/**-*- c -*-
 * @ingroup msg
 * @internal @file test_protos.h.in
 * Template for "test_protos.h".
 * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation.
 * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301 USA

/** Defined when <test_protos.h> has been included. */

/**@ingroup test_msg
 * @file test_protos.h
 * Prototypes and macros for dummy testing protocol headers.
 * #AUTO#
 * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com>

#include <sofia-sip/su_config.h>
#include <sofia-sip/su_tag.h>
#include <sofia-sip/su_tag_class.h>

#ifndef MSG_HEADER_H
#include <sofia-sip/msg_header.h>

#include <sofia-sip/msg_mime_protos.h>

#ifndef TEST_CLASS_H
#include <test_class.h>


/** Test if tag type marks a msg_test_t structure. @HIDE */
#define TSTTAG_P(tt)     ((tt)->tt_class == tsthdrtag_class)
/** Test if tag type marks a TST header string. @HIDE */
#define TSTTAG_STR_P(tt) ((tt)->tt_class == tststrtag_class)
/** Test if tag type marks a TST header structure. @HIDE */
#define TSTTAG_TST_P(tt) ((tt)->tt_class == tstmsgtag_class)

/** Test if tag item contains msg_test_t structure. @HIDE */
#define TSTTAGI_P(t)     (TSTTAG_P((t)->t_tag))
/** Test if tag item contains a TST header string. @HIDE */
#define TSTTAGI_STR_P(t) (TSTTAG_STR_P((t)->t_tag))
/** Test if tag item contains a TST header structure. @HIDE */
#define TSTTAGI_TST_P(t) (TSTTAG_TST_P((t)->t_tag))

/** Tag class for TST headers */
extern tag_class_t tsthdrtag_class[1];
/** Tag class for string values of TST headers */
extern tag_class_t tststrtag_class[1];
/** Tag class for TST message */
extern tag_class_t tstmsgtag_class[1];

/**Tag list item for header string.
 * The TSTTAG_HEADER_STR() macro is used to include a tag item containing a
 * header string in the tag list, e.g.,
 * @code
 * TSTTAG_HEADER_STR("Priority: urgent").
 * @endcode
 * @param x pointer to a string, or NULL.
 * @HIDE
#define TSTTAG_HEADER(x)       tsttag_header, tsttag_header_v((x))

/** Tag for header string */
extern tag_typedef_t tsttag_header;

#define TSTTAG_HEADER_REF(x)   tsttag_header_ref, tsttag_header_vr(&(x))
extern tag_typedef_t tsttag_header_ref;

su_inline tag_value_t
tsttag_header_v(msg_header_t const *v)
{ return (tag_value_t)v; }
su_inline tag_value_t
tsttag_header_vr(msg_header_t const **vp)
{ return (tag_value_t)vp; }
#define tsttag_header_v(v)   (tag_value_t)(v)
#define tsttag_header_vr(vp) (tag_value_t)(vp)

/**Tag list item for header string.
 * The TSTTAG_HEADER_STR() macro is used to include a tag item containing a
 * header string in the tag list.
 * @param x pointer to a string, or NULL.
 * @HIDE
#define TSTTAG_HEADER_STR(x)       tsttag_header_str, tag_str_v((x))

/** Tag for header string */
extern tag_typedef_t tsttag_header_str;

#define TSTTAG_HEADER_STR_REF(x)   tsttag_header_str_ref, tag_str_vr(&(x))
extern tag_typedef_t tsttag_header_str_ref;

tag_value_t tsttag_tst_v(msg_test_t const *v) { return (tag_value_t)v; }
tag_value_t tsttag_tst_vr(msg_test_t const **vp) { return (tag_value_t)vp; }
#define tsttag_tst_v(v)   (tag_value_t)(v)
#define tsttag_tst_vr(vp) (tag_value_t)(vp)


/**@addtogroup test_msg_#xxxxxx#*//**@{*/

/** Parse a #xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx#. @internal */
msg_parse_f msg_#xxxxxx#_d;

/** Print a #xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx#. @internal */
msg_print_f msg_#xxxxxx#_e;

/**Header class for #xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx#.
 * The header class msg_#xxxxxx#_class defines how a
 * #xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx# is parsed and printed.  It also
 * contains methods used by message parser and other functions
 * to manipulate the msg_#xxxxxx#_t header structure.
extern msg_hclass_t msg_#xxxxxx#_class[];

/**Initializer for structure msg_#xxxxxx#_t.
 * A static msg_#xxxxxx#_t structure must be initialized
 * with the MSG_#XXXXXX#_INIT() macro. For instance,
 * @code
 *  msg_#xxxxxx#_t msg_#xxxxxx# = MSG_#XXXXXX#_INIT;
 * @endcode
 * @HI
#define MSG_#XXXXXX#_INIT() MSG_HDR_INIT(#xxxxxx#)

/**Initialize a structure msg_#xxxxxx#_t.
 * An msg_#xxxxxx#_t structure can be initialized with the
 * msg_#xxxxxx#_init() function/macro. For instance,
 * @code
 *  msg_#xxxxxx#_t msg_#xxxxxx#;
 *  msg_#xxxxxx#_init(&msg_#xxxxxx#);
 * @endcode
 * @HI
su_inline msg_#xxxxxx#_t *msg_#xxxxxx#_init(msg_#xxxxxx#_t x[1])
  return MSG_HEADER_INIT(x, msg_#xxxxxx#_class, sizeof(msg_#xxxxxx#_t));
#define msg_#xxxxxx#_init(x) \
  MSG_HEADER_INIT(x, msg_#xxxxxx#_class, sizeof(msg_#xxxxxx#_t))

/**Test if header object is instance of msg_#xxxxxx#_t.
 * The function msg_is_#xxxxxx#() returns true (nonzero) if
 * the header class is an instance of #xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx#
 * object and false (zero) otherwise.
 * @param header pointer to the header structure to be tested
 * @return
 * The function msg_is_x#xxxxxx#() returns true (nonzero) if
 * the header object is an instance of header #xxxxxx# and
 * false (zero) otherwise.
su_inline int msg_is_#xxxxxx#(msg_header_t const *header)
  return header && header->sh_class->hc_hash == msg_#xxxxxx#_hash;
int msg_is_#xxxxxx#(msg_header_t const *header);

#define msg_#xxxxxx#_p(h) msg_is_#xxxxxx#((h))

/**Duplicate (deep copy) @c msg_#xxxxxx#_t.
 * The function msg_#xxxxxx#_dup() duplicates a header
 * structure @a hdr.  If the header structure @a hdr
 * contains a reference (@c hdr->x_next) to a list of
 * headers, all the headers in the list are duplicated, too.
 * @param home  memory home used to allocate new structure
 * @param hdr   header structure to be duplicated
 * When duplicating, all parameter lists and non-constant
 * strings attached to the header are copied, too.  The
 * function uses given memory @a home to allocate all the
 * memory areas used to copy the header.
 * @par Example
 * @code
 *   #xxxxxx# = msg_#xxxxxx#_dup(home, tst->msg_#xxxxxx#);
 * @endcode
 * @return
 * The function msg_#xxxxxx#_dup() returns a pointer to the
 * newly duplicated msg_#xxxxxx#_t header structure, or NULL
 * upon an error.
msg_#xxxxxx#_t *msg_#xxxxxx#_dup(su_home_t *home, msg_#xxxxxx#_t const *hdr);

/**Copy a msg_#xxxxxx#_t header structure.
 * The function msg_#xxxxxx#_copy() copies a header structure @a
 * hdr.  If the header structure @a hdr contains a reference (@c
 * hdr->h_next) to a list of headers, all the headers in that
 * list are copied, too. The function uses given memory @a home
 * to allocate all the memory areas used to copy the header
 * structure @a hdr.
 * @param home    memory home used to allocate new structure
 * @param hdr     pointer to the header structure to be duplicated
 * When copying, only the header structure and parameter lists
 * attached to it are duplicated.  The new header structure
 * retains all the references to the strings within the old @a
 * header, including the encoding of the old header, if present.
 * @par Example
 * @code
 *   #xxxxxx# = msg_#xxxxxx#_copy(home, tst->msg_#xxxxxx#);
 * @endcode
 * @return
 * The function msg_#xxxxxx#_copy() returns a pointer to
 * newly copied header structure, or NULL upon an error.
msg_#xxxxxx#_t *msg_#xxxxxx#_copy(su_home_t *home,
				  msg_#xxxxxx#_t const *hdr);

/**Make a header structure msg_#xxxxxx#_t.
 * The function msg_#xxxxxx#_make() makes a new
 * msg_#xxxxxx#_t header structure.  It allocates a new
 * header structure, and decodes the string @a s as the
 * value of the structure.
 * @param home memory home used to allocate new header structure.
 * @param s    string to be decoded as value of the new header structure
 * @note This function is usually implemented as a macro calling
 * msg_header_make().
 * @return
 * The function msg_#xxxxxx#_make() returns a pointer to
 * newly maked msg_#xxxxxx#_t header structure, or NULL upon
 * an error.
su_inline msg_#xxxxxx#_t *msg_#xxxxxx#_make(su_home_t *home, char const *s)
  return (msg_#xxxxxx#_t *)msg_header_make(home, msg_#xxxxxx#_class, s);
msg_#xxxxxx#_t *msg_#xxxxxx#_make(su_home_t *home, char const *s);

/**Make a #xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx# from formatting result.
 * The function msg_#xxxxxx#_format() makes a new
 * #xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx# object using formatting result as its
 * value.  The function first prints the arguments according to
 * the format @a fmt specified.  Then it allocates a new header
 * structure, and uses the formatting result as the header
 * value.
 * @param home   memory home used to allocate new header structure.
 * @param fmt    string used as a printf()-style format
 * @param ...    argument list for format
 * @note This function is usually implemented as a macro calling
 * msg_header_format().
 * @return
 * The function msg_#xxxxxx#_format() returns a pointer to newly
 * makes header structure, or NULL upon an error.
 * @HIDE
msg_#xxxxxx#_t *msg_#xxxxxx#_format(su_home_t *home, char const *fmt, ...)
     __attribute__((__format__ (printf, 2, 3)));

su_inline msg_#xxxxxx#_t *msg_#xxxxxx#_format(su_home_t *home, char const *fmt, ...)
  msg_header_t *h;
  va_list ap;

  va_start(ap, fmt);
  h = msg_header_vformat(home, msg_#xxxxxx#_class, fmt, ap);

  return (msg_#xxxxxx#_t *)h;

/** @} */



#endif /* !defined(TEST_PROTOS_H) */