added onGrant/onDenied callbacks in onStream/onError of RTCCallbacks
so client code gets notified of webrtc permission change immediately
remove whitespace changes
Verto Communicator is a web interface built on top of Verto and AngularJS.
Brought to you by Evolux Sistemas and FreeSWITCH team. :)
FS-7795 - implements fullscreen menu and doubleclick function.
FS-7795 - added chat icon on fullscreen video
FS-7796 - fix missing tooltips in call icons
FS-7796 - fix tooltip position
FS-7798 - implements change login information in modal view
FS-7828 - fix esc key bug when leave fullscren mode. Using css instead of javascript in fullscreen for elements manipulation.
FS-7826 - fix chat sender id with name instead of extension
FS-7831 - remove demo from title
FS-7841 - fix compatibility verification
FS-7842 - 'settings' data persistent
FS-7859 - moved popup down
FS-7827 - added screen share functionality
FS-7857 - default name for source media
FS-7879 - prompt before logout [incall]
FS-7873 - querystring for autocall
FS-7875 - persist login and password password
FS-7877 - phone feature: hold, transfer, incoming, answer, decline, call direction in history
FS-7878 - small devices
FS-7881 - added modal dialog for contributors
mod_conference new features:
add conference layout "1x1+2x1" and add to layout group grid
add conference flag video-bridge-first-two conference flag
add conference flag video-required-for-canvas to only use avatars for members with video
add conference flag video-muxing-personal-canvas
add conf_verto_ prefix for variables to pass on live array subscription notice
add api command conference foo vid-canvas <member_id|all|last|non_moderator> [<newval>]
add api command conference foo vid-layer <member_id|all|last|non_moderator> [<newval>]
add api command conference foo vid-watching-canvas <member_id|all|last|non_moderator> [<newval>]
changed api command conference foo vid-layout, args are now "<layout name>|group <group name> [<canvas_id>]"
add channel vars you can set before entering conference video_initial_canvas and video_initial_watching_canvas
add many new output status vars to conference list api
add new conference member flag "second-screen"
add config param video-canvas-count
add config param video-super-canvas-label-layers
add config param video-super-canvas-show-all-layers
add config param video-super-canvas-bgcolor
verto client:
add google login
add hipchat js file
conf_verto_hipchatURL= to control what hipchat server appears if any
global device init and overrides
allow passing sessid
add confMan.canvasCount
add handling of multiple canvases and launching them, and controlling all of their layouts
re-layout moderator controls and add support for changing the watching and input canvas and layers
when launching another canvas, watch subscriptions for the original call so we can automatically close the additional window
maintain camera settings on call recovery