/* * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * Copyright (C) 2005/2006, Anthony Minessale II * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II * * * switch_ivr_api.c -- IVR Library * */ #include #include /* TBD (Lots! there are not very many functions in here lol) */ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status) switch_ivr_collect_digits_callback(switch_core_session *session, switch_dtmf_callback_function dtmf_callback, void *buf, unsigned int buflen) { switch_channel *channel; switch_status status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session); assert(channel != NULL); if (!dtmf_callback) { return SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR; } while (switch_channel_get_state(channel) == CS_EXECUTE) { switch_frame *read_frame; char dtmf[128]; if (switch_channel_has_dtmf(channel)) { switch_channel_dequeue_dtmf(channel, dtmf, sizeof(dtmf)); status = dtmf_callback(session, dtmf, buf, buflen); } if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; } if (switch_core_session_read_frame(session, &read_frame, -1, 0) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; } } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status) switch_ivr_collect_digits_count(switch_core_session *session, char *buf, unsigned int buflen, unsigned int maxdigits, const char *terminators, char *terminator) { unsigned int i = 0, x = (unsigned int) strlen(buf); switch_channel *channel; switch_status status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session); assert(channel != NULL); *terminator = '\0'; for (i = 0 ; i < x; i++) { if (strchr(terminators, buf[i])) { *terminator = buf[i]; return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } while (switch_channel_get_state(channel) == CS_EXECUTE) { switch_frame *read_frame; if (switch_channel_has_dtmf(channel)) { char dtmf[128]; switch_channel_dequeue_dtmf(channel, dtmf, sizeof(dtmf)); for(i =0 ; i < (unsigned int) strlen(dtmf); i++) { if (strchr(terminators, dtmf[i])) { *terminator = dtmf[i]; return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } buf[x++] = dtmf[i]; buf[x] = '\0'; if (x >= buflen || x >= maxdigits) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } if ((status = switch_core_session_read_frame(session, &read_frame, -1, 0)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; } } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status) switch_ivr_record_file(switch_core_session *session, char *file, switch_dtmf_callback_function dtmf_callback, void *buf, unsigned int buflen) { switch_channel *channel; char dtmf[128]; switch_file_handle fh; switch_frame *read_frame; switch_codec codec, *read_codec; char *codec_name; switch_status status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; memset(&fh, 0, sizeof(fh)); channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session); assert(channel != NULL); read_codec = switch_core_session_get_read_codec(session); assert(read_codec != NULL); fh.channels = read_codec->implementation->number_of_channels; fh.samplerate = read_codec->implementation->samples_per_second; if (switch_core_file_open(&fh, file, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_WRITE | SWITCH_FILE_DATA_SHORT, switch_core_session_get_pool(session)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_channel_hangup(channel); return SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR; } switch_channel_answer(channel); codec_name = "L16"; if (switch_core_codec_init(&codec, codec_name, read_codec->implementation->samples_per_second, read_codec->implementation->microseconds_per_frame / 1000, read_codec->implementation->number_of_channels, SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_ENCODE | SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_DECODE, NULL, switch_core_session_get_pool(session)) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Raw Codec Activated\n"); switch_core_session_set_read_codec(session, &codec); } else { switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Raw Codec Activation Failed %s@%dhz %d channels %dms\n", codec_name, fh.samplerate, fh.channels, read_codec->implementation->microseconds_per_frame / 1000); switch_core_file_close(&fh); return SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR; } while (switch_channel_get_state(channel) == CS_EXECUTE) { size_t len; if (dtmf_callback || buf) { /* dtmf handler function you can hook up to be executed when a digit is dialed during playback if you return anything but SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS the playback will stop. */ if (switch_channel_has_dtmf(channel)) { switch_channel_dequeue_dtmf(channel, dtmf, sizeof(dtmf)); if (dtmf_callback) { status = dtmf_callback(session, dtmf, buf, buflen); } else { switch_copy_string((char *)buf, dtmf, buflen); status = SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK; } } if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; } } if ((status = switch_core_session_read_frame(session, &read_frame, -1, 0)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; } len = (size_t) read_frame->datalen / 2; switch_core_file_write(&fh, read_frame->data, &len); } switch_core_session_set_read_codec(session, read_codec); switch_core_file_close(&fh); return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status) switch_ivr_play_file(switch_core_session *session, switch_file_handle *fh, char *file, char *timer_name, switch_dtmf_callback_function dtmf_callback, void *buf, unsigned int buflen) { switch_channel *channel; short abuf[960]; char dtmf[128]; int interval = 0, samples = 0; size_t len = 0, ilen = 0, olen = 0; switch_frame write_frame; switch_timer timer; switch_core_thread_session thread_session; switch_codec codec; switch_memory_pool *pool = switch_core_session_get_pool(session); char *codec_name; int x; int stream_id; switch_status status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch_file_handle lfh; if (!fh) { fh = &lfh; memset(fh, 0, sizeof(lfh)); } channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session); assert(channel != NULL); if (switch_core_file_open(fh, file, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_READ | SWITCH_FILE_DATA_SHORT, switch_core_session_get_pool(session)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_channel_hangup(channel); return SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR; } write_frame.data = abuf; write_frame.buflen = sizeof(abuf); switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "OPEN FILE %s %dhz %d channels\n", file, fh->samplerate, fh->channels); interval = 20; samples = (fh->samplerate / 50) * fh->channels; len = samples * 2; codec_name = "L16"; if (switch_core_codec_init(&codec, codec_name, fh->samplerate, interval, fh->channels, SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_ENCODE | SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_DECODE, NULL, pool) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Raw Codec Activated\n"); write_frame.codec = &codec; } else { switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Raw Codec Activation Failed %s@%dhz %d channels %dms\n", codec_name, fh->samplerate, fh->channels, interval); switch_core_file_close(fh); return SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR; } if (timer_name) { if (switch_core_timer_init(&timer, timer_name, interval, samples, pool) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "setup timer failed!\n"); switch_core_codec_destroy(&codec); switch_core_file_close(fh); return SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR; } switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "setup timer success %d bytes per %d ms!\n", len, interval); } write_frame.rate = fh->samplerate; if (timer_name) { /* start a thread to absorb incoming audio */ for (stream_id = 0; stream_id < switch_core_session_get_stream_count(session); stream_id++) { switch_core_service_session(session, &thread_session, stream_id); } } ilen = samples; while (switch_channel_get_state(channel) == CS_EXECUTE) { int done = 0; int do_speed = 1; int last_speed = -1; if (dtmf_callback || buf) { /* dtmf handler function you can hook up to be executed when a digit is dialed during playback if you return anything but SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS the playback will stop. */ if (switch_channel_has_dtmf(channel)) { switch_channel_dequeue_dtmf(channel, dtmf, sizeof(dtmf)); if (dtmf_callback) { status = dtmf_callback(session, dtmf, buf, buflen); } else { switch_copy_string((char *)buf, dtmf, buflen); status = SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK; } } if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { done = 1; break; } } if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_PAUSE)) { memset(abuf, 0, ilen * 2); olen = ilen; do_speed = 0; } else if (fh->audio_buffer && (switch_buffer_inuse(fh->audio_buffer) > (ilen * 2))) { switch_buffer_read(fh->audio_buffer, abuf, ilen * 2); olen = ilen; do_speed = 0; } else { olen = ilen; switch_core_file_read(fh, abuf, &olen); } if (done || olen <= 0) { break; } if (fh->speed > 2) { fh->speed = 2; } else if(fh->speed < -2) { fh->speed = -2; } if (fh->audio_buffer && last_speed > -1 && last_speed != fh->speed) { switch_buffer_zero(fh->audio_buffer); } if (fh->speed && do_speed) { float factor = 0.25f * abs(fh->speed); size_t newlen, supplement, step; short *bp = write_frame.data; size_t wrote = 0; if (!fh->audio_buffer) { switch_buffer_create(fh->memory_pool, &fh->audio_buffer, SWITCH_RECCOMMENDED_BUFFER_SIZE); } supplement = (int) (factor * olen); newlen = (fh->speed > 0) ? olen - supplement : olen + supplement; step = (fh->speed > 0) ? (newlen / supplement) : (olen / supplement); while ((wrote + step) < newlen) { switch_buffer_write(fh->audio_buffer, bp, step * 2); wrote += step; bp += step; if (fh->speed > 0) { bp++; } else { float f; short s; f = (float)(*bp + *(bp+1) + *(bp-1)); f /= 3; s = (short) f; switch_buffer_write(fh->audio_buffer, &s, 2); wrote++; } } if (wrote < newlen) { size_t r = newlen - wrote; switch_buffer_write(fh->audio_buffer, bp, r*2); wrote += r; } last_speed = fh->speed; continue; } write_frame.datalen = olen * 2; write_frame.samples = (int) olen; #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN switch_swap_linear(write_frame.data, (int) write_frame.datalen / 2); #endif for (stream_id = 0; stream_id < switch_core_session_get_stream_count(session); stream_id++) { if (switch_core_session_write_frame(session, &write_frame, -1, stream_id) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Bad Write\n"); done = 1; break; } if (done) { break; } } if (timer_name) { if ((x = switch_core_timer_next(&timer)) < 0) { break; } } else { /* time off the channel (if you must) */ switch_frame *read_frame; if (switch_core_session_read_frame(session, &read_frame, -1, 0) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; } } } switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "done playing file\n"); switch_core_file_close(fh); switch_core_codec_destroy(&codec); if (timer_name) { /* End the audio absorbing thread */ switch_core_thread_session_end(&thread_session); switch_core_timer_destroy(&timer); } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status) switch_ivr_speak_text(switch_core_session *session, char *tts_name, char *voice_name, char *timer_name, unsigned int rate, switch_dtmf_callback_function dtmf_callback, char *text, void *buf, unsigned int buflen) { switch_channel *channel; short abuf[960]; char dtmf[128]; int interval = 0; unsigned int samples = 0; size_t len = 0; size_t ilen = 0; switch_frame write_frame; switch_timer timer; switch_core_thread_session thread_session; switch_codec codec; switch_memory_pool *pool = switch_core_session_get_pool(session); char *codec_name; int x; int stream_id; int done = 0; int lead_in_out = 10; switch_status status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch_speech_handle sh; switch_speech_flag flags = SWITCH_SPEECH_FLAG_TTS; memset(&sh, 0, sizeof(sh)); channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session); assert(channel != NULL); if (switch_core_speech_open(&sh, tts_name, voice_name, rate, flags, switch_core_session_get_pool(session)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Invalid TTS module!\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } switch_channel_answer(channel); write_frame.data = abuf; write_frame.buflen = sizeof(abuf); switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "OPEN TTS %s\n", tts_name); interval = 20; samples = (rate / 50); len = samples * 2; codec_name = "L16"; if (switch_core_codec_init(&codec, codec_name, rate, interval, 1, SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_ENCODE | SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_DECODE, NULL, pool) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Raw Codec Activated\n"); write_frame.codec = &codec; } else { switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Raw Codec Activation Failed %s@%dhz %d channels %dms\n", codec_name, rate, 1, interval); flags = 0; switch_core_speech_close(&sh, &flags); return SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR; } if (timer_name) { if (switch_core_timer_init(&timer, timer_name, interval, samples, pool) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "setup timer failed!\n"); switch_core_codec_destroy(&codec); flags = 0; switch_core_speech_close(&sh, &flags); return SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR; } switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "setup timer success %d bytes per %d ms!\n", len, interval); } flags = 0; switch_core_speech_feed_tts(&sh, text, &flags); write_frame.rate = rate; memset(write_frame.data, 0, len); write_frame.datalen = len; write_frame.samples = len / 2; for( x = 0; !done && x < lead_in_out; x++) { for (stream_id = 0; stream_id < switch_core_session_get_stream_count(session); stream_id++) { if (switch_core_session_write_frame(session, &write_frame, -1, stream_id) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Bad Write\n"); done = 1; break; } } } if (timer_name) { /* start a thread to absorb incoming audio */ for (stream_id = 0; stream_id < switch_core_session_get_stream_count(session); stream_id++) { switch_core_service_session(session, &thread_session, stream_id); } } ilen = len; while (switch_channel_get_state(channel) == CS_EXECUTE) { if (dtmf_callback || buf) { /* dtmf handler function you can hook up to be executed when a digit is dialed during playback if you return anything but SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS the playback will stop. */ if (switch_channel_has_dtmf(channel)) { switch_channel_dequeue_dtmf(channel, dtmf, sizeof(dtmf)); if (dtmf_callback) { status = dtmf_callback(session, dtmf, buf, buflen); } else { switch_copy_string((char *)buf, dtmf, buflen); status = SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK; } } if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { done = 1; break; } } flags = SWITCH_SPEECH_FLAG_BLOCKING; status = switch_core_speech_read_tts(&sh, abuf, &ilen, &rate, &flags); if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { for( x = 0; !done && x < lead_in_out; x++) { for (stream_id = 0; stream_id < switch_core_session_get_stream_count(session); stream_id++) { if (switch_core_session_write_frame(session, &write_frame, -1, stream_id) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Bad Write\n"); done = 1; break; } } } done = 1; } if (done || ilen <= 0) { break; } write_frame.datalen = ilen; write_frame.samples = (int) ilen / 2; #ifdef SWAP_LINEAR switch_swap_linear(write_frame.data, (int) write_frame.datalen); #endif for (stream_id = 0; stream_id < switch_core_session_get_stream_count(session); stream_id++) { if (switch_core_session_write_frame(session, &write_frame, -1, stream_id) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Bad Write\n"); done = 1; break; } if (done) { break; } } if (timer_name) { if ((x = switch_core_timer_next(&timer)) < 0) { break; } } else { /* time off the channel (if you must) */ switch_frame *read_frame; if (switch_core_session_read_frame(session, &read_frame, -1, 0) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; } } } switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "done playing file\n"); switch_core_codec_destroy(&codec); flags = 0; switch_core_codec_destroy(&codec); if (timer_name) { /* End the audio absorbing thread */ switch_core_thread_session_end(&thread_session); switch_core_timer_destroy(&timer); } return status; }