diff --git a/src/include/switch_xml.h b/src/include/switch_xml.h
index e8e2a2bf92..5ea600a550 100644
--- a/src/include/switch_xml.h
+++ b/src/include/switch_xml.h
@@ -266,8 +266,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_add_child(_In_ switch_xml_t xml, _In_z_
 ///\param xml the xml node
 ///\param name the name of the child
 ///\param off the offset
-#define switch_xml_add_child_d(xml, name, off) \
-    switch_xml_set_flag(switch_xml_add_child(xml, strdup(name), off), SWITCH_XML_NAMEM)
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_add_child_d(_In_ switch_xml_t xml, _In_z_ const char *name, _In_ switch_size_t off);
 ///\brief sets the character content for the given tag and returns the tag
 ///\param xml the xml node
@@ -280,8 +279,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_set_txt(switch_xml_t xml, const char *tx
 ///\param xml the xml node
 ///\param txt the text
 ///\return an xml node or NULL
-#define switch_xml_set_txt_d(xml, txt) \
-    switch_xml_set_flag(switch_xml_set_txt(xml, strdup(txt)), SWITCH_XML_TXTM)
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_set_txt_d(switch_xml_t xml, const char *txt);
 ///\brief Sets the given tag attribute or adds a new attribute if not found. A value
 ///\ of NULL will remove the specified attribute.
@@ -296,11 +294,14 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_set_attr(switch_xml_t xml, const char *n
 ///\param name the attribute name
 ///\param value the attribute value
 ///\return an xml node or NULL
-#define switch_xml_set_attr_d(xml, name, value) \
-    switch_xml_set_attr(switch_xml_set_flag(xml, SWITCH_XML_DUP), strdup(name), strdup(switch_str_nil(value)))
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_set_attr_d(switch_xml_t xml, const char *name, const char *value);
-#define switch_xml_set_attr_d_buf(xml, name, value) \
-    switch_xml_set_attr(switch_xml_set_flag(xml, SWITCH_XML_DUP), strdup(name), strdup(value))
+///\brief Wrapper for switch_xml_set_attr() that strdup()s name/value. Value cannot be NULL
+///\param xml the xml node
+///\param name the attribute name
+///\param value the attribute value
+///\return an xml node or NULL
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_set_attr_d_buf(switch_xml_t xml, const char *name, const char *value);
 ///\brief sets a flag for the given tag and returns the tag
 ///\param xml the xml node
diff --git a/src/mod/applications/mod_commands/mod_commands.c b/src/mod/applications/mod_commands/mod_commands.c
index ef9d1bb880..3ab5007ee3 100644
--- a/src/mod/applications/mod_commands/mod_commands.c
+++ b/src/mod/applications/mod_commands/mod_commands.c
@@ -5473,7 +5473,7 @@ static int show_as_xml_callback(void *pArg, int argc, char **argv, char **column
 	switch_snprintf(id, sizeof(id), "%d", holder->rows);
-	switch_xml_set_attr(switch_xml_set_flag(row, SWITCH_XML_DUP), strdup("row_id"), strdup(id));
+	switch_xml_set_attr_d_buf(row, "row_id", id);
 	for (x = 0; x < argc; x++) {
 		char *name = columnNames[x];
@@ -5864,7 +5864,7 @@ SWITCH_STANDARD_API(show_function)
 			char *xmlstr;
 			switch_snprintf(count, sizeof(count), "%d", holder.count);
-			switch_xml_set_attr(switch_xml_set_flag(holder.xml, SWITCH_XML_DUP), strdup("row_count"), strdup(count));
+			switch_xml_set_attr(holder.xml, "row_count", count);
 			xmlstr = switch_xml_toxml(holder.xml, SWITCH_FALSE);
diff --git a/src/switch_xml.c b/src/switch_xml.c
index 9229d9214b..60004f29d6 100644
--- a/src/switch_xml.c
+++ b/src/switch_xml.c
@@ -2942,6 +2942,14 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_add_child(switch_xml_t xml, const char *
 	return switch_xml_insert(child, xml, off);
+/* Adds a child tag. off is the offset of the child tag relative to the start
+   of the parent tag's character content. Returns the child tag */
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_add_child_d(switch_xml_t xml, const char *name, switch_size_t off)
+	if (!xml) return NULL;
+	return switch_xml_set_flag(switch_xml_add_child(xml, strdup(name), off), SWITCH_XML_NAMEM);
 /* sets the character content for the given tag and returns the tag */
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_set_txt(switch_xml_t xml, const char *txt)
@@ -2954,6 +2962,13 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_set_txt(switch_xml_t xml, const char *tx
 	return xml;
+/* sets the character content for the given tag and returns the tag */
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_set_txt_d(switch_xml_t xml, const char *txt)
+	if (!xml) return NULL;
+	return switch_xml_set_flag(switch_xml_set_txt(xml, strdup(txt)), SWITCH_XML_TXTM);
 /* Sets the given tag attribute or adds a new attribute if not found. A value
    of NULL will remove the specified attribute.  Returns the tag given */
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_set_attr(switch_xml_t xml, const char *name, const char *value)
@@ -3005,6 +3020,22 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_set_attr(switch_xml_t xml, const char *n
 	return xml;
+/* Sets the given tag attribute or adds a new attribute if not found. A value
+   of NULL will remove the specified attribute.  Returns the tag given */
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_set_attr_d(switch_xml_t xml, const char *name, const char *value)
+	if (!xml) return NULL;
+	return switch_xml_set_attr(switch_xml_set_flag(xml, SWITCH_XML_DUP), strdup(name), strdup(switch_str_nil(value)));
+/* Sets the given tag attribute or adds a new attribute if not found. A value
+   of NULL will remove the specified attribute.  Returns the tag given */
+SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_set_attr_d_buf(switch_xml_t xml, const char *name, const char *value)
+	if (!xml) return NULL;
+	return switch_xml_set_attr(switch_xml_set_flag(xml, SWITCH_XML_DUP), strdup(name), strdup(value));
 /* sets a flag for the given tag and returns the tag */
 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_xml_t) switch_xml_set_flag(switch_xml_t xml, switch_xml_flag_t flag)