#!/usr/bin/python import commands, os, re, string, sys, time def count_enclosed_functions (source): func_count = 0 open_brace = 0 close_brace = 0 for ch in source: if ch == '{': open_brace += 1 elif ch == '}': close_brace += 1 if open_brace == close_brace: func_count += 1 if open_brace < close_brace: print "count_enclosed_functions : open_brace < close_brace" return -1 return func_count def find_function_prototype (source, proto_name): proto_re = "(^[a-zA-Z_ \t]+\s+%s[^a-zA-Z0-9_]\s*\([^\)]+\)\s+;\n)" % (proto_name) proto_result = re.search (proto_re, source, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if not proto_result: return None proto_text = proto_result.groups ()[0] return proto_text def find_function_definition (source, func_name): func_re = "(\n[a-zA-Z_ \t]+\n%s[^a-zA-Z0-9_].* /\* %s \*/\n)" % (func_name, func_name) func_result = re.search (func_re, source, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if not func_result: sys.exit (1) return None func_text = func_result.groups ()[0] # Now to check that we only have one enclosing function. func_count = count_enclosed_functions (func_text) if func_count != 1: return None return func_text def find_include (source, inc_name): inc_re = "(^#include\s+[\<\"]%s[\"\>]\s*)" % inc_name inc_result = re.search (inc_re, source, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if not inc_result: return None inc_text = inc_result.groups ()[0] return inc_text def find_assign_statement (source, var_name): var_re = "(^\s+%s\s*=[^;]+;)" % var_name var_result = re.search (var_re, source, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if not var_result: return None assign_text = var_result.groups ()[0] return assign_text #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def remove_include (source, inc_name): inc_text = find_include (source, inc_name) if not inc_text: print "remove_include : include '%s' not found. Exiting." % inc_name sys.exit (1) source = string.replace (source, inc_text, "") return source def remove_assign (source, assign_name): assign_text = find_assign (source, inc_name) if not inc_text: print "remove_include : include '%s' not found. Exiting." % inc_name sys.exit (1) source = string.replace (source, inc_text, "") return source def remove_prototype (source, proto_name): proto_text = find_function_prototype (source, proto_name) if not proto_text: print "remove_prototype : prototype '%s' not found. Exiting." % proto_name sys.exit (1) source = string.replace (source, proto_text, "") return source def remove_function (source, func_name): func_text = find_function_definition (source, func_name) if not func_text: print "remove_function : function '%s' not found. Exiting." % func_name sys.exit (1) source = string.replace (source, func_text, "/* Function %s() removed here. */\n" % func_name) return source def remove_all_assignments (source, var): count = 0 while 1: assign_text = find_assign_statement (source, var) if not assign_text: if count != 0: break print "remove_all_assignments : variable '%s' not found. Exiting." % var sys.exit (1) source = string.replace (source, assign_text, "") count += 1 return source #---------------------------------------------------------------- def remove_funcs_and_protos_from_file (filename, func_list): source_code = open (filename, 'r').read () for func in func_list: source_code = remove_prototype (source_code, func) ; source_code = remove_function (source_code, func) ; open (filename, 'w').write (source_code) def remove_funcs_from_file (filename, func_list): source_code = open (filename, 'r').read () for func in func_list: source_code = remove_function (source_code, func) ; open (filename, 'w').write (source_code) def remove_protos_from_file (filename, func_list): source_code = open (filename, 'r').read () for func in func_list: source_code = remove_prototype (source_code, func) ; open (filename, 'w').write (source_code) def remove_includes_from_file (filename, inc_list): source_code = open (filename, 'r').read () for inc in inc_list: source_code = remove_include (source_code, inc) ; open (filename, 'w').write (source_code) def remove_all_assignments_from_file (filename, var_list): source_code = open (filename, 'r').read () for var in var_list: source_code = remove_all_assignments (source_code, var) ; open (filename, 'w').write (source_code) def remove_comment_start_end (filename, start_comment, end_comment): source_code = open (filename, 'r').read () while 1: start_index = string.find (source_code, start_comment) end_index = string.find (source_code, end_comment) if start_index < 0 or end_index < start_index: break end_index += len (end_comment) source_code = source_code [:start_index-1] + source_code [end_index:] ; open (filename, 'w').write (source_code) def remove_strings_from_file (filename, str_list): file_text = open (filename, 'r').read () for current_str in str_list: file_text = string.replace (file_text, current_str, '') open (filename, 'w').write (file_text) def string_replace_in_file (filename, from_str, to_str): file_text = open (filename, 'r').read () file_text = string.replace (file_text, from_str, to_str) open (filename, 'w').write (file_text) def remove_regex_from_file (filename, regex_list): file_text = open (filename, 'r').read () for regex in regex_list: file_text = re.sub (regex, '', file_text, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) open (filename, 'w').write (file_text) #========================================================================== def find_configure_version (filename): # AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(libsndfile,0.0.21pre6) file = open (filename) while 1: line = file.readline () if re.search ("AC_INIT", line): x = re.sub ("[^\(]+\(", "", line) x = re.sub ("\).*\n", "", x) x = string.split (x, ",") package = x [0] version = x [1] break file.close () # version = re.escape (version) return package, version def fix_configure_ac_file (filename): data = open (filename, 'r').read () data = string.replace (data, "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(libsndfile,", "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(libsndfile_lite,", 1) file = open (filename, 'w') file.write (data) file.close () def make_dist_file (package, version): print "Making dist file." tar_gz_file = "%s-%s.tar.gz" % (package, version) if os.path.exists (tar_gz_file): return if os.system ("make dist"): sys.exit (1) return def delete_files (file_list): for file_name in file_list: os.remove (file_name) #======================================================================= source_dir = os.getcwd () conf_package, conf_version = find_configure_version ('configure.ac') package_version = "%s-%s" % (conf_package, conf_version) lite_version = "%s_lite-%s" % (conf_package, conf_version) os.system ("rm -rf %s%s.tar.gz" % (source_dir, package_version)) os.system ("make dist") make_dist_file (conf_package, conf_version) os.chdir ("/tmp") print "Uncompressing .tar.gz file." os.system ("rm -rf %s" % package_version) if os.system ("tar zxf %s/%s.tar.gz" % (source_dir, package_version)): sys.exit (1) print "Renaming to libsndfile_lite." os.system ("rm -rf %s" % lite_version) os.rename (package_version, lite_version) print "Changing into libsndfile_lite directory." os.chdir (lite_version) print "Removing un-neeed directories." delete_dirs = [ 'src/G72x' ] for dir_name in delete_dirs: os.system ("rm -rf %s" % dir_name) print "Removing un-needed files." delete_files ([ 'src/ircam.c', 'src/nist.c', 'src/ima_adpcm.c', 'src/ms_adpcm.c', 'src/au_g72x.c', 'src/mat4.c', 'src/mat5.c', 'src/dwvw.c', 'src/paf.c', 'src/ogg.c', 'src/pvf.c', 'src/xi.c', 'src/htk.c', 'src/sd2.c', 'src/rx2.c', 'src/txw.c', 'src/wve.c', 'src/dwd.c', 'src/svx.c', 'src/voc.c', 'src/vox_adpcm.c', 'src/sds.c' ]) print "Hacking 'configure.ac' and 'src/Makefile.am'." remove_strings_from_file ('configure.ac', [ 'src/G72x/Makefile' ]) remove_strings_from_file ('src/Makefile.am', [ 'G72x/libg72x.la', 'G72x', 'ircam.c', 'nist.c', 'ima_adpcm.c', 'ms_adpcm.c', 'au_g72x.c', 'mat4.c', 'mat5.c', 'dwvw.c', 'paf.c', 'ogg.c', 'pvf.c', 'xi.c', 'htk.c', 'sd2.c', 'rx2.c', 'txw.c', 'wve.c', 'dwd.c', 'svx.c', 'voc.c', 'vox_adpcm.c', 'sds.c' ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Hacking header files." remove_protos_from_file ('src/common.h', [ 'xi_open', 'sd2_open', 'ogg_open', 'dwvw_init', 'paf_open', 'svx_open', 'nist_open', 'rx2_open', 'mat4_open', 'voc_open', 'txw_open', 'dwd_open', 'htk_open', 'wve_open', 'mat5_open', 'pvf_open', 'ircam_open', 'sds_open', 'float32_init', 'double64_init', 'aiff_ima_init', 'vox_adpcm_init', 'wav_w64_ima_init', 'wav_w64_msadpcm_init' ]) remove_protos_from_file ('src/au.h', [ 'au_g72x_reader_init', 'au_g72x_writer_init' ]) remove_protos_from_file ('src/wav_w64.h', [ 'msadpcm_write_adapt_coeffs' ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Hacking case statements." remove_comment_start_end ('src/sndfile.c', '/* Lite remove start */' , '/* Lite remove end */') remove_comment_start_end ('src/aiff.c', '/* Lite remove start */' , '/* Lite remove end */') remove_comment_start_end ('src/au.c', '/* Lite remove start */' , '/* Lite remove end */') remove_comment_start_end ('src/raw.c', '/* Lite remove start */' , '/* Lite remove end */') remove_comment_start_end ('src/w64.c', '/* Lite remove start */' , '/* Lite remove end */') remove_comment_start_end ('src/wav.c', '/* Lite remove start */' , '/* Lite remove end */') remove_comment_start_end ('src/double64.c', '/* Lite remove start */' , '/* Lite remove end */') remove_comment_start_end ('src/float32.c', '/* Lite remove start */' , '/* Lite remove end */') #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Hacking src/pcm.c." remove_funcs_from_file ('src/pcm.c', [ 'f2sc_array', 'f2sc_clip_array', 'f2uc_array', 'f2uc_clip_array', 'f2bes_array', 'f2bes_clip_array', 'f2les_array', 'f2les_clip_array', 'f2let_array', 'f2let_clip_array', 'f2bet_array', 'f2bet_clip_array', 'f2bei_array', 'f2bei_clip_array', 'f2lei_array', 'f2lei_clip_array', 'd2sc_array', 'd2sc_clip_array', 'd2uc_array', 'd2uc_clip_array', 'd2bes_array', 'd2bes_clip_array', 'd2les_array', 'd2les_clip_array', 'd2let_array', 'd2let_clip_array', 'd2bet_array', 'd2bet_clip_array', 'd2bei_array', 'd2bei_clip_array', 'd2lei_array', 'd2lei_clip_array', ]) remove_funcs_and_protos_from_file ('src/pcm.c', [ 'pcm_read_sc2f', 'pcm_read_uc2f', 'pcm_read_les2f', 'pcm_read_bes2f', 'pcm_read_let2f', 'pcm_read_bet2f', 'pcm_read_lei2f', 'pcm_read_bei2f', 'pcm_read_sc2d', 'pcm_read_uc2d', 'pcm_read_les2d', 'pcm_read_bes2d', 'pcm_read_let2d', 'pcm_read_bet2d', 'pcm_read_lei2d', 'pcm_read_bei2d', 'pcm_write_f2sc', 'pcm_write_f2uc', 'pcm_write_f2bes', 'pcm_write_f2les', 'pcm_write_f2bet', 'pcm_write_f2let', 'pcm_write_f2bei', 'pcm_write_f2lei', 'pcm_write_d2sc', 'pcm_write_d2uc', 'pcm_write_d2bes', 'pcm_write_d2les', 'pcm_write_d2bet', 'pcm_write_d2let', 'pcm_write_d2bei', 'pcm_write_d2lei', 'sc2f_array', 'uc2f_array', 'bes2f_array', 'les2f_array', 'bet2f_array', 'let2f_array', 'bei2f_array', 'lei2f_array', 'sc2d_array', 'uc2d_array', 'bes2d_array', 'les2d_array', 'bet2d_array', 'let2d_array', 'bei2d_array', 'lei2d_array' ]) remove_includes_from_file ('src/pcm.c', [ 'float_cast.h' ]) remove_all_assignments_from_file ('src/pcm.c', [ 'psf-\>write_float', 'psf\-\>write_double', 'psf-\>read_float', 'psf\-\>read_double' ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Hacking src/ulaw.c." remove_funcs_and_protos_from_file ('src/ulaw.c', [ 'ulaw_read_ulaw2f', 'ulaw_read_ulaw2d', 'ulaw_write_f2ulaw', 'ulaw_write_d2ulaw', 'ulaw2f_array', 'ulaw2d_array', 'f2ulaw_array', 'd2ulaw_array' ]) remove_includes_from_file ('src/ulaw.c', [ 'float_cast.h' ]) remove_all_assignments_from_file ('src/ulaw.c', [ 'psf-\>write_float', 'psf\-\>write_double', 'psf-\>read_float', 'psf\-\>read_double' ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Hacking src/alaw.c." remove_funcs_and_protos_from_file ('src/alaw.c', [ 'alaw_read_alaw2f', 'alaw_read_alaw2d', 'alaw_write_f2alaw', 'alaw_write_d2alaw', 'alaw2f_array', 'alaw2d_array', 'f2alaw_array', 'd2alaw_array' ]) remove_includes_from_file ('src/alaw.c', [ 'float_cast.h' ]) remove_all_assignments_from_file ('src/alaw.c', [ 'psf-\>write_float', 'psf\-\>write_double', 'psf-\>read_float', 'psf\-\>read_double' ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Hacking src/gsm610.c." remove_funcs_and_protos_from_file ('src/gsm610.c', [ 'gsm610_read_f', 'gsm610_read_d', 'gsm610_write_f', 'gsm610_write_d' ]) remove_includes_from_file ('src/gsm610.c', [ 'float_cast.h' ]) remove_all_assignments_from_file ('src/gsm610.c', [ 'psf-\>write_float', 'psf\-\>write_double', 'psf-\>read_float', 'psf\-\>read_double' ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Hacking src/float32.c." # string_replace_in_file ('src/float32.c', '"float_cast.h"', '<math.h>') remove_funcs_from_file ('src/float32.c', [ 'float32_init' ]) remove_funcs_and_protos_from_file ('src/float32.c', [ 'host_read_f2s', 'host_read_f2i', 'host_read_f', 'host_read_f2d', 'host_write_s2f', 'host_write_i2f', 'host_write_f', 'host_write_d2f', 'f2s_array', 'f2i_array', 'f2d_array', 's2f_array', 'i2f_array', 'd2f_array', 'float32_peak_update', 'replace_read_f2s', 'replace_read_f2i', 'replace_read_f', 'replace_read_f2d', 'replace_write_s2f', 'replace_write_i2f', 'replace_write_f', 'replace_write_d2f', 'bf2f_array', 'f2bf_array', 'float32_get_capability', ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Hacking src/double64.c." remove_funcs_from_file ('src/double64.c', [ 'double64_init' ]) remove_funcs_and_protos_from_file ('src/double64.c', [ 'host_read_d2s', 'host_read_d2i', 'host_read_d2f', 'host_read_d', 'host_write_s2d', 'host_write_i2d', 'host_write_f2d', 'host_write_d', 'd2s_array', 'd2i_array', 'd2f_array', 's2d_array', 'i2d_array', 'f2d_array', 'double64_peak_update', 'double64_get_capability', 'replace_read_d2s', 'replace_read_d2i', 'replace_read_d2f', 'replace_read_d', 'replace_write_s2d', 'replace_write_i2d', 'replace_write_f2d', 'replace_write_d', 'd2bd_read', 'bd2d_write' ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Hacking test programs." delete_files ([ 'tests/dwvw_test.c', 'tests/floating_point_test.c', 'tests/dft_cmp.c', 'tests/peak_chunk_test.c', 'tests/scale_clip_test.tpl', 'tests/scale_clip_test.def' ]) remove_comment_start_end ('tests/write_read_test.def', '/* Lite remove start */', '/* Lite remove end */') remove_comment_start_end ('tests/write_read_test.tpl', '/* Lite remove start */', '/* Lite remove end */') remove_comment_start_end ('tests/Makefile.am', '# Lite remove start', '# Lite remove end') remove_strings_from_file ('tests/Makefile.am', [ 'scale_clip_test.tpl', 'scale_clip_test.def', '\n\t./dwvw_test', '\n\t./floating_point_test', '\n\t./scale_clip_test', '\n\t./peak_chunk_test aiff', '\n\t./peak_chunk_test wav', '\n\t./command_test norm', '\n\t./command_test peak', '\n\t./lossy_comp_test wav_ima', '\n\t./lossy_comp_test wav_msadpcm', '\n\t./lossy_comp_test au_g721', '\n\t./lossy_comp_test au_g723', '\n\t./lossy_comp_test vox_adpcm', '\n\t./lossy_comp_test w64_ima', '\n\t./lossy_comp_test w64_msadpcm', 'peak_chunk_test', 'dwvw_test', 'floating_point_test', 'scale_clip_test', 'paf-tests', 'svx-tests', 'nist-tests', 'ircam-tests', 'voc-tests', 'mat4-tests', 'mat5-tests', 'pvf-tests', 'xi-tests', 'htk-tests', 'sds-tests' ]) remove_comment_start_end ('tests/pcm_test.c', '/* Lite remove start */', '/* Lite remove end */') remove_funcs_and_protos_from_file ('tests/pcm_test.c', [ 'pcm_test_float', 'pcm_test_double' ]) remove_comment_start_end ('tests/lossy_comp_test.c', '/* Lite remove start */', '/* Lite remove end */') remove_funcs_and_protos_from_file ('tests/lossy_comp_test.c', [ 'lcomp_test_float', 'lcomp_test_double', 'sdlcomp_test_float', 'sdlcomp_test_double', 'smoothed_diff_float', 'smoothed_diff_double' ]) remove_comment_start_end ('tests/multi_file_test.c', '/* Lite remove start */', '/* Lite remove end */') remove_strings_from_file ('tests/stdio_test.c', [ '"paf",', '"svx",', '"nist",', '"ircam",', '"voc",', '"mat4",', '"mat5",', '"pvf",' ]) remove_comment_start_end ('tests/pipe_test.c', '/* Lite remove start */', '/* Lite remove end */') #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Fixing configure.ac file." fix_configure_ac_file ('configure.ac') print "Building and testing source." # Try --disable-shared --disable-gcc-opt if os.system ("./reconfigure.mk && ./configure --disable-shared --disable-gcc-opt && make check"): os.system ('PS1="FIX > " bash --norc') sys.exit (1) print "Making distcheck" if os.system ("make distcheck"): os.system ('PS1="FIX > " bash --norc') sys.exit (1) print "Copying tarball" if os.system ("cp %s.tar.gz %s" % (lite_version, source_dir)): print "??? %s.tar.gz ???" % lite_version os.system ('PS1="FIX > " bash --norc') sys.exit (1) os.chdir (source_dir) os.system ("rm -rf /tmp/%s" % lite_version) print "Done."