off");
+			stream->write_function(stream, "-ERR Usage: siptrace <on|off>|watchdog <on|off>");
 		goto done;
@@ -4670,6 +4686,7 @@ SWITCH_MODULE_LOAD_FUNCTION(mod_sofia_load)
 	switch_console_set_complete("add sofia tracelevel ::[console:alert:crit:err:warning:notice:info:debug");
 	switch_console_set_complete("add sofia global siptrace ::[on:off");
+	switch_console_set_complete("add sofia global watchdog ::[on:off");
 	switch_console_set_complete("add sofia profile");
 	switch_console_set_complete("add sofia profile restart all");
@@ -4685,6 +4702,8 @@ SWITCH_MODULE_LOAD_FUNCTION(mod_sofia_load)
 	switch_console_set_complete("add sofia profile ::sofia::list_profiles killgw ::sofia::list_profile_gateway");
 	switch_console_set_complete("add sofia profile ::sofia::list_profiles siptrace on");
 	switch_console_set_complete("add sofia profile ::sofia::list_profiles siptrace off");
+	switch_console_set_complete("add sofia profile ::sofia::list_profiles watchdog on");
+	switch_console_set_complete("add sofia profile ::sofia::list_profiles watchdog off");
 	switch_console_set_complete("add sofia profile ::sofia::list_profiles gwlist up");
 	switch_console_set_complete("add sofia profile ::sofia::list_profiles gwlist down");
diff --git a/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/mod_sofia.h b/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/mod_sofia.h
index f0ebb55a46..cf4b9a3759 100644
--- a/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/mod_sofia.h
+++ b/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/mod_sofia.h
@@ -562,6 +562,11 @@ struct sofia_profile {
 	char *contact_user;
 	char *local_network;
 	uint32_t trans_timeout;
+	switch_time_t last_sip_event;
+	switch_time_t last_root_step;
+	uint32_t step_timeout;
+	uint32_t event_timeout;
+	int watchdog_enabled;
 struct private_object {
@@ -1016,6 +1021,7 @@ void sofia_glue_tech_simplify(private_object_t *tech_pvt);
 switch_console_callback_match_t *sofia_reg_find_reg_url_multi(sofia_profile_t *profile, const char *user, const char *host);
 switch_bool_t sofia_glue_profile_exists(const char *key);
 void sofia_glue_global_siptrace(switch_bool_t on);
+void sofia_glue_global_watchdog(switch_bool_t on);
 void sofia_glue_proxy_codec(switch_core_session_t *session, const char *r_sdp);
 switch_status_t sofia_glue_sdp_map(const char *r_sdp, switch_event_t **fmtp, switch_event_t **pt);
 void sofia_glue_build_vid_refresh_message(switch_core_session_t *session, const char *pl);
diff --git a/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/sofia.c b/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/sofia.c
index 38e62de4f8..0d69bdb4bb 100644
--- a/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/sofia.c
+++ b/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/sofia.c
@@ -731,6 +731,7 @@ void sofia_event_callback(nua_event_t event,
 	int locked = 0;
 	int check_destroy = 1;
+	profile->last_sip_event = switch_time_now();
 	/* sofia_private will be == &mod_sofia_globals.keep_private whenever a request is done with a new handle that has to be 
 	  freed whenever the request is done */
@@ -1309,6 +1310,40 @@ void *SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC sofia_profile_worker_thread_run(switch_thread_t *thread
 		if (++loops >= 1000) {
+			if (profile->watchdog_enabled) {
+				uint32_t event_diff = 0, step_diff = 0, event_fail = 0, step_fail = 0;
+				if (profile->step_timeout) {
+					step_diff = (uint32_t) ((switch_time_now() - profile->last_root_step) / 1000);
+					if (step_diff > profile->step_timeout) {
+						step_fail = 1;
+					}
+				}
+				if (profile->event_timeout) {
+					event_diff = (uint32_t) ((switch_time_now() - profile->last_sip_event) / 1000);
+					if (event_diff > profile->event_timeout) {
+						event_fail = 1;
+					}
+				}
+				if (step_fail && profile->event_timeout && !event_fail) {
+					step_fail = 0;
+				}
+				if (event_fail || step_fail) {
+					switch_yield(2000);
+					abort();
+				}
+			}
 			if (++ireg_loops >= IREG_SECONDS) {
 				time_t now = switch_epoch_time_now(NULL);
 				sofia_reg_check_expire(profile, now, 0);
@@ -1548,6 +1583,7 @@ void *SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC sofia_profile_thread_run(switch_thread_t *thread, void
 	while (mod_sofia_globals.running == 1 && sofia_test_pflag(profile, PFLAG_RUNNING) && sofia_test_pflag(profile, PFLAG_WORKER_RUNNING)) {
 		su_root_step(profile->s_root, 1000);
+		profile->last_root_step = switch_time_now();
 	sofia_clear_pflag_locked(profile, PFLAG_RUNNING);
@@ -2298,6 +2334,12 @@ switch_status_t reconfig_sofia(sofia_profile_t *profile)
 						} else {
 							sofia_clear_pflag(profile, PFLAG_DEL_SUBS_ON_REG);
+					} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "watchdog-enabled")) {
+						profile->watchdog_enabled = switch_true(val);
+					} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "watchdog-step-timeout")) {
+						profile->step_timeout = (unsigned long) atol(val);
+					} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "watchdog-event-timeout")) {
+						profile->event_timeout = (unsigned long) atol(val);
 					} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "in-dialog-chat")) {
 						if (switch_true(val)) {
 							sofia_set_pflag(profile, PFLAG_IN_DIALOG_CHAT);
@@ -2978,6 +3020,13 @@ switch_status_t config_sofia(int reload, char *profile_name)
 						} else {
 							sofia_clear_pflag(profile, PFLAG_LOG_AUTH_FAIL);
+					} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "watchdog-enabled")) {
+						profile->watchdog_enabled = switch_true(val);
+					} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "watchdog-step-timeout")) {
+						profile->step_timeout = atoi(val);
+					} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "watchdog-event-timeout")) {
+						profile->event_timeout = atoi(val);
 					} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "in-dialog-chat")) {
 						if (switch_true(val)) {
 							sofia_set_pflag(profile, PFLAG_IN_DIALOG_CHAT);
@@ -5028,7 +5077,7 @@ static void sofia_handle_sip_i_state(switch_core_session_t *session, int status,
 		if (channel) {
-			if (sofia_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_EARLY_MEDIA)) {
+			if (sofia_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_EARLY_MEDIA) && !sofia_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_ANS)) {
 				sofia_set_flag_locked(tech_pvt, TFLAG_ANS);
 				sofia_set_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_SDP);
diff --git a/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/sofia_glue.c b/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/sofia_glue.c
index 9d6cff78e7..cb8b257e58 100644
--- a/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/sofia_glue.c
+++ b/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/sofia_glue.c
@@ -1425,9 +1425,12 @@ void sofia_glue_tech_patch_sdp(private_object_t *tech_pvt)
 		if (tech_pvt->adv_sdp_audio_ip && !strncmp("c=IN IP", p, 7)) {
-			strncpy(q, p, 9);
-			p += 9;
-			q += 9;
+			strncpy(q, p, 7);
+			p += 7;
+			q += 7;
+			strncpy(q, strchr(tech_pvt->adv_sdp_audio_ip, ':') ? "6 " : "4 ", 2);
+			p +=2;
+			q +=2;			
 			strncpy(q, tech_pvt->adv_sdp_audio_ip, strlen(tech_pvt->adv_sdp_audio_ip));
 			q += strlen(tech_pvt->adv_sdp_audio_ip);
@@ -4752,6 +4755,26 @@ void sofia_glue_global_siptrace(switch_bool_t on)
+void sofia_glue_global_watchdog(switch_bool_t on)
+	switch_hash_index_t *hi;
+	const void *var;
+	void *val;
+	sofia_profile_t *pptr;
+	switch_mutex_lock(mod_sofia_globals.hash_mutex);
+	if (mod_sofia_globals.profile_hash) {
+		for (hi = switch_hash_first(NULL, mod_sofia_globals.profile_hash); hi; hi = switch_hash_next(hi)) {
+			switch_hash_this(hi, &var, NULL, &val);
+			if ((pptr = (sofia_profile_t *) val)) {
+				pptr->watchdog_enabled = (on ? 1 : 0);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	switch_mutex_unlock(mod_sofia_globals.hash_mutex);
 void sofia_glue_del_profile(sofia_profile_t *profile)
 	sofia_gateway_t *gp;
diff --git a/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/sofia_presence.c b/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/sofia_presence.c
index 3a01e1e003..55b0c5c5ca 100644
--- a/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/sofia_presence.c
+++ b/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/sofia_presence.c
@@ -571,22 +571,22 @@ static void actual_sofia_presence_event_handler(switch_event_t *event)
-				sql = switch_mprintf("select sip_registrations.sip_user, sip_registrations.orig_hostname, sip_registrations.status, "
+				sql = switch_mprintf("select sip_registrations.sip_user, sip_registrations.sip_host, sip_registrations.status, "
 									 "sip_registrations.rpid,'', sip_dialogs.uuid, sip_dialogs.state, sip_dialogs.direction, "
 									 "sip_dialogs.sip_to_user, sip_dialogs.sip_to_host, sip_presence.status,sip_presence.rpid,sip_presence.open_closed,"
 									 "'%q','%q' "
 									 "from sip_registrations left join sip_dialogs on "
 									 "(sip_dialogs.sip_from_user = sip_registrations.sip_user "
-									 "and (sip_dialogs.sip_from_host = sip_registrations.orig_hostname or "
+									 "and (sip_dialogs.sip_from_host = sip_registrations.orig_server_host or "
 									 "sip_dialogs.sip_from_host = sip_registrations.sip_host) ) "
 									 "left join sip_presence on "
-									 "(sip_registrations.sip_user=sip_presence.sip_user and sip_registrations.orig_hostname=sip_presence.sip_host and "
+									 "(sip_registrations.sip_user=sip_presence.sip_user and sip_registrations.orig_server_host=sip_presence.sip_host and "
 									 "sip_registrations.profile_name=sip_presence.profile_name) "
 									 "where sip_registrations.sip_user='%q' and "
-									 "(sip_registrations.orig_hostname='%q' or sip_registrations.sip_host='%q' "
+									 "(sip_registrations.orig_server_host='%q' or sip_registrations.sip_host='%q' "
 									 "or sip_registrations.presence_hosts like '%%%q%%')",
 									 dh.status, dh.rpid, probe_euser, probe_host, probe_host, probe_host);
@@ -742,8 +742,8 @@ static void actual_sofia_presence_event_handler(switch_event_t *event)
 			sofia_glue_execute_sql_callback(profile, NULL, sql, sofia_presence_sub_callback, &helper);
+			switch_safe_free(sql);
 			sql = switch_mprintf("update sip_subscriptions set version=version+1 where event='dialog' and sub_to_user='%q' "
 								 "and (sub_to_host='%q' or presence_hosts like '%%%q%%') "
 								 "and (profile_name = '%q' or presence_hosts != sub_to_host)",
@@ -757,8 +757,6 @@ static void actual_sofia_presence_event_handler(switch_event_t *event)
 								  event->event_id == SWITCH_EVENT_PRESENCE_IN ? "IN" : "OUT", profile->name);
-			switch_safe_free(sql);
 			if (!zstr((char *) helper.stream.data)) {
 				char *this_sql = (char *) helper.stream.data;
 				char *next = NULL;
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/freeswitch_wrap.2010.cxx b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/freeswitch_wrap.2010.cxx
index 882f0626f4..5a2a757e57 100644
--- a/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/freeswitch_wrap.2010.cxx
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/freeswitch_wrap.2010.cxx
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *)("passthru_ptime_mismatch");
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
   char * jresult ;
   char *result = 0 ;
@@ -1685,6 +1695,28 @@ SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_duration_get(void * ja
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_flags_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  int32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  int32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int32_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
 SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_dtmf_t() {
   void * jresult ;
   switch_dtmf_t *result = 0 ;
@@ -3860,6 +3892,151 @@ SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_console_callback_match(void * j
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int)(512);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->dmachine = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) ((arg1)->dmachine);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->match_digits = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->match_digits, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->match_digits = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->match_digits);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  int32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->match_key = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  int32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int32_t) ((arg1)->match_key);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  dm_match_type_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (dm_match_type_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->type = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  dm_match_type_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  result = (dm_match_type_t) ((arg1)->type);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->user_data = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->user_data);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_ivr_dmachine_match() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)new switch_ivr_dmachine_match();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_ivr_dmachine_match(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
 SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_input_callback_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
   switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
   switch_input_callback_function_t arg2 = (switch_input_callback_function_t) 0 ;
@@ -3970,6 +4147,28 @@ SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_user_data_get(void * ja
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_dmachine_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->dmachine = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_dmachine_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) ((arg1)->dmachine);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
 SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_input_args_t() {
   void * jresult ;
   switch_input_args_t *result = 0 ;
@@ -6841,6 +7040,28 @@ SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_soft_unlock(void * jarg1)
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_set_dmachine(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg2; 
+  switch_core_session_set_dmachine(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_get_dmachine(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)switch_core_session_get_dmachine(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
 SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_get_uuid() {
   char * jresult ;
   char *result = 0 ;
@@ -10211,6 +10432,20 @@ SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_in_thread(void * jarg1) {
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_default_ptime(char * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_default_ptime((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
 SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_loadable_module_interface_module_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
   switch_loadable_module_interface *arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_interface *) 0 ;
   char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
@@ -11833,20 +12068,6 @@ SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_char_to_rfc2833(char jarg1) {
-SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_default_ptime(char * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
-  unsigned long jresult ;
-  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
-  uint32_t arg2 ;
-  uint32_t result;
-  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
-  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
-  result = (uint32_t)switch_default_ptime((char const *)arg1,arg2);
-  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
-  return jresult;
 SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_sanitize_number(char * jarg1) {
   char * jresult ;
   char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
@@ -26366,6 +26587,18 @@ SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_broadcast(char * jarg1, char * jarg
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
 SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_transfer_variable(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
   int jresult ;
   switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
@@ -27026,6 +27259,176 @@ SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_uuid_exists(char * jarg1) {
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_create(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3, unsigned long jarg4, unsigned long jarg5, void * jarg6, void * jarg7, void * jarg8) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t **arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t **) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg3 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg4 ;
+  uint32_t arg5 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t arg6 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t arg7 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t) 0 ;
+  void *arg8 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (uint32_t)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (uint32_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (void *)jarg8; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_create(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t **arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t **) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t **)jarg1; 
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4, void * jarg5, void * jarg6) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int32_t arg4 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t arg5 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t) 0 ;
+  void *arg6 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int32_t)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (void *)jarg6; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_feed(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **arg3 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_feed(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_clear(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_clear(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t *)switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
   int jresult ;
   int result;
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/freeswitch_wrap.cxx b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/freeswitch_wrap.cxx
index b3696899ac..82ad8ab61b 100644
--- a/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/freeswitch_wrap.cxx
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/freeswitch_wrap.cxx
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "passthru_ptime_mismatch";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
   char * jresult ;
   char *result = 0 ;
@@ -1422,6 +1433,17 @@ SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SWITCH_EXPORT_VARS_VARIABLE_get() {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "bridge_export_vars";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
   char * jresult ;
   char *result = 0 ;
@@ -1798,6 +1820,29 @@ SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_duration_get(void * ja
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_flags_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  int32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  int32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int32_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
 SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_dtmf_t() {
   void * jresult ;
   switch_dtmf_t *result = 0 ;
@@ -4053,6 +4098,157 @@ SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_console_callback_match(void * j
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 512;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->dmachine = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) ((arg1)->dmachine);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->match_digits = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->match_digits, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->match_digits = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->match_digits);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  int32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->match_key = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  int32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int32_t) ((arg1)->match_key);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  dm_match_type_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (dm_match_type_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->type = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  dm_match_type_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  result = (dm_match_type_t) ((arg1)->type);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->user_data = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->user_data);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_ivr_dmachine_match() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)new switch_ivr_dmachine_match();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_ivr_dmachine_match(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
 SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_input_callback_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
   switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
   switch_input_callback_function_t arg2 = (switch_input_callback_function_t) 0 ;
@@ -4168,6 +4364,29 @@ SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_user_data_get(void * ja
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_dmachine_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->dmachine = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_dmachine_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) ((arg1)->dmachine);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
 SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_input_args_t() {
   void * jresult ;
   switch_input_args_t *result = 0 ;
@@ -4279,7 +4498,7 @@ SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SWITCH_API_VERSION_get() {
   int jresult ;
   int result;
-  result = (int) 4;
+  result = (int) 5;
   jresult = result; 
   return jresult;
@@ -7111,6 +7330,28 @@ SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_soft_unlock(void * jarg1)
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_set_dmachine(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg2; 
+  switch_core_session_set_dmachine(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_get_dmachine(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)switch_core_session_get_dmachine(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
 SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_get_uuid() {
   char * jresult ;
   char *result = 0 ;
@@ -8198,6 +8439,24 @@ SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_codec_copy(void * jarg1, void * ja
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_codec_parse_fmtp(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned long jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg3 ;
+  switch_codec_fmtp_t *arg4 = (switch_codec_fmtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_codec_fmtp_t *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_codec_parse_fmtp((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
 SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_codec_reset(void * jarg1) {
   int jresult ;
   switch_codec_t *arg1 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
@@ -10469,6 +10728,20 @@ SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_in_thread(void * jarg1) {
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_default_ptime(char * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_default_ptime((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
 SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_loadable_module_interface_module_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
   switch_loadable_module_interface *arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_interface *) 0 ;
   char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
@@ -11836,6 +12109,18 @@ SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_is_digit_string(char * jarg1) {
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_known_bitrate(unsigned char jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_payload_t arg1 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_payload_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_known_bitrate(arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
 SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_fd_read_line(int jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
   void * jresult ;
   int arg1 ;
@@ -12100,20 +12385,6 @@ SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_char_to_rfc2833(char jarg1) {
-SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_default_ptime(char * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
-  unsigned long jresult ;
-  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
-  uint32_t arg2 ;
-  uint32_t result;
-  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
-  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
-  result = (uint32_t)switch_default_ptime((char const *)arg1,arg2);
-  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
-  return jresult;
 SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_sanitize_number(char * jarg1) {
   char * jresult ;
   char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
@@ -22988,36 +23259,54 @@ SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_variable_partner(void *
-SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_export_variable_var_check(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_export_variable_var_check(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, int jarg5) {
   int jresult ;
   switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
   char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
   char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
-  switch_bool_t arg4 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg5 ;
   switch_status_t result;
   arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
   arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
   arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
-  arg4 = (switch_bool_t)jarg4; 
-  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_export_variable_var_check(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_bool_t)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_export_variable_var_check(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5);
   jresult = result; 
   return jresult;
-SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_export_variable_printf(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_process_export(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg2 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *arg3 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_event_t *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  switch_channel_process_export(arg1,arg2,arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_export_variable_printf(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
   int jresult ;
   switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
   char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
   char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
-  void *arg4 = 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *arg5 = 0 ;
   switch_status_t result;
   arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
   arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
   arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
-  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_export_variable_printf(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_export_variable_printf(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5);
   jresult = result; 
   return jresult;
@@ -26986,6 +27275,18 @@ SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_broadcast(char * jarg1, char * jarg
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
 SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_transfer_variable(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
   int jresult ;
   switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
@@ -27646,6 +27947,176 @@ SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_uuid_exists(char * jarg1) {
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_create(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3, unsigned long jarg4, unsigned long jarg5, void * jarg6, void * jarg7, void * jarg8) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t **arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t **) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg3 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg4 ;
+  uint32_t arg5 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t arg6 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t arg7 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t) 0 ;
+  void *arg8 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (uint32_t)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (uint32_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (void *)jarg8; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_create(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t **arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t **) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t **)jarg1; 
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4, void * jarg5, void * jarg6) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int32_t arg4 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t arg5 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t) 0 ;
+  void *arg6 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int32_t)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (void *)jarg6; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_feed(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **arg3 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_feed(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_clear(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_clear(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t *)switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_dmachine_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
   int jresult ;
   int result;
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/managed/FreeSWITCH.Managed.csproj b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/managed/FreeSWITCH.Managed.csproj
index 7875d8e6a8..9b8f827202 100644
--- a/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/managed/FreeSWITCH.Managed.csproj
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/managed/FreeSWITCH.Managed.csproj
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-    <OutputPath>..\..\..\..\..\managed\debug\</OutputPath>
+    <OutputPath>..\..\..\..\..\Debug\mod\</OutputPath>
@@ -27,11 +27,27 @@
   <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
-    <OutputPath>..\..\..\..\..\managed\release\</OutputPath>
+    <OutputPath>..\..\..\..\..\Release\mod\</OutputPath>
+  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|x64' ">
+    <DebugSymbols>true</DebugSymbols>
+    <OutputPath>..\..\..\..\..\x64\Debug\mod\</OutputPath>
+    <DefineConstants>DEBUG;TRACE</DefineConstants>
+    <DebugType>full</DebugType>
+    <PlatformTarget>x64</PlatformTarget>
+    <ErrorReport>prompt</ErrorReport>
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x64' ">
+    <OutputPath>..\..\..\..\..\x64\Release\mod\</OutputPath>
+    <DefineConstants>TRACE</DefineConstants>
+    <Optimize>true</Optimize>
+    <DebugType>pdbonly</DebugType>
+    <PlatformTarget>x64</PlatformTarget>
+    <ErrorReport>prompt</ErrorReport>
+  </PropertyGroup>
     <Reference Include="System" />
     <Reference Include="System.Core">
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/managed/swig.2010.cs b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/managed/swig.2010.cs
index 1d89787ebb..682b3bd0c5 100644
--- a/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/managed/swig.2010.cs
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/managed/swig.2010.cs
@@ -440,6 +440,22 @@ public class CoreSession : IDisposable {
 namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+public enum dm_match_type_t {
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 2.0.0
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
@@ -509,6 +525,21 @@ public class DTMF : IDisposable {
 namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+public enum dtmf_flag_t {
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 2.0.0
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
@@ -1301,6 +1332,16 @@ public class freeswitch {
+  public static void switch_core_session_set_dmachine(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session session, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_core_session_set_dmachine(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.getCPtr(session), SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine));
+  }
+  public static SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine switch_core_session_get_dmachine(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session session) {
+    IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_core_session_get_dmachine(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.getCPtr(session));
+    SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine(cPtr, false);
+    return ret;
+  }
   public static string switch_core_get_uuid() {
     string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_core_get_uuid();
     return ret;
@@ -2314,6 +2355,11 @@ public class freeswitch {
     return ret;
+  public static uint switch_default_ptime(string name, uint number) {
+    uint ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_default_ptime(name, number);
+    return ret;
+  }
   public static switch_status_t switch_loadable_module_init(switch_bool_t autoload) {
     switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_loadable_module_init((int)autoload);
     return ret;
@@ -2735,11 +2781,6 @@ public class freeswitch {
     return ret;
-  public static uint switch_default_ptime(string name, uint number) {
-    uint ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_default_ptime(name, number);
-    return ret;
-  }
   public static string switch_sanitize_number(string number) {
     string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_sanitize_number(number);
     return ret;
@@ -4144,6 +4185,10 @@ public class freeswitch {
     return ret;
+  public static void switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session session, string app, int flags) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.getCPtr(session), app, flags);
+  }
   public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_transfer_variable(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session sessa, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session sessb, string var) {
     switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_transfer_variable(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.getCPtr(sessa), SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.getCPtr(sessb), var);
     return ret;
@@ -4348,6 +4393,64 @@ public class freeswitch {
     return ret;
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_create(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine_p, string name, SWIGTYPE_p_apr_pool_t pool, uint digit_timeout, uint input_timeout, SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t match_callback, SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t nonmatch_callback, SWIGTYPE_p_void user_data) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_create(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine_p), name, SWIGTYPE_p_apr_pool_t.getCPtr(pool), digit_timeout, input_timeout, SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t.getCPtr(match_callback), SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t.getCPtr(nonmatch_callback), SWIGTYPE_p_void.getCPtr(user_data));
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static void switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine));
+  }
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, string realm, string digits, int key, SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t callback, SWIGTYPE_p_void user_data) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), realm, digits, key, SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t.getCPtr(callback), SWIGTYPE_p_void.getCPtr(user_data));
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_feed(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, string digits, SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match match) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_feed(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), digits, SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match.getCPtr(match));
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_clear(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_clear(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine));
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match match_p) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match.getCPtr(match_p));
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static switch_ivr_dmachine_match switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine) {
+    IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine));
+    switch_ivr_dmachine_match ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new switch_ivr_dmachine_match(cPtr, false);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static string switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine) {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine));
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static void switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, uint digit_timeout_ms) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), digit_timeout_ms);
+  }
+  public static void switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, uint input_timeout_ms) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), input_timeout_ms);
+  }
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, string realm) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), realm);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, string realm) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), realm);
+    return ret;
+  }
   public static switch_status_t switch_rtp_add_crypto_key(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_rtp rtp_session, switch_rtp_crypto_direction_t direction, uint index, switch_rtp_crypto_key_type_t type, SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_char key, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_size_t keylen) {
     switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_rtp_add_crypto_key(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_rtp.getCPtr(rtp_session), (int)direction, index, (int)type, SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_char.getCPtr(key), SWIGTYPE_p_switch_size_t.getCPtr(keylen));
     if (freeswitchPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw freeswitchPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
@@ -5188,6 +5291,7 @@ public class freeswitch {
   public static readonly string SWITCH_READ_RESULT_VARIABLE = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_READ_RESULT_VARIABLE_get();
@@ -5264,6 +5368,7 @@ public class freeswitch {
   public static readonly int SWITCH_CORE_QUEUE_LEN = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_CORE_QUEUE_LEN_get();
   public static readonly int SWITCH_RTP_CNG_PAYLOAD = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_RTP_CNG_PAYLOAD_get();
+  public static readonly int DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN = freeswitchPINVOKE.DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN_get();
   public static readonly int SWITCH_API_VERSION = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_API_VERSION_get();
   public static readonly int SWITCH_CORE_DB_OK = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_CORE_DB_OK_get();
   public static readonly int SWITCH_CORE_DB_ERROR = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_CORE_DB_ERROR_get();
@@ -5714,6 +5819,9 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_SWITCH_CURRENT_APPLICATION_RESPONSE_VARIABLE_get")]
   public static extern string SWITCH_CURRENT_APPLICATION_RESPONSE_VARIABLE_get();
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_SWITCH_PASSTHRU_PTIME_MISMATCH_VARIABLE_get")]
+  public static extern string SWITCH_PASSTHRU_PTIME_MISMATCH_VARIABLE_get();
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_SWITCH_ENABLE_HEARTBEAT_EVENTS_VARIABLE_get")]
   public static extern string SWITCH_ENABLE_HEARTBEAT_EVENTS_VARIABLE_get();
@@ -5915,6 +6023,12 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_duration_get")]
   public static extern uint switch_dtmf_t_duration_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_flags_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_dtmf_t_flags_set(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_flags_get")]
+  public static extern int switch_dtmf_t_flags_get(HandleRef jarg1);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_switch_dtmf_t")]
   public static extern IntPtr new_switch_dtmf_t();
@@ -6470,6 +6584,45 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_switch_console_callback_match")]
   public static extern void delete_switch_console_callback_match(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN_get")]
+  public static extern int DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN_get();
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_set(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_get")]
+  public static extern IntPtr switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_set(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_get")]
+  public static extern string switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_set(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_get")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_set(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_get")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_set(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_get")]
+  public static extern IntPtr switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_switch_ivr_dmachine_match")]
+  public static extern IntPtr new_switch_ivr_dmachine_match();
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_switch_ivr_dmachine_match")]
+  public static extern void delete_switch_ivr_dmachine_match(HandleRef jarg1);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_input_args_t_input_callback_set")]
   public static extern void switch_input_args_t_input_callback_set(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
@@ -6500,6 +6653,12 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_input_args_t_user_data_get")]
   public static extern IntPtr switch_input_args_t_user_data_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_input_args_t_dmachine_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_input_args_t_dmachine_set(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_input_args_t_dmachine_get")]
+  public static extern IntPtr switch_input_args_t_dmachine_get(HandleRef jarg1);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_switch_input_args_t")]
   public static extern IntPtr new_switch_input_args_t();
@@ -7202,6 +7361,12 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_core_session_soft_unlock")]
   public static extern void switch_core_session_soft_unlock(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_core_session_set_dmachine")]
+  public static extern void switch_core_session_set_dmachine(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_core_session_get_dmachine")]
+  public static extern IntPtr switch_core_session_get_dmachine(HandleRef jarg1);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_core_get_uuid")]
   public static extern string switch_core_get_uuid();
@@ -7970,6 +8135,9 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_core_session_in_thread")]
   public static extern int switch_core_session_in_thread(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_default_ptime")]
+  public static extern uint switch_default_ptime(string jarg1, uint jarg2);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_loadable_module_interface_module_name_set")]
   public static extern void switch_loadable_module_interface_module_name_set(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
@@ -8336,9 +8504,6 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_char_to_rfc2833")]
   public static extern byte switch_char_to_rfc2833(char jarg1);
-  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_default_ptime")]
-  public static extern uint switch_default_ptime(string jarg1, uint jarg2);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_sanitize_number")]
   public static extern string switch_sanitize_number(string jarg1);
@@ -11849,6 +12014,9 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_broadcast")]
   public static extern int switch_ivr_broadcast(string jarg1, string jarg2, uint jarg3);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, int jarg3);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_transfer_variable")]
   public static extern int switch_ivr_transfer_variable(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, string jarg3);
@@ -11972,6 +12140,42 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_uuid_exists")]
   public static extern int switch_ivr_uuid_exists(string jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_create")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_create(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, HandleRef jarg3, uint jarg4, uint jarg5, HandleRef jarg6, HandleRef jarg7, HandleRef jarg8);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_bind")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, int jarg4, HandleRef jarg5, HandleRef jarg6);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_feed")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_feed(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, HandleRef jarg3);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_clear")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_clear(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_ping")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match")]
+  public static extern IntPtr switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits")]
+  public static extern string switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_SWITCH_RTP_MAX_BUF_LEN_get")]
   public static extern int SWITCH_RTP_MAX_BUF_LEN_get();
@@ -15466,6 +15670,36 @@ namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 2.0.0
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
 public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_menu_p_char_p_char_size_t_p_void__switch_ivr_action_t {
   private HandleRef swigCPtr;
@@ -16846,6 +17080,66 @@ namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 2.0.0
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 2.0.0
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
 public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu {
   private HandleRef swigCPtr;
@@ -17686,6 +17980,36 @@ namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 2.0.0
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
 public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu {
   private HandleRef swigCPtr;
@@ -20927,6 +21251,8 @@ public enum switch_channel_flag_t {
@@ -23499,6 +23825,16 @@ public class switch_dtmf_t : IDisposable {
+  public int flags {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_dtmf_t_flags_set(swigCPtr, value);
+    } 
+    get {
+      int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_dtmf_t_flags_get(swigCPtr);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
   public switch_dtmf_t() : this(freeswitchPINVOKE.new_switch_dtmf_t(), true) {
@@ -25078,6 +25414,17 @@ public class switch_input_args_t : IDisposable {
+  public SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_input_args_t_dmachine_set(swigCPtr, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(value));
+    } 
+    get {
+      IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_input_args_t_dmachine_get(swigCPtr);
+      SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine(cPtr, false);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
   public switch_input_args_t() : this(freeswitchPINVOKE.new_switch_input_args_t(), true) {
@@ -26387,6 +26734,107 @@ public enum switch_ivr_action_t {
 namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class switch_ivr_dmachine_match : IDisposable {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+  internal switch_ivr_dmachine_match(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+    swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(switch_ivr_dmachine_match obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+  ~switch_ivr_dmachine_match() {
+    Dispose();
+  }
+  public virtual void Dispose() {
+    lock(this) {
+      if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+        if (swigCMemOwn) {
+          swigCMemOwn = false;
+          freeswitchPINVOKE.delete_switch_ivr_dmachine_match(swigCPtr);
+        }
+        swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+      }
+      GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+    }
+  }
+  public SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_set(swigCPtr, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(value));
+    } 
+    get {
+      IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_get(swigCPtr);
+      SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine(cPtr, false);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public string match_digits {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_set(swigCPtr, value);
+    } 
+    get {
+      string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_get(swigCPtr);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public int match_key {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_set(swigCPtr, value);
+    } 
+    get {
+      int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_get(swigCPtr);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public dm_match_type_t type {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_set(swigCPtr, (int)value);
+    } 
+    get {
+      dm_match_type_t ret = (dm_match_type_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_get(swigCPtr);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public SWIGTYPE_p_void user_data {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_set(swigCPtr, SWIGTYPE_p_void.getCPtr(value));
+    } 
+    get {
+      IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_get(swigCPtr);
+      SWIGTYPE_p_void ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SWIGTYPE_p_void(cPtr, false);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public switch_ivr_dmachine_match() : this(freeswitchPINVOKE.new_switch_ivr_dmachine_match(), true) {
+  }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 2.0.0
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
 public enum switch_ivr_menu_flags {
@@ -29377,6 +29825,7 @@ public enum switch_status_t {
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/managed/swig.cs b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/managed/swig.cs
index f30750a191..2beb015ffc 100644
--- a/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/managed/swig.cs
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/managed/swig.cs
@@ -436,6 +436,22 @@ public class CoreSession : IDisposable {
 namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+public enum dm_match_type_t {
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
@@ -503,6 +519,21 @@ public class DTMF : IDisposable {
 namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+public enum dtmf_flag_t {
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
@@ -1291,6 +1322,16 @@ public class freeswitch {
+  public static void switch_core_session_set_dmachine(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session session, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_core_session_set_dmachine(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.getCPtr(session), SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine));
+  }
+  public static SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine switch_core_session_get_dmachine(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session session) {
+    IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_core_session_get_dmachine(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.getCPtr(session));
+    SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine(cPtr, false);
+    return ret;
+  }
   public static string switch_core_get_uuid() {
     string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_core_get_uuid();
     return ret;
@@ -1673,6 +1714,11 @@ public class freeswitch {
     return ret;
+  public static switch_status_t switch_core_codec_parse_fmtp(string codec_name, string fmtp, uint rate, switch_codec_fmtp codec_fmtp) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_core_codec_parse_fmtp(codec_name, fmtp, rate, switch_codec_fmtp.getCPtr(codec_fmtp));
+    return ret;
+  }
   public static switch_status_t switch_core_codec_reset(switch_codec codec) {
     switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_core_codec_reset(switch_codec.getCPtr(codec));
     return ret;
@@ -2299,6 +2345,11 @@ public class freeswitch {
     return ret;
+  public static uint switch_default_ptime(string name, uint number) {
+    uint ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_default_ptime(name, number);
+    return ret;
+  }
   public static switch_status_t switch_loadable_module_init(switch_bool_t autoload) {
     switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_loadable_module_init((int)autoload);
     return ret;
@@ -2635,6 +2686,11 @@ public class freeswitch {
     return ret;
+  public static uint switch_known_bitrate(byte payload) {
+    uint ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_known_bitrate(payload);
+    return ret;
+  }
   public static SWIGTYPE_p_switch_size_t switch_fd_read_line(int fd, string buf, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_size_t len) {
     SWIGTYPE_p_switch_size_t ret = new SWIGTYPE_p_switch_size_t(freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_fd_read_line(fd, buf, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_size_t.getCPtr(len)), true);
     if (freeswitchPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw freeswitchPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
@@ -2715,11 +2771,6 @@ public class freeswitch {
     return ret;
-  public static uint switch_default_ptime(string name, uint number) {
-    uint ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_default_ptime(name, number);
-    return ret;
-  }
   public static string switch_sanitize_number(string number) {
     string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_sanitize_number(number);
     return ret;
@@ -3178,13 +3229,17 @@ public class freeswitch {
     return ret;
-  public static switch_status_t switch_channel_export_variable_var_check(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel channel, string varname, string value, switch_bool_t var_check) {
-    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_channel_export_variable_var_check(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel.getCPtr(channel), varname, value, (int)var_check);
+  public static switch_status_t switch_channel_export_variable_var_check(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel channel, string varname, string val, string export_varname, switch_bool_t var_check) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_channel_export_variable_var_check(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel.getCPtr(channel), varname, val, export_varname, (int)var_check);
     return ret;
-  public static switch_status_t switch_channel_export_variable_printf(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel channel, string varname, string fmt) {
-    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_channel_export_variable_printf(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel.getCPtr(channel), varname, fmt);
+  public static void switch_channel_process_export(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel channel, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel peer_channel, switch_event var_event, string export_varname) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_channel_process_export(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel.getCPtr(channel), SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel.getCPtr(peer_channel), switch_event.getCPtr(var_event), export_varname);
+  }
+  public static switch_status_t switch_channel_export_variable_printf(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel channel, string varname, string export_varname, string fmt) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_channel_export_variable_printf(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel.getCPtr(channel), varname, export_varname, fmt);
     return ret;
@@ -4120,6 +4175,10 @@ public class freeswitch {
     return ret;
+  public static void switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session session, string app, int flags) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.getCPtr(session), app, flags);
+  }
   public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_transfer_variable(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session sessa, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session sessb, string var) {
     switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_transfer_variable(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.getCPtr(sessa), SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.getCPtr(sessb), var);
     return ret;
@@ -4324,6 +4383,64 @@ public class freeswitch {
     return ret;
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_create(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine_p, string name, SWIGTYPE_p_apr_pool_t pool, uint digit_timeout, uint input_timeout, SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t match_callback, SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t nonmatch_callback, SWIGTYPE_p_void user_data) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_create(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine_p), name, SWIGTYPE_p_apr_pool_t.getCPtr(pool), digit_timeout, input_timeout, SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t.getCPtr(match_callback), SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t.getCPtr(nonmatch_callback), SWIGTYPE_p_void.getCPtr(user_data));
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static void switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine));
+  }
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, string realm, string digits, int key, SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t callback, SWIGTYPE_p_void user_data) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), realm, digits, key, SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t.getCPtr(callback), SWIGTYPE_p_void.getCPtr(user_data));
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_feed(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, string digits, SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match match) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_feed(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), digits, SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match.getCPtr(match));
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_clear(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_clear(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine));
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match match_p) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match.getCPtr(match_p));
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static switch_ivr_dmachine_match switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine) {
+    IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine));
+    switch_ivr_dmachine_match ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new switch_ivr_dmachine_match(cPtr, false);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static string switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine) {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine));
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static void switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, uint digit_timeout_ms) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), digit_timeout_ms);
+  }
+  public static void switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, uint input_timeout_ms) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), input_timeout_ms);
+  }
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, string realm) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), realm);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public static switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine, string realm) {
+    switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(dmachine), realm);
+    return ret;
+  }
   public static switch_status_t switch_rtp_add_crypto_key(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_rtp rtp_session, switch_rtp_crypto_direction_t direction, uint index, switch_rtp_crypto_key_type_t type, SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_char key, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_size_t keylen) {
     switch_status_t ret = (switch_status_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_rtp_add_crypto_key(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_rtp.getCPtr(rtp_session), (int)direction, index, (int)type, SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_char.getCPtr(key), SWIGTYPE_p_switch_size_t.getCPtr(keylen));
     if (freeswitchPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw freeswitchPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
@@ -5164,6 +5281,7 @@ public class freeswitch {
   public static readonly string SWITCH_READ_RESULT_VARIABLE = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_READ_RESULT_VARIABLE_get();
@@ -5196,6 +5314,7 @@ public class freeswitch {
   public static readonly string SWITCH_HOLD_MUSIC_VARIABLE = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_HOLD_MUSIC_VARIABLE_get();
   public static readonly string SWITCH_EXPORT_VARS_VARIABLE = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_EXPORT_VARS_VARIABLE_get();
   public static readonly string SWITCH_R_SDP_VARIABLE = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_R_SDP_VARIABLE_get();
   public static readonly string SWITCH_L_SDP_VARIABLE = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_L_SDP_VARIABLE_get();
   public static readonly string SWITCH_B_SDP_VARIABLE = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_B_SDP_VARIABLE_get();
@@ -5239,6 +5358,7 @@ public class freeswitch {
   public static readonly int SWITCH_CORE_QUEUE_LEN = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_CORE_QUEUE_LEN_get();
   public static readonly int SWITCH_RTP_CNG_PAYLOAD = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_RTP_CNG_PAYLOAD_get();
+  public static readonly int DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN = freeswitchPINVOKE.DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN_get();
   public static readonly int SWITCH_API_VERSION = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_API_VERSION_get();
   public static readonly int SWITCH_CORE_DB_OK = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_CORE_DB_OK_get();
   public static readonly int SWITCH_CORE_DB_ERROR = freeswitchPINVOKE.SWITCH_CORE_DB_ERROR_get();
@@ -5685,6 +5805,9 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_SWITCH_CURRENT_APPLICATION_RESPONSE_VARIABLE_get")]
   public static extern string SWITCH_CURRENT_APPLICATION_RESPONSE_VARIABLE_get();
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_SWITCH_PASSTHRU_PTIME_MISMATCH_VARIABLE_get")]
+  public static extern string SWITCH_PASSTHRU_PTIME_MISMATCH_VARIABLE_get();
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_SWITCH_ENABLE_HEARTBEAT_EVENTS_VARIABLE_get")]
   public static extern string SWITCH_ENABLE_HEARTBEAT_EVENTS_VARIABLE_get();
@@ -5781,6 +5904,9 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_SWITCH_EXPORT_VARS_VARIABLE_get")]
   public static extern string SWITCH_EXPORT_VARS_VARIABLE_get();
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_SWITCH_BRIDGE_EXPORT_VARS_VARIABLE_get")]
+  public static extern string SWITCH_BRIDGE_EXPORT_VARS_VARIABLE_get();
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_SWITCH_R_SDP_VARIABLE_get")]
   public static extern string SWITCH_R_SDP_VARIABLE_get();
@@ -5883,6 +6009,12 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_duration_get")]
   public static extern uint switch_dtmf_t_duration_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_flags_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_dtmf_t_flags_set(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_flags_get")]
+  public static extern int switch_dtmf_t_flags_get(HandleRef jarg1);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_switch_dtmf_t")]
   public static extern IntPtr new_switch_dtmf_t();
@@ -6438,6 +6570,45 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_switch_console_callback_match")]
   public static extern void delete_switch_console_callback_match(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN_get")]
+  public static extern int DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN_get();
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_set(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_get")]
+  public static extern IntPtr switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_set(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_get")]
+  public static extern string switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_set(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_get")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_set(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_get")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_set(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_get")]
+  public static extern IntPtr switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_switch_ivr_dmachine_match")]
+  public static extern IntPtr new_switch_ivr_dmachine_match();
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_switch_ivr_dmachine_match")]
+  public static extern void delete_switch_ivr_dmachine_match(HandleRef jarg1);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_input_args_t_input_callback_set")]
   public static extern void switch_input_args_t_input_callback_set(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
@@ -6468,6 +6639,12 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_input_args_t_user_data_get")]
   public static extern IntPtr switch_input_args_t_user_data_get(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_input_args_t_dmachine_set")]
+  public static extern void switch_input_args_t_dmachine_set(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_input_args_t_dmachine_get")]
+  public static extern IntPtr switch_input_args_t_dmachine_get(HandleRef jarg1);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_switch_input_args_t")]
   public static extern IntPtr new_switch_input_args_t();
@@ -7170,6 +7347,12 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_core_session_soft_unlock")]
   public static extern void switch_core_session_soft_unlock(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_core_session_set_dmachine")]
+  public static extern void switch_core_session_set_dmachine(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_core_session_get_dmachine")]
+  public static extern IntPtr switch_core_session_get_dmachine(HandleRef jarg1);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_core_get_uuid")]
   public static extern string switch_core_get_uuid();
@@ -7401,6 +7584,9 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_core_codec_copy")]
   public static extern int switch_core_codec_copy(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, HandleRef jarg3);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_core_codec_parse_fmtp")]
+  public static extern int switch_core_codec_parse_fmtp(string jarg1, string jarg2, uint jarg3, HandleRef jarg4);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_core_codec_reset")]
   public static extern int switch_core_codec_reset(HandleRef jarg1);
@@ -7935,6 +8121,9 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_core_session_in_thread")]
   public static extern int switch_core_session_in_thread(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_default_ptime")]
+  public static extern uint switch_default_ptime(string jarg1, uint jarg2);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_loadable_module_interface_module_name_set")]
   public static extern void switch_loadable_module_interface_module_name_set(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
@@ -8253,6 +8442,9 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_is_digit_string")]
   public static extern int switch_is_digit_string(string jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_known_bitrate")]
+  public static extern uint switch_known_bitrate(byte jarg1);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_fd_read_line")]
   public static extern IntPtr switch_fd_read_line(int jarg1, string jarg2, HandleRef jarg3);
@@ -8298,9 +8490,6 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_char_to_rfc2833")]
   public static extern byte switch_char_to_rfc2833(char jarg1);
-  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_default_ptime")]
-  public static extern uint switch_default_ptime(string jarg1, uint jarg2);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_sanitize_number")]
   public static extern string switch_sanitize_number(string jarg1);
@@ -10966,10 +11155,13 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   public static extern string switch_channel_get_variable_partner(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_channel_export_variable_var_check")]
-  public static extern int switch_channel_export_variable_var_check(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, int jarg4);
+  public static extern int switch_channel_export_variable_var_check(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4, int jarg5);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_channel_process_export")]
+  public static extern void switch_channel_process_export(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, HandleRef jarg3, string jarg4);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_channel_export_variable_printf")]
-  public static extern int switch_channel_export_variable_printf(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+  public static extern int switch_channel_export_variable_printf(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_channel_get_variable_dup")]
   public static extern string switch_channel_get_variable_dup(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, int jarg3);
@@ -11808,6 +12000,9 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_broadcast")]
   public static extern int switch_ivr_broadcast(string jarg1, string jarg2, uint jarg3);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, int jarg3);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_transfer_variable")]
   public static extern int switch_ivr_transfer_variable(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, string jarg3);
@@ -11931,6 +12126,42 @@ class freeswitchPINVOKE {
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_uuid_exists")]
   public static extern int switch_ivr_uuid_exists(string jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_create")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_create(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, HandleRef jarg3, uint jarg4, uint jarg5, HandleRef jarg6, HandleRef jarg7, HandleRef jarg8);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_bind")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, int jarg4, HandleRef jarg5, HandleRef jarg6);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_feed")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_feed(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, HandleRef jarg3);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_clear")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_clear(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_ping")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match")]
+  public static extern IntPtr switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits")]
+  public static extern string switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits(HandleRef jarg1);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms")]
+  public static extern void switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+  [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm")]
+  public static extern int switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
   [DllImport("mod_managed", EntryPoint="CSharp_SWITCH_RTP_MAX_BUF_LEN_get")]
   public static extern int SWITCH_RTP_MAX_BUF_LEN_get();
@@ -15417,6 +15648,36 @@ namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
 public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_media_bug_p_void_enum_switch_abc_type_t__switch_bool_t {
   private HandleRef swigCPtr;
@@ -16767,6 +17028,66 @@ namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_dmachine_match obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
 public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu {
   private HandleRef swigCPtr;
@@ -17607,6 +17928,36 @@ namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
 public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t {
   private HandleRef swigCPtr;
@@ -20848,6 +21199,8 @@ public enum switch_channel_flag_t {
@@ -23384,6 +23737,16 @@ public class switch_dtmf_t : IDisposable {
+  public int flags {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_dtmf_t_flags_set(swigCPtr, value);
+    } 
+    get {
+      int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_dtmf_t_flags_get(swigCPtr);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
   public switch_dtmf_t() : this(freeswitchPINVOKE.new_switch_dtmf_t(), true) {
@@ -24949,6 +25312,17 @@ public class switch_input_args_t : IDisposable {
+  public SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_input_args_t_dmachine_set(swigCPtr, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(value));
+    } 
+    get {
+      IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_input_args_t_dmachine_get(swigCPtr);
+      SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine(cPtr, false);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
   public switch_input_args_t() : this(freeswitchPINVOKE.new_switch_input_args_t(), true) {
@@ -26230,6 +26604,105 @@ public enum switch_ivr_action_t {
 namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class switch_ivr_dmachine_match : IDisposable {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+  internal switch_ivr_dmachine_match(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+    swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(switch_ivr_dmachine_match obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+  ~switch_ivr_dmachine_match() {
+    Dispose();
+  }
+  public virtual void Dispose() {
+    lock(this) {
+      if(swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero && swigCMemOwn) {
+        swigCMemOwn = false;
+        freeswitchPINVOKE.delete_switch_ivr_dmachine_match(swigCPtr);
+      }
+      swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+      GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+    }
+  }
+  public SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine dmachine {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_set(swigCPtr, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine.getCPtr(value));
+    } 
+    get {
+      IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_dmachine_get(swigCPtr);
+      SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_dmachine(cPtr, false);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public string match_digits {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_set(swigCPtr, value);
+    } 
+    get {
+      string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_digits_get(swigCPtr);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public int match_key {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_set(swigCPtr, value);
+    } 
+    get {
+      int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_match_key_get(swigCPtr);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public dm_match_type_t type {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_set(swigCPtr, (int)value);
+    } 
+    get {
+      dm_match_type_t ret = (dm_match_type_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_type_get(swigCPtr);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public SWIGTYPE_p_void user_data {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_set(swigCPtr, SWIGTYPE_p_void.getCPtr(value));
+    } 
+    get {
+      IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.switch_ivr_dmachine_match_user_data_get(swigCPtr);
+      SWIGTYPE_p_void ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SWIGTYPE_p_void(cPtr, false);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public switch_ivr_dmachine_match() : this(freeswitchPINVOKE.new_switch_ivr_dmachine_match(), true) {
+  }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
 public enum switch_ivr_menu_flags {
@@ -29186,6 +29659,7 @@ public enum switch_status_t {
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/runswig.2010.cmd b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/runswig.2010.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..288c420efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/runswig.2010.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+move freeswitch_wrap.cxx freeswitch_wrap.bak
+\dev\swig20\swig.exe -I..\..\..\include -v -O -c++ -csharp -namespace FreeSWITCH.Native -dllimport mod_managed -DSWIG_CSHARP_NO_STRING_HELPER freeswitch.i 
+del swig.csx
+move freeswitch_wrap.cxx freeswitch_wrap.2010.cxx
+move freeswitch_wrap.bak freeswitch_wrap.cxx
+for %%X in (*.cs) do type %%X >> swig.csx
+move swig.csx managed\swig.2010.cs
+del *.cs
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/runswig.cmd b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/runswig.cmd
index 9b1a659061..631a507a20 100644
--- a/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/runswig.cmd
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_managed/runswig.cmd
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\dev\swig\swig.exe -I..\..\..\include -v -O -c++ -csharp -namespace FreeSWITCH.Native -dllimport mod_managed -DSWIG_CSHARP_NO_STRING_HELPER freeswitch.i 
+\dev\swig135\swig.exe -I..\..\..\include -v -O -c++ -csharp -namespace FreeSWITCH.Native -dllimport mod_managed -DSWIG_CSHARP_NO_STRING_HELPER freeswitch.i 
 del swig.csx
 for %%X in (*.cs) do type %%X >> swig.csx
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_perl/mod_perl_wrap.cpp b/src/mod/languages/mod_perl/mod_perl_wrap.cpp
index 370c88bc99..2efbdf1abc 100644
--- a/src/mod/languages/mod_perl/mod_perl_wrap.cpp
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_perl/mod_perl_wrap.cpp
@@ -9732,17 +9732,17 @@ XS(SWIG_init) {
   SWIG_TypeClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_IVRMenu, (void*) "freeswitch::IVRMenu");
   SWIG_TypeClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_API, (void*) "freeswitch::API");
   SWIG_TypeClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_input_callback_state, (void*) "freeswitch::input_callback_state_t");
-  /*@SWIG:/usr/share/swig/1.3.35/perl5/perltypemaps.swg,64,%set_constant@*/ do {
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/perl5/perltypemaps.swg,64,%set_constant@*/ do {
     SV *sv = get_sv((char*) SWIG_prefix "S_HUP", TRUE | 0x2 | GV_ADDMULTI);
     sv_setsv(sv, SWIG_From_int  SWIG_PERL_CALL_ARGS_1(static_cast< int >(S_HUP)));
   } while(0) /*@SWIG@*/;
-  /*@SWIG:/usr/share/swig/1.3.35/perl5/perltypemaps.swg,64,%set_constant@*/ do {
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/perl5/perltypemaps.swg,64,%set_constant@*/ do {
     SV *sv = get_sv((char*) SWIG_prefix "S_FREE", TRUE | 0x2 | GV_ADDMULTI);
     sv_setsv(sv, SWIG_From_int  SWIG_PERL_CALL_ARGS_1(static_cast< int >(S_FREE)));
   } while(0) /*@SWIG@*/;
-  /*@SWIG:/usr/share/swig/1.3.35/perl5/perltypemaps.swg,64,%set_constant@*/ do {
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/perl5/perltypemaps.swg,64,%set_constant@*/ do {
     SV *sv = get_sv((char*) SWIG_prefix "S_RDLOCK", TRUE | 0x2 | GV_ADDMULTI);
     sv_setsv(sv, SWIG_From_int  SWIG_PERL_CALL_ARGS_1(static_cast< int >(S_RDLOCK)));
diff --git a/src/mod/say/mod_say_ja/mod_say_ja.c b/src/mod/say/mod_say_ja/mod_say_ja.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..407d2d4a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mod/say/mod_say_ja/mod_say_ja.c
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, Anthony Minessale II
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * * Neither the name of the original author; nor the names of any contributors
+ * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ * without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ *
+ * Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
+ * Braga Bruno <bruno.braga@gmail.com>
+ *
+ *
+ * mod_say_ja.c -- Say for Japanese.
+ *
+ */
+#include <switch.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+SWITCH_MODULE_DEFINITION(mod_say_ja, mod_say_ja_load, NULL, NULL);
+#define say_num(num, meth) {											\
+		char tmp[80];													\
+		switch_status_t tstatus;										\
+		switch_say_method_t smeth = say_args->method;					\
+		switch_say_type_t stype = say_args->type;						\
+		say_args->type = SST_ITEMS; say_args->method = meth;			\
+		switch_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%u", (unsigned)num);			\
+		if ((tstatus =													\
+			 ja_say_general_count(session, tmp, say_args, args))		\
+			!= SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {									\
+			return tstatus;												\
+		}																\
+		say_args->method = smeth; say_args->type = stype;				\
+	}																	\
+#define say_file(...) {													\
+		char tmp[80];													\
+		switch_status_t tstatus;										\
+		switch_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), __VA_ARGS__);					\
+		if ((tstatus =													\
+			 switch_ivr_play_file(session, NULL, tmp, args))			\
+			!= SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS){									\
+			return tstatus;												\
+		}																\
+		if (!switch_channel_ready(switch_core_session_get_channel(session))) { \
+			return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;									\
+		}}																\
+static switch_status_t ja_say_general_count(switch_core_session_t *session, char *tosay, switch_say_args_t *say_args, switch_input_args_t *args)
+	int in;
+	char sbuf[13] = "";
+	char digits[11];
+	int i;
+	if (!(tosay = switch_strip_commas(tosay, sbuf, sizeof(sbuf))) || strlen(tosay) > 9) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Parse Error!\n");
+	}
+	in = atoi(tosay);
+	if (in != 0) {
+		snprintf(digits, sizeof(digits), "%10.10d", in);
+		switch (say_args->method) {
+		case SSM_COUNTED:
+			say_file("digits/ordinal.wav");
+			/* Fall through */
+			for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
+				switch (i) {
+				case 0:
+					/* Billions column */
+					if (digits[i] != '0') {
+						if (digits[i] != '1')
+							say_file("digits/%c.wav", digits[i]);
+						say_file("digits/10.wav");
+						if (memcmp(digits + 1, "0", 1) == 0)
+							say_file("digits/100000000.wav", digits[i]);
+					}
+					break;
+				case 1:
+					/* Hundred millions columns */
+					if (digits[i] != '0') {
+						say_file("digits/%c.wav", digits[i]);
+						say_file("digits/100000000.wav", digits[i]);
+					}
+					break;
+				case 2:
+					/* Ten millions column */
+					if (digits[i] != '0') {
+						say_file("digits/%c.wav", digits[i]);
+						say_file("digits/1000.wav");
+						if (memcmp(digits + 3, "000", 3) == 0)
+							say_file("digits/10000.wav", digits[i]);
+					}
+					break;
+				case 3:
+					/* Millions column */
+					if (digits[i] != '0') {
+						say_file("digits/%c.wav", digits[i]);
+						say_file("digits/100.wav");
+						if (memcmp(digits + 4, "00", 2) == 0)
+							say_file("digits/10000.wav", digits[i]);
+					}
+					break;
+				case 4:
+					/* Hundred thousands column */
+					if (digits[i] != '0') {
+						if (digits[i] != '1')
+							say_file("digits/%c.wav", digits[i]);
+						say_file("digits/10.wav");
+						if (memcmp(digits + 5, "0", 1) == 0)
+							say_file("digits/10000.wav", digits[i]);
+					}
+					break;
+				case 5:
+					/* Ten thousands column */
+					if (digits[i] != '0') {
+						say_file("digits/%c.wav", digits[i]);
+						say_file("digits/10000.wav");
+					}
+					break;
+				case 6:
+					/* thousands column */
+					if (digits[i] != '0') {
+						switch (digits[i]) {
+						case '1':
+							if (memcmp(digits, "000000", 6) != 0) {
+								say_file("digits/1000s.wav");
+							} else {
+								say_file("digits/1000.wav");
+							}
+							break;
+						case '3':
+							say_file("digits/3000.wav");
+							break;
+						default:
+							say_file("digits/%c.wav", digits[i]);
+							say_file("digits/1000.wav");
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					break;
+				case 7:
+					/* hundreds column */
+					if (digits[i] != '0') {
+						switch (digits[i]) {
+						case '1':
+							say_file("digits/100.wav");
+							break;
+						case '3':
+							say_file("digits/300.wav");
+							break;
+						case '6':
+							say_file("digits/600.wav");
+							break;
+						case '8':
+							say_file("digits/800.wav");
+							break;
+						default:
+							say_file("digits/%c.wav", digits[i]);
+							say_file("digits/100.wav");
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					break;
+				case 8:
+					/* Tens column */
+					if (digits[i] != '0') {
+						if (digits[i] != '1')
+							say_file("digits/%c.wav", digits[i]);
+						say_file("digits/10.wav");
+					}
+					break;
+				case 9:
+					/* Units column */
+					if (digits[i] != '0')
+						say_file("digits/%c.wav", digits[i]);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+			{
+				char *p;
+				for (p = tosay; p && *p; p++)
+					say_file("digits/%c.wav", *p);
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	} else {
+		say_file("digits/0.wav");
+	}
+static switch_status_t ja_say_time(switch_core_session_t *session, char *tosay, switch_say_args_t *say_args, switch_input_args_t *args)
+	int32_t t;
+	switch_time_t target = 0;
+	switch_time_exp_t tm;
+	uint8_t say_date = 0;
+	uint8_t say_time = 0;
+	int mod_min;
+	char buffer[3];
+	if (say_args->type == SST_TIME_MEASUREMENT) {
+		int64_t hours = 0;
+		int64_t minutes = 0;
+		int64_t seconds = 0;
+		int64_t r = 0;
+		if (strchr(tosay, ':')) {
+			char *tme = switch_core_session_strdup(session, tosay);
+			char *p;
+			if ((p = strrchr(tme, ':'))) {
+				*p++ = '\0';
+				seconds = atoi(p);
+				if ((p = strchr(tme, ':'))) {
+					*p++ = '\0';
+					minutes = atoi(p);
+					if (tme) {
+						hours = atoi(tme);
+					}
+				} else {
+					minutes = atoi(tme);
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			if ((seconds = atoi(tosay)) <= 0) {
+				seconds = (int64_t) switch_epoch_time_now(NULL);
+			}
+			if (seconds >= 60) {
+				minutes = seconds / 60;
+				r = seconds % 60;
+				seconds = r;
+			}
+			if (minutes >= 60) {
+				hours = minutes / 60;
+				r = minutes % 60;
+				minutes = r;
+			}
+		}
+		if (hours) {
+			say_num(hours, SSM_PRONOUNCED);
+			say_file("time/hours.wav");
+		}
+		if (minutes) {
+			say_num(minutes, SSM_PRONOUNCED);
+			say_file("time/minute.wav");
+		} else {
+			if (hours) {
+				say_file("digits/0.wav");
+				say_file("time/minute.wav");
+			}
+		}
+		if (seconds) {
+			say_num(hours, SSM_PRONOUNCED);
+			say_file("time/seconds.wav");
+		} else {
+			if (hours || minutes) {
+				say_file("digits/0.wav");
+				say_file("time/second.wav");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ((t = atoi(tosay)) > 0)
+		target = switch_time_make(t, 0);
+	else
+		target = switch_micro_time_now();
+	switch_time_exp_lt(&tm, target);
+	switch (say_args->type) {
+		say_date = say_time = 1;
+		break;
+		say_date = 1;
+		break;
+		say_time = 1;
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	if (say_date) {
+		say_num(tm.tm_year + 1900, SSM_PRONOUNCED);
+		say_file("time/year.wav");
+		say_file("time/month-%d.wav", tm.tm_mon);
+		say_file("time/day-%d.wav", tm.tm_mday);
+	}
+	if (say_time) {
+		int32_t hour = tm.tm_hour;
+		if (hour < 12) {
+			say_file("time/am.wav");
+		} else {
+			say_file("time/pm.wav");
+		}
+		say_file("time/hour-%d.wav", tm.tm_hour);
+		if (tm.tm_min > 10) {
+	    		int temp;
+                	char tch[1+1];
+                	mod_min = tm.tm_min % 10;
+                	memset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer));
+                	memset(tch,0,sizeof(tch));
+                	sprintf(buffer, "%d", tm.tm_min);
+                	memcpy(tch,buffer,1);
+                	temp = atoi(tch);
+			if (temp > 1){
+    				say_num(temp,SSM_PRONOUNCED);
+			}
+	    		if (mod_min != 0){
+				say_file("digits/10.wav");
+			}
+			else{
+				mod_min = 10;
+			}
+		} else {
+			mod_min = tm.tm_min;
+		}
+        	switch(mod_min) {
+			case 0:
+				say_file("time/oclock.wav", mod_min);
+				break;
+	        	case 1:
+	        	case 3:
+		        case 4:
+		        case 6:
+		        case 8:
+		        case 10:
+				say_file("time/min-%d.wav", mod_min);
+			    	break;
+	        	default:
+		    		say_num(mod_min, SSM_PRONOUNCED);
+				say_file("time/minute.wav");
+			    	break;
+        	}
+	}
+static switch_status_t ja_say_money(switch_core_session_t *session, char *tosay, switch_say_args_t *say_args, switch_input_args_t *args)
+	char sbuf[16] = "";			/* enough for 999,999,999,999.99 (w/o the commas or leading $) */
+	char *dollars = NULL;
+	char *cents = NULL;
+	if (strlen(tosay) > 15 || !(tosay = switch_strip_nonnumerics(tosay, sbuf, sizeof(sbuf)))) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Parse Error!\n");
+	}
+	dollars = sbuf;
+	if ((cents = strchr(sbuf, '.'))) {
+		*cents++ = '\0';
+		if (strlen(cents) > 2) {
+			cents[2] = '\0';
+		}
+	}
+	/* If positive sign - skip over" */
+	if (sbuf[0] == '+') {
+		dollars++;
+	}
+	/* If negative say "negative" */
+	if (sbuf[0] == '-') {
+		say_file("currency/negative.wav");
+		dollars++;
+	}
+	/* Say dollar amount */
+	ja_say_general_count(session, dollars, say_args, args);
+	say_file("currency/dollar.wav");
+	/* Say cents */
+	if (cents) {
+		ja_say_general_count(session, cents, say_args, args);
+	} else {
+		say_file("digits/0.wav");
+	}
+	say_file("currency/cent.wav");
+static switch_status_t ja_say(switch_core_session_t *session, char *tosay, switch_say_args_t *say_args, switch_input_args_t *args)
+	switch_say_callback_t say_cb = NULL;
+	switch (say_args->type) {
+	case SST_NUMBER:
+	case SST_ITEMS:
+		say_cb = ja_say_general_count;
+		break;
+		say_cb = ja_say_time;
+		break;
+		return switch_ivr_say_ip(session, tosay, ja_say_general_count, say_args, args);
+		break;
+		return switch_ivr_say_spell(session, tosay, say_args, args);
+		break;
+		say_cb = ja_say_money;
+		break;
+	default:
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Unknown Say type=[%d]\n", say_args->type);
+		break;
+	}
+	if (say_cb) {
+		return say_cb(session, tosay, say_args, args);
+	}
+	switch_say_interface_t *say_interface;
+	/* connect my internal structure to the blank pointer passed to me */
+	*module_interface = switch_loadable_module_create_module_interface(pool, modname);
+	say_interface = switch_loadable_module_create_interface(*module_interface, SWITCH_SAY_INTERFACE);
+	say_interface->interface_name = "ja";
+	say_interface->say_function = ja_say;
+	/* indicate that the module should continue to be loaded */
+/* For Emacs:
+ * Local Variables:
+ * mode:c
+ * indent-tabs-mode:t
+ * tab-width:4
+ * c-basic-offset:4
+ * End:
+ * For VIM:
+ * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4:
+ */
diff --git a/src/switch_channel.c b/src/switch_channel.c
index 81baa2f40d..9e76b46a5a 100644
--- a/src/switch_channel.c
+++ b/src/switch_channel.c
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_channel_queue_dtmf(switch_channel_t *chan
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_channel_queue_dtmf_string(switch_channel_t *channel, const char *dtmf_string)
 	char *p;
-	switch_dtmf_t dtmf = { 0, switch_core_default_dtmf_duration(0) };
+	switch_dtmf_t dtmf = { 0, switch_core_default_dtmf_duration(0), 0};
 	int sent = 0, dur;
 	char *string;
 	int i, argc;
@@ -410,6 +410,11 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_channel_queue_dtmf_string(switch_channel_
+	if (*dtmf_string == '!') {
+		dtmf_string++;
+		dtmf.flags = DTMF_FLAG_SKIP_PROCESS;
+	}
 	string = switch_core_session_strdup(channel->session, dtmf_string);
 	argc = switch_separate_string(string, '+', argv, (sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])));
@@ -2559,6 +2564,10 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_channel_perform_mark_pre_answered(switch_
 			switch_core_session_execute_application(channel->session, app, arg);
+		if ((var = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, SWITCH_PASSTHRU_PTIME_MISMATCH_VARIABLE))) {
+			switch_channel_set_flag(channel, CF_PASSTHRU_PTIME_MISMATCH);
+		}
 		/* if we're the child of another channel and the other channel is in a blocking read they will never realize we have answered so send 
 		   a SWITCH_SIG_BREAK to interrupt any blocking reads on that channel
@@ -2686,6 +2695,10 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_channel_perform_mark_answered(switch_chan
+	if ((var = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, SWITCH_PASSTHRU_PTIME_MISMATCH_VARIABLE))) {
+		switch_channel_set_flag(channel, CF_PASSTHRU_PTIME_MISMATCH);
+	}
 	if ((var = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, SWITCH_ENABLE_HEARTBEAT_EVENTS_VARIABLE))) {
 		uint32_t seconds = 60;
 		int tmp;
@@ -2894,14 +2907,15 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(char *) switch_channel_expand_variables(switch_channel_t *channel
 				p = e > endof_indup ? endof_indup : e;
-				if ((vval = strchr(vname, '('))) {
+				if ((vval = strchr(vname, '(')) || (vval = strchr(vname, ' '))) {
+					if (*vval == '(') br = 1;
 					e = vval - 1;
 					*vval++ = '\0';
 					while (*e == ' ') {
 						*e-- = '\0';
 					e = vval;
-					br = 1;
 					while (e && *e) {
 						if (*e == '(') {
diff --git a/src/switch_core.c b/src/switch_core.c
index 2c33b341de..1275b906e7 100644
--- a/src/switch_core.c
+++ b/src/switch_core.c
@@ -1275,6 +1275,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_init(switch_core_flag_t flags, switc
 	switch_event_create_plain(&runtime.global_vars, SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_DATA);
 	switch_core_hash_init(&runtime.mime_types, runtime.memory_pool);
+	switch_core_hash_init_case(&runtime.ptimes, runtime.memory_pool, SWITCH_FALSE);
 	runtime.flags |= flags;
 	runtime.sps_total = 30;
@@ -1405,13 +1406,56 @@ static void handle_SIGHUP(int sig)
+SWITCH_DECLARE(uint32_t) switch_default_ptime(const char *name, uint32_t number)
+	uint32_t *p;
+	if ((p = switch_core_hash_find(runtime.ptimes, name))) {
+		return *p;
+	}
+	return 20;
+static uint32_t d_30 = 30;
 static void switch_load_core_config(const char *file)
 	switch_xml_t xml = NULL, cfg = NULL;
+	switch_core_hash_insert(runtime.ptimes, "ilbc", &d_30);
+	switch_core_hash_insert(runtime.ptimes, "G723", &d_30);
 	if ((xml = switch_xml_open_cfg(file, &cfg, NULL))) {
 		switch_xml_t settings, param;
+		if ((settings = switch_xml_child(cfg, "default-ptimes"))) {
+			for (param = switch_xml_child(settings, "codec"); param; param = param->next) {
+				const char *var = switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "name");
+				const char *val = switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "ptime");
+				if (!zstr(var) && !zstr(val)) {
+					uint32_t *p;
+					uint32_t v = (unsigned long) atol(val);
+					if (!strcasecmp(var, "G723") || !strcasecmp(var, "iLBC")) {
+						switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Error adding %s, defaults cannot be changed\n", var);
+						continue;
+					}
+					if (v < 0) {
+						switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Error adding %s, invalid ptime\n", var);
+						continue;
+					}
+					p = switch_core_alloc(runtime.memory_pool, sizeof(*p));
+					*p = v;
+					switch_core_hash_insert(runtime.ptimes, var, p);
+				}
+			}
+		}
 		if ((settings = switch_xml_child(cfg, "settings"))) {
 			for (param = switch_xml_child(settings, "param"); param; param = param->next) {
 				const char *var = switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "name");
@@ -1973,6 +2017,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_destroy(void)
+	switch_core_hash_destroy(&runtime.ptimes);
 	if (IP_LIST.hash) {
diff --git a/src/switch_core_codec.c b/src/switch_core_codec.c
index d45d73ed76..9b607ea873 100644
--- a/src/switch_core_codec.c
+++ b/src/switch_core_codec.c
@@ -137,9 +137,11 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_session_set_read_codec(switch_core_s
 				memset(&session->read_impl, 0, sizeof(session->read_impl));
 			old->next = NULL;
 			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "%s Restore previous codec %s:%d.\n",
-							  session->read_codec->implementation->iananame, session->read_codec->implementation->ianacode);
+							  session->read_impl.iananame ? session->read_impl.iananame : "N/A", session->read_impl.ianacode);
 		} else if (session->real_read_codec) {
 			session->read_codec = session->real_read_codec;
diff --git a/src/switch_core_io.c b/src/switch_core_io.c
index 1eb224bda1..4e6d2fc6a2 100644
--- a/src/switch_core_io.c
+++ b/src/switch_core_io.c
@@ -126,7 +126,11 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_session_read_frame(switch_core_sessi
+	if (session->dmachine && !switch_channel_test_flag(session->channel, CF_BROADCAST)) {
+		switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(session->dmachine, NULL);
+	}
 	if (switch_channel_down(session->channel) || !switch_core_codec_ready(session->read_codec)) {
 		*frame = NULL;
@@ -653,7 +657,8 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_session_write_frame(switch_core_sess
 		if (session->write_impl.codec_id == frame->codec->implementation->codec_id ||
 			session->write_impl.microseconds_per_packet != frame->codec->implementation->microseconds_per_packet) {
 			ptime_mismatch = TRUE;
-			if (switch_test_flag(frame->codec, SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_PASSTHROUGH) || switch_test_flag(session->read_codec, SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_PASSTHROUGH)) {
+			if ((switch_test_flag(frame->codec, SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_PASSTHROUGH) || switch_test_flag(session->read_codec, SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_PASSTHROUGH)) ||
+				switch_channel_test_flag(session->channel, CF_PASSTHRU_PTIME_MISMATCH)) {
 				status = perform_write(session, frame, flags, stream_id);
 				goto error;
@@ -1149,6 +1154,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_session_recv_dtmf(switch_core_sessio
 	switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf_t *ptr;
 	switch_status_t status;
 	switch_dtmf_t new_dtmf;
+	int fed = 0;
 	if (switch_channel_down(session->channel)) {
@@ -1170,12 +1176,21 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_session_recv_dtmf(switch_core_sessio
 		new_dtmf.duration = switch_core_default_dtmf_duration(0);
-	for (ptr = session->event_hooks.recv_dtmf; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) {
-		if ((status = ptr->recv_dtmf(session, &new_dtmf, SWITCH_DTMF_RECV)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
-			return status;
+	if (!switch_test_flag(dtmf, DTMF_FLAG_SKIP_PROCESS)) {
+		if (session->dmachine && !switch_channel_test_flag(session->channel, CF_BROADCAST)) {
+			char str[2] = { dtmf->digit, '\0' };
+			switch_ivr_dmachine_feed(session->dmachine, str, NULL);
+			fed = 1;
+		}
+		for (ptr = session->event_hooks.recv_dtmf; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) {
+			if ((status = ptr->recv_dtmf(session, &new_dtmf, SWITCH_DTMF_RECV)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+				return status;
+			}
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_session_send_dtmf(switch_core_session_t *session, const switch_dtmf_t *dtmf)
diff --git a/src/switch_core_session.c b/src/switch_core_session.c
index 9e942fea5e..c8aca7dbc6 100644
--- a/src/switch_core_session.c
+++ b/src/switch_core_session.c
@@ -38,6 +38,16 @@
 struct switch_session_manager session_manager;
+SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_core_session_set_dmachine(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine)
+	session->dmachine = dmachine;
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *) switch_core_session_get_dmachine(switch_core_session_t *session)
+	return session->dmachine;
 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_core_session_soft_lock(switch_core_session_t *session, uint32_t sec)
 	session->soft_lock = sec;
@@ -1094,6 +1104,10 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_core_session_perform_destroy(switch_core_session_t *
+	if ((*session)->dmachine) {
+		switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(&(*session)->dmachine);
+	}
 	pool = (*session)->pool;
 	//#ifndef NDEBUG
 	//memset(*session, 0, sizeof(switch_core_session_t));
diff --git a/src/switch_core_sqldb.c b/src/switch_core_sqldb.c
index 7e427b5f03..c467a23a62 100644
--- a/src/switch_core_sqldb.c
+++ b/src/switch_core_sqldb.c
@@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ static void *SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC switch_core_sql_db_thread(switch_thread_t *threa
 	while (sql_manager.db_thread_running == 1) {
 		if (++sec == SQL_CACHE_TIMEOUT) {
-			wake_thread(1);
+			wake_thread(0);
 			sec = 0;
@@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ static void core_event_handler(switch_event_t *event)
 				switch_queue_push(sql_manager.sql_queue[0], sql[i]);
 			sql[i] = NULL;
-			wake_thread(1);
+			wake_thread(0);
@@ -1705,7 +1705,7 @@ void switch_core_sqldb_stop(void)
 			switch_queue_push(sql_manager.sql_queue[0], NULL);
 			switch_queue_push(sql_manager.sql_queue[1], NULL);
 			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CONSOLE, "Waiting for unfinished SQL transactions\n");
-			wake_thread(1);
+			wake_thread(0);
 		sql_manager.thread_running = -1;
diff --git a/src/switch_event.c b/src/switch_event.c
index 4b1e28aebf..f782c15900 100644
--- a/src/switch_event.c
+++ b/src/switch_event.c
@@ -1644,14 +1644,15 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(char *) switch_event_expand_headers(switch_event_t *event, const
 				p = e > endof_indup ? endof_indup : e;
-				if ((vval = strchr(vname, '('))) {
+				if ((vval = strchr(vname, '(')) || (vval = strchr(vname, ' '))) {
+					if (*vval == '(') br = 1;
 					e = vval - 1;
 					*vval++ = '\0';
 					while (*e == ' ') {
 						*e-- = '\0';
 					e = vval;
-					br = 1;
 					while (e && *e) {
 						if (*e == '(') {
diff --git a/src/switch_ivr.c b/src/switch_ivr.c
index ef360d3148..744072c145 100644
--- a/src/switch_ivr.c
+++ b/src/switch_ivr.c
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_sleep(switch_core_session_t *session,
 			   if you return anything but SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS the playback will stop.
 			if (switch_channel_has_dtmf(channel)) {
-				if (!args->input_callback && !args->buf) {
+				if (!args->input_callback && !args->buf && !args->dmachine) {
 					status = SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK;
@@ -271,6 +271,12 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_sleep(switch_core_session_t *session,
+		if (args && args->dmachine) {
+			if ((status = switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(args->dmachine, NULL)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+				break;
+			}
+		}
 		if (sval && write_frame.datalen) {
 			switch_generate_sln_silence((int16_t *) write_frame.data, write_frame.samples, sval);
 			switch_core_session_write_frame(session, &write_frame, SWITCH_IO_FLAG_NONE, 0);
@@ -923,12 +929,21 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_collect_digits_callback(switch_core_s
 		if (switch_channel_has_dtmf(channel)) {
-			if (!args->input_callback && !args->buf) {
+			if (!args->input_callback && !args->buf && !args->dmachine) {
 				status = SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK;
 			switch_channel_dequeue_dtmf(channel, &dtmf);
-			status = args->input_callback(session, (void *) &dtmf, SWITCH_INPUT_TYPE_DTMF, args->buf, args->buflen);
+			if (args->dmachine) {
+				char ds[2] = {dtmf.digit, '\0'};
+				if ((status = switch_ivr_dmachine_feed(args->dmachine, ds, NULL)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+					break;
+				}
+			} else if (args->input_callback) {
+				status = args->input_callback(session, (void *) &dtmf, SWITCH_INPUT_TYPE_DTMF, args->buf, args->buflen);
+			}
 			if (digit_timeout) {
 				digit_started = switch_micro_time_now();
diff --git a/src/switch_ivr_async.c b/src/switch_ivr_async.c
index 1fee5f99ab..9bfa27eae7 100644
--- a/src/switch_ivr_async.c
+++ b/src/switch_ivr_async.c
@@ -45,34 +45,45 @@ struct switch_ivr_dmachine_binding {
 typedef struct switch_ivr_dmachine_binding switch_ivr_dmachine_binding_t;
-#define DM_MAX_DIGIT_LEN 512
+typedef struct {
+	switch_ivr_dmachine_binding_t *binding_list;
+	switch_ivr_dmachine_binding_t *tail;
+} dm_binding_head_t;
 struct switch_ivr_dmachine {
 	switch_memory_pool_t *pool;
 	switch_byte_t my_pool;
+	char *name;
 	uint32_t digit_timeout_ms;
 	uint32_t input_timeout_ms;
-	switch_ivr_dmachine_binding_t *binding_list;
-	switch_ivr_dmachine_binding_t *tail;
-	switch_ivr_dmachine_binding_t *last_matching_binding;
+	switch_hash_t *binding_hash;
 	switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t match;
-	char digits[DM_MAX_DIGIT_LEN];
-	char last_matching_digits[DM_MAX_DIGIT_LEN];
+	char digits[DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN];
+	char last_matching_digits[DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN];
+	char last_failed_digits[DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN];
 	uint32_t cur_digit_len;
 	uint32_t max_digit_len;
 	switch_time_t last_digit_time;
 	switch_byte_t is_match;
+	switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t match_callback;
+	switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t nonmatch_callback;
+	dm_binding_head_t *realm;
+	switch_ivr_dmachine_binding_t *last_matching_binding;
+	void *user_data;
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_create(switch_ivr_dmachine_t **dmachine_p, 
-																switch_memory_pool_t *pool,
-																uint32_t digit_timeout_ms, uint32_t input_timeout_ms)
+														   const char *name,
+														   switch_memory_pool_t *pool,
+														   uint32_t digit_timeout_ms, 
+														   uint32_t input_timeout_ms,
+														   switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t match_callback,
+														   switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t nonmatch_callback,
+														   void *user_data)
 	switch_byte_t my_pool = !!pool;
 	switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine;
-	if (digit_timeout_ms < 1 || input_timeout_ms < 1) return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;
 	if (!pool) {
@@ -83,12 +94,36 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_create(switch_ivr_dmachine_t
 	dmachine->digit_timeout_ms = digit_timeout_ms;
 	dmachine->input_timeout_ms = input_timeout_ms;
 	dmachine->match.dmachine = dmachine;
-	*dmachine_p = dmachine;
+	dmachine->name = switch_core_strdup(dmachine->pool, name);
+	switch_core_hash_init(&dmachine->binding_hash, dmachine->pool);
+	if (match_callback) {
+		dmachine->match_callback = match_callback;
+	}
+	if (nonmatch_callback) {
+		dmachine->nonmatch_callback = nonmatch_callback;
+	}
+	dmachine->user_data = user_data;
+	*dmachine_p = dmachine;
+SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_ivr_dmachine_set_digit_timeout_ms(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, uint32_t digit_timeout_ms)
+	dmachine->digit_timeout_ms = digit_timeout_ms;
+SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_ivr_dmachine_set_input_timeout_ms(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, uint32_t input_timeout_ms)
+	dmachine->input_timeout_ms = input_timeout_ms;
 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(switch_ivr_dmachine_t **dmachine)
 	switch_memory_pool_t *pool;
@@ -97,12 +132,42 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_ivr_dmachine_destroy(switch_ivr_dmachine_t **dmachin
 	pool = (*dmachine)->pool;
+	switch_core_hash_destroy(&(*dmachine)->binding_hash);
 	if ((*dmachine)->my_pool) {
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, const char *realm)
+	dm_binding_head_t *headp = switch_core_hash_find(dmachine->binding_hash, realm);
+	if (headp) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Digit parser %s: Setting realm to %s\n", dmachine->name, realm);
+		dmachine->realm = headp;
+	}
+	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Digit parser %s: Error Setting realm to %s\n", dmachine->name, realm);
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_clear_realm(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, const char *realm)
+	if (zstr(realm)) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Digit parser %s: Error unknown realm: %s\n", dmachine->name, realm);
+	}
+	/* pool alloc'd just ditch it and it will give back the memory when we destroy ourselves */
+	switch_core_hash_delete(dmachine->binding_hash, realm);
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, 
+														 const char *realm,
 														 const char *digits, 
 														 int32_t key,
 														 switch_ivr_dmachine_callback_t callback,
@@ -110,43 +175,59 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_bind(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *
 	switch_ivr_dmachine_binding_t *binding;
 	switch_size_t len;
+	dm_binding_head_t *headp;
-	if (strlen(digits) > DM_MAX_DIGIT_LEN -1) {
+	if (strlen(digits) > DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN -1) {
+	if (zstr(realm)) {
+		realm = "default";
+	}
+	if (!(headp = switch_core_hash_find(dmachine->binding_hash, realm))) {
+		headp = switch_core_alloc(dmachine->pool, sizeof(*headp));
+		switch_core_hash_insert(dmachine->binding_hash, realm, headp);
+	}
 	binding = switch_core_alloc(dmachine->pool, sizeof(*binding));
 	if (*digits == '~') {
 		binding->is_regex = 1;
 	binding->key = key;
 	binding->digits = switch_core_strdup(dmachine->pool, digits);
 	binding->callback = callback;
 	binding->user_data = user_data;
-	if (dmachine->tail) {
-		dmachine->tail->next = binding;
+	if (headp->tail) {
+		headp->tail->next = binding;
 	} else {
-		dmachine->binding_list = binding;
+		headp->binding_list = binding;
-	dmachine->tail = binding;
+	headp->tail = binding;
 	len = strlen(digits);
-	if (binding->is_regex && dmachine->max_digit_len != DM_MAX_DIGIT_LEN -1) { 
-		dmachine->max_digit_len = DM_MAX_DIGIT_LEN -1;
+	if (dmachine->realm != headp) {
+		switch_ivr_dmachine_set_realm(dmachine, realm);
+	}
+	if (binding->is_regex && dmachine->max_digit_len != DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN -1) { 
+		dmachine->max_digit_len = DMACHINE_MAX_DIGIT_LEN -1;
 	} else if (len > dmachine->max_digit_len) {
 		dmachine->max_digit_len = (uint32_t) len;
 	if (binding->is_regex) {
-		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "binding regex: %s key: %.4d callback: %p data: %p\n", 
-						  digits, key, (void *)(intptr_t) callback, user_data);
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Digit parser %s: binding realm: %s regex: %s key: %.4d callback: %p data: %p\n", 
+						  dmachine->name, realm, digits, key, (void *)(intptr_t) callback, user_data);
 	} else {
-		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "binding digits: %4s key: %.4d callback: %p data: %p\n", 
-						  digits, key, (void *)(intptr_t) callback, user_data);
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Digit parser %s: binding realm %s digits: %4s key: %.4d callback: %p data: %p\n", 
+						  dmachine->name, realm, digits, key, (void *)(intptr_t) callback, user_data);
@@ -167,9 +248,9 @@ static dm_match_t switch_ivr_dmachine_check_match(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachin
 	int exact_count = 0, partial_count = 0, both_count = 0;
-	if (!dmachine->cur_digit_len) goto end;
+	if (!dmachine->cur_digit_len || !dmachine->realm) goto end;
-	for(bp = dmachine->binding_list; bp; bp = bp->next) {
+	for(bp = dmachine->realm->binding_list; bp; bp = bp->next) {
 		if (bp->is_regex) {
 			switch_status_t r_status = switch_regex_match(dmachine->digits, bp->digits);
@@ -229,9 +310,13 @@ static switch_bool_t switch_ivr_dmachine_check_timeout(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dm
 	switch_time_t now = switch_time_now();
 	uint32_t timeout = dmachine->cur_digit_len ? dmachine->digit_timeout_ms : dmachine->input_timeout_ms;
-	if ((uint32_t)((now - dmachine->last_digit_time) / 1000) > timeout) {
-		return SWITCH_TRUE;
+	if (!dmachine->last_digit_time) dmachine->last_digit_time = now;
+	if (timeout) {
+		if ((uint32_t)((now - dmachine->last_digit_time) / 1000) > timeout) {
+			return SWITCH_TRUE;
+		}
 	return SWITCH_FALSE;
@@ -247,32 +332,46 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t *) switch_ivr_dmachine_get_match(swit
 	return NULL;
+SWITCH_DECLARE(const char *) switch_ivr_dmachine_get_failed_digits(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine)
+	return dmachine->last_failed_digits;
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, switch_ivr_dmachine_match_t **match_p)
 	switch_bool_t is_timeout = switch_ivr_dmachine_check_timeout(dmachine);
 	dm_match_t is_match = switch_ivr_dmachine_check_match(dmachine, is_timeout);
 	switch_status_t r;
-	if (!dmachine->last_digit_time) {
+	if (zstr(dmachine->digits) && !is_timeout) {
 	} else if (dmachine->cur_digit_len > dmachine->max_digit_len) {
 	} else if (is_match == DM_MATCH_EXACT || (is_match == DM_MATCH_BOTH && is_timeout)) {
 		dmachine->match.match_digits = dmachine->last_matching_digits;
 		dmachine->match.match_key = dmachine->last_matching_binding->key;
 		dmachine->match.user_data = dmachine->last_matching_binding->user_data;
-		if (dmachine->last_matching_binding->callback) {
-			dmachine->last_matching_binding->callback(&dmachine->match);
-		}
 		if (match_p) {
 			*match_p = &dmachine->match;
 		dmachine->is_match = 1;
+		dmachine->match.type = DM_MATCH_POSITIVE;
+		if (dmachine->last_matching_binding->callback) {
+			dmachine->last_matching_binding->callback(&dmachine->match);
+		}
+		if (dmachine->match_callback) {
+			dmachine->match.user_data = dmachine->user_data;
+			dmachine->match_callback(&dmachine->match);
+		}
 	} else if (is_timeout) {
 	} else if (dmachine->cur_digit_len == dmachine->max_digit_len) {
@@ -281,6 +380,18 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *
+		switch_set_string(dmachine->last_failed_digits, dmachine->digits);
+		dmachine->match.match_digits = dmachine->last_failed_digits;
+		dmachine->match.type = DM_MATCH_NEGATIVE;
+		if (dmachine->nonmatch_callback) {
+			dmachine->match.user_data = dmachine->user_data;
+			dmachine->nonmatch_callback(&dmachine->match);
+		}
+	}
@@ -2489,7 +2600,7 @@ static void *SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC bcast_thread(switch_thread_t *thread, void *obj)
 	return NULL;
-static void broadcast_in_thread(switch_core_session_t *session, const char *app, int flags)
+SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(switch_core_session_t *session, const char *app, int flags)
 	switch_thread_t *thread;
 	switch_threadattr_t *thd_attr = NULL;
@@ -2594,7 +2705,7 @@ static switch_status_t meta_on_dtmf(switch_core_session_t *session, const switch
 								  switch_channel_get_name(channel), dtmf->digit, md->sr[direction].map[dval].app);
 				if (switch_channel_test_flag(channel, CF_PROXY_MODE)) {
-					broadcast_in_thread(session, md->sr[direction].map[dval].app, flags | SMF_REBRIDGE);
+					switch_ivr_broadcast_in_thread(session, md->sr[direction].map[dval].app, flags | SMF_REBRIDGE);
 				} else {
 					switch_ivr_broadcast(switch_core_session_get_uuid(session), md->sr[direction].map[dval].app, flags);
diff --git a/src/switch_ivr_bridge.c b/src/switch_ivr_bridge.c
index f92e254008..165df886fd 100644
--- a/src/switch_ivr_bridge.c
+++ b/src/switch_ivr_bridge.c
@@ -468,6 +468,10 @@ static void *audio_bridge_thread(switch_thread_t *thread, void *obj)
+			if (switch_channel_test_flag(chan_a, CF_BRIDGE_NOWRITE)) {
+				continue;
+			}
 			if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK && !switch_channel_test_flag(chan_a, CF_HOLD)) {
 				if (switch_core_session_write_frame(session_b, read_frame, SWITCH_IO_FLAG_NONE, stream_id) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
 					switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG,
@@ -839,13 +843,26 @@ static switch_status_t hanguphook(switch_core_session_t *session)
 	switch_core_session_message_t msg = { 0 };
 	switch_channel_t *channel = NULL;
+	switch_event_t *event;
+	switch_channel_state_t state;
 	channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+	state = switch_channel_get_state(channel);
 	msg.from = __FILE__;
 	msg.string_arg = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, SWITCH_SIGNAL_BRIDGE_VARIABLE);
+	if (state == CS_ROUTING) {
+		if (switch_channel_test_flag(channel, CF_BRIDGE_ORIGINATOR)) {
+			switch_channel_clear_flag_recursive(channel, CF_BRIDGE_ORIGINATOR);
+			if (switch_event_create(&event, SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_UNBRIDGE) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+				switch_channel_event_set_data(channel, event);
+				switch_event_fire(&event);
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	switch_core_session_receive_message(session, &msg);
 	switch_core_event_hook_remove_state_change(session, hanguphook);
@@ -859,6 +876,7 @@ static switch_status_t signal_bridge_on_hibernate(switch_core_session_t *session
 	const char *key;
 	switch_core_session_message_t msg = { 0 };
 	switch_event_t *event = NULL;
+	switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine;
 	channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
 	switch_assert(channel != NULL);
@@ -886,6 +904,19 @@ static switch_status_t signal_bridge_on_hibernate(switch_core_session_t *session
+	if ((dmachine = switch_core_session_get_dmachine(session))) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, 
+						  "%s not hibernating due to active digit parser, semi-hibernation engaged.\n", switch_channel_get_name(channel));
+		while(switch_channel_ready(channel) && switch_channel_get_state(channel) == CS_HIBERNATE) {
+			if (!switch_channel_test_flag(channel, CF_BROADCAST)) {
+				switch_ivr_dmachine_ping(dmachine, NULL);
+			}
+			switch_yield(20000);
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/switch_ivr_play_say.c b/src/switch_ivr_play_say.c
index c5b7a61000..c99745d57c 100644
--- a/src/switch_ivr_play_say.c
+++ b/src/switch_ivr_play_say.c
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_gentones(switch_core_session_t *sessi
 			   if you return anything but SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS the playback will stop.
 			if (switch_channel_has_dtmf(channel)) {
-				if (!args->input_callback && !args->buf) {
+				if (!args->input_callback && !args->buf && !args->dmachine) {
 					status = SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK;
 					done = 1;
@@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_play_file(switch_core_session_t *sess
 				   if you return anything but SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS the playback will stop.
 				if (switch_channel_has_dtmf(channel)) {
-					if (!args->input_callback && !args->buf) {
+					if (!args->input_callback && !args->buf && !args->dmachine) {
 						status = SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK;
 						done = 1;
@@ -1292,7 +1292,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_play_file(switch_core_session_t *sess
 				if (framelen > FILE_STARTSAMPLES) {
 					framelen = FILE_STARTSAMPLES;
-				memset(abuf, 0, framelen);
+				memset(abuf, 255, framelen);
 				olen = ilen;
 				do_speed = 0;
 			} else if (fh->sp_audio_buffer && (eof || (switch_buffer_inuse(fh->sp_audio_buffer) > (switch_size_t) (framelen)))) {
@@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_play_file(switch_core_session_t *sess
 				if (bread < framelen) {
-					memset(abuf + bread, 0, framelen - bread);
+					memset(abuf + bread, 255, framelen - bread);
 				olen = asis ? framelen : ilen;
@@ -1320,7 +1320,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_play_file(switch_core_session_t *sess
 				if (bread < framelen) {
-					memset(abuf + bread, 0, framelen - bread);
+					memset(abuf + bread, 255, framelen - bread);
 				olen = asis ? framelen : ilen;
@@ -1408,10 +1408,10 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_play_file(switch_core_session_t *sess
 				last_speed = fh->speed;
 			if (olen < llen) {
 				uint8_t *dp = (uint8_t *) write_frame.data;
-				memset(dp + (int) olen, 0, (int) (llen - olen));
+				memset(dp + (int) olen, 255, (int) (llen - olen));
 				olen = llen;
@@ -1476,7 +1476,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_play_file(switch_core_session_t *sess
-			if (fh->vol) {
+			if (!asis && fh->vol) {
 				switch_change_sln_volume(write_frame.data, write_frame.datalen / 2, fh->vol);
@@ -1959,7 +1959,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_ivr_speak_text_handle(switch_core_session
 			 * if you return anything but SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS the playback will stop.
 			if (switch_channel_has_dtmf(channel)) {
-				if (!args->input_callback && !args->buf) {
+				if (!args->input_callback && !args->buf && !args->dmachine) {
 					status = SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK;
 					done = 1;
diff --git a/src/tone2wav.c b/src/tone2wav.c
index 4415860802..8d4978a57c 100644
--- a/src/tone2wav.c
+++ b/src/tone2wav.c
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	printf("File: %s generated.....\n\nPlease support:\nFreeSWITCH http://www.freeswitch.org\nClueCon http://www.cluecon.com\n", file);
+	printf("File: %s generated...\n\nPlease support:\nFreeSWITCH http://www.freeswitch.org\nClueCon http://www.cluecon.com\n", file);