/* * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II * * switch_jitterbuffer.c -- Audio/Video Jitter Buffer * */ #include #include #include "private/switch_hashtable_private.h" #define NACK_TIME 80000 #define RENACK_TIME 100000 #define PERIOD_LEN 250 #define MAX_FRAME_PADDING 2 #define MAX_MISSING_SEQ 20 #define jb_debug(_jb, _level, _format, ...) if (_jb->debug_level >= _level) switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG_CLEAN(_jb->session), SWITCH_LOG_ALERT, "JB:%p:%s lv:%d ln:%.4d sz:%.3u/%.3u/%.3u/%.3u c:%.3u %.3u/%.3u/%.3u/%.3u %.2f%% ->" _format, (void *) _jb, (jb->type == SJB_AUDIO ? "aud" : "vid"), _level, __LINE__, _jb->min_frame_len, _jb->max_frame_len, _jb->frame_len, _jb->complete_frames, _jb->period_count, _jb->consec_good_count, _jb->period_good_count, _jb->consec_miss_count, _jb->period_miss_count, _jb->period_miss_pct, __VA_ARGS__) //const char *TOKEN_1 = "ONE"; //const char *TOKEN_2 = "TWO"; struct switch_jb_s; typedef struct switch_jb_node_s { struct switch_jb_s *parent; switch_rtp_packet_t packet; uint32_t len; uint8_t visible; uint8_t bad_hits; struct switch_jb_node_s *prev; struct switch_jb_node_s *next; } switch_jb_node_t; struct switch_jb_s { struct switch_jb_node_s *node_list; uint32_t last_target_seq; uint32_t highest_read_ts; uint32_t highest_read_seq; uint32_t highest_wrote_ts; uint32_t highest_wrote_seq; uint16_t target_seq; uint32_t target_ts; uint32_t last_target_ts; uint16_t psuedo_seq; uint16_t last_psuedo_seq; uint32_t visible_nodes; uint32_t complete_frames; uint32_t frame_len; uint32_t min_frame_len; uint32_t max_frame_len; uint32_t highest_frame_len; uint32_t period_miss_count; uint32_t consec_miss_count; uint32_t period_miss_inc; double period_miss_pct; uint32_t period_good_count; uint32_t consec_good_count; uint32_t period_count; uint32_t dropped; uint32_t samples_per_frame; uint32_t samples_per_second; uint32_t bitrate_control; uint32_t video_low_bitrate; uint8_t write_init; uint8_t read_init; uint8_t debug_level; uint16_t next_seq; switch_size_t last_len; switch_inthash_t *missing_seq_hash; switch_inthash_t *node_hash; switch_inthash_t *node_hash_ts; switch_mutex_t *mutex; switch_mutex_t *list_mutex; switch_memory_pool_t *pool; int free_pool; int drop_flag; switch_jb_flag_t flags; switch_jb_type_t type; switch_core_session_t *session; switch_channel_t *channel; }; static int node_cmp(const void *l, const void *r) { switch_jb_node_t *a = (switch_jb_node_t *) l; switch_jb_node_t *b = (switch_jb_node_t *) r; if (!a->visible) return 0; if (!b->visible) return 1; return ntohs(a->packet.header.seq) - ntohs(b->packet.header.seq); } //http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/algorithms/listsort.c switch_jb_node_t *sort_nodes(switch_jb_node_t *list, int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *)) { switch_jb_node_t *p, *q, *e, *tail; int insize, nmerges, psize, qsize, i; if (!list) { return NULL; } insize = 1; while (1) { p = list; list = NULL; tail = NULL; nmerges = 0; /* count number of merges we do in this pass */ while (p) { nmerges++; /* there exists a merge to be done */ /* step `insize' places along from p */ q = p; psize = 0; for (i = 0; i < insize; i++) { psize++; q = q->next; if (!q) break; } /* if q hasn't fallen off end, we have two lists to merge */ qsize = insize; /* now we have two lists; merge them */ while (psize > 0 || (qsize > 0 && q)) { /* decide whether next switch_jb_node_t of merge comes from p or q */ if (psize == 0) { /* p is empty; e must come from q. */ e = q; q = q->next; qsize--; } else if (qsize == 0 || !q) { /* q is empty; e must come from p. */ e = p; p = p->next; psize--; } else if (cmp(p,q) <= 0) { /* First switch_jb_node_t of p is lower (or same); * e must come from p. */ e = p; p = p->next; psize--; } else { /* First switch_jb_node_t of q is lower; e must come from q. */ e = q; q = q->next; qsize--; } /* add the next switch_jb_node_t to the merged list */ if (tail) { tail->next = e; } else { list = e; } /* Maintain reverse pointers in a doubly linked list. */ e->prev = tail; tail = e; } /* now p has stepped `insize' places along, and q has too */ p = q; } tail->next = NULL; /* If we have done only one merge, we're finished. */ if (nmerges <= 1) /* allow for nmerges==0, the empty list case */ return list; /* Otherwise repeat, merging lists twice the size */ insize *= 2; } } static inline switch_jb_node_t *new_node(switch_jb_t *jb) { switch_jb_node_t *np; switch_mutex_lock(jb->list_mutex); for (np = jb->node_list; np; np = np->next) { if (!np->visible) { break; } } if (!np) { np = switch_core_alloc(jb->pool, sizeof(*np)); np->next = jb->node_list; if (np->next) { np->next->prev = np; } jb->node_list = np; } switch_assert(np); np->bad_hits = 0; np->visible = 1; jb->visible_nodes++; np->parent = jb; switch_mutex_unlock(jb->list_mutex); return np; } static inline void push_to_top(switch_jb_t *jb, switch_jb_node_t *node) { if (node == jb->node_list) { jb->node_list = node->next; } else if (node->prev) { node->prev->next = node->next; } if (node->next) { node->next->prev = node->prev; } node->next = jb->node_list; node->prev = NULL; if (node->next) { node->next->prev = node; } jb->node_list = node; switch_assert(node->next != node); switch_assert(node->prev != node); } static inline void hide_node(switch_jb_node_t *node, switch_bool_t pop) { switch_jb_t *jb = node->parent; switch_mutex_lock(jb->list_mutex); if (node->visible) { node->visible = 0; node->bad_hits = 0; jb->visible_nodes--; if (pop) { push_to_top(jb, node); } } if (jb->node_hash_ts) { switch_core_inthash_delete(jb->node_hash_ts, node->packet.header.ts); } switch_core_inthash_delete(jb->node_hash, node->packet.header.seq); switch_mutex_unlock(jb->list_mutex); } static inline void sort_free_nodes(switch_jb_t *jb) { switch_mutex_lock(jb->list_mutex); jb->node_list = sort_nodes(jb->node_list, node_cmp); switch_mutex_unlock(jb->list_mutex); } static inline void hide_nodes(switch_jb_t *jb) { switch_jb_node_t *np; switch_mutex_lock(jb->list_mutex); for (np = jb->node_list; np; np = np->next) { hide_node(np, SWITCH_FALSE); } switch_mutex_unlock(jb->list_mutex); } static inline void drop_ts(switch_jb_t *jb, uint32_t ts) { switch_jb_node_t *np; int x = 0; switch_mutex_lock(jb->list_mutex); for (np = jb->node_list; np; np = np->next) { if (!np->visible) continue; if (ts == np->packet.header.ts) { hide_node(np, SWITCH_FALSE); x++; } } if (x) { sort_free_nodes(jb); } switch_mutex_unlock(jb->list_mutex); if (x) jb->complete_frames--; } static inline switch_jb_node_t *jb_find_lowest_seq(switch_jb_t *jb, uint32_t ts) { switch_jb_node_t *np, *lowest = NULL; switch_mutex_lock(jb->list_mutex); for (np = jb->node_list; np; np = np->next) { if (!np->visible) continue; if (ts && ts != np->packet.header.ts) continue; if (!lowest || ntohs(lowest->packet.header.seq) > ntohs(np->packet.header.seq)) { lowest = np; } } switch_mutex_unlock(jb->list_mutex); return lowest; } static inline switch_jb_node_t *jb_find_lowest_node(switch_jb_t *jb) { switch_jb_node_t *np, *lowest = NULL; switch_mutex_lock(jb->list_mutex); for (np = jb->node_list; np; np = np->next) { if (!np->visible) continue; if (!lowest || ntohl(lowest->packet.header.ts) > ntohl(np->packet.header.ts)) { lowest = np; } } switch_mutex_unlock(jb->list_mutex); return lowest ? lowest : NULL; } static inline uint32_t jb_find_lowest_ts(switch_jb_t *jb) { switch_jb_node_t *lowest = jb_find_lowest_node(jb); return lowest ? lowest->packet.header.ts : 0; } static inline void thin_frames(switch_jb_t *jb, int freq, int max) { switch_jb_node_t *node; int i = -1; int dropped = 0; switch_mutex_lock(jb->list_mutex); node = jb->node_list; for (node = jb->node_list; node && jb->complete_frames > jb->max_frame_len && dropped < max; node = node->next) { if (node->visible) { i++; } else { continue; } if ((i % freq) == 0) { drop_ts(jb, node->packet.header.ts); node = jb->node_list; dropped++; } } sort_free_nodes(jb); switch_mutex_unlock(jb->list_mutex); } #if 0 static inline switch_jb_node_t *jb_find_highest_node(switch_jb_t *jb) { switch_jb_node_t *np, *highest = NULL; switch_mutex_lock(jb->list_mutex); for (np = jb->node_list; np; np = np->next) { if (!np->visible) continue; if (!highest || ntohl(highest->packet.header.ts) < ntohl(np->packet.header.ts)) { highest = np; } } switch_mutex_unlock(jb->list_mutex); return highest ? highest : NULL; } static inline uint32_t jb_find_highest_ts(switch_jb_t *jb) { switch_jb_node_t *highest = jb_find_highest_node(jb); return highest ? highest->packet.header.ts : 0; } static inline switch_jb_node_t *jb_find_penultimate_node(switch_jb_t *jb) { switch_jb_node_t *np, *highest = NULL, *second_highest = NULL; switch_mutex_lock(jb->list_mutex); for (np = jb->node_list; np; np = np->next) { if (!np->visible) continue; if (!highest || ntohl(highest->packet.header.ts) < ntohl(np->packet.header.ts)) { if (highest) second_highest = highest; highest = np; } } switch_mutex_unlock(jb->list_mutex); return second_highest ? second_highest : highest; } #endif static inline void jb_hit(switch_jb_t *jb) { jb->period_good_count++; jb->consec_good_count++; jb->consec_miss_count = 0; } static void jb_frame_inc_line(switch_jb_t *jb, int i, int line) { uint32_t old_frame_len = jb->frame_len; if (i == 0) { jb->frame_len = jb->min_frame_len; goto end; } if (i > 0) { if ((jb->frame_len + i) < jb->max_frame_len) { jb->frame_len += i; } else { jb->frame_len = jb->max_frame_len; } goto end; } if (i < 0) { if ((jb->frame_len + i) > jb->min_frame_len) { jb->frame_len += i; } else { jb->frame_len = jb->min_frame_len; } } end: if (jb->frame_len > jb->highest_frame_len) { jb->highest_frame_len = jb->frame_len; } if (old_frame_len != jb->frame_len) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "%d Change framelen from %u to %u\n", line, old_frame_len, jb->frame_len); if (jb->session) { switch_core_session_request_video_refresh(jb->session); } } } #define jb_frame_inc(_jb, _i) jb_frame_inc_line(_jb, _i, __LINE__) static inline void jb_miss(switch_jb_t *jb) { jb->period_miss_count++; jb->consec_miss_count++; jb->consec_good_count = 0; } #if 0 static inline int verify_oldest_frame(switch_jb_t *jb) { switch_jb_node_t *lowest = NULL, *np = NULL; int r = 0; lowest = jb_find_lowest_node(jb); if (!lowest || !(lowest = jb_find_lowest_seq(jb, lowest->packet.header.ts))) { goto end; } switch_mutex_lock(jb->mutex); jb->node_list = sort_nodes(jb->node_list, node_cmp); for (np = lowest->next; np; np = np->next) { if (!np->visible) continue; if (ntohs(np->packet.header.seq) != ntohs(np->prev->packet.header.seq) + 1) { uint32_t val = (uint32_t)htons(ntohs(np->prev->packet.header.seq) + 1); if (!switch_core_inthash_find(jb->missing_seq_hash, val)) { switch_core_inthash_insert(jb->missing_seq_hash, val, (void *)(intptr_t)1); } break; } if (np->packet.header.ts != lowest->packet.header.ts || !np->next) { r = 1; } } switch_mutex_unlock(jb->mutex); end: return r; } #endif static inline void drop_oldest_frame(switch_jb_t *jb) { uint32_t ts = jb_find_lowest_ts(jb); drop_ts(jb, ts); jb_debug(jb, 1, "Dropping oldest frame ts:%u\n", ntohl(ts)); } #if 0 static inline void drop_newest_frame(switch_jb_t *jb) { uint32_t ts = jb_find_highest_ts(jb); drop_ts(jb, ts); jb_debug(jb, 1, "Dropping highest frame ts:%u\n", ntohl(ts)); } static inline void drop_second_newest_frame(switch_jb_t *jb) { switch_jb_node_t *second_newest = jb_find_penultimate_node(jb); if (second_newest) { drop_ts(jb, second_newest->packet.header.ts); jb_debug(jb, 1, "Dropping second highest frame ts:%u\n", ntohl(second_newest->packet.header.ts)); } } #endif static inline void add_node(switch_jb_t *jb, switch_rtp_packet_t *packet, switch_size_t len) { switch_jb_node_t *node = new_node(jb); node->packet = *packet; node->len = len; memcpy(node->packet.body, packet->body, len); switch_core_inthash_insert(jb->node_hash, node->packet.header.seq, node); if (jb->node_hash_ts) { switch_core_inthash_insert(jb->node_hash_ts, node->packet.header.ts, node); } jb_debug(jb, (packet->header.m ? 1 : 2), "PUT packet last_ts:%u ts:%u seq:%u%s\n", ntohl(jb->highest_wrote_ts), ntohl(node->packet.header.ts), ntohs(node->packet.header.seq), packet->header.m ? " " : ""); if (jb->write_init && jb->type == SJB_VIDEO) { int seq_diff = 0, ts_diff = 0; if (ntohs(jb->highest_wrote_seq) > (USHRT_MAX - 100) && ntohs(packet->header.seq) < 100) { seq_diff = (USHRT_MAX - ntohs(jb->highest_wrote_seq)) + ntohs(packet->header.seq); } else { seq_diff = abs(((int)ntohs(packet->header.seq) - ntohs(jb->highest_wrote_seq))); } if (ntohl(jb->highest_wrote_ts) > (UINT_MAX - 1000) && ntohl(node->packet.header.ts) < 1000) { ts_diff = (UINT_MAX - ntohl(node->packet.header.ts)) + ntohl(node->packet.header.ts); } else { ts_diff = abs((int)((int64_t)ntohl(node->packet.header.ts) - (int64_t)ntohl(jb->highest_wrote_ts))); } if (((seq_diff >= jb->max_frame_len) || (ts_diff > (900000 * 5)))) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "CHANGE DETECTED, PUNT %u\n", abs(((int)ntohs(packet->header.seq) - ntohs(jb->highest_wrote_seq)))); switch_jb_reset(jb); } } if (!jb->write_init || ntohs(packet->header.seq) > ntohs(jb->highest_wrote_seq) || (ntohs(jb->highest_wrote_seq) > USHRT_MAX - 100 && ntohs(packet->header.seq) < 100) ) { jb->highest_wrote_seq = packet->header.seq; } if (jb->type == SJB_VIDEO) { if (jb->write_init && ((htons(packet->header.seq) >= htons(jb->highest_wrote_seq) && (ntohl(node->packet.header.ts) > ntohl(jb->highest_wrote_ts))) || (ntohl(jb->highest_wrote_ts) > (UINT_MAX - 1000) && ntohl(node->packet.header.ts) < 1000))) { jb->highest_wrote_ts = packet->header.ts; //verify_oldest_frame(jb); } else if (!jb->write_init) { jb->highest_wrote_ts = packet->header.ts; } jb->complete_frames++; jb_debug(jb, 2, "WRITE frame ts: %u complete=%u/%u n:%u\n", ntohl(node->packet.header.ts), jb->complete_frames , jb->frame_len, jb->visible_nodes); } else { jb_debug(jb, 2, "WRITE frame ts: %u complete=%u/%u n:%u\n", ntohl(node->packet.header.ts), jb->complete_frames , jb->frame_len, jb->visible_nodes); jb->complete_frames++; if (!jb->write_init) { jb->highest_wrote_ts = packet->header.ts; } } if (!jb->write_init) jb->write_init = 1; } static inline void increment_ts(switch_jb_t *jb) { if (!jb->target_ts) return; jb->last_psuedo_seq = jb->psuedo_seq; jb->last_target_ts = jb->target_ts; jb->target_ts = htonl((ntohl(jb->target_ts) + jb->samples_per_frame)); jb->psuedo_seq++; } static inline void set_read_ts(switch_jb_t *jb, uint32_t ts) { if (!ts) return; jb->last_psuedo_seq = jb->psuedo_seq; jb->last_target_ts = ts; jb->target_ts = htonl((ntohl(jb->last_target_ts) + jb->samples_per_frame)); jb->psuedo_seq++; } static inline void increment_seq(switch_jb_t *jb) { jb->last_target_seq = jb->target_seq; jb->target_seq = htons((ntohs(jb->target_seq) + 1)); } static inline void set_read_seq(switch_jb_t *jb, uint16_t seq) { jb->last_target_seq = seq; jb->target_seq = htons((ntohs(jb->last_target_seq) + 1)); } static inline switch_status_t jb_next_packet_by_seq(switch_jb_t *jb, switch_jb_node_t **nodep) { switch_jb_node_t *node = NULL; top: if (jb->type == SJB_VIDEO) { if (jb->dropped) { jb->dropped = 0; jb_debug(jb, 2, "%s", "DROPPED FRAME DETECTED RESYNCING\n"); jb->target_seq = 0; if (jb->session) { switch_core_session_request_video_refresh(jb->session); } } } if (!jb->target_seq) { if ((node = switch_core_inthash_find(jb->node_hash, jb->target_seq))) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "FOUND rollover seq: %u\n", ntohs(jb->target_seq)); } else if ((node = jb_find_lowest_seq(jb, 0))) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "No target seq using seq: %u as a starting point\n", ntohs(node->packet.header.seq)); } else { jb_debug(jb, 1, "%s", "No nodes available....\n"); } jb_hit(jb); } else if ((node = switch_core_inthash_find(jb->node_hash, jb->target_seq))) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "FOUND desired seq: %u\n", ntohs(jb->target_seq)); jb_hit(jb); } else { jb_debug(jb, 2, "MISSING desired seq: %u\n", ntohs(jb->target_seq)); jb_miss(jb); if (jb->type == SJB_VIDEO) { int x; if (jb->period_miss_count > 1 && !jb->period_miss_inc) { jb->period_miss_inc++; jb_frame_inc(jb, 1); } //if (jb->session) { // switch_core_session_request_video_refresh(jb->session); //} for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) { increment_seq(jb); if ((node = switch_core_inthash_find(jb->node_hash, jb->target_seq))) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "FOUND incremental seq: %u\n", ntohs(jb->target_seq)); if (node->packet.header.m || node->packet.header.ts == jb->highest_read_ts) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "%s", "SAME FRAME DROPPING\n"); jb->dropped++; drop_ts(jb, node->packet.header.ts); node = NULL; goto top; } break; } else { jb_debug(jb, 2, "MISSING incremental seq: %u\n", ntohs(jb->target_seq)); } } } else { increment_seq(jb); } } *nodep = node; if (node) { set_read_seq(jb, node->packet.header.seq); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return SWITCH_STATUS_NOTFOUND; } static inline switch_status_t jb_next_packet_by_ts(switch_jb_t *jb, switch_jb_node_t **nodep) { switch_jb_node_t *node = NULL; if (!jb->target_ts) { if ((node = jb_find_lowest_node(jb))) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "No target ts using ts: %u as a starting point\n", ntohl(node->packet.header.ts)); } else { jb_debug(jb, 1, "%s", "No nodes available....\n"); } jb_hit(jb); } else if ((node = switch_core_inthash_find(jb->node_hash_ts, jb->target_ts))) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "FOUND desired ts: %u\n", ntohl(jb->target_ts)); jb_hit(jb); } else { jb_debug(jb, 2, "MISSING desired ts: %u\n", ntohl(jb->target_ts)); jb_miss(jb); increment_ts(jb); } *nodep = node; if (node) { set_read_ts(jb, node->packet.header.ts); node->packet.header.seq = htons(jb->psuedo_seq); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return SWITCH_STATUS_NOTFOUND; } static inline switch_status_t jb_next_packet(switch_jb_t *jb, switch_jb_node_t **nodep) { if (jb->samples_per_frame) { return jb_next_packet_by_ts(jb, nodep); } else { return jb_next_packet_by_seq(jb, nodep); } } static inline void free_nodes(switch_jb_t *jb) { switch_mutex_lock(jb->list_mutex); jb->node_list = NULL; switch_mutex_unlock(jb->list_mutex); } SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_jb_ts_mode(switch_jb_t *jb, uint32_t samples_per_frame, uint32_t samples_per_second) { jb->samples_per_frame = samples_per_frame; jb->samples_per_second = samples_per_second; switch_core_inthash_init(&jb->node_hash_ts); } SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_jb_set_session(switch_jb_t *jb, switch_core_session_t *session) { const char *var; jb->session = session; jb->channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session); if (jb->type == SJB_VIDEO && (var = switch_channel_get_variable_dup(jb->channel, "jb_video_low_bitrate", SWITCH_FALSE, -1))) { int tmp = atoi(var); if (tmp > 128 && tmp < 10240) { jb->video_low_bitrate = (uint32_t)tmp; } } } SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_jb_set_flag(switch_jb_t *jb, switch_jb_flag_t flag) { switch_set_flag(jb, flag); } SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_jb_clear_flag(switch_jb_t *jb, switch_jb_flag_t flag) { switch_clear_flag(jb, flag); } SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_jb_poll(switch_jb_t *jb) { return (jb->complete_frames >= jb->frame_len); } SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_jb_frame_count(switch_jb_t *jb) { return jb->complete_frames; } SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_jb_debug_level(switch_jb_t *jb, uint8_t level) { jb->debug_level = level; } SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_jb_reset(switch_jb_t *jb) { if (jb->type == SJB_VIDEO) { switch_mutex_lock(jb->mutex); switch_core_inthash_destroy(&jb->missing_seq_hash); switch_core_inthash_init(&jb->missing_seq_hash); switch_mutex_unlock(jb->mutex); if (jb->session) { switch_core_session_request_video_refresh(jb->session); } } jb_debug(jb, 2, "%s", "RESET BUFFER\n"); jb->drop_flag = 0; jb->last_target_seq = 0; jb->target_seq = 0; jb->write_init = 0; jb->highest_wrote_seq = 0; jb->highest_wrote_ts = 0; jb->next_seq = 0; jb->highest_read_ts = 0; jb->highest_read_seq = 0; jb->complete_frames = 0; jb->read_init = 0; jb->next_seq = 0; jb->complete_frames = 0; jb->period_miss_count = 0; jb->consec_miss_count = 0; jb->period_miss_pct = 0; jb->period_good_count = 0; jb->consec_good_count = 0; jb->period_count = 0; jb->period_miss_inc = 0; jb->target_ts = 0; jb->last_target_ts = 0; switch_mutex_lock(jb->mutex); hide_nodes(jb); switch_mutex_unlock(jb->mutex); } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_jb_peek_frame(switch_jb_t *jb, uint32_t ts, uint16_t seq, int peek, switch_frame_t *frame) { switch_jb_node_t *node = NULL; if (seq) { uint16_t want_seq = seq + peek; node = switch_core_inthash_find(jb->node_hash, htons(want_seq)); } else if (ts && jb->samples_per_frame) { uint32_t want_ts = ts + (peek * jb->samples_per_frame); node = switch_core_inthash_find(jb->node_hash_ts, htonl(want_ts)); } if (node) { frame->seq = ntohs(node->packet.header.seq); frame->timestamp = ntohl(node->packet.header.ts); frame->m = node->packet.header.m; frame->datalen = node->len - 12; if (frame->data && frame->buflen > node->len - 12) { memcpy(frame->data, node->packet.body, node->len - 12); } return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_jb_get_frames(switch_jb_t *jb, uint32_t *min_frame_len, uint32_t *max_frame_len, uint32_t *cur_frame_len, uint32_t *highest_frame_len) { switch_mutex_lock(jb->mutex); if (min_frame_len) { *min_frame_len = jb->min_frame_len; } if (max_frame_len) { *max_frame_len = jb->max_frame_len; } if (cur_frame_len) { *cur_frame_len = jb->frame_len; } switch_mutex_unlock(jb->mutex); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_jb_set_frames(switch_jb_t *jb, uint32_t min_frame_len, uint32_t max_frame_len) { int lowest = 0; switch_mutex_lock(jb->mutex); if (jb->frame_len == jb->min_frame_len) lowest = 1; jb->min_frame_len = min_frame_len; jb->max_frame_len = max_frame_len; if (jb->frame_len > jb->max_frame_len) { jb->frame_len = jb->max_frame_len; } if (jb->frame_len < jb->min_frame_len) { jb->frame_len = jb->min_frame_len; } if (jb->frame_len > jb->highest_frame_len) { jb->highest_frame_len = jb->frame_len; } if (lowest) { jb->frame_len = jb->min_frame_len; } switch_mutex_unlock(jb->mutex); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_jb_create(switch_jb_t **jbp, switch_jb_type_t type, uint32_t min_frame_len, uint32_t max_frame_len, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) { switch_jb_t *jb; int free_pool = 0; if (!pool) { switch_core_new_memory_pool(&pool); free_pool = 1; } jb = switch_core_alloc(pool, sizeof(*jb)); jb->free_pool = free_pool; jb->min_frame_len = jb->frame_len = min_frame_len; jb->max_frame_len = max_frame_len; jb->pool = pool; jb->type = type; jb->highest_frame_len = jb->frame_len; if (jb->type == SJB_VIDEO) { switch_core_inthash_init(&jb->missing_seq_hash); } switch_core_inthash_init(&jb->node_hash); switch_mutex_init(&jb->mutex, SWITCH_MUTEX_NESTED, pool); switch_mutex_init(&jb->list_mutex, SWITCH_MUTEX_NESTED, pool); *jbp = jb; return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_jb_destroy(switch_jb_t **jbp) { switch_jb_t *jb = *jbp; *jbp = NULL; if (jb->type == SJB_VIDEO) { switch_core_inthash_destroy(&jb->missing_seq_hash); } switch_core_inthash_destroy(&jb->node_hash); if (jb->node_hash_ts) { switch_core_inthash_destroy(&jb->node_hash_ts); } free_nodes(jb); if (jb->free_pool) { switch_core_destroy_memory_pool(&jb->pool); } return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_DECLARE(uint32_t) switch_jb_pop_nack(switch_jb_t *jb) { switch_hash_index_t *hi = NULL; uint32_t nack = 0; uint16_t blp = 0; uint16_t least = 0; int i = 0; void *val; const void *var; if (jb->type != SJB_VIDEO) { return 0; } switch_mutex_lock(jb->mutex); top: for (hi = switch_core_hash_first(jb->missing_seq_hash); hi; hi = switch_core_hash_next(&hi)) { uint16_t seq; //const char *token; switch_time_t then = 0; switch_core_hash_this(hi, &var, NULL, &val); //token = (const char *) val; //if (token == TOKEN_2) { //switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "SKIP %u %s\n", ntohs(*((uint16_t *) var)), token); //printf("WTf\n"); // continue; //} seq = ntohs(*((uint16_t *) var)); then = (intptr_t) val; if (then != 1 && switch_time_now() - then < RENACK_TIME) { //jb_debug(jb, 3, "NACKABLE seq %u too soon to repeat\n", seq); continue; } //if (then != 1) { // jb_debug(jb, 3, "NACKABLE seq %u not too soon to repeat %lu\n", seq, switch_time_now() - then); //} if (seq < ntohs(jb->target_seq) - jb->frame_len) { jb_debug(jb, 3, "NACKABLE seq %u expired\n", seq); switch_core_inthash_delete(jb->missing_seq_hash, (uint32_t)htons(seq)); goto top; } if (!least || seq < least) { least = seq; } } if (least && switch_core_inthash_delete(jb->missing_seq_hash, (uint32_t)htons(least))) { jb_debug(jb, 3, "Found NACKABLE seq %u\n", least); nack = (uint32_t) htons(least); switch_core_inthash_insert(jb->missing_seq_hash, nack, (void *) (intptr_t)switch_time_now()); for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (switch_core_inthash_delete(jb->missing_seq_hash, (uint32_t)htons(least + i + 1))) { switch_core_inthash_insert(jb->missing_seq_hash, (uint32_t)htons(least + i + 1), (void *)(intptr_t)switch_time_now()); jb_debug(jb, 3, "Found addtl NACKABLE seq %u\n", least + i + 1); blp |= (1 << i); } } blp = htons(blp); nack |= (uint32_t) blp << 16; //jb_frame_inc(jb, 1); } switch_mutex_unlock(jb->mutex); return nack; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_jb_put_packet(switch_jb_t *jb, switch_rtp_packet_t *packet, switch_size_t len) { uint32_t i; uint16_t want = ntohs(jb->next_seq), got = ntohs(packet->header.seq); if (len >= sizeof(switch_rtp_packet_t)) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "trying to put %" SWITCH_SIZE_T_FMT " bytes exceeding buffer, truncate to %" SWITCH_SIZE_T_FMT "\n", len, sizeof(switch_rtp_packet_t)); len = sizeof(switch_rtp_packet_t); } switch_mutex_lock(jb->mutex); if (!want) want = got; if (switch_test_flag(jb, SJB_QUEUE_ONLY) || jb->type == SJB_AUDIO) { jb->next_seq = htons(got + 1); } else { if (switch_core_inthash_delete(jb->missing_seq_hash, (uint32_t)htons(got))) { if (got < ntohs(jb->target_seq)) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "got nacked seq %u too late\n", got); jb_frame_inc(jb, 1); } else { jb_debug(jb, 2, "got nacked %u saved the day!\n", got); } } if (got > want) { if (got - want > jb->max_frame_len && got - want > 17) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "Missing %u frames, Resetting\n", got - want); switch_jb_reset(jb); if (jb->session) { switch_core_session_request_video_refresh(jb->session); } } else { if (jb->frame_len < got - want) { jb_frame_inc(jb, 1); } jb_debug(jb, 2, "GOT %u WANTED %u; MARK SEQS MISSING %u - %u\n", got, want, want, got - 1); for (i = want; i < got; i++) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "MARK MISSING %u ts:%u\n", i, ntohl(packet->header.ts)); switch_core_inthash_insert(jb->missing_seq_hash, (uint32_t)htons(i), (void *)(intptr_t)1); } } } if (got >= want || (want - got) > 1000) { jb->next_seq = htons(got + 1); } } add_node(jb, packet, len); if (switch_test_flag(jb, SJB_QUEUE_ONLY) && jb->complete_frames > jb->max_frame_len) { drop_oldest_frame(jb); } switch_mutex_unlock(jb->mutex); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_jb_get_packet_by_seq(switch_jb_t *jb, uint16_t seq, switch_rtp_packet_t *packet, switch_size_t *len) { switch_jb_node_t *node; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_NOTFOUND; switch_mutex_lock(jb->mutex); if ((node = switch_core_inthash_find(jb->node_hash, seq))) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "Found buffered seq: %u\n", ntohs(seq)); *packet = node->packet; *len = node->len; memcpy(packet->body, node->packet.body, node->len); status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { jb_debug(jb, 2, "Missing buffered seq: %u\n", ntohs(seq)); } switch_mutex_unlock(jb->mutex); return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_size_t) switch_jb_get_last_read_len(switch_jb_t *jb) { return jb->last_len; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_jb_get_packet(switch_jb_t *jb, switch_rtp_packet_t *packet, switch_size_t *len) { switch_jb_node_t *node = NULL; switch_status_t status; int plc = 0; switch_mutex_lock(jb->mutex); if (jb->complete_frames == 0) { switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK, end); } if (jb->complete_frames < jb->frame_len) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "BUFFERING %u/%u\n", jb->complete_frames , jb->frame_len); switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_MORE_DATA, end); } jb_debug(jb, 2, "GET PACKET %u/%u n:%d\n", jb->complete_frames , jb->frame_len, jb->visible_nodes); if (++jb->period_count >= PERIOD_LEN) { if (jb->consec_good_count >= (PERIOD_LEN - 5)) { jb_frame_inc(jb, -1); } jb->period_count = 1; jb->period_miss_inc = 0; jb->period_miss_count = 0; jb->period_good_count = 0; jb->consec_miss_count = 0; jb->consec_good_count = 0; if (jb->type == SJB_VIDEO && jb->channel && jb->video_low_bitrate) { //switch_time_t now = switch_time_now(); //int ok = (now - jb->last_bitrate_change) > 10000; if (switch_channel_test_flag(jb->channel, CF_VIDEO_BITRATE_UNMANAGABLE) && jb->frame_len == jb->min_frame_len) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "%s", "Allow BITRATE changes\n"); switch_channel_clear_flag(jb->channel, CF_VIDEO_BITRATE_UNMANAGABLE); jb->bitrate_control = 0; if (jb->session) { switch_core_session_request_video_refresh(jb->session); } } else if (!switch_channel_test_flag(jb->channel, CF_VIDEO_BITRATE_UNMANAGABLE) && jb->frame_len > jb->min_frame_len * 2) { switch_core_session_message_t msg = { 0 }; jb->bitrate_control = jb->video_low_bitrate; msg.message_id = SWITCH_MESSAGE_INDICATE_BITRATE_REQ; msg.numeric_arg = jb->bitrate_control * 1024; msg.from = __FILE__; jb_debug(jb, 2, "Force BITRATE to %d\n", jb->bitrate_control); switch_core_session_receive_message(jb->session, &msg); switch_channel_set_flag(jb->channel, CF_VIDEO_BITRATE_UNMANAGABLE); if (jb->session) { switch_core_session_request_video_refresh(jb->session); } } } } jb->period_miss_pct = ((double)jb->period_miss_count / jb->period_count) * 100; if (jb->period_miss_pct > 60.0f) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "Miss percent %02f too high, resetting buffer.\n", jb->period_miss_pct); switch_jb_reset(jb); } if ((status = jb_next_packet(jb, &node)) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { jb_debug(jb, 2, "Found next frame cur ts: %u seq: %u\n", htonl(node->packet.header.ts), htons(node->packet.header.seq)); if (!jb->read_init || ntohs(node->packet.header.seq) > ntohs(jb->highest_read_seq) || (ntohs(jb->highest_read_seq) > USHRT_MAX - 10 && ntohs(node->packet.header.seq) <= 10) ) { jb->highest_read_seq = node->packet.header.seq; } jb->complete_frames--; jb_debug(jb, 2, "READ frame ts: %u complete=%u/%u n:%u\n", ntohl(node->packet.header.ts), jb->complete_frames , jb->frame_len, jb->visible_nodes); if (jb->read_init && htons(node->packet.header.seq) >= htons(jb->highest_read_seq) && (ntohl(node->packet.header.ts) > ntohl(jb->highest_read_ts))) { jb->highest_read_ts = node->packet.header.ts; } else if (!jb->read_init) { jb->highest_read_ts = node->packet.header.ts; } if (!jb->read_init) jb->read_init = 1; } else { if (jb->type == SJB_VIDEO) { switch_jb_reset(jb); switch(status) { case SWITCH_STATUS_RESTART: jb_debug(jb, 2, "%s", "Error encountered ask for new keyframe\n"); switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_RESTART, end); case SWITCH_STATUS_NOTFOUND: default: jb_debug(jb, 2, "%s", "No frames found wait for more\n"); switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_MORE_DATA, end); } } else { switch(status) { case SWITCH_STATUS_RESTART: jb_debug(jb, 2, "%s", "Error encountered\n"); switch_jb_reset(jb); switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_RESTART, end); case SWITCH_STATUS_NOTFOUND: default: if (jb->consec_miss_count > jb->frame_len) { switch_jb_reset(jb); jb_frame_inc(jb, 1); jb_debug(jb, 2, "%s", "Too many frames not found, RESIZE\n"); switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_RESTART, end); } else { jb_debug(jb, 2, "%s", "Frame not found suggest PLC\n"); plc = 1; switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_NOTFOUND, end); } } } } if (node) { status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; *packet = node->packet; *len = node->len; jb->last_len = *len; memcpy(packet->body, node->packet.body, node->len); hide_node(node, SWITCH_TRUE); jb_debug(jb, 1, "GET packet ts:%u seq:%u %s\n", ntohl(packet->header.ts), ntohs(packet->header.seq), packet->header.m ? " " : ""); } else { status = SWITCH_STATUS_MORE_DATA; } end: if (plc) { uint16_t seq; uint32_t ts = 0; if (jb->samples_per_frame) { seq = htons(jb->last_psuedo_seq); ts = jb->last_target_ts; } else { seq = jb->last_target_seq; } packet->header.seq = seq; packet->header.ts = ts; } switch_mutex_unlock(jb->mutex); if (jb->complete_frames > jb->max_frame_len) { thin_frames(jb, 8, 25); } return status; } /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 noet: */