/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@ingroup su_wait * @CFILE su_pthread_port.c * * OS-Independent Syncronization Interface with pthreads * * This implements #su_msg_t message passing functionality using pthreads. * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> * @author Kai Vehmanen <kai.vehmanen@nokia.com> * * @date Created: Tue Sep 14 15:51:04 1999 ppessi */ #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> #include <errno.h> #define su_pthread_port_s su_port_s #define SU_CLONE_T su_msg_t #include "sofia-sip/su.h" #include "su_port.h" #include "sofia-sip/su_alloc.h" #if 1 #define PORT_LOCK_DEBUG(x) ((void)0) #else #define PORT_LOCK_DEBUG(x) printf x #endif #define SU_TASK_COPY(d, s, by) (void)((d)[0]=(s)[0], \ (s)->sut_port?(void)su_port_incref(s->sut_port, #by):(void)0) /**@internal * * Initializes a message port. It creates a mailbox used to wake up the * thread waiting on the port if needed. Currently, the mailbox is a * socketpair or an UDP socket connected to itself. */ int su_pthread_port_init(su_port_t *self, su_port_vtable_t const *vtable) { SU_DEBUG_9(("su_pthread_port_init(%p, %p) called\n", (void *)self, (void *)vtable)); pthread_mutex_init(self->sup_obtained, NULL); return su_base_port_init(self, vtable); } /** @internal Deinit a base implementation of port. */ void su_pthread_port_deinit(su_port_t *self) { assert(self); su_base_port_deinit(self); #if 0 pthread_mutex_destroy(self->sup_runlock); pthread_cond_destroy(self->sup_resume); #endif pthread_mutex_destroy(self->sup_obtained); } void su_pthread_port_lock(su_port_t *self, char const *who) { PORT_LOCK_DEBUG(("%p at %s locking(%p)...", (void *)pthread_self(), who, self)); su_home_lock(self->sup_base->sup_home); PORT_LOCK_DEBUG((" ...%p at %s locked(%p)...", (void *)pthread_self(), who, self)); } void su_pthread_port_unlock(su_port_t *self, char const *who) { su_home_unlock(self->sup_base->sup_home); PORT_LOCK_DEBUG((" ...%p at %s unlocked(%p)\n", (void *)pthread_self(), who, self)); } /** @internal * * Change or query ownership of the port object. * * @param self pointer to a port object * @param op operation * * @ERRORS * @ERROR EALREADY port already has an owner (or has no owner) */ int su_pthread_port_thread(su_port_t *self, enum su_port_thread_op op) { pthread_t me = pthread_self(); switch (op) { case su_port_thread_op_is_obtained: if (self->sup_thread == 0) return 0; /* No thread has obtained the port */ else if (pthread_equal(self->sup_tid, me)) return 2; /* Current thread has obtained the port */ else return 1; /* A thread has obtained the port */ case su_port_thread_op_release: if (!self->sup_thread || !pthread_equal(self->sup_tid, me)) return errno = EALREADY, -1; self->sup_thread = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(self->sup_obtained); return 0; case su_port_thread_op_obtain: su_home_threadsafe(su_port_home(self)); pthread_mutex_lock(self->sup_obtained); self->sup_tid = me; self->sup_thread = 1; return 0; default: return errno = ENOSYS, -1; } } /* -- Clones ------------------------------------------------------------ */ struct clone_args { su_port_create_f*create; su_root_t *parent; su_root_magic_t *magic; su_root_init_f init; su_root_deinit_f deinit; pthread_mutex_t mutex[1]; pthread_cond_t cv[1]; int retval; su_msg_r clone; }; static void *su_pthread_port_clone_main(void *varg); static void su_pthread_port_return_to_parent(struct clone_args *arg, int retval); static su_msg_function su_pthread_port_clone_break; /* Structure used to synchronize parent and clone in su_clone_wait() */ struct su_pthread_port_waiting_parent { pthread_mutex_t deinit[1]; pthread_mutex_t mutex[1]; pthread_cond_t cv[1]; int waiting; }; /** Start a clone task running under a pthread. * * @internal * * Allocates and initializes a sub-task with its own pthread. The sub-task is * represented by clone handle to the rest of the application. The function * su_clone_start() returns the clone handle in @a return_clone. The clone * handle is used to communicate with the newly created clone task using * messages. * * A new #su_root_t object is created for the sub-task with the @a magic as * the root context pointer. Because the sub-task may or may not have its * own thread, all its activity must be scheduled via this root object. In * other words, the sub-task can be schedule * -# I/O events with su_root_register() * -# timers with su_timer_set(), su_timer_set_at() or su_timer_run() * -# messages with su_msg_send(). * * Messages can also be used to pass information between tasks or threads. * * After the new thread has been launched, the initialization routine is * executed by the newly created thread. The calling thread blocks until * the initialization routine completes. If the initialization routine * returns #su_success (0), the sub-task is considered to be created * successfully. After the successful initialization, the sub-task continues * to execeute the function su_root_run(). * * If the initalization function @a init fails, the sub-task (either the * newly created thread or the current thread executing the su_clone_start() * function) calls the deinitialization function, and su_clone_start() * returns NULL. * * @param parent root to be cloned (may be NULL if multi-threaded) * @param return_clone reference to a clone [OUT] * @param magic pointer to user data * @param init initialization function * @param deinit deinitialization function * * @return 0 if successfull, -1 upon an error. * * @sa su_root_threading(), su_clone_task(), su_clone_stop(), su_clone_wait(), * su_clone_forget(). * */ int su_pthreaded_port_start(su_port_create_f *create, su_root_t *parent, su_clone_r return_clone, su_root_magic_t *magic, su_root_init_f init, su_root_deinit_f deinit) { struct clone_args arg = { /* create: */ NULL, /* parent: */ NULL, /* magic: */ NULL, /* init: */ NULL, /* deinit: */ NULL, /* mutex: */ { PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER }, #if HAVE_OPEN_C /* cv: */ { _ENeedsNormalInit, NULL }, #else /* cv: */ { PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER }, #endif /* retval: */ -1, /* clone: */ SU_MSG_R_INIT, }; int thread_created = 0; pthread_t tid; arg.create = create; arg.parent = parent; arg.magic = magic; arg.init = init; arg.deinit = deinit; pthread_mutex_lock(arg.mutex); if (pthread_create(&tid, NULL, su_pthread_port_clone_main, &arg) == 0) { pthread_cond_wait(arg.cv, arg.mutex); thread_created = 1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(arg.mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(arg.mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(arg.cv); if (arg.retval != 0) { if (thread_created) pthread_join(tid, NULL); return -1; } *return_clone = *arg.clone; return 0; } /** Main function for clone thread. * * @internal */ static void *su_pthread_port_clone_main(void *varg) { struct clone_args *arg = (struct clone_args *)varg; su_task_r task; int zap = 1; #if SU_HAVE_WINSOCK su_init(); #endif task->sut_port = arg->create(); if (task->sut_port) { task->sut_root = su_salloc(su_port_home(task->sut_port), sizeof *task->sut_root); if (task->sut_root) { task->sut_root->sur_threading = 1; /* By default */ SU_TASK_COPY(task->sut_root->sur_parent, su_root_task(arg->parent), su_pthread_port_clone_main); SU_TASK_COPY(task->sut_root->sur_task, task, su_pthread_port_clone_main); if (su_msg_create(arg->clone, task, su_root_task(arg->parent), su_pthread_port_clone_break, 0) == 0) { task->sut_root->sur_magic = arg->magic; task->sut_root->sur_deinit = arg->deinit; if (arg->init(task->sut_root, arg->magic) == 0) { su_pthread_port_return_to_parent(arg, 0), arg = NULL; su_root_run(task->sut_root); /* Do the work */ /* Cleanup */ if (task->sut_port->sup_waiting_parent) { struct su_pthread_port_waiting_parent *mom; mom = task->sut_port->sup_waiting_parent; pthread_mutex_lock(mom->mutex); mom->waiting = 0; pthread_cond_signal(mom->cv); pthread_mutex_unlock(mom->mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(mom->deinit); su_port_getmsgs(task->sut_port); pthread_mutex_unlock(mom->deinit); } else zap = 0; } else su_msg_destroy(arg->clone); su_root_destroy(task->sut_root); } } task->sut_port->sup_base->sup_vtable-> su_port_decref(task->sut_port, zap, "su_pthread_port_clone_main"); } #if SU_HAVE_WINSOCK su_deinit(); #endif if (arg) su_pthread_port_return_to_parent(arg, -1); return NULL; /* Exit from thread */ } /* Signal that parent can resume execution */ static void su_pthread_port_return_to_parent(struct clone_args *arg, int retval) { arg->retval = retval; pthread_mutex_lock(arg->mutex); pthread_cond_signal(arg->cv); pthread_mutex_unlock(arg->mutex); } /** "Stop" message function for pthread clone. * * @sa su_clone_wait() * @internal */ static void su_pthread_port_clone_break(su_root_magic_t *m, su_msg_r msg, su_msg_arg_t *a) { su_root_t *root = su_msg_to(msg)->sut_root; root->sur_deiniting = 1; su_root_break(root); } /** Wait for the pthread clone to exit. * @internal * * Called by su_port_wait() and su_clone_wait(). */ void su_pthread_port_wait(su_clone_r rclone) { su_port_t *clone, *parent; struct su_pthread_port_waiting_parent mom[1]; pthread_t tid; assert(*rclone); clone = su_msg_to(rclone)->sut_port; parent = su_msg_from(rclone)->sut_port; if (clone == parent) { su_base_port_wait(rclone); return; } assert(parent); assert(clone); assert(rclone[0]->sum_func == su_pthread_port_clone_break); #if 0 assert(!clone->sup_paused); #endif tid = clone->sup_tid; if (!clone->sup_thread) { /* Already died */ su_msg_destroy(rclone); pthread_join(tid, NULL); return; } pthread_mutex_init(mom->deinit, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(mom->deinit); pthread_cond_init(mom->cv, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(mom->mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(mom->mutex); mom->waiting = 1; clone->sup_waiting_parent = mom; su_msg_send(rclone); while (mom->waiting) pthread_cond_wait(mom->cv, mom->mutex); /* Run all messages from clone */ while (su_port_getmsgs_from(parent, clone)) ; /* Allow clone thread to exit */ pthread_mutex_unlock(mom->deinit); pthread_join(tid, NULL); pthread_mutex_destroy(mom->deinit); pthread_mutex_unlock(mom->mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(mom->mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(mom->cv); } struct su_pthread_port_execute { pthread_mutex_t mutex[1]; pthread_cond_t cond[1]; int (*function)(void *); void *arg; int value; }; static su_msg_function _su_pthread_port_execute; /** Execute the @a function by a pthread @a task. * * @retval 0 if successful * @retval -1 upon an error * * @sa su_task_execute() * * @internal */ int su_pthread_port_execute(su_task_r const task, int (*function)(void *), void *arg, int *return_value) { int success; su_msg_r m = SU_MSG_R_INIT; #if HAVE_OPEN_C struct su_pthread_port_execute frame = { { PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER }, { _ENeedsNormalInit, NULL }, NULL, NULL, 0 }; frame.function = function; frame.arg = arg; #else struct su_pthread_port_execute frame = { { PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER }, { PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER }, function, arg, 0 }; #endif if (su_msg_create(m, task, su_task_null, _su_pthread_port_execute, (sizeof &frame)) < 0) return -1; *(struct su_pthread_port_execute **)su_msg_data(m) = &frame; pthread_mutex_lock(frame.mutex); success = su_msg_send(m); if (success == 0) while (frame.function) pthread_cond_wait(frame.cond, frame.mutex); else su_msg_destroy(m); pthread_mutex_unlock(frame.mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(frame.mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(frame.cond); if (return_value) *return_value = frame.value; return success; } static void _su_pthread_port_execute(su_root_magic_t *m, su_msg_r msg, su_msg_arg_t *a) { struct su_pthread_port_execute *frame; frame = *(struct su_pthread_port_execute **)a; pthread_mutex_lock(frame->mutex); frame->value = frame->function(frame->arg); frame->function = NULL; /* Mark as completed */ pthread_cond_signal(frame->cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(frame->mutex); } #if 0 /* pausing and resuming are not used */ /** Pause the pthread port. * * This is a message function invoked by su_pthread_port_pause() and called * from the message dispatcher. It releases the lock sup_runlock and waits * until the condition variable sup_resume is signaled and sup_paused is * cleared by su_pthread_port_resume(). */ static void su_pthread_port_paused(su_root_magic_t *magic, su_msg_r msg, su_msg_arg_t *arg) { su_port_t *self = su_msg_to(msg)->sut_port; self->sup_paused = 1; while (self->sup_paused) pthread_cond_wait(self->sup_resume, self->sup_runlock); } /** Pause a port. * * Obtain an exclusive lock on port's private data. * * @retval 0 if successful (and clone is paused) * @retval -1 upon an error */ int su_pthread_port_pause(su_port_t *self) { su_msg_r m = SU_MSG_R_INIT; _su_task_t task[1] = {{ self, NULL }}; if (su_msg_create(m, task, su_task_null, su_pthread_port_paused, 0) < 0) return -1; if (su_msg_send(m) < 0) return -1; if (pthread_mutex_lock(self->sup_runlock) < 0) return -1; return 0; } /** Resume a port. * * Give up an exclusive lock on port's private data. * * @retval 0 if successful (and clone is resumed) * @retval -1 upon an error */ int su_pthread_port_resume(su_port_t *self) { assert(self && self->sup_paused); self->sup_paused = 0; if (pthread_cond_signal(self->sup_resume) < 0 || pthread_mutex_unlock(self->sup_runlock) < 0) return -1; return 0; } #endif