/* * libZRTP SDK library, implements the ZRTP secure VoIP protocol. * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Philip R. Zimmermann. All rights reserved. * Contact: http://philzimmermann.com * For licensing and other legal details, see the file zrtp_legal.c. * * Viktor Krykun <v.krikun at zfoneproject.com> */ #include <setjmp.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "zrtp.h" #include "cmockery/cmockery.h" zrtp_global_t *zrtp; void setup() { zrtp_status_t s; zrtp_config_t zrtp_config; zrtp_config_defaults(&zrtp_config); s = zrtp_init(&zrtp_config, &zrtp); assert_int_equal(s, zrtp_status_ok); } void teardown() { zrtp_down(zrtp); } static void session_init_fails_with_no_dh2k() { zrtp_profile_t profile; zrtp_status_t s; zrtp_session_t *new_session; /* Let's initialize ZRTP session with default profile first */ zrtp_profile_defaults(&profile, zrtp); new_session = NULL; s = zrtp_session_init(zrtp, &profile, ZRTP_SIGNALING_ROLE_INITIATOR, &new_session); assert_int_equal(zrtp_status_ok, s); assert_non_null(new_session); /* Then disable DH2K and leave just mandatory parameters */ profile.pk_schemes[0] = ZRTP_PKTYPE_DH3072; profile.pk_schemes[1] = ZRTP_PKTYPE_MULT; profile.pk_schemes[2] = 0; new_session = NULL; s = zrtp_session_init(zrtp, &profile, ZRTP_SIGNALING_ROLE_INITIATOR, &new_session); assert_int_equal(zrtp_status_ok, s); assert_non_null(new_session); /* Let's try to disable Multi key exchange, it should produce an error. */ profile.pk_schemes[0] = ZRTP_PKTYPE_DH3072; profile.pk_schemes[1] = 0; new_session = NULL; s = zrtp_session_init(zrtp, &profile, ZRTP_SIGNALING_ROLE_INITIATOR, &new_session); assert_int_not_equal(zrtp_status_ok, s); assert_null(new_session); /* Profile checking with one of mandatory components missing should return error too. */ s = zrtp_profile_check(&profile, zrtp); assert_int_not_equal(zrtp_status_ok, s); /* NOTE: we ignore memory leaks and don't destroy ZRTP sessions to make test sources cleaner */ } int main(void) { const UnitTest tests[] = { unit_test_setup_teardown(session_init_fails_with_no_dh2k, setup, teardown), }; return run_tests(tests); }