/* By Bryan Henderson July 2006. Contributed to the public domain. */ #include "xmlrpc_config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "bool.h" #include "c_util.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "stdargx.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/base.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/base_int.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/string_int.h" /* THE DECOMPOSITION TREE We execute xmlrpc_decompose_value() in two steps: 1) Create a "decomposition tree" that tells how Caller wants the XML-RPC value decomposed. 2) Using that tree, decompose the value. I.e. store stuff in the variables in which Caller wants it stored. The decomposition tree is composed of information from the format string and the variable arguments that the format string describes. Nothing in the tree is derived from the actual XML-RPC value being decomposed, and the tree may in fact be invalid for the particular XML-RPC value it's meant for. If the XML-RPC value is a simple value such as an integer, the decomposition tree is trivial -- it's a single node that says "store the value of an integer via pointer P". Where it gets interesting is where the XML-RPC value to be decomposed is a complex value (array or struct). Then, the root node of the tree says, e.g., "decompose a 5-item array according to the following 5 decomposition trees" and it points to 5 additional nodes. Each of those nodes is the root of another decomposition tree (which can also be called a branch in this context). Each of those branches tells how to decompose one of the items of the array. Roots, interior nodes, and leaves are all essentially the same data type. */ struct integerDecomp { xmlrpc_int32 * valueP; }; struct boolDecomp { xmlrpc_bool * valueP; }; struct doubleDecomp { double * valueP; }; struct datetimeTDecomp { time_t * valueP; }; struct datetime8Decomp { const char ** valueP; }; struct stringDecomp { const char ** valueP; size_t * sizeP; /* NULL means don't store a size */ }; struct wideStringDecomp { #if HAVE_UNICODE_WCHAR const wchar_t ** valueP; #endif size_t * sizeP; /* NULL means don't store a size */ }; struct bitStringDecomp { const unsigned char ** valueP; size_t * sizeP; }; struct cptrDecomp { void ** valueP; }; struct i8Decomp { xmlrpc_int64 * valueP; }; struct valueDecomp { xmlrpc_value ** valueP; }; struct arrayValDecomp { xmlrpc_value ** valueP; }; struct structValDecomp { xmlrpc_value ** valueP; }; struct arrayDecomp { unsigned int itemCnt; bool ignoreExcess; /* If there are more that 'itemCnt' items in the array, just extract the first 'itemCnt' and ignore the rest, rather than fail the decomposition. */ struct decompTreeNode * itemArray[16]; /* Only first 'itemCnt' elements of this array are defined */ }; struct mbrDecomp { const char * key; /* The key for the member whose value client wants to extract */ struct decompTreeNode * decompTreeP; /* Instructions on how to decompose (extract) member's value */ }; struct structDecomp { unsigned int mbrCnt; struct mbrDecomp mbrArray[16]; }; struct decompTreeNode { char formatSpecChar; /* e.g. 'i', 'b', '8', 'A'. '(' means array; '{' means struct */ union { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'formatSpecChar' selects among these members. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct integerDecomp Tinteger; struct boolDecomp Tbool; struct doubleDecomp Tdouble; struct datetimeTDecomp TdatetimeT; struct datetime8Decomp Tdatetime8; struct stringDecomp Tstring; struct wideStringDecomp TwideString; struct bitStringDecomp TbitString; struct cptrDecomp Tcptr; struct i8Decomp Ti8; struct valueDecomp Tvalue; struct arrayValDecomp TarrayVal; struct structValDecomp TstructVal; struct arrayDecomp Tarray; struct structDecomp Tstruct; } store; }; /* prototype for recursive calls */ static void releaseDecomposition(const struct decompTreeNode * const decompRootP, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt); static void releaseDecompArray(struct arrayDecomp const arrayDecomp, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < arrayDecomp.itemCnt; ++i) { releaseDecomposition(arrayDecomp.itemArray[i], oldstyleMemMgmt); } } static void releaseDecompStruct(struct structDecomp const *_structDecomp, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt) { struct structDecomp const structDecomp = *_structDecomp; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < structDecomp.mbrCnt; ++i) { releaseDecomposition(structDecomp.mbrArray[i].decompTreeP, oldstyleMemMgmt); } } static void releaseDecomposition(const struct decompTreeNode * const decompRootP, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assuming that Caller has decomposed something according to 'decompRootP', release whatever resources the decomposed information occupies. E.g. if it's an XML-RPC string, Caller would have allocated memory for the C string that represents the decomposed value of XML-RPC string, and we release that memory. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ switch (decompRootP->formatSpecChar) { case 'i': case 'b': case 'd': case 'n': case 'I': case 't': case 'p': /* Nothing was allocated; nothing to release */ break; case '8': xmlrpc_strfree(*decompRootP->store.Tdatetime8.valueP); break; case 's': xmlrpc_strfree(*decompRootP->store.Tstring.valueP); break; case 'w': free((void*)*decompRootP->store.TwideString.valueP); break; case '6': free((void*)*decompRootP->store.TbitString.valueP); break; case 'V': xmlrpc_DECREF(*decompRootP->store.Tvalue.valueP); break; case 'A': xmlrpc_DECREF(*decompRootP->store.TarrayVal.valueP); break; case 'S': xmlrpc_DECREF(*decompRootP->store.TstructVal.valueP); break; case '(': releaseDecompArray(decompRootP->store.Tarray, oldstyleMemMgmt); break; case '{': releaseDecompStruct(&decompRootP->store.Tstruct, oldstyleMemMgmt); break; } } /* Prototype for recursive invocation: */ static void decomposeValueWithTree(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const valueP, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt, const struct decompTreeNode * const decompRootP); static void validateArraySize(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const xmlrpc_value * const arrayP, struct arrayDecomp const *_arrayDecomp) { struct arrayDecomp const arrayDecomp = *_arrayDecomp; unsigned int size; size = xmlrpc_array_size(envP, arrayP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { if (arrayDecomp.itemCnt > size) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_INDEX_ERROR, "Format string requests %u items from array, but array " "has only %u items.", arrayDecomp.itemCnt, size); else if (arrayDecomp.itemCnt < size && !arrayDecomp.ignoreExcess) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_INDEX_ERROR, "Format string requests exactly %u items from array, " "but array has %u items. (A '*' at the end would avoid " "this failure)", arrayDecomp.itemCnt, size); } } static void parsearray(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const xmlrpc_value * const arrayP, struct arrayDecomp const *_arrayDecomp, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt) { struct arrayDecomp const arrayDecomp = *_arrayDecomp; validateArraySize(envP, arrayP, &arrayDecomp); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { unsigned int doneCnt; doneCnt = 0; while(doneCnt < arrayDecomp.itemCnt && !envP->fault_occurred) { xmlrpc_value * itemP; xmlrpc_array_read_item(envP, arrayP, doneCnt, &itemP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { XMLRPC_ASSERT(doneCnt < ARRAY_SIZE(arrayDecomp.itemArray)); decomposeValueWithTree(envP, itemP, oldstyleMemMgmt, arrayDecomp.itemArray[doneCnt]); if (!envP->fault_occurred) ++doneCnt; xmlrpc_DECREF(itemP); } } if (envP->fault_occurred) { /* Release the items we completed before we failed. */ unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < doneCnt; ++i) releaseDecomposition(arrayDecomp.itemArray[i], oldstyleMemMgmt); } } } static void parsestruct(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const structP, struct structDecomp const *_structDecomp, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt) { struct structDecomp const structDecomp = *_structDecomp; unsigned int doneCount; doneCount = 0; /* No members done yet */ while (doneCount < structDecomp.mbrCnt && !envP->fault_occurred) { const char * const key = structDecomp.mbrArray[doneCount].key; xmlrpc_value * valueP; xmlrpc_struct_read_value(envP, structP, key, &valueP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { decomposeValueWithTree( envP, valueP, oldstyleMemMgmt, structDecomp.mbrArray[doneCount].decompTreeP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) ++doneCount; xmlrpc_DECREF(valueP); } } if (envP->fault_occurred) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < doneCount; ++i) releaseDecomposition(structDecomp.mbrArray[i].decompTreeP, oldstyleMemMgmt); } } static void readString(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const xmlrpc_value * const valueP, const char ** const stringValueP, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt) { if (oldstyleMemMgmt) { xmlrpc_read_string_old(envP, valueP, stringValueP); } else xmlrpc_read_string(envP, valueP, stringValueP); } static void readStringLp(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const xmlrpc_value * const valueP, size_t * const lengthP, const char ** const stringValueP, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt) { if (oldstyleMemMgmt) { xmlrpc_read_string_lp_old(envP, valueP, lengthP, stringValueP); } else xmlrpc_read_string_lp(envP, valueP, lengthP, stringValueP); } #if HAVE_UNICODE_WCHAR static void readStringW(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const valueP, const wchar_t ** const stringValueP, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt) { if (oldstyleMemMgmt) { xmlrpc_read_string_w_old(envP, valueP, stringValueP); } else xmlrpc_read_string_w(envP, valueP, stringValueP); } static void readStringWLp(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const valueP, size_t * const lengthP, const wchar_t ** const stringValueP, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt) { if (oldstyleMemMgmt) { xmlrpc_read_string_w_lp_old(envP, valueP, lengthP, stringValueP); } else xmlrpc_read_string_w_lp(envP, valueP, lengthP, stringValueP); } #endif static void readDatetime8Str(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const xmlrpc_value * const valueP, const char ** const stringValueP, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt) { if (oldstyleMemMgmt) xmlrpc_read_datetime_str_old(envP, valueP, stringValueP); else xmlrpc_read_datetime_str(envP, valueP, stringValueP); } static void readBase64(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const xmlrpc_value * const valueP, size_t * const lengthP, const unsigned char ** const byteStringValueP, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt) { if (oldstyleMemMgmt) xmlrpc_read_base64_old(envP, valueP, lengthP, byteStringValueP); else xmlrpc_read_base64(envP, valueP, lengthP, byteStringValueP); } static void decomposeValueWithTree(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const valueP, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt, const struct decompTreeNode * const decompRootP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decompose XML-RPC value *valueP, given the decomposition tree *decompRootP. The decomposition tree tells what structure *valueP is expected to have and where to put the various components of it (e.g. it says "it's an array of 3 integers. Put their values at locations x, y, and z") -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ switch (decompRootP->formatSpecChar) { case '-': /* There's nothing to validate or return */ break; case 'i': xmlrpc_read_int(envP, valueP, decompRootP->store.Tinteger.valueP); break; case 'b': xmlrpc_read_bool(envP, valueP, decompRootP->store.Tbool.valueP); break; case 'd': xmlrpc_read_double(envP, valueP, decompRootP->store.Tdouble.valueP); break; case 't': xmlrpc_read_datetime_sec(envP, valueP, decompRootP->store.TdatetimeT.valueP); break; case '8': readDatetime8Str(envP, valueP, decompRootP->store.Tdatetime8.valueP, oldstyleMemMgmt); break; case 's': if (decompRootP->store.Tstring.sizeP) readStringLp(envP, valueP, decompRootP->store.Tstring.sizeP, decompRootP->store.Tstring.valueP, oldstyleMemMgmt); else readString(envP, valueP, decompRootP->store.Tstring.valueP, oldstyleMemMgmt); break; case 'w': #if HAVE_UNICODE_WCHAR if (decompRootP->store.Tstring.sizeP) readStringWLp(envP, valueP, decompRootP->store.TwideString.sizeP, decompRootP->store.TwideString.valueP, oldstyleMemMgmt); else readStringW(envP, valueP, decompRootP->store.TwideString.valueP, oldstyleMemMgmt); #else XMLRPC_ASSERT(false); #endif /* HAVE_UNICODE_WCHAR */ break; case '6': readBase64(envP, valueP, decompRootP->store.TbitString.sizeP, decompRootP->store.TbitString.valueP, oldstyleMemMgmt); break; case 'n': xmlrpc_read_nil(envP, valueP); break; case 'I': xmlrpc_read_i8(envP, valueP, decompRootP->store.Ti8.valueP); break; case 'p': xmlrpc_read_cptr(envP, valueP, decompRootP->store.Tcptr.valueP); break; case 'V': *decompRootP->store.Tvalue.valueP = valueP; if (!oldstyleMemMgmt) xmlrpc_INCREF(valueP); break; case 'A': if (xmlrpc_value_type(valueP) != XMLRPC_TYPE_ARRAY) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Value to be decomposed is of type " "%s, but the 'A' specifier requires type ARRAY", xmlrpc_type_name(xmlrpc_value_type(valueP))); else { *decompRootP->store.TarrayVal.valueP = valueP; if (!oldstyleMemMgmt) xmlrpc_INCREF(valueP); } break; case 'S': if (xmlrpc_value_type(valueP) != XMLRPC_TYPE_STRUCT) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Value to be decomposed is of type " "%s, but the 'S' specifier requires type STRUCT.", xmlrpc_type_name(xmlrpc_value_type(valueP))); else { *decompRootP->store.TstructVal.valueP = valueP; if (!oldstyleMemMgmt) xmlrpc_INCREF(valueP); } break; case '(': if (xmlrpc_value_type(valueP) != XMLRPC_TYPE_ARRAY) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Value to be decomposed is of type " "%s, but the '(...)' specifier requires type ARRAY", xmlrpc_type_name(xmlrpc_value_type(valueP))); else parsearray(envP, valueP, &decompRootP->store.Tarray, oldstyleMemMgmt); break; case '{': if (xmlrpc_value_type(valueP) != XMLRPC_TYPE_STRUCT) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Value to be decomposed is of type " "%s, but the '{...}' specifier requires type STRUCT", xmlrpc_type_name(xmlrpc_value_type(valueP))); else parsestruct(envP, valueP, &decompRootP->store.Tstruct, oldstyleMemMgmt); break; default: /* Every format character that is allowed in a decomposition tree node is handled above. */ XMLRPC_ASSERT(false); } } /* Forward declaration for recursive calls */ static void createDecompTreeNext(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const char ** const formatP, va_listx * const argsP, struct decompTreeNode ** const decompNodePP); static void buildWideStringNode(xmlrpc_env * const envP ATTR_UNUSED, const char ** const formatP, va_listx * const argsP, struct decompTreeNode * const decompNodeP) { #if HAVE_UNICODE_WCHAR decompNodeP->store.TwideString.valueP = (const wchar_t**) va_arg(argsP->v, wchar_t**); if (**formatP == '#') { decompNodeP->store.TwideString.sizeP = (size_t*) va_arg(argsP->v, size_t**); (*formatP)++; } else decompNodeP->store.TwideString.sizeP = NULL; #else xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "This XML-RPC For C/C++ library was built without Unicode " "wide character capability. 'w' isn't available."); #endif /* HAVE_UNICODE_WCHAR */ } static void destroyDecompTree(struct decompTreeNode * const decompRootP) { switch (decompRootP->formatSpecChar) { case '(': { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < decompRootP->store.Tarray.itemCnt; ++i) destroyDecompTree(decompRootP->store.Tarray.itemArray[i]); } break; case '{': { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < decompRootP->store.Tstruct.mbrCnt; ++i) destroyDecompTree( decompRootP->store.Tstruct.mbrArray[i].decompTreeP); } break; } free(decompRootP); } static void processArraySpecTail(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const char ** const formatP, bool * const hasTrailingAsteriskP, char const delim) { if (**formatP == '*') { *hasTrailingAsteriskP = true; ++*formatP; if (!**formatP) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "missing closing delimiter ('%c')", delim); else if (**formatP != delim) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "character following '*' in array " "specification should be the closing delimiter " "'%c', but is '%c'", delim, **formatP); } else { *hasTrailingAsteriskP = false; if (!**formatP) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "missing closing delimiter ('%c')", delim); } if (!envP->fault_occurred) XMLRPC_ASSERT(**formatP == delim); } static void buildArrayDecompBranch(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const char ** const formatP, char const delim, va_listx * const argsP, struct decompTreeNode * const decompNodeP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fill in the decomposition tree node *decompNodeP to cover an array whose items are described by *formatP. To wit, they are the values described by successive format specifiers in *formatP up to but not including the next 'delim' character. Plus, the last character before the delimiter might be a '*', which means "ignore any additional items in the array." We create a node (and whole branch if required) to describe each array item. The pointers to where those items are to be stored are given by 'argsP'. We advance *formatP to the delimiter character, and advance 'argsP' past whatever arguments we use. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int itemCnt; /* Number of array items in the branch so far */ itemCnt = 0; /* Branch is empty so far */ while (**formatP && **formatP != delim && **formatP != '*' && !envP->fault_occurred) { if (itemCnt >= ARRAY_SIZE(decompNodeP->store.Tarray.itemArray)) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Too many array items in format string. " "The most items you can have for an array in " "a format string is %u.", (unsigned) ARRAY_SIZE(decompNodeP->store.Tarray.itemArray)); else { struct decompTreeNode * itemNodeP; createDecompTreeNext(envP, formatP, argsP, &itemNodeP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) decompNodeP->store.Tarray.itemArray[itemCnt++] = itemNodeP; } } if (!envP->fault_occurred) { decompNodeP->store.Tarray.itemCnt = itemCnt; processArraySpecTail(envP, formatP, &decompNodeP->store.Tarray.ignoreExcess, delim); } if (envP->fault_occurred) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < itemCnt; ++i) destroyDecompTree(decompNodeP->store.Tarray.itemArray[i]); } } static void doStructValue(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const char ** const formatP, va_listx * const argsP, struct mbrDecomp * const mbrP) { struct decompTreeNode * valueNodeP; mbrP->key = (const char*) va_arg(argsP->v, char*); createDecompTreeNext(envP, formatP, argsP, &valueNodeP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) mbrP->decompTreeP = valueNodeP; } static void skipAsterisk(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const char ** const formatP, char const delim) { if (**formatP == '*') { ++*formatP; if (!**formatP) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "missing closing delimiter ('%c')", delim); else if (**formatP != delim) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "junk after '*' in the specifier of an " "array. First character='%c'", **formatP); } else /* Conceptually, one can make it an error to leave some struct members behind, but we have never had code that knows how to recognize that case. */ xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "You must put a trailing '*' in the specifiers for " "struct members to signify it's OK if there are " "additional members you didn't get."); } static void skipColon(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const char ** const formatP, char const delim) { if (**formatP == '\0') xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "format string ends in the middle of a struct " "member specifier"); else if (**formatP == delim) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "member list ends in the middle of a member"); else if (**formatP != ':') xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "In a struct specifier, '%c' found " "where a colon (':') separating key and " "value was expected.", **formatP); } static void skipComma(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const char ** const formatP, char const delim) { if (**formatP && **formatP != delim) { if (**formatP == ',') ++*formatP; /* skip over comma */ else xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "'%c' where we expected a ',' " "to separate struct members", **formatP); } } static void buildStructDecompBranch(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const char ** const formatP, char const delim, va_listx * const argsP, struct decompTreeNode * const decompNodeP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fill in the decomposition tree node *decompNodeP to cover a struct whose members are described by *formatP. To wit, they are the values described by successive format specifiers in *formatP up to but not including the next 'delim' character. We create a node (and whole branch if required) to describe each struct member value. The pointers to where those values are to be stored are given by 'argsP'. The names of the members to be extracted are also given by 'argsP'. We advance *formatP to the delimiter character, and advance 'argsP' past whatever arguments we use. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int memberCnt; /* Number of struct members in the branch so far */ memberCnt = 0; /* Branch is empty so far */ while (**formatP && **formatP != delim && **formatP != '*' && !envP->fault_occurred) { if (memberCnt >= ARRAY_SIZE(decompNodeP->store.Tstruct.mbrArray)) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Too many structure members in format string. " "The most members you can specify in " "a format string is %u.", (unsigned) ARRAY_SIZE(decompNodeP->store.Tstruct.mbrArray)); else { struct mbrDecomp * const mbrP = &decompNodeP->store.Tstruct.mbrArray[memberCnt]; if (**formatP != 's') xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "In a struct specifier, the specifier " "for the key is '%c', but it must be 's'.", **formatP); else { ++*formatP; skipColon(envP, formatP, delim); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { ++*formatP; doStructValue(envP, formatP, argsP, mbrP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) ++memberCnt; skipComma(envP, formatP, delim); } } } } decompNodeP->store.Tstruct.mbrCnt = memberCnt; if (!envP->fault_occurred) { skipAsterisk(envP, formatP, delim); if (!envP->fault_occurred) XMLRPC_ASSERT(**formatP == delim); } if (envP->fault_occurred) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < memberCnt; ++i) destroyDecompTree( decompNodeP->store.Tstruct.mbrArray[i].decompTreeP); } } static void createDecompTreeNext(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const char ** const formatP, va_listx * const argsP, struct decompTreeNode ** const decompNodePP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a branch of a decomposition tree that applies to the first value described by '*formatP', and advance *formatP past the description of that first value. E.g.: - If *formatP is "isb", we create a branch consisting of one node -- for an integer. We advance *formatP by one character, so it points to the "s". - If *formatP is "(isb)s", we create a branch that represents the array (isb) and advance *formatP past the closing parenthesis to point to the final "s". We return as *decompNodePP a pointer to a node for the array, and that array in turn points to nodes for each of the 3 array items: one for an integer, one for a string, and one for a boolean. The locations at which the components of that value are to be stored (which is the main contents of the branch we create) are given by 'argsP'. Return as *decompNodeP a pointer to the root node of the branch we generate. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct decompTreeNode * decompNodeP; MALLOCVAR(decompNodeP); if (decompNodeP == NULL) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Could not allocate space for a decomposition " "tree node"); else { decompNodeP->formatSpecChar = *(*formatP)++; switch (decompNodeP->formatSpecChar) { case '-': /* There's nothing to store */ break; case 'i': decompNodeP->store.Tinteger.valueP = (xmlrpc_int32*) va_arg(argsP->v, xmlrpc_int32*); break; case 'b': decompNodeP->store.Tbool.valueP = (xmlrpc_bool*) va_arg(argsP->v, xmlrpc_bool*); break; case 'd': decompNodeP->store.Tdouble.valueP = (double*) va_arg(argsP->v, double*); break; case 't': decompNodeP->store.TdatetimeT.valueP = va_arg(argsP->v, time_t*); break; case '8': decompNodeP->store.Tdatetime8.valueP = (const char**) va_arg(argsP->v, char**); break; case 's': decompNodeP->store.Tstring.valueP = (const char**) va_arg(argsP->v, char**); if (**formatP == '#') { decompNodeP->store.Tstring.sizeP = (size_t*) va_arg(argsP->v, size_t**); ++*formatP; } else decompNodeP->store.Tstring.sizeP = NULL; break; case 'w': buildWideStringNode(envP, formatP, argsP, decompNodeP); break; case '6': decompNodeP->store.TbitString.valueP = (const unsigned char**) va_arg(argsP->v, unsigned char**); decompNodeP->store.TbitString.sizeP = (size_t*) va_arg(argsP->v, size_t**); break; case 'n': /* There's no value to store */ break; case 'I': decompNodeP->store.Ti8.valueP = (xmlrpc_int64 *) va_arg(argsP->v, xmlrpc_int64 *); break; case 'p': decompNodeP->store.Tcptr.valueP = (void**) va_arg(argsP->v, void**); break; case 'V': decompNodeP->store.Tvalue.valueP = (xmlrpc_value**) va_arg(argsP->v, xmlrpc_value**); break; case 'A': decompNodeP->store.TarrayVal.valueP = (xmlrpc_value**) va_arg(argsP->v, xmlrpc_value**); break; case 'S': decompNodeP->store.TstructVal.valueP = (xmlrpc_value**) va_arg(argsP->v, xmlrpc_value**); break; case '(': buildArrayDecompBranch(envP, formatP, ')', argsP, decompNodeP); ++(*formatP); /* skip past closing ')' */ break; case '{': buildStructDecompBranch(envP, formatP, '}', argsP, decompNodeP); ++(*formatP); /* skip past closing '}' */ break; default: xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Invalid format character '%c'", decompNodeP->formatSpecChar); } if (envP->fault_occurred) free(decompNodeP); else *decompNodePP = decompNodeP; } } static void createDecompTree(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const char * const format, va_listx const args, struct decompTreeNode ** const decompRootPP) { const char * formatCursor; struct decompTreeNode * decompRootP; va_listx currentArgs; currentArgs = args; formatCursor = &format[0]; createDecompTreeNext(envP, &formatCursor, ¤tArgs, &decompRootP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { if (*formatCursor != '\0') xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "format string '%s' has garbage at the end: " "'%s'. It should be a specifier of a single value " "(but that might be a complex value, such as an " "array)", format, formatCursor); if (envP->fault_occurred) destroyDecompTree(decompRootP); } *decompRootPP = decompRootP; } static void decomposeValue(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const valueP, bool const oldstyleMemMgmt, const char * const format, va_listx const args) { struct decompTreeNode * decompRootP; XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_VALUE_OK(valueP); XMLRPC_ASSERT(format != NULL); createDecompTree(envP, format, args, &decompRootP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { decomposeValueWithTree(envP, valueP, oldstyleMemMgmt, decompRootP); destroyDecompTree(decompRootP); } } void xmlrpc_decompose_value_va(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const valueP, const char * const format, va_list const args) { bool const oldstyleMemMgtFalse = false; va_listx argsx; init_va_listx(&argsx, args); decomposeValue(envP, valueP, oldstyleMemMgtFalse, format, argsx); } void xmlrpc_decompose_value(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const value, const char * const format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); xmlrpc_decompose_value_va(envP, value, format, args); va_end(args); } void xmlrpc_parse_value_va(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const valueP, const char * const format, va_list const args) { bool const oldstyleMemMgmtTrue = true; va_listx argsx; init_va_listx(&argsx, args); decomposeValue(envP, valueP, oldstyleMemMgmtTrue, format, argsx); } void xmlrpc_parse_value(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const value, const char * const format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); xmlrpc_parse_value_va(envP, value, format, args); va_end(args); }