Notes about the Abyss Patch -- By: Rosimildo da Silva, Jan 31, 2001.

This file contains some notes about the changes made to the
Abyss source tree. The changes were required to fix a few 
bugs, and port the base code to compile under CygWin,
and Borland C++ free compiler. The free compiler for 
Win32 from Borland can be downloaded from here:

What is new:

    + Package should compile out of the box under CygWin

    + Added makefiles and changes to use Borland C++ compiler
under WIN32 as well as VC++ 6.0

    + Fix Abyss.dsp to use the proper thread safe libraries,
and updated to VC++ 6.0

    + Fixed thread leaks ( handles )

Applying the patch to Abyss-0.3.tar.gz

   + get archive from here:
WARNING: this site seems to be dead for the last two months.

   + cd /work	( any dir )
     tar xzvf abyss-0.3.tar.gz
	 cd abyss
	 patch -p1 <abyss-0.3-20010131.patch

What to do next:

   a) Cygwin

      cd abyss/src

   b) Borland C++

      cd abyss\src
      set BCC_PATH=<location where your compiler is located>
      ( BCC_PATH=d:\bcb5 )

      make -f makefile.bcc32

   c) VC++ 6.0	   		
      cd abyss\src
      msdev Abyss.dsp
      ( Or just open the workspace with Visual Studio, and you know
	the drill ).
NOTE: Under Cygwin, after I apply the patch, Visual Studio was unable to
recognize the workspace. ???

List of changes done to the ABYSS http server: ( ChangesLog )

 + changed _WIN32 to ABYSS_WIN32. THis solve the problem that the
macro _WIN32 is defined under CygWin. CygWin has a unix like
api ( _UNIX ), so the macro _UNIX should be defined then.
Under CygWin we would have _UNIX and _WIN32 defined at the same

 + Theead API -- Added two extra functions: ThreadExit() and
ThreadClose(). These allows the resources of the threads to be
released when the thread has complete its duty serving the

 + Added extra flag to TConn structure to make possible the
management of the worker threads by the server.

 + Changed allocation of TConn array from stack to heap. This
would cause problems on certain system ( specially embedded systems ),
where the stack sizes arr not that large.

 + Changed ServerRun to free thread resources when the connection
for the thread is closed.

 + Changed main.c to make the sginal registration conforming with
the usage of the _FORK option.

 + Change ThreadCreate to be able to specify the "stack size" of the
worker's threads ( pthread ). Defined lable for it.

 + Added flag _NO_USERS to disable check for users and groups.
This is useful for embedded systems where no users are available.

 + Updated VC++ workspace to version 6.0

 + Changed the creation of the thread under WIN32 to use a RTL
function ( _beginthreadex ), as recommend by MS, instead of using 
the naked WIN32 API.

Rosimildo da Silva   
ConnectTel, Inc.              Austin, TX -- USA      
Phone : 512-338-1111          Fax : 512-918-0449     
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