#!/bin/bash ##### -*- mode:shell-script; indent-tabs-mode:nil; sh-basic-offset:2 -*- ##### setup git properly for FreeSWITCH if [ ! -d .git ]; then echo "error: must be run from within the top level of a FreeSWITCH git tree." 1>&2 exit 1; fi err () { echo "error: $1" 1>&2 exit 1 } if ! git config user.name >/dev/null 2>&1; then name=$(git config user.name) [ -z "$name" ] \ && [ -n "$NAME" ] && name="$NAME" || name="" echo -n "What is your full real name? [$name]: " read name_ [ -n "$name_" ] && name="$name_" [ -z "$name" ] && err "Your name is required." git config --global user.name "$name" fi if ! git config user.email >/dev/null 2>&1; then email=$(git config user.email) [ -z "$email" ] \ && [ -n "$EMAIL" ] && email="$EMAIL" || email="" echo -n "What is your email? [$email]: " read email_ [ -n "$email_" ] && email="$email_" [ -z "$email" ] && err "Your email is required." git config --global user.email "$email" fi git config pull.rebase true git config branch.master.rebase true cat 1>&2 <<EOF ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Git has been configured for FS successfully. pull.rebase and branch.master.rebase have been set to true This means that when you do a 'git pull' to fetch remote changes, your local changes will be rebased on top of the remote changes. This does NOT rewrite history on the remote FS repo, but it does change the commit hashes in your local tree. By default, 'git pull' is equivalent to running: git fetch && git merge origin/master What we've done here is change things such that 'git pull' is now equivalent to: git fetch && git rebase origin/master If you really want to merge rather than rebasing, run: git merge <commit> See 'man git-config' for more information. Also see the man pages for git-pull, git-fetch, git-merge, and git-rebase. EOF [ -n "$name" ] \ && cat 1>&2 <<EOF Your name has been set to: $name via 'git config --global user.name "$name" EOF [ -n "$email" ] \ && cat 1>&2 <<EOF Your email has been set to: $email via 'git config --global user.email "$email" EOF cat 1>&2 <<EOF If you're creating patches for FS, please review this document: docs/SubmittingPatches ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EOF