'use strict'; /* Controllers */ var videoQuality = [{ id: 'qvga', label: 'QVGA 320x240', width: 320, height: 240 }, { id: 'vga', label: 'VGA 640x480', width: 640, height: 480 }, { id: 'qvga_wide', label: 'QVGA WIDE 320x180', width: 320, height: 180 }, { id: 'vga_wide', label: 'VGA WIDE 640x360', width: 640, height: 360 }, { id: 'hd', label: 'HD 1280x720', width: 1280, height: 720 }, { id: 'hhd', label: 'HHD 1920x1080', width: 1920, height: 1080 }, ]; var videoResolution = { qvga: { width: 320, height: 240 }, vga: { width: 640, height: 480 }, qvga_wide: { width: 320, height: 180 }, vga_wide: { width: 640, height: 360 }, hd: { width: 1280, height: 720 }, hhd: { width: 1920, height: 1080 }, }; var bandwidth = [{ id: '250', label: '250kb' }, { id: '500', label: '500kb' }, { id: '1024', label: '1mb' }, { id: '1536', label: '1.5mb' }, { id: '2048', label: '2mb' }, { id: '5120', label: '5mb' }, { id: '0', label: 'No Limit' }, { id: 'default', label: 'Server Default' }, ]; var vertoService = angular.module('vertoService', ['ngCookies']); vertoService.service('verto', ['$rootScope', '$cookieStore', '$location', function($rootScope, $cookieStore, $location) { var data = { // Connection data. instance: null, connected: false, // Call data. call: null, shareCall: null, callState: null, conf: null, confLayouts: [], confRole: null, chattingWith: null, liveArray: null, // Settings data. videoDevices: [], audioDevices: [], shareDevices: [], extension: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_ext'), name: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_name'), email: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_email'), cid: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_cid'), textTo: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_textto') || "1000", login: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_login') || "1008", password: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_passwd') || "1234", hostname: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_hostname') || window.location.hostname, wsURL: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_wsurl') || ("wss://" + window.location.hostname + ":8082"), useVideo: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_vid_checked') || true, useCamera: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_camera_checked') || true, useStereo: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_stereo_checked') || true, useSTUN: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_stun_checked') || true, useDedenc: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_dedenc_checked') || false, mirrorInput: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_mirror_input_checked') || false, outgoingBandwidth: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_outgoingBandwidth') || 'default', incomingBandwidth: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_incomingBandwidth') || 'default', vidQual: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_vqual') || 'qvga', localVideo: $cookieStore.get('verto_demo_local_video_checked') || false, bestWidth: '', bestHeight: '', selectedVideo: null, selectedAudio: null, selectedShare: null }; function cleanShareCall(that) { that.refreshVideoResolution(); data.shareCall = null; data.callState = 'active'; that.refreshDevices(); } function cleanCall() { data.call = null; data.callState = null; data.conf = null; data.confLayouts = []; data.confRole = null; data.chattingWith = null; $rootScope.$emit('call.hangup', 'hangup'); } function inCall() { $rootScope.$emit('page.incall', 'call'); } function callActive(last_state) { $rootScope.$emit('call.active', last_state); } function calling() { $rootScope.$emit('call.calling', 'calling'); } function incomingCall(number) { $rootScope.$emit('call.incoming', number); } function getVideoParams() { var maxWidth, maxHeight; maxWidth = data.bestWidth; maxHeight = data.bestHeight; if(!data.bestWidth) { maxWidth = videoResolution[data.vidQual].width; } if(!data.bestHeight) { maxHeight = videoResolution[data.vidQual].height; } return { minWidth: videoResolution[data.vidQual].width, minHeight: videoResolution[data.vidQual].height, maxWidth: maxWidth, maxHeight: maxHeight, minFrameRate: 15, vertoBestFrameRate: 30 }; } function changeData(verto_data) { $cookieStore.put('verto_demo_vid_checked', verto_data.data.useVideo); $cookieStore.put('verto_demo_camera_checked', verto_data.data.useCamera); $cookieStore.put('verto_demo_stereo_checked', verto_data.data.useStereo); $cookieStore.put('verto_demo_stun_checked', verto_data.data.useSTUN); $cookieStore.put('verto_demo_dedenc_checked', verto_data.data.useDedenc); $cookieStore.put('verto_demo_mirror_input_checked', verto_data.data.mirrorInput); $cookieStore.put('verto_demo_outgoingBandwidth', verto_data.data.outgoingBandwidth); $cookieStore.put('verto_demo_incomingBandwidth', verto_data.data.incomingBandwidth); $cookieStore.put('verto_demo_vqual', verto_data.data.vidQual); data.selectedVideo = verto_data.data.selectedVideo; data.selectedAudio = verto_data.data.selectedAudio; data.selectedShare = verto_data.data.selectedShare; data.useVideo = verto_data.data.useVideo; data.useCamera = verto_data.data.useCamera; data.useStereo = verto_data.data.useStereo; data.useDedenc = verto_data.data.useDedenc; data.useSTUN = verto_data.data.useSTUN; data.vidQual = verto_data.data.vidQual; data.mirrorInput = verto_data.data.mirrorInput; data.outgoingBandwidth = verto_data.data.outgoingBandwidth; data.incomingBandwidth = verto_data.data.incomingBandwidth; } var callState = { muteMic: false, muteVideo: false }; return { data: data, callState: callState, changeData: changeData, // Options to compose the interface. videoQuality: videoQuality, videoResolution: videoResolution, bandwidth: bandwidth, refreshDevices: function(callback) { console.debug('Attempting to refresh the devices.'); function refreshDevicesCallback() { data.videoDevices = [{ id: 'none', label: 'No camera' }]; data.shareDevices = [{ id: 'screen', label: 'Screen' }]; data.audioDevices = []; data.selectedVideo = 'none'; data.selectedShare = 'screen'; data.selectedAudio = null; for (var i in jQuery.verto.videoDevices) { var device = jQuery.verto.videoDevices[i]; if (!device.label) { data.videoDevices.push({ id: 'Camera ' + i, label: 'Camera ' + i }); } else { data.videoDevices.push({ id: device.id, label: device.label || device.id }); } // Selecting the first source. if (i == 0) { data.selectedVideo = device.id; } if (!device.label) { data.shareDevices.push({ id: 'Share Device ' + i, label: 'Share Device ' + i }); continue; } data.shareDevices.push({ id: device.id, label: device.label || device.id }); } for (var i in jQuery.verto.audioInDevices) { var device = jQuery.verto.audioInDevices[i]; // Selecting the first source. if (i == 0) { data.selectedAudio = device.id; } if (!device.label) { data.audioDevices.push({ id: 'Microphone ' + i, label: 'Microphone ' + i }); continue; } data.audioDevices.push({ id: device.id, label: device.label || device.id }); } console.debug('Devices were refreshed.'); }; jQuery.verto.refreshDevices(refreshDevicesCallback); }, /** * Updates the video resolutions based on settings. */ refreshVideoResolution: function() { console.debug('Attempting to refresh video resolutions.'); if (data.instance) { data.instance.videoParams(getVideoParams()); } else { console.debug('There is no instance of verto.'); } }, updateResolutions: function(supportedResolutions) { console.debug('Attempting to sync supported and available resolutions'); var removed = 0; angular.forEach(videoQuality, function(resolution, id) { var supported = false; angular.forEach(supportedResolutions, function(res) { var width = res[0]; var height = res[1]; if(resolution.width == width && resolution.height == height) { supported = true; } }); if(!supported) { delete videoQuality[id]; ++removed; } }); videoQuality.length = videoQuality.length - removed; this.videoQuality = videoQuality; this.data.vidQual = videoQuality[videoQuality.length - 1].id; return videoQuality; }, /** * Connects to the verto server. Automatically calls `onWSLogin` * callback set in the verto object. * * @param callback */ connect: function(callback) { console.debug('Attempting to connect to verto.'); var that = this; function startConference(v, dialog, pvtData) { $rootScope.$emit('call.video', 'video'); data.chattingWith = pvtData.chatID; data.confRole = pvtData.role; var conf = new $.verto.conf(v, { dialog: dialog, hasVid: data.useVideo, laData: pvtData, onBroadcast: function(v, conf, message) { console.log('>>> conf.onBroadcast:', arguments); if (message.action == 'response') { // This is a response with the video layouts list. if (message['conf-command'] == 'list-videoLayouts') { data.confLayouts = message.responseData.sort(); } else { $rootScope.$emit('conference.broadcast', message); } } } }); console.log('>>> conf.listVideoLayouts();'); conf.listVideoLayouts(); data.conf = conf; data.liveArray = new $.verto.liveArray( data.instance, pvtData.laChannel, pvtData.laName, { subParams: { callID: dialog ? dialog.callID : null } }); data.liveArray.onErr = function(obj, args) { console.log('liveArray.onErr', obj, args); }; data.liveArray.onChange = function(obj, args) { console.log('liveArray.onChange', obj, args); switch (args.action) { case 'bootObj': $rootScope.$emit('members.boot', args.data); break; case 'add': var member = [args.key, args.data]; $rootScope.$emit('members.add', member); break; case 'del': var uuid = args.key; $rootScope.$emit('members.del', uuid); break; case 'clear': $rootScope.$emit('members.clear'); break; case 'modify': var member = [args.key, args.data]; $rootScope.$emit('members.update', member); break; default: console.log('NotImplemented', args.action); } }; } function stopConference() { console.log('stopConference()'); if (data.liveArray) { console.log('Has data.liveArray.'); $rootScope.$emit('members.clear'); data.liveArray.destroy(); data.liveArray = null; } else { console.log('Doesn\'t found data.liveArray.'); } } var callbacks = { onWSLogin: function(v, success) { data.connected = success; console.debug('Connected to verto server:', success); if (angular.isFunction(callback)) { callback(v, success); } }, onMessage: function(v, dialog, msg, params) { console.debug('onMessage:', v, dialog, msg, params); switch (msg) { case $.verto.enum.message.pvtEvent: if (params.pvtData) { switch (params.pvtData.action) { case "conference-liveArray-join": console.log("conference-liveArray-join"); startConference(v, dialog, params.pvtData); break; case "conference-liveArray-part": console.log("conference-liveArray-part"); stopConference(); break; } } break; case $.verto.enum.message.info: var body = params.body; var from = params.from_msg_name || params.from; $rootScope.$emit('chat.newMessage', { from: from, body: body }); break; default: break; } }, onDialogState: function(d) { if (!data.call) { data.call = d; if (d.state.name !== 'ringing') { inCall(); } } console.debug('onDialogState:', d); switch (d.state.name) { case "ringing": incomingCall(d.params.caller_id_number); break; case "trying": console.debug('Calling:', d.cidString()); data.callState = 'trying'; break; case "early": console.debug('Talking to:', d.cidString()); data.callState = 'active'; calling(); break; case "active": console.debug('Talking to:', d.cidString()); data.callState = 'active'; callActive(d.lastState.name); break; case "hangup": console.debug('Call ended with cause: ' + d.cause); data.callState = 'hangup'; break; case "destroy": console.debug('Destroying: ' + d.cause); if (d.params.screenShare) { cleanShareCall(that); } else { cleanCall(); } break; } }, onWSClose: function(v, success) { console.debug('onWSClose:', success); }, onEvent: function(v, e) { console.debug('onEvent:', e); } }; var init = function(resolutions) { data.bestWidth = resolutions['bestResSupported'][0]; data.bestHeight = resolutions['bestResSupported'][1]; that.updateResolutions(resolutions['validRes']); that.refreshVideoResolution(); data.instance = new jQuery.verto({ login: data.login + '@' + data.hostname, passwd: data.password, socketUrl: data.wsURL, tag: "webcam", ringFile: "sounds/bell_ring2.wav", loginParams: { foo: true, bar: "yes" }, videoParams: getVideoParams(), // TODO: Add options for this. audioParams: { googAutoGainControl: false, googNoiseSuppression: false, googHighpassFilter: false }, iceServers: data.useSTUN }, callbacks); that.refreshDevices(); }; jQuery.verto.init({}, init); }, /** * Login the client. * * @param callback */ login: function(callback) { data.instance.loginData({ login: data.login + '@' + data.hostname, passwd: data.password }); data.instance.login(); if (angular.isFunction(callback)) { callback(data.instance, true); } }, /** * Disconnects from the verto server. Automatically calls `onWSClose` * callback set in the verto object. * * @param callback */ disconnect: function(callback) { console.debug('Attempting to disconnect to verto.'); data.instance.logout(); data.connected = false; console.debug('Disconnected from verto server.'); if (angular.isFunction(callback)) { callback(data.instance, data.connected); } }, /** * Make a call. * * @param callback */ call: function(destination, callback) { console.debug('Attempting to call destination ' + destination + '.'); this.refreshVideoResolution(); var call = data.instance.newCall({ destination_number: destination, caller_id_name: data.name, caller_id_number: data.login, outgoingBandwidth: data.outgoingBandwidth, incomingBandwidth: data.incomingBandwidth, useVideo: data.useVideo, useStereo: data.useStereo, useCamera: data.selectedVideo, useMic: data.selectedAudio, dedEnc: data.useDedenc, mirrorInput: data.mirrorInput }); data.call = call; data.mutedMic = false; data.mutedVideo = false; this.refreshDevices(); if (angular.isFunction(callback)) { callback(data.instance, call); } }, screenshare: function(destination, callback) { console.log('share screen video'); this.refreshVideoResolution(); var that = this; getScreenId(function(error, sourceId, screen_constraints) { var call = data.instance.newCall({ destination_number: destination + '-screen', caller_id_name: data.name + ' (Screen)', caller_id_number: data.login + ' (Screen)', outgoingBandwidth: data.outgoingBandwidth, incomingBandwidth: data.incomingBandwidth, videoParams: screen_constraints.video.mandatory, useVideo: data.useVideo, screenShare: true, dedEnc: data.useDedenc, mirrorInput: data.mirrorInput }); data.shareCall = call; console.log('shareCall', data); data.mutedMic = false; data.mutedVideo = false; that.refreshDevices(); }); }, screenshareHangup: function() { if (!data.shareCall) { console.debug('There is no call to hangup.'); return false; } console.log('shareCall End', data.shareCall); data.shareCall.hangup(); console.debug('The screencall was hangup.'); }, /** * Hangup the current call. * * @param callback */ hangup: function(callback) { console.debug('Attempting to hangup the current call.'); if (!data.call) { console.debug('There is no call to hangup.'); return false; } data.call.hangup(); console.debug('The call was hangup.'); if (angular.isFunction(callback)) { callback(data.instance, true); } }, /** * Send a DTMF to the current call. * * @param {string|integer} number * @param callback */ dtmf: function(number, callback) { console.debug('Attempting to send DTMF "' + number + '".'); if (!data.call) { console.debug('There is no call to send DTMF.'); return false; } data.call.dtmf(number); console.debug('The DTMF was sent for the call.'); if (angular.isFunction(callback)) { callback(data.instance, true); } }, /** * Mute the microphone for the current call. * * @param callback */ muteMic: function(callback) { console.debug('Attempting to mute mic for the current call.'); if (!data.call) { console.debug('There is no call to mute.'); return false; } data.call.dtmf('0'); data.mutedMic = !data.mutedMic; console.debug('The mic was muted for the call.'); if (angular.isFunction(callback)) { callback(data.instance, true); } }, /** * Mute the video for the current call. * * @param callback */ muteVideo: function(callback) { console.debug('Attempting to mute video for the current call.'); if (!data.call) { console.debug('There is no call to mute.'); return false; } data.call.dtmf('*0'); data.mutedVideo = !data.mutedVideo; console.debug('The video was muted for the call.'); if (angular.isFunction(callback)) { callback(data.instance, true); } }, sendMessage: function(body, callback) { data.call.message({ to: data.chattingWith, body: body, from_msg_name: data.name, from_msg_number: data.cid }); if (angular.isFunction(callback)) { callback(data.instance, true); } } }; } ]);