#ifndef CONN_H_INCLUDED #define CONN_H_INCLUDED #include "bool.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/abyss.h" #include "thread.h" struct TFile; #define BUFFER_SIZE 4096 struct _TConn { struct _TConn * nextOutstandingP; /* Link to the next connection in the list of outstanding connections */ TServer * server; uint32_t buffersize; /* Index into the connection buffer (buffer[], below) where the next byte read on the connection will go. */ uint32_t bufferpos; /* Index into the connection buffer (buffer[], below) where the next byte to be delivered to the user is. */ uint32_t inbytes,outbytes; TChannel * channelP; void * channelInfoP; /* Information about the channel, such as who is on the other end. Format depends on the type of channel. The user of the connection is expected to know that type, because he supplied the channel when he created the channel. NULL means no channel info is available. */ bool hasOwnThread; TThread * threadP; bool finished; /* We have done all the processing there is to do on this connection, other than possibly notifying someone that we're done. One thing this signifies is that any thread or process that the connection spawned is dead or will be dead soon, so one could reasonably wait for it to be dead, e.g. with pthread_join(). Note that one can scan a bunch of processes for 'finished' status, but sometimes can't scan a bunch of threads for liveness. */ const char * trace; TThreadProc * job; TThreadDoneFn * done; char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; }; typedef struct _TConn TConn; TConn * ConnAlloc(void); void ConnFree(TConn * const connectionP); void ConnCreate(TConn ** const connectionPP, TServer * const serverP, TChannel * const channelP, void * const channelInfoP, TThreadProc * const job, TThreadDoneFn * const done, enum abyss_foreback const foregroundBackground, bool const useSigchld, const char ** const errorP); bool ConnProcess(TConn * const connectionP); bool ConnKill(TConn * const connectionP); void ConnWaitAndRelease(TConn * const connectionP); bool ConnWrite(TConn * const connectionP, const void * const buffer, uint32_t const size); bool ConnRead(TConn * const c, uint32_t const timems); void ConnReadInit(TConn * const connectionP); bool ConnWriteFromFile(TConn * const connectionP, const struct TFile * const fileP, uint64_t const start, uint64_t const last, void * const buffer, uint32_t const buffersize, uint32_t const rate); TServer * ConnServer(TConn * const connectionP); void ConnFormatClientAddr(TConn * const connectionP, const char ** const clientAddrPP); #endif