/* Copyright information is at the end of the file */ #include "xmlrpc_config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 # include #else # include # include # include #endif #include "bool.h" #include "int.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/abyss.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/base.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/server.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/base_int.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/string_int.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/server_abyss.h" struct xmlrpc_server_abyss { TServer abyssServer; TChanSwitch * chanSwitchP; bool shutdownEnabled; /* User wants system.shutdown to succeed */ }; /*========================================================================= ** die_if_fault_occurred **========================================================================= ** If certain kinds of out-of-memory errors occur during server setup, ** we want to quit and print an error. */ static void die_if_fault_occurred(xmlrpc_env *env) { if (env->fault_occurred) { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected XML-RPC fault: %s (%d)\n", env->fault_string, env->fault_code); exit(1); } } static void initAbyss(xmlrpc_env * const envP) { const char * error; AbyssInit(&error); if (error) { xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Failed to initialize the Abyss library. %s", error); xmlrpc_strfree(error); } } static void termAbyss(void) { AbyssTerm(); } static unsigned int globallyInitialized = 0; /* Initialization count */ void xmlrpc_server_abyss_global_init(xmlrpc_env * const envP) { /* Note that this is specified as not thread safe; user calls it at the beginning of his program, when it is only one thread. */ XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); if (globallyInitialized == 0) initAbyss(envP); ++globallyInitialized; } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_global_term(void) { /* Note that this is specified as not thread safe; user calls it at the end of his program, when it is only one thread. */ XMLRPC_ASSERT(globallyInitialized > 0); --globallyInitialized; if (globallyInitialized == 0) termAbyss(); } static void validateGlobalInit(xmlrpc_env * const envP) { if (!globallyInitialized) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "libxmlrpc_server_abyss has not been globally " "initialized. See xmlrpc_server_abyss_init()"); } static void addAuthCookie(xmlrpc_env * const envP, TSession * const abyssSessionP, const char * const authCookie) { const char * cookieResponse; xmlrpc_asprintf(&cookieResponse, "auth=%s", authCookie); if (cookieResponse == xmlrpc_strsol) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Insufficient memory to generate cookie " "response header."); else { ResponseAddField(abyssSessionP, "Set-Cookie", cookieResponse); xmlrpc_strfree(cookieResponse); } } static void sendXmlData(xmlrpc_env * const envP, TSession * const abyssSessionP, const char * const body, size_t const len, bool const chunked) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate an HTTP response containing body 'body' of length 'len' characters. This is meant to run in the context of an Abyss URI handler for Abyss session 'abyssSessionP'. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char * http_cookie = NULL; /* This used to set http_cookie to getenv("HTTP_COOKIE"), but that doesn't make any sense -- environment variables are not appropriate for this. So for now, cookie code is disabled. - Bryan 2004.10.03. */ /* Various bugs before Xmlrpc-c 1.05 caused the response to be not chunked in the most basic case, but chunked if the client explicitly requested keepalive. I think it's better not to chunk, because it's simpler, so I removed this in 1.05. I don't know what the purpose of chunking would be, and an original comment suggests the author wasn't sure chunking was a good idea. In 1.06 we added the user option to chunk. */ if (chunked) ResponseChunked(abyssSessionP); ResponseStatus(abyssSessionP, 200); if (http_cookie) /* There's an auth cookie, so pass it back in the response. */ addAuthCookie(envP, abyssSessionP, http_cookie); if ((size_t)(uint32_t)len != len) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "XML-RPC method generated a response too " "large for Abyss to send"); else { uint32_t const abyssLen = (uint32_t)len; ResponseContentType(abyssSessionP, "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""); ResponseContentLength(abyssSessionP, abyssLen); ResponseWriteStart(abyssSessionP); ResponseWriteBody(abyssSessionP, body, abyssLen); ResponseWriteEnd(abyssSessionP); } } static void sendError(TSession * const abyssSessionP, unsigned int const status, const char * const explanation) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send an error response back to the client. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ResponseStatus(abyssSessionP, (uint16_t) status); ResponseError2(abyssSessionP, explanation); } static void traceChunkRead(TSession * const abyssSessionP) { fprintf(stderr, "XML-RPC handler got a chunk of %u bytes\n", (unsigned int)SessionReadDataAvail(abyssSessionP)); } static void refillBufferFromConnection(xmlrpc_env * const envP, TSession * const abyssSessionP, const char * const trace) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the next chunk of data from the connection into the buffer. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool succeeded; succeeded = SessionRefillBuffer(abyssSessionP); if (!succeeded) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_TIMEOUT_ERROR, "Timed out waiting for " "client to send its POST data"); else { if (trace) traceChunkRead(abyssSessionP); } } static void getBody(xmlrpc_env * const envP, TSession * const abyssSessionP, size_t const contentSize, const char * const trace, xmlrpc_mem_block ** const bodyP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the entire body, which is of size 'contentSize' bytes, from the Abyss session and return it as the new memblock *bodyP. The first chunk of the body may already be in Abyss's buffer. We retrieve that before reading more. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ xmlrpc_mem_block * body; if (trace) fprintf(stderr, "XML-RPC handler processing body. " "Content Size = %u bytes\n", (unsigned)contentSize); body = xmlrpc_mem_block_new(envP, 0); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { size_t bytesRead; const char * chunkPtr; size_t chunkLen; bytesRead = 0; while (!envP->fault_occurred && bytesRead < contentSize) { SessionGetReadData(abyssSessionP, contentSize - bytesRead, &chunkPtr, &chunkLen); bytesRead += chunkLen; assert(bytesRead <= contentSize); XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_APPEND(char, envP, body, chunkPtr, chunkLen); if (bytesRead < contentSize) refillBufferFromConnection(envP, abyssSessionP, trace); } if (envP->fault_occurred) xmlrpc_mem_block_free(body); else *bodyP = body; } } static void storeCookies(TSession * const httpRequestP, const char ** const errorP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the cookie settings from the HTTP headers and remember them for use in responses. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char * const cookie = RequestHeaderValue(httpRequestP, "cookie"); if (cookie) { /* Setting the value in an environment variable doesn't make any sense. So for now, cookie code is disabled. -Bryan 04.10.03. setenv("HTTP_COOKIE", cookie, 1); */ } /* TODO: parse HTTP_COOKIE to find auth pair, if there is one */ *errorP = NULL; } static void validateContentType(TSession * const httpRequestP, const char ** const errorP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the client didn't specify a content-type of "text/xml", fail. We can't allow the client to default this header, because some firewall software may rely on all XML-RPC requests using the POST method and a content-type of "text/xml".x -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char * const content_type = RequestHeaderValue(httpRequestP, "content-type"); if (content_type == NULL) xmlrpc_asprintf(errorP, "You did not supply a content-type HTTP header"); else { const char * const sempos = strchr(content_type, ';'); unsigned int baselen; /* Length of the base portion of the content type, e.g. "text/xml" int "text/xml;charset=utf-8" */ if (sempos) baselen = sempos - content_type; else baselen = strlen(content_type); if (!xmlrpc_strneq(content_type, "text/xml", baselen)) xmlrpc_asprintf(errorP, "Your content-type HTTP header value '%s' " "does not have a base type of 'text/xml'", content_type); else *errorP = NULL; } } static void processContentLength(TSession * const httpRequestP, size_t * const inputLenP, bool * const missingP, const char ** const errorP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure the content length is present and non-zero. This is technically required by XML-RPC, but we only enforce it because we don't want to figure out how to safely handle HTTP < 1.1 requests without it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char * const content_length = RequestHeaderValue(httpRequestP, "content-length"); if (content_length == NULL) { *missingP = TRUE; *errorP = NULL; } else { *missingP = FALSE; if (content_length[0] == '\0') xmlrpc_asprintf(errorP, "The value in your content-length " "HTTP header value is a null string"); else { unsigned long contentLengthValue; char * tail; contentLengthValue = strtoul(content_length, &tail, 10); if (*tail != '\0') xmlrpc_asprintf(errorP, "There's non-numeric crap in " "the value of your content-length " "HTTP header: '%s'", tail); else if (contentLengthValue < 1) xmlrpc_asprintf(errorP, "According to your content-length " "HTTP header, your request is empty (zero " "length)"); else if ((unsigned long)(size_t)contentLengthValue != contentLengthValue) xmlrpc_asprintf(errorP, "According to your content-length " "HTTP header, your request is too big to " "process; we can't even do arithmetic on its " "size: %s bytes", content_length); else { *errorP = NULL; *inputLenP = (size_t)contentLengthValue; } } } } static void traceHandlerCalled(TSession * const abyssSessionP) { const char * methodDesc; const TRequestInfo * requestInfoP; fprintf(stderr, "xmlrpc_server_abyss URI path handler called.\n"); SessionGetRequestInfo(abyssSessionP, &requestInfoP); fprintf(stderr, "URI = '%s'\n", requestInfoP->uri); switch (requestInfoP->method) { case m_unknown: methodDesc = "unknown"; break; case m_get: methodDesc = "get"; break; case m_put: methodDesc = "put"; break; case m_head: methodDesc = "head"; break; case m_post: methodDesc = "post"; break; case m_delete: methodDesc = "delete"; break; case m_trace: methodDesc = "trace"; break; case m_options: methodDesc = "m_options"; break; default: methodDesc = "?"; } fprintf(stderr, "HTTP method = '%s'\n", methodDesc); if (requestInfoP->query) fprintf(stderr, "query (component of URL)='%s'\n", requestInfoP->query); else fprintf(stderr, "URL has no query component\n"); } static void processCall(TSession * const abyssSessionP, size_t const contentSize, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP, bool const wantChunk, const char * const trace) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Handle an RPC request. This is an HTTP request that has the proper form to be an XML-RPC call. The text of the call is available through the Abyss session 'abyssSessionP'. Its content length is 'contentSize' bytes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ xmlrpc_env env; if (trace) fprintf(stderr, "xmlrpc_server_abyss URI path handler processing RPC.\n"); xmlrpc_env_init(&env); if (contentSize > xmlrpc_limit_get(XMLRPC_XML_SIZE_LIMIT_ID)) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( &env, XMLRPC_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_ERROR, "XML-RPC request too large (%d bytes)", contentSize); else { xmlrpc_mem_block * body; /* Read XML data off the wire. */ getBody(&env, abyssSessionP, contentSize, trace, &body); if (!env.fault_occurred) { xmlrpc_mem_block * output; /* Process the RPC. */ xmlrpc_registry_process_call2( &env, registryP, XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(char, body), XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(char, body), abyssSessionP, &output); if (!env.fault_occurred) { /* Send out the result. */ sendXmlData(&env, abyssSessionP, XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(char, output), XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(char, output), wantChunk); XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_FREE(char, output); } XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_FREE(char, body); } } if (env.fault_occurred) { uint16_t httpResponseStatus; if (env.fault_code == XMLRPC_TIMEOUT_ERROR) httpResponseStatus = 408; /* Request Timeout */ else httpResponseStatus = 500; /* Internal Server Error */ sendError(abyssSessionP, httpResponseStatus, env.fault_string); } xmlrpc_env_clean(&env); } /**************************************************************************** Abyss handlers (to be registered with and called by Abyss) ****************************************************************************/ static const char * trace_abyss; struct uriHandlerXmlrpc { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the part of an Abyss HTTP request handler (aka URI handler) that is specific to the Xmlrpc-c handler. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ xmlrpc_registry * registryP; const char * uriPath; /* malloc'ed */ bool chunkResponse; /* The handler should chunk its response whenever possible */ }; static void termUriHandler(void * const arg) { struct uriHandlerXmlrpc * const uriHandlerXmlrpcP = arg; xmlrpc_strfree(uriHandlerXmlrpcP->uriPath); free(uriHandlerXmlrpcP); } static void handleXmlrpcReq(URIHandler2 * const this, TSession * const abyssSessionP, abyss_bool * const handledP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our job is to look at this HTTP request that the Abyss server is trying to process and see if we can handle it. If it's an XML-RPC call for this XML-RPC server, we handle it. If it's not, we refuse it and Abyss can try some other handler. Our return code is TRUE to mean we handled it; FALSE to mean we didn't. Note that failing the request counts as handling it, and not handling it does not mean we failed it. This is an Abyss HTTP Request handler -- type URIHandler2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct uriHandlerXmlrpc * const uriHandlerXmlrpcP = this->userdata; const TRequestInfo * requestInfoP; if (trace_abyss) traceHandlerCalled(abyssSessionP); SessionGetRequestInfo(abyssSessionP, &requestInfoP); /* Note that requestInfoP->uri is not the whole URI. It is just the "file name" part of it. */ if (strcmp(requestInfoP->uri, uriHandlerXmlrpcP->uriPath) != 0) /* It's for the path (e.g. "/RPC2") that we're supposed to handle. */ *handledP = FALSE; else { *handledP = TRUE; if (requestInfoP->method != m_post) sendError(abyssSessionP, 405, "POST is the only HTTP method this server understands"); /* 405 = Method Not Allowed */ else { const char * error; storeCookies(abyssSessionP, &error); if (error) { sendError(abyssSessionP, 400, error); xmlrpc_strfree(error); } else { const char * error; validateContentType(abyssSessionP, &error); if (error) { sendError(abyssSessionP, 400, error); /* 400 = Bad Request */ xmlrpc_strfree(error); } else { const char * error; bool missing; size_t contentSize; processContentLength(abyssSessionP, &contentSize, &missing, &error); if (error) { sendError(abyssSessionP, 400, error); xmlrpc_strfree(error); } else { if (missing) sendError(abyssSessionP, 411, "You must send a " "content-length HTTP header in an " "XML-RPC call."); else processCall(abyssSessionP, contentSize, uriHandlerXmlrpcP->registryP, uriHandlerXmlrpcP->chunkResponse, trace_abyss); } } } } } if (trace_abyss) fprintf(stderr, "xmlrpc_server_abyss URI path handler returning.\n"); } /*========================================================================= ** xmlrpc_server_abyss_default_handler **========================================================================= ** This handler returns a 404 Not Found for all requests. See the header ** for more documentation. */ static xmlrpc_bool xmlrpc_server_abyss_default_handler(TSession * const sessionP) { const TRequestInfo * requestInfoP; const char * explanation; if (trace_abyss) fprintf(stderr, "xmlrpc_server_abyss default handler called.\n"); SessionGetRequestInfo(sessionP, &requestInfoP); xmlrpc_asprintf( &explanation, "This XML-RPC For C/C++ Abyss XML-RPC server " "responds to only one URI path. " "I don't know what URI path that is, " "but it's not the one you requested: '%s'. (Typically, it's " "'/RPC2')", requestInfoP->uri); sendError(sessionP, 404, explanation); xmlrpc_strfree(explanation); return TRUE; } static void setHandler(xmlrpc_env * const envP, TServer * const srvP, const char * const uriPath, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP, bool const chunkResponse) { struct uriHandlerXmlrpc * uriHandlerXmlrpcP; URIHandler2 uriHandler; abyss_bool success; trace_abyss = getenv("XMLRPC_TRACE_ABYSS"); MALLOCVAR_NOFAIL(uriHandlerXmlrpcP); uriHandlerXmlrpcP->registryP = registryP; uriHandlerXmlrpcP->uriPath = strdup(uriPath); uriHandlerXmlrpcP->chunkResponse = chunkResponse; uriHandler.handleReq2 = handleXmlrpcReq; uriHandler.handleReq1 = NULL; uriHandler.userdata = uriHandlerXmlrpcP; uriHandler.init = NULL; uriHandler.term = &termUriHandler; ServerAddHandler2(srvP, &uriHandler, &success); if (!success) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Abyss failed to register the Xmlrpc-c request " "handler. ServerAddHandler2() failed."); if (envP->fault_occurred) free(uriHandlerXmlrpcP); } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_set_handler(xmlrpc_env * const envP, TServer * const srvP, const char * const uriPath, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP) { setHandler(envP, srvP, uriPath, registryP, false); } static void setHandlers(TServer * const srvP, const char * const uriPath, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP, bool const chunkResponse) { xmlrpc_env env; xmlrpc_env_init(&env); trace_abyss = getenv("XMLRPC_TRACE_ABYSS"); setHandler(&env, srvP, uriPath, registryP, chunkResponse); if (env.fault_occurred) abort(); ServerDefaultHandler(srvP, xmlrpc_server_abyss_default_handler); xmlrpc_env_clean(&env); } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_set_handlers2(TServer * const srvP, const char * const uriPath, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP) { setHandlers(srvP, uriPath, registryP, false); } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_set_handlers(TServer * const srvP, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP) { setHandlers(srvP, "/RPC2", registryP, false); } /*============================================================================ createServer() ============================================================================*/ static void setAdditionalServerParms(const xmlrpc_server_abyss_parms * const parmsP, unsigned int const parmSize, TServer * const serverP) { /* The following ought to be parameters on ServerCreate(), but it looks like plugging them straight into the TServer structure is the only way to set them. */ if (parmSize >= XMLRPC_APSIZE(keepalive_timeout) && parmsP->keepalive_timeout > 0) ServerSetKeepaliveTimeout(serverP, parmsP->keepalive_timeout); if (parmSize >= XMLRPC_APSIZE(keepalive_max_conn) && parmsP->keepalive_max_conn > 0) ServerSetKeepaliveMaxConn(serverP, parmsP->keepalive_max_conn); if (parmSize >= XMLRPC_APSIZE(timeout) && parmsP->timeout > 0) ServerSetTimeout(serverP, parmsP->timeout); if (parmSize >= XMLRPC_APSIZE(dont_advertise)) ServerSetAdvertise(serverP, !parmsP->dont_advertise); } static void extractServerCreateParms( xmlrpc_env * const envP, const xmlrpc_server_abyss_parms * const parmsP, unsigned int const parmSize, bool * const socketBoundP, unsigned int * const portNumberP, TOsSocket * const socketFdP, const char ** const logFileNameP) { if (parmSize >= XMLRPC_APSIZE(socket_bound)) *socketBoundP = parmsP->socket_bound; else *socketBoundP = FALSE; if (*socketBoundP) { if (parmSize < XMLRPC_APSIZE(socket_handle)) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "socket_bound is true, but server parameter " "structure does not contain socket_handle (it's too " "short)"); else *socketFdP = parmsP->socket_handle; } else { if (parmSize >= XMLRPC_APSIZE(port_number)) *portNumberP = parmsP->port_number; else *portNumberP = 8080; if (*portNumberP > 0xffff) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "TCP port number %u exceeds the maximum possible " "TCP port number (65535)", *portNumberP); } if (!envP->fault_occurred) { if (parmSize >= XMLRPC_APSIZE(log_file_name) && parmsP->log_file_name) *logFileNameP = strdup(parmsP->log_file_name); else *logFileNameP = NULL; } } static void chanSwitchCreateOsSocket(TOsSocket const socketFd, TChanSwitch ** const chanSwitchPP, const char ** const errorP) { #ifdef WIN32 ChanSwitchWinCreateWinsock(socketFd, chanSwitchPP, errorP); #else ChanSwitchUnixCreateFd(socketFd, chanSwitchPP, errorP); #endif } static void createServerBoundSocket(xmlrpc_env * const envP, TOsSocket const socketFd, const char * const logFileName, TServer * const serverP, TChanSwitch ** const chanSwitchPP) { TChanSwitch * chanSwitchP; const char * error; chanSwitchCreateOsSocket(socketFd, &chanSwitchP, &error); if (error) { xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Unable to create Abyss socket out of " "file descriptor %d. %s", socketFd, error); xmlrpc_strfree(error); } else { ServerCreateSwitch(serverP, chanSwitchP, &error); if (error) { xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Abyss failed to create server. %s", error); xmlrpc_strfree(error); } else { *chanSwitchPP = chanSwitchP; ServerSetName(serverP, "XmlRpcServer"); if (logFileName) ServerSetLogFileName(serverP, logFileName); } if (envP->fault_occurred) ChanSwitchDestroy(chanSwitchP); } } static void createServerBare(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const xmlrpc_server_abyss_parms * const parmsP, unsigned int const parmSize, TServer * const serverP, TChanSwitch ** const chanSwitchPP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a bare server. It will need further setup before it is ready to use. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool socketBound; unsigned int portNumber; TOsSocket socketFd; const char * logFileName; extractServerCreateParms(envP, parmsP, parmSize, &socketBound, &portNumber, &socketFd, &logFileName); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { if (socketBound) createServerBoundSocket(envP, socketFd, logFileName, serverP, chanSwitchPP); else { ServerCreate(serverP, "XmlRpcServer", portNumber, DEFAULT_DOCS, logFileName); *chanSwitchPP = NULL; } if (logFileName) xmlrpc_strfree(logFileName); } } static bool chunkResponseParm(const xmlrpc_server_abyss_parms * const parmsP, unsigned int const parmSize) { return parmSize >= XMLRPC_APSIZE(chunk_response) && parmsP->chunk_response; } static const char * uriPathParm(const xmlrpc_server_abyss_parms * const parmsP, unsigned int const parmSize) { const char * uriPath; if (parmSize >= XMLRPC_APSIZE(uri_path) && parmsP->uri_path) uriPath = parmsP->uri_path; else uriPath = "/RPC2"; return uriPath; } static void createServer(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const xmlrpc_server_abyss_parms * const parmsP, unsigned int const parmSize, TServer * const abyssServerP, TChanSwitch ** const chanSwitchPP) { createServerBare(envP, parmsP, parmSize, abyssServerP, chanSwitchPP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { setAdditionalServerParms(parmsP, parmSize, abyssServerP); setHandlers(abyssServerP, uriPathParm(parmsP, parmSize), parmsP->registryP, chunkResponseParm(parmsP, parmSize)); ServerInit(abyssServerP); } } static bool enableShutdownParm(const xmlrpc_server_abyss_parms * const parmsP, unsigned int const parmSize) { return parmSize >= XMLRPC_APSIZE(enable_shutdown) && parmsP->enable_shutdown; } static xmlrpc_server_shutdown_fn shutdownAbyss; static void shutdownAbyss(xmlrpc_env * const faultP, void * const context, const char * const comment ATTR_UNUSED, void * const callInfo ATTR_UNUSED) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tell Abyss to wrap up whatever it's doing and shut down. This is a server shutdown function to be registered in the method registry, for use by the 'system.shutdown' system method. After we return, Abyss will finish up the system.shutdown and any other connections that are in progress, then the call to ServerRun() etc. will return. *faultP is the result of the shutdown request, not whether we succeeded or failed. We are not allowed to fail. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ xmlrpc_server_abyss_t * const serverP = context; xmlrpc_env_init(faultP); if (!serverP->shutdownEnabled) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( faultP, XMLRPC_REQUEST_REFUSED_ERROR, "Shutdown by client is disabled on this server."); else ServerTerminate(&serverP->abyssServer); } /*============================================================================= xmlrpc_server_abyss object methods =============================================================================*/ void xmlrpc_server_abyss_create(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const xmlrpc_server_abyss_parms * const parmsP, unsigned int const parmSize, xmlrpc_server_abyss_t ** const serverPP) { xmlrpc_server_abyss_t * serverP; XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); validateGlobalInit(envP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { if (parmSize < XMLRPC_APSIZE(registryP)) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "You must specify members at least up through " "'registryP' in the server parameters argument. " "That would mean the parameter size would be >= %lu " "but you specified a size of %u", XMLRPC_APSIZE(registryP), parmSize); else { MALLOCVAR(serverP); if (serverP == NULL) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Unable to allocate memory for " "server descriptor."); else { createServer(envP, parmsP, parmSize, &serverP->abyssServer, &serverP->chanSwitchP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { serverP->shutdownEnabled = enableShutdownParm(parmsP, parmSize); xmlrpc_registry_set_shutdown( parmsP->registryP, &shutdownAbyss, serverP); if (envP->fault_occurred) free(serverP); else *serverPP = serverP; } } } } } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_destroy(xmlrpc_server_abyss_t * const serverP) { XMLRPC_ASSERT(globallyInitialized); ServerFree(&serverP->abyssServer); if (serverP->chanSwitchP) ChanSwitchDestroy(serverP->chanSwitchP); free(serverP); } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_use_sigchld(xmlrpc_server_abyss_t * const serverP) { ServerUseSigchld(&serverP->abyssServer); } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_run_server(xmlrpc_env * const envP ATTR_UNUSED, xmlrpc_server_abyss_t * const serverP) { ServerRun(&serverP->abyssServer); } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_terminate( xmlrpc_env * const envP ATTR_UNUSED, xmlrpc_server_abyss_t * const serverP) { ServerTerminate(&serverP->abyssServer); } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_reset_terminate( xmlrpc_env * const envP ATTR_UNUSED, xmlrpc_server_abyss_t * const serverP) { ServerResetTerminate(&serverP->abyssServer); } static void sigchld(int const signalClass ATTR_UNUSED) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a signal handler for a SIGCHLD signal (which informs us that one of our child processes has terminated). The only child processes we have are those that belong to the Abyss server (and then only if the Abyss server was configured to use forking as a threading mechanism), so we respond by passing the signal on to the Abyss server. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef WIN32 bool childrenLeft; bool error; assert(signalClass == SIGCHLD); error = false; childrenLeft = true; /* initial assumption */ /* Reap defunct children until there aren't any more. */ while (childrenLeft && !error) { int status; pid_t pid; pid = waitpid((pid_t) -1, &status, WNOHANG); if (pid == 0) childrenLeft = false; else if (pid < 0) { /* because of ptrace */ if (errno != EINTR) error = true; } else ServerHandleSigchld(pid); } #endif /* WIN32 */ } struct xmlrpc_server_abyss_sig { /* A description of the state of the process' signal handlers before functions in this library messed with them; useful for restoring them later. */ #ifndef WIN32 struct sigaction pipe; struct sigaction chld; #else int dummy; #endif }; static void setupSignalHandlers(xmlrpc_server_abyss_sig * const oldHandlersP) { #ifndef WIN32 struct sigaction mysigaction; sigemptyset(&mysigaction.sa_mask); mysigaction.sa_flags = 0; /* This signal indicates connection closed in the middle */ mysigaction.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &mysigaction, &oldHandlersP->pipe); /* This signal indicates a child process (request handler) has died */ mysigaction.sa_handler = sigchld; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &mysigaction, &oldHandlersP->chld); #endif } static void restoreSignalHandlers(const xmlrpc_server_abyss_sig * const oldHandlersP) { #ifndef WIN32 sigaction(SIGPIPE, &oldHandlersP->pipe, NULL); sigaction(SIGCHLD, &oldHandlersP->chld, NULL); #endif } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_setup_sig( xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_server_abyss_t * const serverP, xmlrpc_server_abyss_sig ** const oldHandlersPP) { xmlrpc_server_abyss_sig * oldHandlersP; XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); validateGlobalInit(envP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { MALLOCVAR(oldHandlersP); if (oldHandlersP == NULL) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Unable to allocate memory to save signal " "handling state."); else { setupSignalHandlers(oldHandlersP); xmlrpc_server_abyss_use_sigchld(serverP); } if (oldHandlersPP) *oldHandlersPP = oldHandlersP; else free(oldHandlersP); } } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_restore_sig( const xmlrpc_server_abyss_sig * const oldHandlersP) { restoreSignalHandlers(oldHandlersP); } static void runServerDaemon(TServer * const serverP, runfirstFn const runfirst, void * const runfirstArg) { xmlrpc_server_abyss_sig oldHandlers; setupSignalHandlers(&oldHandlers); ServerUseSigchld(serverP); ServerDaemonize(serverP); /* We run the user supplied runfirst after forking, but before accepting connections (helpful when running with threads) */ if (runfirst) runfirst(runfirstArg); ServerRun(serverP); restoreSignalHandlers(&oldHandlers); } static void oldHighLevelAbyssRun(xmlrpc_env * const envP ATTR_UNUSED, const xmlrpc_server_abyss_parms * const parmsP, unsigned int const parmSize) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the old deprecated interface, where the caller of the xmlrpc_server_abyss API supplies an Abyss configuration file and we use it to daemonize (fork into the background, chdir, set uid, etc.) and run the Abyss server. The new preferred interface, implemented by normalLevelAbyssRun(), instead lets Caller set up the process environment himself and pass Abyss parameters in memory. That's a more conventional and flexible API. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TServer server; runfirstFn runfirst; void * runfirstArg; ServerCreate(&server, "XmlRpcServer", 8080, DEFAULT_DOCS, NULL); assert(parmSize >= XMLRPC_APSIZE(config_file_name)); ConfReadServerFile(parmsP->config_file_name, &server); assert(parmSize >= XMLRPC_APSIZE(registryP)); setHandlers(&server, "/RPC2", parmsP->registryP, false); ServerInit(&server); if (parmSize >= XMLRPC_APSIZE(runfirst_arg)) { runfirst = parmsP->runfirst; runfirstArg = parmsP->runfirst_arg; } else { runfirst = NULL; runfirstArg = NULL; } runServerDaemon(&server, runfirst, runfirstArg); ServerFree(&server); } static void normalLevelAbyssRun(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const xmlrpc_server_abyss_parms * const parmsP, unsigned int const parmSize) { xmlrpc_server_abyss_t * serverP; xmlrpc_server_abyss_create(envP, parmsP, parmSize, &serverP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { xmlrpc_server_abyss_sig * oldHandlersP; xmlrpc_server_abyss_setup_sig(envP, serverP, &oldHandlersP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { xmlrpc_server_abyss_run_server(envP, serverP); xmlrpc_server_abyss_restore_sig(oldHandlersP); free(oldHandlersP); } xmlrpc_server_abyss_destroy(serverP); } } void xmlrpc_server_abyss(xmlrpc_env * const envP, const xmlrpc_server_abyss_parms * const parmsP, unsigned int const parmSize) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that this is not re-entrant and not thread-safe, due to the global library initialization. If you want to run a server inside a thread of a multi-threaded program, use xmlrpc_server_abyss_create() instead. As required by that subroutine, your program will contain a call to xmlrpc_server_abyss_init() early in your program, when it is only one thread. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); xmlrpc_server_abyss_global_init(envP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { if (parmSize < XMLRPC_APSIZE(registryP)) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "You must specify members at least up through " "'registryP' in the server parameters argument. " "That would mean the parameter size would be >= %lu " "but you specified a size of %u", XMLRPC_APSIZE(registryP), parmSize); else { if (parmsP->config_file_name) oldHighLevelAbyssRun(envP, parmsP, parmSize); else normalLevelAbyssRun(envP, parmsP, parmSize); } xmlrpc_server_abyss_global_term(); } } /*========================================================================= XML-RPC Server Method Registry This is an old deprecated form of the server facilities that uses global variables. =========================================================================*/ /* These global variables must be treated as read-only after the server has started. */ static TServer globalSrv; /* When you use the old interface (xmlrpc_server_abyss_init(), etc.), this is the Abyss server to which they refer. Obviously, there can be only one Abyss server per program using this interface. */ static xmlrpc_registry * builtin_registryP; void xmlrpc_server_abyss_init_registry(void) { /* This used to just create the registry and Caller would be responsible for adding the handlers that use it. But that isn't very modular -- the handlers and registry go together; there's no sense in using the built-in registry and not the built-in handlers because if you're custom building something, you can just make your own regular registry. So now we tie them together, and we don't export our handlers. */ xmlrpc_env env; xmlrpc_env_init(&env); builtin_registryP = xmlrpc_registry_new(&env); die_if_fault_occurred(&env); xmlrpc_env_clean(&env); setHandlers(&globalSrv, "/RPC2", builtin_registryP, false); } xmlrpc_registry * xmlrpc_server_abyss_registry(void) { /* This is highly deprecated. If you want to mess with a registry, make your own with xmlrpc_registry_new() -- don't mess with the internal one. */ return builtin_registryP; } /* A quick & easy shorthand for adding a method. */ void xmlrpc_server_abyss_add_method(char * const method_name, xmlrpc_method const method, void * const user_data) { xmlrpc_env env; xmlrpc_env_init(&env); xmlrpc_registry_add_method(&env, builtin_registryP, NULL, method_name, method, user_data); die_if_fault_occurred(&env); xmlrpc_env_clean(&env); } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_add_method_w_doc(char * const method_name, xmlrpc_method const method, void * const user_data, char * const signature, char * const help) { xmlrpc_env env; xmlrpc_env_init(&env); xmlrpc_registry_add_method_w_doc( &env, builtin_registryP, NULL, method_name, method, user_data, signature, help); die_if_fault_occurred(&env); xmlrpc_env_clean(&env); } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_init(int const flags ATTR_UNUSED, const char * const config_file) { ServerCreate(&globalSrv, "XmlRpcServer", 8080, DEFAULT_DOCS, NULL); ConfReadServerFile(config_file, &globalSrv); xmlrpc_server_abyss_init_registry(); /* Installs /RPC2 handler and default handler that use the built-in registry. */ ServerInit(&globalSrv); } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_run_first(runfirstFn const runfirst, void * const runfirstArg) { runServerDaemon(&globalSrv, runfirst, runfirstArg); } void xmlrpc_server_abyss_run(void) { runServerDaemon(&globalSrv, NULL, NULL); } /* ** Copyright (C) 2001 by First Peer, Inc. All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ** ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ** ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ** FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ** DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ** OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ** HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ** LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ** OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ** SUCH DAMAGE. ** ** There is more copyright information in the bottom half of this file. ** Please see it for more details. */