From bef6f0f40d51e7e94c1f153f25d89d29b93f21f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marc Olivier Chouinard <>
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 12:46:32 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] mod_callcenter: Add a very prototype (and maybe not
 functional) strategy called : sequentially-by-next-agent-order. It will try
 to find the last agent we tried to reach, and start calling more agent after
 that one based on position. It will use the level for the next agent, but
 once that level is done, it start back at the lowest level

 .../mod_callcenter/mod_callcenter.c           | 76 ++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mod/applications/mod_callcenter/mod_callcenter.c b/src/mod/applications/mod_callcenter/mod_callcenter.c
index 8ab3390e67..d40ee3854f 100644
--- a/src/mod/applications/mod_callcenter/mod_callcenter.c
+++ b/src/mod/applications/mod_callcenter/mod_callcenter.c
@@ -1995,37 +1995,61 @@ static int members_callback(void *pArg, int argc, char **argv, char **columnName
 	cbt.record_template = queue_record_template;
 	cbt.agent_found = SWITCH_FALSE;
-	if (!strcasecmp(queue->strategy, "longest-idle-agent")) {
-		sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, agents.last_offered_call, position");
-	} else if (!strcasecmp(queue_strategy, "agent-with-least-talk-time")) {
-		sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, agents.talk_time, position");
-	} else if (!strcasecmp(queue_strategy, "agent-with-fewest-calls")) {
-		sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, agents.calls_answered, position");
-	} else if (!strcasecmp(queue_strategy, "ring-all")) {
-		sql = switch_mprintf("UPDATE members SET state = '%q' WHERE state = '%q' AND uuid = '%q' AND system = 'single_box'",
-				cc_member_state2str(CC_MEMBER_STATE_TRYING), cc_member_state2str(CC_MEMBER_STATE_WAITING), cbt.member_uuid);
-		cc_execute_sql(NULL, sql, NULL);
-		switch_safe_free(sql);
-		sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, position");
-	} else if(!strcasecmp(queue_strategy, "sequentially-by-agent-order")) {
-		sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, position, agents.last_offered_call"); /* Default to last_offered_call, let add new strategy if needing it differently */
-	} else {
-		/* If the strategy doesn't exist, just fallback to the following */
-		sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, position, agents.last_offered_call");
-	}
+	if (!strcasecmp(queue->strategy, "sequentially-by-next-agent-order")) {
+		/* This is a quick attempt to continue to the last tried agent using the position order */
+		sql = switch_mprintf("SELECT system, name, status, contact, no_answer_count, max_no_answer, reject_delay_time, busy_delay_time, no_answer_delay_time, tiers.state, agents.last_bridge_end, agents.wrap_up_time, agents.state, agents.ready_time, tiers.level, agents.type, agents.uuid, tiers.position, agents.last_offered_call, 1 as dyn_order FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent)"
+				" WHERE tiers.queue = '%q'"
+				" AND (agents.status = '%q' OR agents.status = '%q' OR agents.status = '%q')"
+				" AND tiers.position > (SELECT tiers.position FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent) ORDER BY agents.last_offered_call WHERE tiers.queue = '%q' DESC LIMIT 1)"
+				" AND tiers.level = (SELECT tiers.level FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent) WHERE tiers.queue = '%q' ORDER BY agents.last_offered_call DESC LIMIT 1)"
+				" UNION "
+				"SELECT system, name, status, contact, no_answer_count, max_no_answer, reject_delay_time, busy_delay_time, no_answer_delay_time, tiers.state, agents.last_bridge_end, agents.wrap_up_time, agents.state, agents.ready_time, tiers.level, agents.type, agents.uuid, tiers.position, agents.last_offered_call, 2 as dyn_order FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent)"
+				" WHERE tiers.queue = '%q'"
+				" AND (agents.status = '%q' OR agents.status = '%q' OR agents.status = '%q')"
+				" ORDER BY dyn_order asc, tiers.level, tiers.position, agents.last_offered_call",
+				queue_name,
+				cc_agent_status2str(CC_AGENT_STATUS_AVAILABLE), cc_agent_status2str(CC_AGENT_STATUS_ON_BREAK), cc_agent_status2str(CC_AGENT_STATUS_AVAILABLE_ON_DEMAND),
+				queue_name,
+				queue_name,
+				queue_name,
+				cc_agent_status2str(CC_AGENT_STATUS_AVAILABLE), cc_agent_status2str(CC_AGENT_STATUS_ON_BREAK), cc_agent_status2str(CC_AGENT_STATUS_AVAILABLE_ON_DEMAND)
+				);
-	sql = switch_mprintf("SELECT system, name, status, contact, no_answer_count, max_no_answer, reject_delay_time, busy_delay_time, no_answer_delay_time, tiers.state, agents.last_bridge_end, agents.wrap_up_time, agents.state, agents.ready_time, tiers.level, agents.type, agents.uuid FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent)"
-			" WHERE tiers.queue = '%q'"
-			" AND (agents.status = '%q' OR agents.status = '%q' OR agents.status = '%q')"
-			" ORDER BY %q",
-			queue_name,
-			cc_agent_status2str(CC_AGENT_STATUS_AVAILABLE), cc_agent_status2str(CC_AGENT_STATUS_ON_BREAK), cc_agent_status2str(CC_AGENT_STATUS_AVAILABLE_ON_DEMAND),
-			sql_order_by);
+	} else {
+		if (!strcasecmp(queue->strategy, "longest-idle-agent")) {
+			sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, agents.last_offered_call, position");
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(queue_strategy, "agent-with-least-talk-time")) {
+			sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, agents.talk_time, position");
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(queue_strategy, "agent-with-fewest-calls")) {
+			sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, agents.calls_answered, position");
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(queue_strategy, "ring-all")) {
+			sql = switch_mprintf("UPDATE members SET state = '%q' WHERE state = '%q' AND uuid = '%q' AND system = 'single_box'",
+					cc_member_state2str(CC_MEMBER_STATE_TRYING), cc_member_state2str(CC_MEMBER_STATE_WAITING), cbt.member_uuid);
+			cc_execute_sql(NULL, sql, NULL);
+			switch_safe_free(sql);
+			sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, position");
+		} else if(!strcasecmp(queue_strategy, "sequentially-by-agent-order")) {
+			sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, position, agents.last_offered_call"); /* Default to last_offered_call, let add new strategy if needing it differently */
+		} else {
+			/* If the strategy doesn't exist, just fallback to the following */
+			sql_order_by = switch_mprintf("level, position, agents.last_offered_call");
+		}
+		sql = switch_mprintf("SELECT system, name, status, contact, no_answer_count, max_no_answer, reject_delay_time, busy_delay_time, no_answer_delay_time, tiers.state, agents.last_bridge_end, agents.wrap_up_time, agents.state, agents.ready_time, tiers.level, agents.type, agents.uuid FROM agents LEFT JOIN tiers ON ( = tiers.agent)"
+				" WHERE tiers.queue = '%q'"
+				" AND (agents.status = '%q' OR agents.status = '%q' OR agents.status = '%q')"
+				" ORDER BY %q",
+				queue_name,
+				cc_agent_status2str(CC_AGENT_STATUS_AVAILABLE), cc_agent_status2str(CC_AGENT_STATUS_ON_BREAK), cc_agent_status2str(CC_AGENT_STATUS_AVAILABLE_ON_DEMAND),
+				sql_order_by);
+		switch_safe_free(sql_order_by);
+	}
 	cc_execute_sql_callback(NULL /* queue */, NULL /* mutex */, sql, agents_callback, &cbt /* Call back variables */);
-	switch_safe_free(sql_order_by);
 	/* We update a field in the queue struct so we can kick caller out if waiting for too long with no agent */
 	if (!cbt.queue_name || !(queue = get_queue(cbt.queue_name))) {