/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@internal @file nth_server.c * @brief HTTP server. * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> * * @date Created: Sat Oct 19 01:37:36 2002 ppessi */ #include "config.h" #include <sofia-sip/su_string.h> #include <sofia-sip/su.h> typedef struct server_s server_t; /** @internal SU timer argument pointer type */ #define SU_TIMER_ARG_T server_t #include <sofia-sip/http_header.h> #include <sofia-sip/http_status.h> #include <sofia-sip/http_tag.h> #include "sofia-sip/nth.h" #include <sofia-sip/msg_date.h> #include <sofia-sip/msg_addr.h> #include <sofia-sip/su_tagarg.h> #include <sofia-sip/hostdomain.h> /* We are customer of tport_t */ #define TP_STACK_T server_t #define TP_MAGIC_T void #include <sofia-sip/tport.h> #include <sofia-sip/htable.h> #include <sofia-sip/auth_module.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <errno.h> #include <assert.h> #ifndef UINT32_MAX #define UINT32_MAX (0xffffffffU) #endif enum { SERVER_TICK = 1000 }; #define SERVER_VERSION "nth/" NTH_VERSION HTABLE_DECLARE(hc_htable, hct, nth_client_t); struct server_s { su_home_t srv_home[1]; su_root_t *srv_root; su_timer_t *srv_timer; unsigned srv_now; msg_mclass_t const*srv_mclass; int srv_mflags; /**< Message flags */ tport_t *srv_tports; unsigned srv_queuesize; /**< Maximum number of queued responses */ size_t srv_max_bodylen; /**< Maximum accepted length */ unsigned srv_persistent:1; /**< Allow persistent connections */ /** Sites */ nth_site_t *srv_sites; /* Statistics */ struct { uint32_t st_requests; /**< Received requests */ uint32_t st_responses; /**< Sent responses */ uint32_t st_bad; /**< Bad requests */ } srv_stats[1]; http_server_t *srv_server; /**< Server header */ }; struct nth_site_s { nth_site_t *site_next, **site_prev; nth_site_t *site_kids; server_t *site_server; auth_mod_t *site_auth; url_t *site_url; char const *site_path; size_t site_path_len; nth_request_f *site_callback; nth_site_magic_t *site_magic; su_time_t site_access; /**< Last request served */ /** Host header must match with server name */ unsigned site_strict : 1; /** Site can have kids */ unsigned site_isdir : 1; /** Site does not have domain name */ unsigned site_wildcard : 1; }; struct nth_request_s { server_t *req_server; http_method_t req_method; char const *req_method_name; url_t const *req_url; /**< RequestURI */ char const *req_version; tport_t *req_tport; msg_t *req_request; msg_t *req_response; auth_status_t *req_as; unsigned short req_status; unsigned req_close : 1; /**< Client asked for close */ unsigned req_in_callback : 1; unsigned req_destroyed : 1; }; /* ====================================================================== */ /* Debug log settings */ #define SU_LOG nth_server_log #ifdef SU_DEBUG_H #error <su_debug.h> included directly. #endif #include <sofia-sip/su_debug.h> /**Environment variable determining the debug log level for @b nth * module. * * The NTH_DEBUG environment variable is used to determine the debug * logging level for @b nth module. The default level is 1. * * @sa <sofia-sip/su_debug.h>, nth_server_log, SOFIA_DEBUG */ extern char const NTH_DEBUG[]; #ifndef SU_DEBUG #define SU_DEBUG 1 #endif /**Debug log for @b nth module. * * The nth_server_log is the log object used by @b nth module. The level of * #nth_server_log is set using #NTH_DEBUG environment variable. */ su_log_t nth_server_log[] = { SU_LOG_INIT("nth", "NTH_DEBUG", SU_DEBUG) }; #if HAVE_FUNC #elif HAVE_FUNCTION #define __func__ __FUNCTION__ #else static char const __func__[] = "nth"; #endif /* ====================================================================== */ /** Server side */ static server_t *server_create(url_t const *url, tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, ...); void server_destroy(server_t *srv); su_inline int server_timer_init(server_t *srv); static void server_timer(su_root_magic_t *rm, su_timer_t *timer, server_t *srv); su_inline uint32_t server_now(server_t const *srv); static void server_request(server_t *srv, tport_t *tport, msg_t *msg, void *arg, su_time_t now); static nth_site_t **site_get_host(nth_site_t **, char const *host, char const *port); static nth_site_t **site_get_rslot(nth_site_t *parent, char *path, char **return_rest); static nth_site_t *site_get_subdir(nth_site_t *parent, char const *path, char const **res); static void server_tport_error(server_t *srv, tport_t *tport, int errcode, char const *remote); static msg_t *server_msg_create(server_t *srv, int flags, char const data[], usize_t dlen, tport_t const *tp, tp_client_t *tpc); static void server_reply(server_t *srv, tport_t *tport, msg_t *request, msg_t *response, int status, char const *phrase); static void nth_site_request(server_t *srv, nth_site_t *site, tport_t *tport, msg_t *request, http_t *http, char const *path, msg_t *response); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * 5) Site functions */ /** Create a http site object. * * The function nth_site_create() allocates and initializes a web site * object. A web site object can be either * - a primary http server (@a parent is NULL), * - a virtual http server (@a address contains hostpart), or * - a site within a server * (@a address does not have hostpart, only path part). * * @param parent pointer to parent site * (NULL when creating a primary server object) * @param callback pointer to callback function called when * a request is received * @param magic application context included in callback parameters * @param address absolute or relative URI specifying the address of * site * @param tag, value, ... list of tagged parameters * * @TAGS * If the @a parent is NULL, the list of tagged parameters must contain * NTHTAG_ROOT() used to create the server engine. Tags supported when @a * parent is NULL are NTHTAG_ROOT(), NTHTAG_MCLASS(), TPTAG_REUSE(), * HTTPTAG_SERVER(), and HTTPTAG_SERVER_STR(). All the tags are passed to * tport_tcreate() and tport_tbind(), too. * * @since Support for multiple sites was added to @VERSION_1_12_4 */ nth_site_t *nth_site_create(nth_site_t *parent, nth_request_f *callback, nth_site_magic_t *magic, url_string_t const *address, tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, ...) { nth_site_t *site = NULL, **prev = NULL; su_home_t home[SU_HOME_AUTO_SIZE(256)]; url_t *url, url0[1]; server_t *srv = NULL; ta_list ta; char *path = NULL; size_t usize; int is_host, is_path, wildcard = 0; su_home_auto(home, sizeof home); if (parent && url_is_string(address)) { char const *s = (char const *)address; size_t sep = strcspn(s, "/:"); if (parent->site_path) { /* subpath */ url_init(url0, (enum url_type_e)parent->site_url->url_type); url0->url_path = s; address = (url_string_t*)url0; } else if (s[sep] == ':') /* absolute URL with scheme */; else if (s[sep] == '\0' && strchr(s, '.') && host_is_valid(s)) { /* looks like a domain name */; url_init(url0, (enum url_type_e)parent->site_url->url_type); url0->url_host = s; address = (url_string_t*)url0; } else { /* looks like a path */ url_init(url0, (enum url_type_e)parent->site_url->url_type); url0->url_path = s; address = (url_string_t*)url0; } } url = url_hdup(home, address->us_url); if (!url || !callback) return NULL; is_host = url->url_host != NULL; is_path = url->url_path != NULL; if (is_host && is_path) { SU_DEBUG_3(("nth_site_create(): virtual host and path simultanously\n" VA_NONE)); errno = EINVAL; goto error; } if (!parent && !is_host) { SU_DEBUG_3(("nth_site_create(): host is required\n" VA_NONE)); errno = EINVAL; goto error; } if (parent) { if (!parent->site_isdir) { SU_DEBUG_3(("nth_site_create(): invalid parent resource \n" VA_NONE)); errno = EINVAL; goto error; } srv = parent->site_server; assert(srv); if (is_host) { prev = site_get_host(&srv->srv_sites, url->url_host, url->url_port); if (prev == NULL) { SU_DEBUG_3(("nth_site_create(): host %s:%s already exists\n", url->url_host, url->url_port ? url->url_port : "")); errno = EEXIST; goto error; } } else { size_t i, j; path = (char *)url->url_path; while (path[0] == '/') path++; /* Remove duplicate // */ for (i = j = 0; path[i];) { while (path[i] == '/' && path[i + 1] == '/') i++; path[j++] = path[i++]; } path[j] = path[i]; url = url0, *url = *parent->site_url; if (url->url_path) { url->url_path = su_strcat(home, url->url_path, path); if (!url->url_path) goto error; path = (char *)url->url_path + strlen(parent->site_url->url_path); } else url->url_path = path; prev = site_get_rslot(parent, path, &path); if (!prev || path[0] == '\0') { SU_DEBUG_3(("nth_site_create(): directory \"%s\" already exists\n", url->url_path)); errno = EEXIST; goto error; } } } if (!parent) { if (strcmp(url->url_host, "*") == 0 || host_cmp(url->url_host, "") == 0 || host_cmp(url->url_host, "::") == 0) wildcard = 1, url->url_host = "*"; } usize = sizeof(*url) + url_xtra(url); ta_start(ta, tag, value); if (!parent) { srv = server_create(url, ta_tags(ta)); prev = &srv->srv_sites; } if (srv && (site = su_zalloc(srv->srv_home, (sizeof *site) + usize))) { site->site_url = (url_t *)(site + 1); url_dup((void *)(site->site_url + 1), usize - sizeof(*url), site->site_url, url); assert(prev); if ((site->site_next = *prev)) site->site_next->site_prev = &site->site_next; *prev = site, site->site_prev = prev; site->site_server = srv; if (path) { size_t path_len; site->site_path = site->site_url->url_path + (path - url->url_path); path_len = strlen(site->site_path); assert(path_len > 0); if (path_len > 0 && site->site_path[path_len - 1] == '/') path_len--, site->site_isdir = 1; site->site_path_len = path_len; } else { site->site_isdir = is_host; site->site_path = ""; site->site_path_len = 0; } site->site_wildcard = wildcard; site->site_callback = callback; site->site_magic = magic; if (parent) site->site_auth = parent->site_auth; nth_site_set_params(site, ta_tags(ta)); } ta_end(ta); error: su_home_deinit(home); return site; } void nth_site_destroy(nth_site_t *site) { if (site == NULL) return; if (site->site_auth) auth_mod_unref(site->site_auth), site->site_auth = NULL; if (site->site_server->srv_sites == site) { server_destroy(site->site_server); } } nth_site_magic_t *nth_site_magic(nth_site_t const *site) { return site ? site->site_magic : NULL; } void nth_site_bind(nth_site_t *site, nth_request_f *callback, nth_site_magic_t *magic) { if (site) { site->site_callback = callback; site->site_magic = magic; } } /** Get the site URL. @NEW_1_12_4. */ url_t const *nth_site_url(nth_site_t const *site) { return site ? site->site_url : NULL; } /** Return server name and version */ char const *nth_site_server_version(void) { return "nth/" NTH_VERSION; } /** Get the time last time served. @NEW_1_12_4. */ su_time_t nth_site_access_time(nth_site_t const *site) { su_time_t const never = { 0, 0 }; return site ? site->site_access : never; } int nth_site_set_params(nth_site_t *site, tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, ...) { int n; ta_list ta; server_t *server; int master; msg_mclass_t const *mclass; int mflags; auth_mod_t *am; if (site == NULL) return (errno = EINVAL), -1; server = site->site_server; master = site == server->srv_sites; am = site->site_auth; mclass = server->srv_mclass; mflags = server->srv_mflags; ta_start(ta, tag, value); n = tl_gets(ta_args(ta), TAG_IF(master, NTHTAG_MCLASS_REF(mclass)), TAG_IF(master, NTHTAG_MFLAGS_REF(mflags)), NTHTAG_AUTH_MODULE_REF(am), TAG_END()); if (n > 0) { if (mclass) server->srv_mclass = mclass; else server->srv_mclass = http_default_mclass(); server->srv_mflags = mflags; auth_mod_ref(am), auth_mod_unref(site->site_auth), site->site_auth = am; } ta_end(ta); return n; } int nth_site_get_params(nth_site_t const *site, tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, ...) { int n; ta_list ta; server_t *server; int master; msg_mclass_t const *mclass; if (site == NULL) return (errno = EINVAL), -1; server = site->site_server; master = site == server->srv_sites; if (master && server->srv_mclass != http_default_mclass()) mclass = server->srv_mclass; else mclass = NULL; ta_start(ta, tag, value); n = tl_tgets(ta_args(ta), TAG_IF(master, NTHTAG_MCLASS(mclass)), TAG_IF(master, NTHTAG_MFLAGS(server->srv_mflags)), TAG_END()); ta_end(ta); return n; } int nth_site_get_stats(nth_site_t const *site, tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, ...) { int n; ta_list ta; if (site == NULL) return (errno = EINVAL), -1; ta_start(ta, tag, value); n = tl_tgets(ta_args(ta), TAG_END()); ta_end(ta); return n; } static nth_site_t **site_get_host(nth_site_t **list, char const *host, char const *port) { nth_site_t *site; assert(host); for (; (site = *list); list = &site->site_next) { if (host_cmp(host, site->site_url->url_host) == 0 && su_strcmp(port, site->site_url->url_port) == 0) { break; } } return list; } /** Find a place to insert site from the hierarchy. * * A resource can be either a 'dir' (name ends with '/') or 'file'. * When a resource */ static nth_site_t **site_get_rslot(nth_site_t *parent, char *path, char **return_rest) { nth_site_t *site, **prev; size_t len; int cmp; assert(path); if (path[0] == '\0') return errno = EEXIST, NULL; for (prev = &parent->site_kids; (site = *prev); prev = &site->site_next) { cmp = strncmp(path, site->site_path, len = site->site_path_len); if (cmp > 0) break; if (cmp < 0) continue; if (path[len] == '\0') { if (site->site_isdir) return *return_rest = path, prev; return errno = EEXIST, NULL; } if (path[len] != '/' || site->site_path[len] != '/') continue; while (path[++len] == '/') ; return site_get_rslot(site, path + len, return_rest); } *return_rest = path; return prev; } static char const site_nodir_match[] = ""; /** Find a subdir from site hierarchy */ static nth_site_t *site_get_subdir(nth_site_t *parent, char const *path, char const **return_rest) { nth_site_t *site; size_t len; int cmp; assert(path); while (path[0] == '/') /* Skip multiple slashes */ path++; if (path[0] == '\0') return *return_rest = path, parent; for (site = parent->site_kids; site; site = site->site_next) { cmp = strncmp(path, site->site_path, len = site->site_path_len); if (cmp > 0) break; if (cmp < 0) continue; if (path[len] == '\0') return *return_rest = site_nodir_match, site; if (site->site_path[len] == '/' && path[len] == '/') return site_get_subdir(site, path + len + 1, return_rest); } return *return_rest = path, parent; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Server functions */ static char const * const http_tports[] = { "tcp", "tls", NULL }; static char const * const http_no_tls_tports[] = { "tcp", NULL }; static tp_stack_class_t nth_server_class[1] = {{ sizeof(nth_server_class), server_request, server_tport_error, server_msg_create }}; server_t *server_create(url_t const *url, tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, ...) { server_t *srv; msg_mclass_t const *mclass = NULL; tp_name_t tpn[1] = {{ NULL }}; su_root_t *root = NULL; http_server_t const *server = NULL; int persistent = 0; char const *server_str = SERVER_VERSION; ta_list ta; ta_start(ta, tag, value); tl_gets(ta_args(ta), NTHTAG_ROOT_REF(root), NTHTAG_MCLASS_REF(mclass), TPTAG_REUSE_REF(persistent), HTTPTAG_SERVER_REF(server), HTTPTAG_SERVER_STR_REF(server_str), TAG_END()); if (!root || !url || (url->url_type != url_http && url->url_type != url_https) || !(srv = su_home_new(sizeof(*srv)))) { ta_end(ta); return NULL; } tpn->tpn_proto = url_tport_default((enum url_type_e)url->url_type); tpn->tpn_canon = url->url_host; tpn->tpn_host = url->url_host; tpn->tpn_port = url_port(url); srv->srv_tports = tport_tcreate(srv, nth_server_class, root, TPTAG_IDLE(600000), TPTAG_TIMEOUT(300000), ta_tags(ta)); srv->srv_persistent = persistent; srv->srv_max_bodylen = 1 << 30; /* 1 GB */ if (tport_tbind(srv->srv_tports, tpn, http_tports, TAG_END()) >= 0 || tport_tbind(srv->srv_tports, tpn, http_no_tls_tports, TAG_END()) >= 0) { srv->srv_root = root; srv->srv_mclass = mclass ? mclass : http_default_mclass(); srv->srv_mflags = MSG_DO_CANONIC; if (server) srv->srv_server = http_server_dup(srv->srv_home, server); else srv->srv_server = http_server_make(srv->srv_home, server_str); tport_get_params(srv->srv_tports, TPTAG_QUEUESIZE_REF(srv->srv_queuesize), TAG_END()); } else { SU_DEBUG_1(("nth_server_create: cannot bind transports " URL_FORMAT_STRING "\n", URL_PRINT_ARGS(url))); server_destroy(srv), srv = NULL; } ta_end(ta); return srv; } void server_destroy(server_t *srv) { tport_destroy(srv->srv_tports); su_timer_destroy(srv->srv_timer); su_home_unref(srv->srv_home); } /** Initialize server timer. */ su_inline int server_timer_init(server_t *srv) { if (0) { srv->srv_timer = su_timer_create(su_root_task(srv->srv_root), SERVER_TICK); return su_timer_set(srv->srv_timer, server_timer, srv); } return 0; } /** * Server timer routine. */ static void server_timer(su_root_magic_t *rm, su_timer_t *timer, server_t *srv) { uint32_t now; su_timer_set(timer, server_timer, srv); now = su_time_ms(su_now()); now += now == 0; srv->srv_now = now; /* Xyzzy */ srv->srv_now = 0; } /** Get current timestamp in milliseconds */ su_inline uint32_t server_now(server_t const *srv) { if (srv->srv_now) return srv->srv_now; else return su_time_ms(su_now()); } /** Process incoming request message */ static void server_request(server_t *srv, tport_t *tport, msg_t *request, void *arg, su_time_t now) { nth_site_t *site = NULL, *subsite = NULL; msg_t *response; http_t *http = http_object(request); http_host_t *h; char const *host, *port, *path, *subpath = NULL; /* Disable streaming */ if (msg_is_streaming(request)) { msg_set_streaming(request, (enum msg_streaming_status)0); return; } /* Create a response message */ response = server_msg_create(srv, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); tport_tqueue(tport, response, TAG_END()); if (http && http->http_flags & MSG_FLG_TIMEOUT) { server_reply(srv, tport, request, response, 400, "Request timeout"); return; } else if (http && http->http_flags & MSG_FLG_TOOLARGE) { server_reply(srv, tport, request, response, HTTP_413_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE); return; } else if (!http || !http->http_request || (http->http_flags & MSG_FLG_ERROR)) { server_reply(srv, tport, request, response, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST); return; } if (http->http_request->rq_version != http_version_1_0 && http->http_request->rq_version != http_version_1_1) { server_reply(srv, tport, request, response, HTTP_505_HTTP_VERSION); return; } h = http->http_host; if (h) { host = h->h_host, port = h->h_port; } else if (http->http_request->rq_url->url_host) { host = http->http_request->rq_url->url_host; port = http->http_request->rq_url->url_port; } else host = NULL, port = NULL; path = http->http_request->rq_url->url_path; if (host) site = *site_get_host(&srv->srv_sites, host, port); if (site == NULL && !srv->srv_sites->site_strict) site = srv->srv_sites; if (path == NULL) path = ""; if (path[0]) subsite = site_get_subdir(site, path, &subpath); if (subsite) subsite->site_access = now; else site->site_access = now; if (subsite && subsite->site_isdir && subpath == site_nodir_match) { /* Answer with 301 */ http_location_t loc[1]; http_location_init(loc); *loc->loc_url = *site->site_url; if (site->site_wildcard) { if (http->http_host) { loc->loc_url->url_host = http->http_host->h_host; loc->loc_url->url_port = http->http_host->h_port; } else { tp_name_t const *tpn = tport_name(tport); assert(tpn); loc->loc_url->url_host = tpn->tpn_canon; if (strcmp(url_port_default((enum url_type_e)loc->loc_url->url_type), tpn->tpn_port)) loc->loc_url->url_port = tpn->tpn_port; } } loc->loc_url->url_root = 1; loc->loc_url->url_path = subsite->site_url->url_path; msg_header_add_dup(response, NULL, (msg_header_t *)loc); server_reply(srv, tport, request, response, HTTP_301_MOVED_PERMANENTLY); } else if (subsite) nth_site_request(srv, subsite, tport, request, http, subpath, response); else if (site) nth_site_request(srv, site, tport, request, http, path, response); else /* Answer with 404 */ server_reply(srv, tport, request, response, HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND); } static void server_tport_error(server_t *srv, tport_t *tport, int errcode, char const *remote) { su_log("\nth: tport: %s%s%s\n", remote ? remote : "", remote ? ": " : "", su_strerror(errcode)); } /** Respond without creating a request structure */ static void server_reply(server_t *srv, tport_t *tport, msg_t *request, msg_t *response, int status, char const *phrase) { http_t *http; http_payload_t *pl; int close; http_status_t st[1]; char const *req_version = NULL; if (status < 200 || status >= 600) status = 500, phrase = http_500_internal_server; http = http_object(request); if (http && http->http_request) req_version = http->http_request->rq_version; close = status >= 200 && (!srv->srv_persistent || status == 400 || (http && http->http_request && http->http_request->rq_version != http_version_1_1) || (http && http->http_connection && msg_params_find(http->http_connection->k_items, "close"))); msg_destroy(request); http = http_object(response); pl = http_payload_format(msg_home(response), "<html>\n" "<head><title>%u %s</title></head>\n" "<body><h2>%u %s</h2></body>\n" "</html>\n", status, phrase, status, phrase); msg_header_insert(response, (msg_pub_t *)http, (msg_header_t *)pl); if (req_version != http_version_0_9) { http_status_init(st); st->st_version = http_version_1_1; st->st_status = status; st->st_phrase = phrase; http_add_tl(response, http, HTTPTAG_STATUS(st), HTTPTAG_SERVER(srv->srv_server), HTTPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("text/html"), HTTPTAG_SEPARATOR_STR("\r\n"), TAG_IF(close, HTTPTAG_CONNECTION_STR("close")), TAG_END()); msg_serialize(response, (msg_pub_t *)http); } else { /* Just send the response */ *msg_chain_head(response) = (msg_header_t *)pl; close = 1; } if (tport_tqsend(tport, response, NULL, TPTAG_CLOSE_AFTER(close), TAG_END()) == -1) { SU_DEBUG_3(("server_reply(): cannot queue response\n" VA_NONE)); tport_shutdown(tport, 2); } msg_destroy(response); } /** Create a new message for transport */ static msg_t *server_msg_create(server_t *srv, int flags, char const data[], usize_t dlen, tport_t const *tp, tp_client_t *tpc) { msg_t *msg = msg_create(srv->srv_mclass, srv->srv_mflags | flags); return msg; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * 6) Server transactions */ struct auth_info { nth_site_t *site; nth_request_t *req; http_t const *http; char const *path; }; static void nth_authentication_result(void *ai0, auth_status_t *as); static void nth_site_request(server_t *srv, nth_site_t *site, tport_t *tport, msg_t *request, http_t *http, char const *path, msg_t *response) { auth_mod_t *am = site->site_auth; nth_request_t *req; auth_status_t *as; struct auth_info *ai; size_t size = (am ? (sizeof *as) + (sizeof *ai) : 0) + (sizeof *req); int status; req = su_zalloc(srv->srv_home, size); if (req == NULL) { server_reply(srv, tport, request, response, HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER); return; } if (am) as = auth_status_init(req + 1, sizeof *as), ai = (void *)(as + 1); else as = NULL, ai = NULL; req->req_server = srv; req->req_method = http->http_request->rq_method; req->req_method_name = http->http_request->rq_method_name; req->req_url = http->http_request->rq_url; req->req_version = http->http_request->rq_version; req->req_tport = tport_incref(tport); req->req_request = request; req->req_response = response; req->req_status = 100; req->req_close = !srv->srv_persistent || http->http_request->rq_version != http_version_1_1 || (http->http_connection && msg_params_find(http->http_connection->k_items, "close")); if (am) { static auth_challenger_t const http_server_challenger[] = {{ HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, http_www_authenticate_class }}; req->req_as = as; as->as_method = http->http_request->rq_method_name; as->as_uri = path; if (http->http_payload) { as->as_body = http->http_payload->pl_data; as->as_bodylen = http->http_payload->pl_len; } auth_mod_check_client(am, as, http->http_authorization, http_server_challenger); if (as->as_status == 100) { /* Stall transport - do not read more requests */ if (tport_queuelen(tport) * 2 >= srv->srv_queuesize) tport_stall(tport); as->as_callback = nth_authentication_result; as->as_magic = ai; ai->site = site; ai->req = req; ai->http = http; ai->path = path; return; } else if (as->as_status) { assert(as->as_status >= 200); nth_request_treply(req, as->as_status, as->as_phrase, HTTPTAG_HEADER((http_header_t *)as->as_response), HTTPTAG_HEADER((http_header_t *)as->as_info), TAG_END()); nth_request_destroy(req); return; } } req->req_in_callback = 1; status = site->site_callback(site->site_magic, site, req, http, path); req->req_in_callback = 0; if (status != 0 && (status < 100 || status >= 600)) status = 500; if (status != 0 && req->req_status < 200) { nth_request_treply(req, status, NULL, TAG_END()); } if (req->req_status < 100) { /* Stall transport - do not read more requests */ if (tport_queuelen(tport) * 2 >= srv->srv_queuesize) tport_stall(tport); } if (status >= 200 || req->req_destroyed) nth_request_destroy(req); } static void nth_authentication_result(void *ai0, auth_status_t *as) { struct auth_info *ai = ai0; nth_request_t *req = ai->req; int status; if (as->as_status != 0) { assert(as->as_status >= 300); nth_request_treply(req, status = as->as_status, as->as_phrase, HTTPTAG_HEADER((http_header_t *)as->as_response), TAG_END()); } else { req->req_in_callback = 1; status = ai->site->site_callback(ai->site->site_magic, ai->site, ai->req, ai->http, ai->path); req->req_in_callback = 0; if (status != 0 && (status < 100 || status >= 600)) status = 500; if (status != 0 && req->req_status < 200) { nth_request_treply(req, status, NULL, TAG_END()); } } if (status >= 200 || req->req_destroyed) nth_request_destroy(req); } void nth_request_destroy(nth_request_t *req) { if (req == NULL) return; if (req->req_status < 200) nth_request_treply(req, HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER, TAG_END()); req->req_destroyed = 1; if (req->req_in_callback) return; if (req->req_as) su_home_deinit(req->req_as->as_home); tport_decref(&req->req_tport), req->req_tport = NULL; msg_destroy(req->req_request), req->req_request = NULL; msg_destroy(req->req_response), req->req_response = NULL; su_free(req->req_server->srv_home, req); } /** Return request authentication status. * * @param req pointer to HTTP request object * * @retval Status code * * @since New in @VERSION_1_12_4 */ int nth_request_status(nth_request_t const *req) { return req ? req->req_status : 400; } /** Return request authentication status. * * @param req pointer to HTTP request object * * @retval Pointer to authentication status struct * * @note The authentication status struct is freed when the #nth_request_t * object is destroyed. * * @since New in @VERSION_1_12_4 * * @sa AUTH */ auth_status_t *nth_request_auth(nth_request_t const *req) { return req ? req->req_as : NULL; } http_method_t nth_request_method(nth_request_t const *req) { return req ? req->req_method : http_method_invalid; } msg_t *nth_request_message(nth_request_t *req) { msg_t *retval = NULL; if (req) retval = msg_ref_create(req->req_request); return retval; } int nth_request_treply(nth_request_t *req, int status, char const *phrase, tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, ...) { msg_t *response, *next = NULL; http_t *http; int retval = -1; int req_close, close; ta_list ta; http_header_t const *as_info = NULL; if (req == NULL || status < 100 || status >= 600) { return -1; } response = req->req_response; http = http_object(response); if (status >= 200 && req->req_as) as_info = (http_header_t const *)req->req_as->as_info; ta_start(ta, tag, value); http_add_tl(response, http, HTTPTAG_SERVER(req->req_server->srv_server), HTTPTAG_HEADER(as_info), ta_tags(ta)); if (http->http_payload && !http->http_content_length) { http_content_length_t *l; http_payload_t *pl; size_t len = 0; for (pl = http->http_payload; pl; pl = pl->pl_next) len += pl->pl_len; if (len > UINT32_MAX) goto fail; l = http_content_length_create(msg_home(response), (uint32_t)len); msg_header_insert(response, (msg_pub_t *)http, (msg_header_t *)l); } if (req->req_method == http_method_head && http->http_payload) { http_payload_t *pl; for (pl = http->http_payload; pl; pl = pl->pl_next) msg_header_remove(response, (msg_pub_t *)http, (msg_header_t *)pl); } http_complete_response(response, status, phrase, http_object(req->req_request)); if (!http->http_date) { http_date_t date[1]; http_date_init(date)->d_time = msg_now(); msg_header_add_dup(response, (msg_pub_t *)http, (msg_header_t*)date); } if (status < 200) { close = 0; next = server_msg_create(req->req_server, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); } else { req_close = req->req_close; close = (http->http_connection && msg_params_find(http->http_connection->k_items, "close")); if (req_close && !close && status >= 200) { close = 1; http_add_tl(response, http, HTTPTAG_CONNECTION_STR("close"), TAG_END()); } } msg_serialize(response, (msg_pub_t *)http); retval = tport_tqsend(req->req_tport, response, next, TAG_IF(close, TPTAG_CLOSE_AFTER(1)), ta_tags(ta)); fail: ta_end(ta); if (retval == 0) req->req_status = status; return retval; }