#include "frm-common.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define DEST_CHARSET "iso-8859-1" /* get part of the from field to display */ void get_from_value(struct mailimf_single_fields * fields, char ** from, int * is_addr) { struct mailimf_mailbox * mb; if (fields->fld_from == NULL) { * from = NULL; * is_addr = 0; return; } if (clist_isempty(fields->fld_from->frm_mb_list->mb_list)) { * from = NULL; * is_addr = 0; return; } mb = clist_begin(fields->fld_from->frm_mb_list->mb_list)->data; if (mb->mb_display_name != NULL) { * from = mb->mb_display_name; * is_addr = 0; } else { * from = mb->mb_addr_spec; * is_addr = 1; } } /* remove all CR and LF of a string and replace them with SP */ void strip_crlf(char * str) { char * p; for(p = str ; * p != '\0' ; p ++) { if ((* p == '\n') || (* p == '\r')) * p = ' '; } } #define MAX_OUTPUT 81 /* display information for one message */ void print_mail_info(char * prefix, mailmessage * msg) { char * from; char * subject; char * decoded_from; char * decoded_subject; size_t cur_token; int r; int is_addr; char * dsp_from; char * dsp_subject; char output[MAX_OUTPUT]; struct mailimf_single_fields single_fields; is_addr = 0; from = NULL; subject = NULL; decoded_subject = NULL; decoded_from = NULL; /* from field */ if (msg->msg_fields != NULL) mailimf_single_fields_init(&single_fields, msg->msg_fields); else memset(&single_fields, 0, sizeof(single_fields)); get_from_value(&single_fields, &from, &is_addr); if (from == NULL) decoded_from = NULL; else { if (!is_addr) { cur_token = 0; r = mailmime_encoded_phrase_parse(DEST_CHARSET, from, strlen(from), &cur_token, DEST_CHARSET, &decoded_from); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { decoded_from = strdup(from); if (decoded_from == NULL) goto err; } } else { decoded_from = strdup(from); if (decoded_from == NULL) { goto err; } } } if (decoded_from == NULL) dsp_from = ""; else { dsp_from = decoded_from; strip_crlf(dsp_from); } /* subject */ if (single_fields.fld_subject != NULL) subject = single_fields.fld_subject->sbj_value; if (subject == NULL) decoded_subject = NULL; else { cur_token = 0; r = mailmime_encoded_phrase_parse(DEST_CHARSET, subject, strlen(subject), &cur_token, DEST_CHARSET, &decoded_subject); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { decoded_subject = strdup(subject); if (decoded_subject == NULL) goto free_from; } } if (decoded_subject == NULL) dsp_subject = ""; else { dsp_subject = decoded_subject; strip_crlf(dsp_subject); } snprintf(output, MAX_OUTPUT, "%3i: %-21.21s %s%-53.53s", msg->msg_index, dsp_from, prefix, dsp_subject); printf("%s\n", output); if (decoded_subject != NULL) free(decoded_subject); if (decoded_from != NULL) free(decoded_from); return; free_from: if (decoded_from) free(decoded_from); err: {} }